Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Avatar The Last Airbender: Flames of Corruption ❯ Azure Flame, Black Lighting ( Prologue )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Notes from the Author, and obligatory disclaimers
Another fanfiction project is up in the work's for you all, and don't worry I haven't forgotten about my Naruto fanfiction. It's just that Story's like that takes time, as well as researching the materials I plan to put into this story. So again don't worry I'll get it done, and well I'm still accepting idea's for eventual pairing's in my Naruto story.
But Like all of my story's A: I don't own the Avatar Franchise, which is owned by Nickelodeon animation studios. B: This is an alternate universe fanfiction. C, there will be element's of bondage, yuri, incest, futanari. Some violence, death and other things my twisted mind can cook up for you all to read wahahaahah!
So please enjoy, and leave any constructive criticism, reviews, and suggestions. Etc in the review section! With that being said, let's get this show on the road!
Yukikaze025 Present's to you all
Avatar The Last Airbender: Flames of Corruption
Chapter 0 Azure Flame, Black Lighting.
Chaos It was just pure unsaturated chaos, as Azula's Dai-Li agent's were fighting against the friend's of the Avatar, while The princess of azure flame's was fighting against both that meddlesome waterbender from the southern pole by the name of Katara and the last son of the airbender's. Aang; streak's of blue fire crash and collided against water and rock. Glare's of contempt and hatred shot from both Azula's and Katara's eyes.
It couldn't be helped, they were opposing elements. Katara was as the sea, gentle in one moment while a vicious tempest of unbridled fury the next. Azula was as fierce, confrontational and intense and single minded just like her element of flame.
However, the fortunes would seem to favor the avatar when the two on one fight became three on one when Azula felt her cheek being singed by a intense bright red flame which belonged to her uncle, and rightful fire lord. Iroh who was clad in the clothes of the commoner's of the Earth Kingdom.
Azula's dark golden amber eyes narrowed in fury as now the three of them assumed a triangle like formation. Katara to her left, Iroh behind her, and Aang to her right, a finger engulfed in blue fire would quickly run over her wound swiftly cauterizing the wound only to turn around and just smirk at her uncle, while still maintaining a defensive guard stance.
"I always knew you were a traitor Uncle Iroh; don't you find it Ironic that you're now defending the very same city you tried to capture just as your weakling son died?" Azula would speak in her classic tone which definitely rubbed Katara the wrong way, Azula would hear Katara scream out "Wont you just SHUT UP!” As a giant lash of the giant water tentacle Katara had created swiftly flew towards Azula.
Yet with the grace of a Kyoshi-Warrior and year's of excruciating Firebending training on her side, the fire princess jumped out of the way, yet shard's of rock, and blast's of fire coming from Iroh and Aang, kept Azula on her toes as she was forced into acting on the defensive. Something she hated with the utmost of bile. And which caused Azula of all people to ask albeit mentally of course while keeping up her facade of calm irritation.
"Can this get worse?" But it looked like it did, when she was knocked back with a flame from her own flesh and blood. The Pariah exiled Prince Zuko. Who immediately assumed a neutral stance. Azula would get on her feet, and frown. "Zuzu...I should have known." In her mind, Zuko was one of the biggest wildcard's in her own game. He was by proxy the rightful Heir to the throne of the fire nation.
But she knew better, she knew deep down Zuko was desperate to be loved by there father, who so ruthlessly and with great efficiency burned the right side of her brother's face in a Agni-Kai and banished him on a seemingly impossible quest. But then she grinned only to point to her brother, now was the time to act, so that this wildcard would be in her deck.
"Brother Dear I knew Iroh was a traitor, but you! The son of the great Fire lord Ozai?! Don't you care about redeeming yourself and earning that which you have once lost?" Azula said and just as expected Zuko stepped back, a look of confusion now on his rock steady face.
Yet Zuko would hear his beloved uncle counter act. "Don't Listen to her Zuko! Azula always lies!" Iroh would plead as the sound's of the element's crashing against one another' echoed... Zuko just stood there, confused as now he looked at his hands while the fighting continued Echo's of his name being called out by both Iroh and Azula were drowned out as he momentarily entered a soliloquy of his life up to this point.
"I... I know she's lying but, I am the son of the Fire Lord... All I ever wanted was to be accepted, to be loved by father. Yet, what's love if I have no honor" Zuko thought to himself as he experienced a mental flashback of his adventure, which started when he protested against his father in the war room, the Agni-Kai which resulted in his banishment...
