Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Breath life Into Fire ❯ Breath life Into Fire part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Are you certain of this nephew?” General Iroh inquired to his young ward as they stalked down a dimly lit dungeon. Prince Zuko held his head high as he nodded slowly, eyeing the many cells they passed; some empty others filled with people ranging in age and sex. The general sighed a bit with his hands folded into his robes. “I am aware that you have your reasons for this but please reconsider.”
“I've made my decision uncle,” he said in a low voice as he eyed a few chained prisoners. The attendant led them to a cell filled particularly with young girls, all of which dressed in rags and looked either horrified or distraught at their impending fate. The girls looked to the young prince; some seemed entranced by his cold gaze and handsome looks. Those in view of his scar quickly looked elsewhere.
“All of these lovely young women have particular skills in craftwork, cooking and erm…other fields if you catch my meaning,” the attendant said in a vile tone. Zuko narrowed his eyes at the man with a bit of disgust then gazed at the timid selection. All had dark hair and looked the same to him. The only variation he could see was eye color, pointing out that some of these girls were from either the Water Nation or the Earth Kingdom. He was not amused that not one was bound to the walls like some of the other captives meaning they would pose no challenge for him.
Iroh liked the idea and this place less and less. The girls were all so young. He was almost ashamed to be related to the man who allowed such treatment. Noting his nephew's silent disapproval of the group before him, he took the initiative to speak out. “Are there…any others?” he asked, hating that he would bother to look at any more.
“Of this age group no,” the man said fiddling with the key ring in his hands. There was a sudden commotion not far from where they stood. Zuko looked up idly before a screech caught his ears and took his attention fully. “Not this again!” the man groaned. “If you'll excuse me.”
“No, I think we'll accompany you,” Zuko said and followed the hesitant attendant down the hall to a cell, door left wide open. He stood back as a man suddenly slammed into the bars, a gust of wind flying across his cheek that stung. Zuko cocked a brow as a girl's scream rang out and another man was tossed from the darkness and landed on the previous.
“WILL YOU BE QUIET GIRL!” a man roared. The sound of flesh striking flesh rang out followed by a slight cry then a sort of growl. Another man crashed into the bars with a few cuts across his face and chest, all fresh and bleeding.
“Interesting…” Zuko said and stepped into the cell, using a small flame in his hand to light his way. His uncle followed close behind with the attendant seeming a bit panicked.
“There is really nothing to see here,” he said in a hasty voice. “Please let us go back to-” Zuko held up his flame-filled hand to silence him and advanced further until the light touched ragged clothes. He willed it to grow until the person before him was fully illuminated. He seemed to smirk as his eyes rolled over long bound legs, full hips, narrow waist, well endowed chest, slender shoulders and neck, an elegant chin, full lips, a cute nose and piercing eyes of a color he could only associated with one person; the air bender Aang, but this was obviously not the Avatar. Silver eyes narrowed at him as he looked over her long, black hair then back into that hard gaze, he matching it with his own.
“Who is this girl?” he asked the attendant, still watching her closely.
“You really don't-“
“Who?!” he said in a sterner voice.
The man squeaked a bit and scuttled behind General Iroh. “She refuses to tell her name to anyone. She is a very stubborn girl, she is, and her talent with air bending is quite obvious isn't it; the only female of her kind that we've ever heard of in a long while. It was quite odd how we came across her too. It was about five years ago to date. She had washed up on shore not far from here in garments nearly a hundred years old. At first we thought she was the Avatar but that was quickly disproved. She said another had been chosen.”
“And you have been keeping her here for that long?” Iroh inquired, a bit interested in the girls past as she and his nephew stared at each other.
“No, she's had many masters but all have returned her after…difficulty with following orders.”
“Oh come on Aramis,” the girl laughed coldly. “Don't skimp on the details. I tried to kill my last three masters. See, we had completely different ideas of play.” She laughed again and pulled at the chains on her arms.
