Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Black Ice Heart ❯ Getting Inside ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Black Ice Heart
Chapter 1: Getting inside
Summary: Katara is the princess of the southern water tribe, but she doesn't want to be. She blames her father for leaving her and has tendencies to do the unthinkable. Although can a certain young prince melt her icy heart? We can only wait and see. Zatura.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Avatar except the plot and my undying love for the show. (Ok that was a little exaggerated but you get the idea right? BTW this disclaimer should last the rest of my story)
~~~~~~~Katara's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~
My name is Princess Katara of the Southern Water Tribe and my brother is Prince Sokka. Sokka is two years my elder and my protector. He has protected me since the day our tribe was attacked and our mother was killed. Our father let with the warriors of our tribe. He left Sokka in charge of the protection of the tribe until I came of age and am ready to take to the throne.
`I still cannot believe he would leave us. I still refuse to believe he still loves us. I refuse to see that what he did was for the best. I still refuse to side with the water nation. I look for any opportunity to run, run and never come back.'
Currently we have left our tribe to travel with the avatar, Aang. Leaving my GranGran in charge of the tribe was not hard for me. It did rip my heart out when she handed me my mother's necklace. It was like she knew that she would never see me again, because in truth she never would if I had anything to say about it. We soon found out that Prince Zuko of the fire nation was tailing us. The least I could say was that he could be my ride to freedom from my obligation to the water tribe. I could always beg him to end my life for me.
For several weeks now that is the only thing I have been able to concentrate on. What would be the fastest, easiest way to end my life? What could I do to get out of the obligation to my dead beat father? How can I run? How can I hide? What can I do to disappear?
The first time we saw the fire nation ship below us my first thought was jump. I tried and Sokka and Aang held me back and went so far as to tie me down to the saddle. I struggled so hard that I had rope burns where they had me tied.
Every night when we set up camp Aang and Sokka take turns tying me to them and watching me so that I do not run. I never thought of running from them because that would get me nowhere, except an extremely slow death by starvation. Although that may be a thought, just stop eating and drinking. Without water I would last three days if that and then I would be as good as dead. I could also take the knife and end my life that way while I was cooking for our dinner.
Sokka is always sitting there sharpening his boomerang and I am always sitting watching him sharpen it, thinking, `I wish he would let me borrow his boomerang, it would feel so good biting my flesh as it sinks in inch by inch, closer and closer to my heart. Taking me farther and farther away from this world and my obligations.
I have even thought of hanging my self from the side of Appa's saddle with the seal rope Sokka brought with him. It would be easy. Tie off one end to the side and let the other end drape off to the side with a noose tied at the end. Then climb up the side of Appa and slip my neck through the noose and let go.
Any way I choose would be as simple. Well, all accept the option of begging Prince Zuko to kill me. Somehow I get the feeling he will be reluctant to carry out my wish. Somehow I know he will refuse saying something about me being the princess of the water lands and how he can return with me for his honor. Of how he could obtain the water lands through me if we were to wed, and all of the crap.
Oh, how I wish I could just make up my mind on what way I would like to die. Or if I would even like to die. It is all so confusing. I wish my heart would just make up its mind.
~~~~~~~Zuko's P.O.V~~~~~~~
We've been tailing the Avatar for quite some time and I've noticed strange behavior with the girl that is traveling with him. When we first found him I noticed her form about to jump down to us, but she was held back.
My scouts that watch their camp have come back telling me that they watch the girl every moment never leaving her alone. One time, the scout came back with the report that they had left her alone for five minutes and she had one end of a rope tied around her neck and the other end tied around the side of the saddle attached to the great beast they fly on.
It was this way I found out that the beautiful girl was suicidal. I vowed to my self that I would never help her end her life if she ever made her way to my ship.
I have also found out that she is the princess of the southern water tribe by the necklace she wears around her neck all the time. One of my men, Ji, brought it to me and recognized the symbol immediately. That gave me another reason to want to help this girl, although I would never willingly admit it.
Uncle Iroh and I have been thinking of a way to get her away from the Avatar, but so far nothing seems to be plausible. We thought of approaching her and offering to bring her aboard, but unfortunately one of our soldiers got a little to close and was killed by her impressive water bending abilities.
We've also thought of knocking her off the creature when we attack the Avatar, which also backfired. As soon as they saw our ship they tied her to the saddle. Giving us no chance of retrieving her that way.
We tried to sneak into their camp after they fell asleep. Unfortunately, the sleeping bag we thought the girl was in was occupied by the idiotic water tribe wannabe. We ended up fighting him and the Avatar and losing.
We've begun to lose hope in freeing this girl. The one that I cannot get out of my mind. Although, capturing the Avatar would be a good alternative and probably easier.
~~~~~~~Sokka's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~
I am worried about my sister, Katara, has been suicidal ever since we left the water tribe. I don't want to think about losing her, but if we are not careful she will be lost. We have begun watching her every moment, never leaving her alone.
I only wish that she will be brought back and no longer have these thoughts. It hurts me to see her hurt, and the worst part is there is no one to blame for hurting her except for our father. However, we have absolutely no idea where he is right now.
We hope to meet up with him in the North Pole though. So, that is where we have set our heading. Along the way Aang is desperately trying to get Katara to teach him waterbending. Let me say this now, it is not working. She only sits there in silence and stares into space unless she sees an opportunity to kill herself.
~~~~~~~Iroh's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~
Prince Zuko has become delusional with his obsession with “rescuing” this girl from the Avatar. I believe it has become somewhat of a saving grace for the Avatar though, I feel somewhat sorry for this girl. This Princess of the Water Tribe. I've been told that she is suicidal, that is not a good sign. It means if we do get her aboard she will beg anyone and everyone who can bend fire to burn her to a crisp, therefore affectively ending her life.
I can not allow it! She is so young and she has the potential to be a very good bride for my nephew. It truly is a shame that this war is going on. They would have been so happy together.
~~~~~~~ Aang's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~
Katara is living the most tragic life I have ever seen. Constantly followed by thoughts of how to kill herself. Always trying to run from her duties. I cam say that I truly am ashamed to know her in this time of her life.
~~~~~~~Azula's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~
I wait in dread as I leave the fire nation, on father's orders of course, to give ZuZu the horrible news.
Father has decreed that he may return to the fire nation if he comes back with the Princess of the Southern Water Tribe as his bride. Whether she likes it or not.
AN: Wow that's the first chappie hope you all liked it. I just couldn't resist the part with Azula. As always daddy's happy messenger, doing his dirty work for him. The part with Iroh sets the scene for… well, you can all guess. I had several problems with my fingers not wanting to type properly and with writers block. Well, you've read it so now review it please. First three people to review with a valid e-mail address get sneak peaks of the next chappie.
Stay tuned for Chapter 2: Suicide attempt number…? Coming in one week.