The year's of searching and looking before discovering Aang, in the southern pole. Everything that has happened to him all up to this point was playing back as if he were watching a fable of his own life. Zuko was at the crossroads of not only his fate, but perhaps the fate of the entire world. To live out his new life, with his uncle, the trust of Katara and the Avatar.
Or To be known as the Prince who returned, triumphant, adored. His name sung in hymns of victory the honor and prestige he lost would be returned if not doubled, and then the acceptance and love of his father. Smoke would form in Zuko's hands for a moment as he assumed his stance, his own amber eyes narrowed but this time in the direction of Iroh and the Avatar. "I know what I must do" Zuko exclaimed in determination yet, what would happen would shock everyone.
Zuko's hands began to move as he remembered the motion's his Uncle, and Sister used when creating Lighting. However, unlike the golden white lighting of his uncle, or the bluish white lighting of his sister's. Zuko's was obsidian black. "I will redeem my Honor!" He yelled out as in a moment, which in later years will be forever known in the scrolls of history shot out two bolts of his obsidian lighting.
One would fly towards Aang which caught him off guard just as he was preparing to let his attachment to Katara go, the black bolt striking right at his chest, while the other one most would assume headed towards Katara yet it struck Iroh in the back. Aang's scream of pain silenced everyone as he fell down to the ground.
Iroh's eyes went wide in shock and fear, while Azula for once stood there dumbfounded, Zuko attacked the very man who took him in when the man who help had created him had shunned him away and shipped him off on a impossible quest to never return.
Taking the opportunity, Azula would send a giant plume of blue fire towards Katara, before she can catch and possibly heal Aang of his injuries, now the forces of the Dai-Li also captured this chance as they began to overwhelm them all. Zuko joined Azula now double teaming and capturing Katara with the assistance of the Dai-Li, however the avatar thanks to the help of Toph, and Sokka escaped. Yet this was the beginning of the end for Aang was critically injured and Katara was captured.
"AANG?!" She yelled out just as her vision went black as Azula punched her in the stomach to shut up, in a sadistic smile, she would say those very same word's The now bound waterbender had screamed out "Wont you just shut up?" Azula had said in a smug, and superior tone of voice before heading up towards her brother Zuko, who just stood there, looking straight into Katara's eyes before hearing her scream out.
“I thought I could trust you!! I thought you changed Zuko! I thought you Changed!!!” Katara would scream before being taken away. Yet Zuko would feel Azula's hand on his shoulder only to turn and look at him in the face her usual smug and confident look graced Zuko's eyes however there was a bit of shock. How did Zuko learn how to use lighting, or was it a once in a lifetime fluke, that could never be repeated. Azula had to take this development with the utmost of caution and discreetness. Despite nearly killing the Avatar and Iroh, Azula for one thing hated odd developments.
Zuko was too conflicted, too confused to assume the proper state of mind to summon lighting. But now here he was that same dumb look of confusion on his face… Azula had to act to quickly nudge her own flesh and blood to the right side. “You have changed brother, for the better. Brother, you have slain the avatar, as well as silenced the traitor Iroh. Once father hears about your exploit's he will welcome you with open arms. He doesn't need to restore your honor Zuko; you have already done it by your own free will… Prince Zuko” She would say before leaving with the Dai-Li. Along with there prisoner's of war.
“Did I make the right choice? Did, I choose what I wanted?” Zuko would think to himself before leaving, his eyes now closed as he exhaled in a odd sense of relief and accomplishment. And for a long time coming Zuko felt, fulfilled; despite shouldering some regret and sorrow for injuring Iroh. Yet, he wanted his father to accept him, his own people to love, adore and idolize him as they did when he was just a youthful child.
But now, here he was, the crown prince who had aided in destroying perhaps the final bastion of resistance in the form of Bah-Sing-Se, As well as critically wounding if not outright killing the only force capable of stopping the total conquest of the world for the fire nation, the one hundred and twelve year old Airbender Aang. His father would surely be pleased with this particular development.
A week would pass, as the fire lord Ozai sat in his throne room, reading Azula's report sent by her swiftest messenger. Bright red flames danced behind him before every single one of them erupted as he finished the report. “WHAT!” Fire lord Ozai yelled out in surprise Zuko, nearly killing the avatar, wounding his brother and aiding Azula in the conquest of the capital city of the Earth Kingdom.