“Is that so?” Zuko asked cocking a brow.
“It is, now run along and chose some pathetic whelp down the hall. I've never been some fire nation bastard's plaything and I'm sure as hell not starting with you.” They narrowed eyes at one another. “You're not even a challenge.” She inhaled deeply then blew out the flame in his hand.
Zuko grinned, even laughed a bit as the fire was given life once more and he turned to the attendant. “I'll take her.”
“What?” he and Iroh said eyeing the young man.
“HA!” the girl laughed. “Oh this is rich!”
“I'll give you fifty thousand gold pieces for her,” he said coolly.
“Oh! Big spender!” she said in a cocky tone. “That's twice as much as he had to pay just to take me back.” She grinned and pulled at her chains violently. Zuko flinched a bit and that grin on the girls face winded. “I'll see you in a week by my guess, Aramis.”
Aramis looked to General Iroh who gave him a look that was far too confusing then sighed. “Deal,” he said in an exhausted tone then moved to place a collar and chain around the girl's neck then unbound her from the wall, the links of which were starting to give way from her struggles.
The girl massaged her wrists then began to pace around the cell. “I am going to miss this crummy place,” she said dryly. “Do keep it warm while I'm gone.” She laughed and stretched, feeling the leash move hands from Aramis' to Zuko's. “Give it a rest already,” she said placing her hands on her hips.
Zuko familiarized himself with the weight of the chain then wrenched her forward, grasping the collar as she glared at him. “You belong to me now,” he said in a low tone.
She caught her breath then shoved away from him. “You'd think that but there's just one problem,” she said. Zuko watched her carefully. She swung one hand towards him, knocking him back with a powerful air blast. Now free of his grip she took hold of her leash. “I'm an air-bender! Next time be wise and bind my hands!” She dashed out of the cell and darted down the hall at an impossibly fast speed.
“STOP HER!” Aramis yelled. Zuko growled and hurried after her, gaining ground past the guards chasing after her. He narrowed his eyes on her then sent out a fire blast past her head. She stumbled, enough for him to advance on her. He reached out grasping a mass of her hair and pulled her back to him. She screamed then gasped as she was slammed into a wall.
Zuko placed his hands on either side of her, narrowing his eyes at her shocked ones. He leaned into her face and said in a low growl, “You belong to me now. The next time you try to run I will make you regret it.” Her eyes flashed from fear to rage and she pushed him away from her but he shoved her back, pinning her hands over her head. “I have nothing against hurting you and I will not hesitate.” Zuko pulled on her leash just as Iroh and the attendant caught up.
“I am sorry this happened,” Aramis breathed and began to cuff the girl's hands behind her back.
“I can handle her from here.” Zuko looked to his uncle who met his gaze with a bit of pity for the girl and followed him and his new slave out of the dungeon and into the late afternoon sun that hung over the fire nation village. “We'll be getting her new clothes before we pick up my weapons and return to the ship,” he said addressing his uncle.
Iroh stopped by his nephew's side and offered a hand to him. “I will take care of the girl,” he said in a hushed voice. Zuko eyed him for a moment then handed over the chain. “I will meet you at the docks.” Zuko nodded, looking at the girl then took his leave. Iroh turned towards the market center of this fire village until he neared a tailor.
“Old man,” the girl spoke in a steady tone. Iroh looked back to her and watched as she walked beside him. “Why do you put up with such a brat?”
“I have my reasons for allowing my nephew to make his own decisions,” he said and pushed open a door then let the girl enter before him. “He is a complicated one, yes, but troubled as well.”
“Troubled enough to buy a slave?” she scoffed and looked around the room they were now in. It was filled with a variety of robes in different shades of red. “Blah, don't they ever sell anything orange?”
“I'm afraid not.” Iroh turned to a seamstress. “Excuse me miss. I would like some assistance with finding this young woman some decent robes.” The woman with knitting needles in the bun on her head eyed the girl then gave Iroh a disapproving look. “Oh no, it is not like that. She is my nephews.”
“Yes, the old goat has respect for other human beings unlike that little stuck up bastard,” the girl said with a grin on her face then approached the woman. “I say we find something in, oh, say a bohemian type, layered, and shows off my great legs.” The woman smirked at the cockiness in her voice. She had dealt with the dressing of many slaves before but none had dared to speak out so freely as her.
“You must be the infamous air maiden that I've heard so much about,” the woman said with a smirk.
“Guilty!” The girl then led into a back room looked back at Iroh and winked. The old man blinked a bit flustered then began to look around the shop, spotting a set of winter robes that he fancied.
Iroh and the slave girl returned a half hour later, he carrying a new garment and her leash, she decked out in red robes that flowed behind her. They neared the ship and the girl's eyes widened before narrowing on the prince as he stood before the entrance ramp. Her leash was handed back to Zuko who gave it a slight tug before leading the way to the deck of the ship. The young prince looked back at the girl then leaned in to whisper in a low voice to his uncle, “Who dressed her?”
A slight smile took to his old features. “A woman who hopes to see her again,” he said then made towards their living quarters. Iroh did his best to ignore the comments the sailors sent towards Zuko and his slave girl who smiled brightly to all the men. The prince pulled harshly on her leash and led her up to his chambers, Iroh leaving to his own quarters. The girl stopped at the door and refused to step any further.
Zuko looked back at her, glaring. “Are you trying to make me angry?” he asked in a cold voice.
“Are you trying to get killed?” she asked staring him down. Zuko pulled her in harshly by her collar. The girl growled and moved her cuff-less hands around and grasped the chain pulling back.
Zuko's eyes widened then narrowed and he pulled harder causing her to fly forward. He caught her and slammed her against a wall where his broad swords would be displayed. “I don't even want to know how you managed to get free,” he said in a low growl.
“Good, cause I wasn't going to tell you!” she hissed. She pushed against his chest and he shoved her back grabbing her wrists and slamming them to either side of her head. Her silver eyes widened at the fierce look in his eyes as her heavier robe fell off her form revealing a red, chest wrap-shall combination and a layered skirt in different shades of red that indeed showed off her lovely legs by the high slit that ran up to the band around her hips.
Zuko did not take notice to this as his eyes continued to bore into hers. “I am not about to have my authority challenged by the likes of you,” he said in a growl.
“Then you should have bought some other girl!” He heated her wrists and she let out a cry of pain but still held his gaze. “I am not afraid of you!”
“Good,” he said taking a shockingly calm tone. He released one wrist, the burns of his hand around it, and removed the chain from her collar and let it fall at her feet. She tensed at the sudden gentleness of his touch. Her eyes shifted in a panic and she shoved him away from her and made towards the door. “I said no more running!” Zuko said in a low tone and grasped her arm wrenching her back to him then pushed her towards his bed. He did not intend to bed her, he simply wanted to make her mad, see just how much fight was really in this girl then break it. He watched her fall back and her expression changed quickly. The second she touched down, she swung a leg around and tripped up Zuko. He was amazed at the strength she possessed as he fell backwards then bounded to his feet. He felt the air shift in the room and jerked quickly to the side, a slight cut appearing on his right cheek. He was more stunned now, an air-bender taking the offensive. He was intrigued to say the least. She came at him quickly with another blast of sharp air that struck him in his gut and pushed him back towards the door. She leapt at him with every intention to kick his jaw sideways but he caught her foot, taking a brief moment to look over her exposed leg before shoving her into the wall by the bed. She let out a slight groan then rolled off the bed. Zuko cocked a brow, some how he was not convinced that she was down for the count. He stepped forward then jumped back as she sprang up pulling the bed sheet with her and raced around him entangling him in it, blinding him then raced out of the door. Zuko, in a rage, burned his way out of his sheet and raced after her as she made to the deck. She halted abruptly in the center and seemed to be staring dumbfounded at the wide-open sea. Zuko slowed his pace and watched as she swayed on the spot then fell back. He raced forward and caught her. She felt limp and light in his arms. He observed the pale look in her face and calm breathing. “She fainted…” he said in an awed tone then looked out to the sea.