“Zuko” Fire lord Ozai would mutter before the report would be burnt to a crisp as his laughter filled the throne room. Now nothing would stand in his way of total global conquest. Yet, Ozai would already formulate a plan to test his son's newfound loyalty to the crown. He wanted to see the true power of his black lighting. As well as use both His son and Brother, as pawns to further steel the resolve of the fire nation.
Zuko, however was now in one of the many large rooms of the Fire Nation occupied Earth kingdom Palace, Azula made quick work to form a command center and turn the city into a strong hold, for the inevitable final charge, once Sozin's comet would fly over the world come the summer solstice. Then afterwards the victory of the Fire nation would be total and complete.
A look of worry was on his face, for a week he hadn't seen Iroh, or Katara, and Company's of Dai-Li agent's as well as Soldiers in the Fire Nation army were out looking for The avatar, and his friends who managed to evade capture. “Uncle Iroh” He would mutter to himself as the door was opened, Zuko had a feeling that it was Azula.
“Good evening, Brother” Azula would say as she leaned on the door frame wearing her Dai-Li uniform, and in a smooth, sauntering and oddly erotic motion Azula walked over towards Zuko to cup his chin.
A chuckle escaping her lips as she noticed the frown upon his face. “Aww what's wrong Zuzu, aren't you happy to see me?” She said as Zuko pushed her away, his gaze shifted towards the window that is until he felt Azula pulling his face back to look her dead in the eye.
“Zuzu, you should be happy that the Earth Nation is now under our flag and boot! Yet, we have much to discuss brother, very much to discuss. For we, the children of Fire Lord Ozai, have done what He, our traitor Uncle, legion's of soldiers , fleet's of ships were incapable of doing.
We took the capital of the earth kingdom and you dear brother! You struck down the Avatar himself. However…” Azula would say in such a way which belittled Zuko's intelligence.
“However what?! I know your hiding something so get to the point Azula!” Zuko cried out in his usual stubborn attitude ridden voice. As he saw Azula frowning before she walked towards the door and closed it before returning to Zuko.
“Our father, who hasn't fought any major battle's since the siege of Bah-Sing-Se will take all of the credit as his own. Brother, our hard work will truly never be recognized. Father will claim our victory's in his name.” Azula spat out in a venomous tone only to continue.
This is why, Father must be... dare I say, superceded.” Azula said noticing the pure shock, surprise and disgust coming from Zuko. He swiftly stood up and gave a menacing glare to Azula. `Are you Insane, this is Treason of the utmost scale, even if you are the favorite Father will not take that talk from anyone not even you He'll put you, and your friends to death to set a example!” Zuko yelled out in protest as Azula broke down into laughter.
“What's so funny Azula?! Answer me damnit! Zuko would demand as Azula's laughter grew louder before grinning. This grin wasn't her usual superior grin but a carnal, evil grin. And Zuko could see slight a slight glimmer of insane power hungry madness inside of her very being.
“Oh Zuzu, I find it funny that you are defending the very man who banished you to the farthest region's of the world without any qualm or hesitation.” Azula said as she turned around and slowly started to walk away from Zuko.
”Are you so quick to forget about our venerable grandfather Fire Lord Azulon?” Azula asked as she began to walk away. “But I suppose, your reward can wait until later.” Azula spoke before slowly walking towards the door, if only Zuko would know the bombshell Azula was about to drop.
“I know what really happened to our mother Zuzu” Azula purred, the bait was set, and knowing Zuko, the information about what happened to his beloved mother was just too tempting to leave alone. In effect, this would be the final nail in the coffin which contained Zuko's doubt as well as the birth of a ally to help in her overall grand scheme.
“W…What really happened to mother, Azula WAIT! Stop!!” Zuko cried out just as She was about to open the door. “Hmmm? I take it you really want to know Zuzu, It all began shortly after our cousin Liu-Ten had passed on and Uncle, in his grief pulled our forces out of the city. Azula said just as a storm was slowly beginning to develop outside. “
I snuck out of my room to overhear what Father was talking about with Grandfather. When I heard grandfather commanding father…To Kill you” Azula said just as Zuko reeled back, now remembering that fateful day when Azula told him that he was going to die. “However, he changed his plans at the last moment and without any hint of mercy, or hesitation Father, would kill mother instead.' She would say smoothly and in such a way that the old emotional wounds were ripped opened and salt was dumped in.