General Iroh sighed looking over the slumbering figure of the young slave girl that now lay in a small bed placed in Zuko's chambers. Her leash and a shackle around her left leg bound her to the wall. He touched a damp, warm cloth to her forehead and she shot up, a gust nearly extinguishing all the torches in the room before she looked to him then calmed. “It's just you…” she said breathless and laid back rubbing her head. “What happened?” She pulled both legs towards her and noted the weight of the chained one. “Damn it…”
“You fainted,” he said in a weary tone. “From what I understand you and my nephew were fighting. I hope that it was not an injury from him that caused you to.”
“Phft!” She seemed to laugh a bit. “It'll take more than that bag of hot air to bring me down.”
Iroh held a bit of concern in his eyes as he looked to her. “Then what was it?” Her gaze dropped and he narrowed his eyes. “He did, didn't he?”
She shook her head. “No, it wasn't him. It was something that happened to me a long time ago.”
“I would like to hear this tale.” He leaned his back against the bed. “I would like to learn much about your past. You must be aware that besides the Avatar you are the only air-bender left. This in itself is impossible as they were whipped out far beyond your creation.”
She sighed. “I will tell you for the sake of having someone to finally listen but you must tell me of the boy's scar afterwards.” Iroh nodded. She did her best to relax despite her restraints and let her eyes fix on a spot in the room. “A long, long time ago I lived in an air village with my mother. My father and mother were forbidden lovers. You see, while my mother was pure blood of the Air Nation my father was a great fire bender of the Fire Nation army.” Iroh stirred but did not say anything. “He would visit us when ever possible and we were a happy family then one day my father came to us and said that we were not safe in our village. He was told of the coming war and was worried. The night we left on a barding ship to live in hiding within the fire capital a great storm ensued. We were in the middle of the sea when…I fell overboard and drowned. My soul was offered up to the water spirit who told me of how my life was a twisted joke to the fates. I was to live forever in a cycle of tragedy for love. I was destined to fall in love and die before it could be fulfilled, but since I died before meeting my true love that night I broke the cycle. The spirit gave me an option; be reincarnated then and live forever with the curse or serve him for a hundred years to break it. I chose a hundred years of perpetual angst, guiding the souls of the drowned to peace. It felt like but a moment to me. When my time of service was up he said he had grown fond of me and promised that if I could not find my true love within ten years that I could return and wait for him to come to me.”
“This is a very interesting tale,” Iroh said and turned to gaze at her. Her silver eyes were brimming with tears. “You're fear of the sea comes from a childhood horror or maybe you do not want to have to wait anymore.”
She continued to stare forward as her voice stayed calm. “It was very, very cold and I do not wish to see the faces of dead children's souls anymore.” A tear rolled down her cheek and she looked to Iroh, not at all shocked by his stare. “So tell me, what happened to the fire prince?”
Iroh sighed and rose to his feet. “About three years ago he spoke out against a general. Since he voiced his disapproval of a certain plan and it was not his room to speak he was punished severely.” They looked at one another with the understanding that the rest would go unsaid. As Iroh began to leave, he stopped at the door and looked back at her. “Get some rest young one,” he said in a soft voice. “Tomorrow you will dine with us.”
She nodded then seemed to hesitate about something. “Jaherah!” she called out to him. He stopped and looked back at her. “My name is Jaherah…” She looked up at him. “If you tell the hot head anything about what was just said, don't tell him my name.” Iroh was about to question the reasons for this but decided to simply nod and closed the door as he left. Jaherah sighed as she curled up beneath the sheets and drifted off to sleep.
Two hours had passed before Zuko returned to his chambers after speaking with his uncle. The tale he was retold was interesting and even believable considering the Avatar and his young appearance. There were things he wanted to know about the nameless girl. He looked over the sleeping maiden, her face peaceful and full of color, unlike when she had fainted. Zuko could not help but admit that she was beautiful. He sighed and moved to change into a pair of sleeping slacks behind a divider then climbed into bed and dreamt of a gypsy dancer playing with fire.
The following morning at breakfast Zuko eyed Jaherah as she stared at her plate of broiled fish. “You should eat,” he said in a calm but stern voice.
“I can't,” she said in a cold tone and pushed her dish away.
“Why not?” he asked in a sterner tone.
“I'm a vegetarian.” She gave him a cold look, as cold as her voice. Zuko sighed rolling his eyes and looked to his uncle for help.
“I will have the cook bring something up for you later,” Iroh said in an apologetic voice. He had forgotten that most air-benders did not eat meat. The girl gave a slight nod and drank from her cup. She ate a few of the steamed vegetables then waited in silence for Zuko and Iroh to finish their meal while they conversed idly. The prince then dismissed himself and raised calling for her to follow him. As they were now sea bound there was no need to drag her along on a leash though she still proved difficult.
Zuko fell forward from an air blast to his head and shot up glaring at Jaherah. “I thought we finished this?” he snapped.
“In your dreams hot head!” she said and sent several gust his way. He did his best to dodge them in the hall then took the offensive with a few attacks of his own. The two fought for what seemed like forever in the hall drawing a crowd of the crewmembers and General Iroh that watched from the not too safe doorways. They rooted and made bets, those hoping Jaherah to win were disappointed as she was pinned to the ground on her stomach and forced to submit. Zuko grasped one of her wrists and applied quite a bit of heat to it. She cried out, trying her hardest to break free. “Behave yourself and this will not happen again!” he hissed then released her, gathering himself up and looked to a near by soldier. “Take her to my room. I'm tired of looking at her.” He then marched down the hall pointing to three others. “You three up on deck now, I need some sparing practice.” The men looked between one another then to the slave girl as she was carried off. How much energy could he possibly have if he had just gone a row with her and still want to fight?
Iroh watched as Jaherah was bound to the wall then stepped aside as the soldier left. He looked back at her and met her hard gaze. “Why do you fight him so?” he asked, folding his arms into his robes.
She smirked and looked through the small window out at the blue sky. “To show him that I will not break,” she said and spoke nothing more. She ate alone in her bed then was given the opportunity to bathe.
Zuko grinned as he stepped into the steamy bathing room. He had beaten all three of his sparring partners without much difficulty. He looked up and saw Jaherah. She was startled when she noticed him and made to slap him. “LETCHER!” she screamed and his caught her hand firmly. He arched a brow as she wrenched away and tried to cover herself with the remainder of her clothes. By the looks of her hair she was done bathing and was about to leave.
He turned his back to her and heard as she hastily dressed then began to leave. “Get back here,” he said in a hard voice and she froze then glared back at him. She approached him, mumbling under her breath.
“Yes, oh fiery one?” she said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Zuko removed the towel from around his neck and sat on the edge of the bath. “Wash my back.” Jaherah laughed. “I could always throw you over board.” He felt her move to kneel behind him. She picked up a soapy sponge and touched it to his back cleaning it in silence as she eyed the many scars across it. Once done with her task he dismissed her and told her to fix the shirt she had torn the previous night. She rolled her eyes but did what he commanded of her. A soldier fetched a sewing kit for her and she sat in stoic silence as she mended his shirt. When Zuko returned from his bath, hair left out of its usual ponytail, she was finished and had done a fine job. She presented the shirt to him, eyeing his still gleaming bare chest then went to her bed.