“N…NO!” Zuko yelled out as he stood up, “But she disappeared, that's what Uncle Iroh told me that's what the entire royal court was told!?” He protested, not wanting to believe that his own father will ruthlessly slay his own wife.
Yet Azula's laughing snapped Zuko out of his shocked state of mind only to grin. “Mother disappeared, just around the time Father became Fire Lord. So, you know he has the power to make it “appear” that our Mother had disappeared off the face of the earth. Now do you see Zuzu, if you join forces with me, we can overtake our father, and you can have vengeance for our Mother's death, imagine it brother. Father, killed by your hands! Righteous justice will be delivered by your hands Zuzu, and then we as brother and sister shall rule the world in our own way and finally Mother's spirit will be at peace. ”
Azula would say as she noticed the fires of anger, wrath and fury were building in Zuko's eyes… She effectively had him curled around her finger. Yet, anger and fury could only fuel a man oh so much. There had to be a more, permanent solution to binding Zuko to her will. “But now, Zuzu, I believe we should be talking about your…reward?”
Azula would purr again this time crawling onto the bed in a sultry way which made Zuko look away, however his teenage hormone's were starting to make there long overdue stand.
Despite being in a position of power, Zuko rarely if anything had time to explore his own sexuality, as well as experience the pleasure's of the flesh. Normal Fire Nation children from peasant, to royalty often lost there virginity around the age of 14, as that was the age of Adulthood. Azula quickly leaned into Zuko's ear and whispered.
“Perhaps Tai-Lee, She is very nimble and flexible despite her size she is always eager to…experiment.” Azula said as she noticed Zuko's blushing, and so she pressed on. “Or do you desire Mai? She still has that crush on you, and night after night, she masturbates calling out your name… Zuko, Zuko” Azula whispered before moaning in such a way that Zuko just moved away from Azula's temptations.
“I...I haven't seen her in year's” Zuko stammered, as he felt Azula moving so that she was behind him, her hand's would wrap around his chest as she slowly licked her brother's neck. “Maybe, you can take the leader of those, Kyoshi Warriors Suki was it? Or, maybe you hunger for that water bending girl…Katara, as your sexual pet. Always at your beckon and call. Eager to serve you. And I hear that water bending females were always… Loose in bed” Azula cooed just as Zuko opened his mouth to protest, yet no word's came out.
His mind however was picturing the scene. He was naked in his bed and Katara was on all four's giving him a deep throat blowjob. Her eyes glittered in lustful servitude to Zuko…Forever. “Azula I…” He said just as his hands moved to cover up a bulge in his pants. Yet his hands were smacked away before Azula would flip herself over landing on and straddling Zuko's waist. “Your blushing Zuzu, I can tell you're picturing it… A harem of women, loyal to you and only you. Or do you desire more Zuzu??”
Azula said and true to her words Zuko was picturing it. Tai-Lee, Mai, Suki and even Katara. Yet Zuko's libido added one more woman to the picture. Azula herself. “What am I thinking?! She's my sister, I can't think of her like that. It's wrong! It's just wrong!!” Zuko would mentally yell out yet Azula's experience in reading people didn't fail her yet she gave off that grin Zuko dreaded the one where; she found something out and would exploit it to bend anyone to her will.
“Zuko! You…You are much more, of a deviant than I thought! Perhaps I am in the fantasy's your mind is creating. You and I in the royal bed chambers, as I call out your name as you take my purity, and plant your seed inside of me Zuko” Azula cooed as one of her fingers moved up on Zuko's chin…His covered bulge was throbbing faster against her legs and thigh's.
Yet he would meekly protest. “I…It isn't right Azula, you're my sister! I can't be thinking of you in such MNPH?!” Zuko would try to say before being planted with a full on French kiss from his sister. Her hands moved to yank off Zuko's top, showing off his athletically toned, muscular and scarred body which was forged and honed in the furnace of wrath, and the fires of determination.
Azula pressed on with that kiss, until a moan of satisfaction escaped Zuko's throat in which she broke away, and gave him that predatory look once more as she licked her lips savoring her victory as well as the fucking to come.
“There's more where that came from Zuzu, much more where that came from.” Azula said in a seductive tone as she stood up to give her own flesh and blood a seductive striptease, as article by article of her Dai-Li uniform slid off her body like a serpent shedding it's skin. “Do you like what you see Brother dear?” Azula sensually crooned as she placed her hands on her hips, letting her brother absorb and soak in the sight her in the nude.
Azula's body, was lean, with a proper portion's of curves, her large, graspable breast's although not as large as Mai's or Katara's seemingly massive motherly mammary glands jiggled with each breath, and her dark pink nipples were already erect. As Zuko's gaze slowly lowered, he noticed a small six pack forming on Azula's abs, her legs were lean and muscular, and her butt cheek's betrayed her athletic appearance by having a little bit of a baby fat jiggle.
His eyes then locked onto Azula's mound which had a well kept triangle of jet black pubic hair, Azula's outer folds were slowly swelling in arousal, as tiny droplet's of her nectar escaped her fleshy folds. “You can do more than just look Zuzu,” she said before giving him a beckoning “Cmere” motion with her finger. As Zuko slowly moved towards her. Azula spread her fold's open with her ring and middle fingers. Letting him see her inner most virgin depths.
“Zuzu, lick me here, come and taste your sister's love for you.” Azula cooed out as with some slight hesitation Zuko would get on his knees and slowly move over towards Azula and slowly began lapping at her fold's. In which Azula rewarded him with a low moan, as her free hand now went to move through Zuko's hair. While Zuko continued to lightly lap at her fold's before growing more daring as he stuck his tongue into her maiden fold's which caused Azula to squeal as now both of her hands were gripping and massaging Zuko's head.
“Oohhh Zuzu that's it! More, Zuzu, more!” Azula giggled out loudly, she knew Zuko hated that giggle above all, she wanted him to be rougher, with her, as a real Fire Bender male should be, then Azula yelped as she felt Zuko pulling her onto her back, she then felt his tongue licking her fold's once more yet now due to the better position Azula was in Zuko could have more access to Azula's liquid treasure.
Azula's toned legs would be placed over Zuko's shoulders and crossed on his back to keep him in this position, yet his tongue would once again slowly penetrate her virgin fold's before she let out a ragged gasp, as he used fire bending on his tongue to warm it up. The heat was driving Azula wild. Yet, that now warm appendage lapped up against a oddly large nub, which made his sister shriek in delight. As he had found her clit.
The prince would open his eyes to see that nub, and slowly he began to tease it with one of his finger's which caused Azula to thrash her head from side to side, undoing her hair, as it sprawled out like a obsidian black halo. “ZUKO!! MORE!” She commanded out “Take my clit into your mouth and suck on it! That'll really make me feel good. Azula moaned out as Zuko obeyed her and began to suckle on that seemingly large nub of flesh before that Firebending enhanced tongue began to lick on it.
Azula's legs gripped tighter around Zuko, as her back arced sharply, only to scream out his name. “ZUKO!!!” She screeched out before her orgasm, exploded all over his face, as his face was drenched in Azula's juices, with a grunt he pulled his head back after swallowing as much as he could. Zuko didn't want to drown in the ocean of orgasm, his sister had created. However Azula's eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head. “U…Using Firebending with your tongue.” The princess panted out before sitting up.
A look of hunger and incestual desire, for her flesh and blood gleamed in her eyes as she crawled over towards Zuko before forcing him on his back and pulling off his pant's and underclothing that is before her eyes would just go wide as It sprang up quickly hardening to full mast. “It” could be classified as a lethal weapon if used properly; “It” was a circumcised 14 inch long by three inches of girth, in thickness.
Azula wasn't a stranger to the male sexual organ, since for those who were found worthy or, needed physical persuasion Azula had sucked them off. Another reason why Ozai proclaimed Azula his favorite child. But Zuko's shaft seemed to have a regal air around it one that ordered and demeaned respect.
Her eyes would shift downwards towards Zuko's nut sac, which was larger than the average male's. His nut's seemed to be the size of nearly ripe Burst-Apple's. Azula slowly licked her lips at the sight of her brother's massive weapon. And to think, he was hiding this from her all this time. “It seems you are well equipped brother… I like that' Azula said before her hand went to stroke that shaft, slowly coaxing out a groan from Zuko's mouth.
“Zuko is definitely my big brother, especially down there, Mai would just soak herself thinking about this, and he'll split Tai-Lee apart! And his ball's, Plenty of Zuko's seed to go around for everyone, and since I can smell the virgin coming off his body. The first few orgasms are going to be intense… Yet, as everything else, they will be all mine to enjoy!” Azula mentally mused as she started on her pleasurable counter attack.