Zuko tossed the shirt into a cupboard then lay on his stomach on his bed. “Come here,” he said as he rested his chin on his folded arms.
“What now!?” she growled looking back at him. He gave her a stern look and she made to stand over him. “Yes oh great one?” she asked in the same tone from earlier.
“A massage.” He heard her groan. He glared at her then she complied. He smiled and laid his head down once more. The event to follow startled him. He felt her climb onto the bed and straddle his middle. He was about to voice his want of her removal when she skillfully began to work his shoulders. He let out a sigh as he relaxed more. Jaherah was quite the expert either from experience or from pure talent. His eyes closed as she massaged around his spine. He paid close attention to her rhythm and when he noticed it break for a moment his eyes snapped open. He shot up knocking Jaherah back and wrestled with her until he held her over his knee and a needle in his hand. “You little bitch.” He stuck the needle somewhere safe then took hold of both her hands in one of his and paddled her rear with the other. She kicked and screamed in pain. He then picked her up, tossed her on her bed and chained her. “Next time you try to pull a little stunt like that you'll get more than just a well deserved spanking!” he said pointing a finger at her then left knowing full well he hurt her pride more than her butt.
The next afternoon their little fights were beginning to become routine. Zuko unchained Jaherah to have her sit with him and his uncle for tea when she tackled him to the floor. They wrestled around on the floor with Jaherah being pinned more than she had hopped. Within five minuets, their bodies seemed a tangled mess. Zuko was caught in her robes and Jaherah's hair was thrown about her face. While struggling to pin her, Zuko's knee slipped between her legs and she let out a short, as it was sudden, moan when finally restrained. A deep blush took quickly to her cheeks as she stared up at him with, for the first time, timid eyes. Zuko was stunned and trying to hide the color creeping to his own face. He quickly untangled himself from her and looked away pointing to her bed. “Bed, now!” She did as she was told, watching as he left the room. He straightened up his clothes as he stepped into the tearoom and began pacing around. “You were right,” he said to Iroh. “I shouldn't fight with her.” His uncle watched as he circled around like a disturbed tiger and was about to question what had happened but was interrupted. “I think I'll go train for the rest of the day.” He gave a sharp nod then left. Iroh, curious and concerned for Jaherah went to check in on her. She seemed just as uneasy as his nephew did if not more. He gave her a bit of sewing to do to keep her mind occupied then went to join the crew on deck.
Zuko trained long into the evening, running through five sparing partners in short of ten minuets then spending the rest of his time mastering his bending. He pushed himself further than ever until all of his muscles were sore then retired to a long soothing bath. As he stepped into his room he heard scrambling coming from Jaherah's bed. He looked in that direction seeing her pressed against the wall by her bed, sheet thrown over her legs and a deep blush on her cheeks. He arched a brow, shook his head, and went to bed, willing the lights dimmer. He lay on his back staring blankly at the ceiling when he heard the chains shifting.
“Um…” Jaherah squeaked. Zuko brightened the room and looked to her. She held the chains for her neck and leg in her hands up to him. He let out a slight sigh, rolled out of bed, and approached her. He took the chain for her leg first and when it was secure, he moved to her neck. He eyed the collar around her neck, noting the bruises beneath it. His eyes softened and he removed it, throwing it aside and touched a hand to her neck. She tensed as he began to massage the area. His eyes wandered down to her chest then shot back up as he released her.
“Turn around,” he said in a low voice. She complied. He eyed the scars across her back and almost empathized with her for going through such abuse. He began to massage her back concentrating around her spine as he scrutinized every scar. “Who could do such a thing?” She did not respond and something inside him did not want her to. She simply pulled away from him and turned to face him. Zuko looked over her body once more. She wore less of her robes and he could clearly see her taunt nipples through her thin chest wrap. He shot his eyes up to hers. They seemed a bit hazed over as a blush appeared on her cheeks. A soft smile touched her full lips. He reached out, rolling a thumb over them and stared into her eyes. “I'm sorry…” Before she could respond, he pressed his lips against hers. He expected her to retract, resist in anyway but she did not. She returned the kiss as her arms slipped over his shoulders. She leaned back pulling him on top of her and he broke their kiss to look into her eyes once more. He searched her eyes then sighed and left the bed. “Go to sleep,” he said in a weary tone and took his own advice.