Zuko could do nothing but moan as he felt Azula's lips taking in the bulbous head of his shaft, her tongue licking along his slit, which was now dribbling pre-cum, her hands were groping and massaging Zuko's nut sac, feeling the year's worth of pent up unreleased seed that sloshed within.
“A...Azula!” Zuko croaked out as he saw her taking that shaft, down into her mouth and throat before beginning a bobbing motion, which caused his hip's to act on instinct, as the bucked upwards forcing Azula to take more of his cock into her mouth, until he felt her nose on his pelvis as Azula started to deep throat him.
Zuko would sit up and take a firm grip on his sister's head, the pleasure was overwhelming, and every pore in his body was drunk with this feeling of pleasure, as his own sister who belittled, degraded, and down right insulted him was on her hands and knee's sucking on his monster cock and he wanted more of Azula's body, despite the act being strictly taboo.
A sheen of sweat began to form on Zuko's toned body as he then groaned out loudly, as he felt his sister using Fire Bending while deep-throating his member, yet that wasn't all a light blue haze formed on Azula's hands as she upped the pace on massaging his ball's.
Since Azula and Zuko both knew that they had a higher than normal heat tolerance, due to there intense Fire bending training, as well as partially due to them being of royal blood, they could let loose with the fire bending in there incestuous fucking sessions.
Azula pulled away from that large monster cock only to laugh and grin. “I see you like that don't you Zuzu, using fire bending while licking my cunt, I'm sure Tai-Lee and Mai will love you for that Zuko.” Azula purred as she returned to sucking on his shaft; however the princess decided to use a trick she had learned while reading a book of carnal knowledge. Azula's finger would glow a dark blue only to stick it into Zuko's asshole.
Azula's glowing digit pushed upwards until it found Zuko's prostrate and proceeded to assault it with a jolt of her own lighting, which was the straw that broke the dragon's back as Zuko's eyes went wide as he roared out Azula's name as he felt a pressure that was building in his loin's explode, as he saw Azula's own shocked reaction as she swallowed the first few massive globs of cum from Zuko's large sack flow down into her throat and stomach. But with great and perverted glee Azula kept swallowing, enjoying her feast.
For two minutes the massive flow of cum continued, before she felt it finally slowing down to the point that she can pull that cock out of her mouth and throat, a loud gulping noise could be heard as Azula willingly swallowed her brother's seed. Afterwards Azula licked her lips as she crawled towards Zuko and straddled his chest.
“Mnn, strong and rough, just like how I like the man to take me Zuzu” Azula cooed before noticing that thick shaft still in full mast before Zuko pushed his sister onto her back before grabbing her ankles as he moved his body into a better position, Zuko's cockhead was now pressing up against Azula's wet and needy folds for a moment before with a loud grunt Zuko pushed his cock inside of her wet snatch.
Zuko would groan while Azula hissed in pleasure, as inch by inch of that fat, slab of meat that rightfully belonged to a dragon, was pushed inside of her. Azula's toned legs would wrap around his waist and lower back as her nail's dug into his upper back. “YESS ZUZU ALL THE WAY INSIDE DAMN IT!!” Azula ordered before hissing in pain as Zuko pulled out slightly and thrusting in deeper, making swift work of her maidenhood causing a small trickle of blood to seep out of her fold's and stain the bed sheets.
The large and spacious room began to reek, of the scents and sounds of wet and sloppy incest desired fueled sex as Zuko's cockhead now began to push up against the walls of Azula cervix, causing her to yelp out like a scared animal, as pain mixed in with pleasure shot through her body, causing Azula to hiss and scrape on Zuko's back, a low sizzling sound could be heard as her hand's glowed a dark blue… Azula was branding Zuko as her stud as the claw marks made from her well kept nails began to singe into his back.
Yet Zuko was now obsessed if not damned set on fully soiling his sister, and with a mighty grunt the prince of the fire nation felt the tip of his cock, enter a near inhuman tightness.
Lust glazed eyes would roll into the back of his head as his thrust's took on more of a primal, carnal craze. The inborn need to spread one's seed taking him over as the siren like cry's and screams of his name coming from Azula grew higher in scale, before he felt the pressure in his loin's once more as his sweaty and scarred body cocked back as he roared in a primal lustful fury as Azula's womb was now bathed in his cum.
However, Zuko wasn't content despite basking in the afterglow; he wanted Azula to REMEMBER this day, for the rest of her life. She would see his finger's sparking with his own black, thunder albeit toned down to ensure it won't kill her of course. Azula eyes went wide before everything went black… The last thing she would remember was crying out Zuko's name and perhaps the most intense orgasm, she had ever had in her entire life, or will have.
None of the night's spent with Tai-Lee, Mai or masturbating could measure up to that moment where everything was a searing hot blissful white. Yet this moment was also a moment of irony, for before this night she felt nothing but a sense of amusement and contempt for her elder brother. Now for that one night, she oddly felt… Love, as she now laid next to him asleep a content smile on her face. She had gained a formidable ally, and a powerful lover with the proper training will sedate her deepest lusts.
To be continued in Chapter 1.
End notes and a preview some things to come.
Whew 3 day's and nearly 10 pages of work! I think I can do more of this stuff but yet I apologize if this piece of work smells of total garbage! But anyway, here are some Previews to make up for it.
Announcer: Next Time on Avatar the last Airbender, the flames of corruption…
Azula, was smirking as she looked over the bound water bending beauty, known as Katara who was standing in the nude, as special shackles were on her wrist's and ankle's to prevent movement. Katara's body could only be described as motherly as Azula ran a finger up one of Katara's child bearing hips all the way up towards a light caramel nipple flicking it before reeling her head back as she spat on Azula in disgust.
“Don't touch me you fucking bitch!” Katara yelled out in a fury worthy of a firebender as Azula wiped the glob of spit from her cheek as she held up a special almond shaped crimson fruit which was leaking with deep emerald green nectar that is before Katara reeled back at azula's blood freezing laughter.
“This is Dragon's flame fruit my dear waterbender, it has a unique effect on the human body, it brings out, the inner flames of desire and wanton lust. And you're going to experience this, soon your iron will shall break, and you'll think of yourself as nothing more than a loyal cumdumpster!” Azula would say before rubbing the fruit on Katara's nipple to watch in glee as it hardened in a second much to the other's shock and horror.
Zuko was on one knee, dressed in the royal crimson and golden garbs of the fire nation. His father Fire Lord Ozai stood ready to speak. “Prince Zuko, I am pleased from what I have heard from your sister, as well as your newfound obedience to the crown. Yet, you must truly prove your loyalty to our subjects… Show me the power of your black lighting!”
This and so much more to come In Avatar the Last Airbender: Flames of Corruption Chapter 1 Dragonslayer.
But Wait, there's much more!!
-Yukikaze025 Present's a Preview of his first Sailor moon Fan fiction!!-
He would stand in front of the classroom, his dark brownish black hair slightly dangling over his deep sapphire blue eyes as he tugged on the collar of his school uniform before bowing. “I'm Claude, Claude Riot. It is a pleasure to meet you all.”
Claude spoke in somewhat fluent Japanese with a small accent which made some of the girl's in this classroom giggle. One of them being a blonde with two long pigtails with dumpling style hair buns, his eyes would however lock with that of a blue haired beauty before she swiftly returned to jotting down, note's a slight twinge of red on her face.
“Gwarrgh!!” Claude yelped out loudly, as he was the victim of a classic textbook over the shoulder judo throw as he landed on his back while looking up to see the grin on Makoto's face. Everything felt dizzy as he slowly made a thumb's up at her. “I..I'm ok Kino-san” Claude groaned out as he slowly rose up to his feet. The tall girl packed quite a punch for a junior high student.
Pain, Anger, Fury… Those were the emotion's that ruled Claude's mind as he saw that mass of muscle and tentacle's slowly creeping towards Ami. His eyes began to glow a dark shade of red and green, as what appeared to look like pattern's one would see on a stain glass window forming on his face, as he ran towards her. “LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” Claude roared towards the youma before a strange symbol which was oddly took the form of a wolf dragon hybrid formed on the top of his hand, as well as the palm.
“For the crime of endangering my friend and using her life force to feed your own sick pleasures you damned piece of fucking slime, I declare my imperial edict and your sentence is decided…DEATH!!!”
This and more in Bishojuo Senshi Sailor Moon: Shatter the Chain.
“Awaken, and shatter the chains of fate…”
Until next time, this is Yukikaze025 Ja-ne!!!