Long into the late hours of the night, Zuko woke, shooting up to be staring into a pair of silver eyes. He gave a bit of a sigh. “Why are you still awake?” he asked Jaherah. The girl smiled and leaned into him. He moved away narrowing his eyes at her. “Go to bed.” She shook her head and moved closer to him, straddling him. He grabbed her arm, threw her face down on the bed, and took his hand to her rear. She kicked and screamed like before and when he stopped, he pointed towards her bed. “Go, now!” he said in a low growl.
She looked up at him, glaring with tears in her eyes. “Make up your damn mind!” she hissed then hopped out of his bed.
Zuko growled, crawled out of bed, turned her and threw her against a wall. “Is this what you want?!” he roared staring into her lit eyes. A gust circled around them for a moment. Her eyes grew as fierce as his did then his suddenly began to soften as he pressed against her body. “Is this really what you want?” he asked in a low voice. She nodded slowly. He looked her over for a moment then slipped an arm around her waist and kissed her lips softly then went to kiss her neck. “I want to know your name,” he whispered into her ear.
As he pulled her towards his bed, she hesitated before answering with, “Jaherah.” He smiled and continued to kiss her neck, trailing down to her collarbone.
Iroh paced around the halls of the ship before his nephew's room. The General had come to a decision the previous night; he would finally put his foot down. Jaherah or any other person for that matter did not deserve to be kept as a slave and treated so roughly. He nodded with his thoughts in order and pushed the door open. “Zuko…” his voice trailed at the scene displayed before him. There above the sheets on Zuko's bed sat his nephew, back against the wall by his bed his arms wrapped lovingly around the sleeping form of Jaherah. Both were fully clothed and oddly peaceful looking. Iroh quickly shut the door, his eyes darting around the floor. Things were suddenly complicated.
At breakfast, Zuko, Iroh and Jaherah ate in silence, the girl serving tea without question, eyes hardly meeting the prince's eyes. Iroh cleared his throat to speak, turning to Jaherah. “Would you be kind enough to return to Zuko's quarters?” he asked calmly. “I would like a word with my nephew.” Iroh was pleased to see her return to her usual defiant demeanor as she rolled her eyes, making quick to kick Zuko before she left.
Zuko glared at her back when his uncle called his attention to him. He, taking a suddenly serious face, lifted up his tea and stared over the steamy surface. “I already know what this is about,” he said in a low tone then took a sip of his brew. Iroh was about to speak when Zuko continued. “Nothing happened between us, if that is what your real concern is. I restrained myself and the girl.” He near slipped up with saying her name less his uncle sense his true feelings for Jaherah.
Iroh sighed and looked to his nephew who he saw more like a son than anything else. “Zuko, I do not agree with you keeping this girl as a slave any longer,” he said gaining a bit of height though he remained sitting. “Nor will I allow it.” He watched Zuko closely then continued. “When we reach the next port, you will set her free.”
“I can't do that,” he said with a blank expression as he lifted his cup once more. “I'm sure you remember what she told you about her past.” He smirked somewhat. Jaherah had retold him the tale in great detail the previous night after things between then cooled off. “Quite the story but one thing can be certain. She's an orphan completely alone in the world.” He looked to his uncle with emotionless eyes. “She's better off in my care then left alone to fend for herself in a world too different from the one she left. Besides, if we do leave her, she'll only end up taken in as a slave again.”
Iroh sighed, his eyes dropping to his cooling tea. His nephew had thought this through to several fine points except one. “We are still in pursuit of the Avatar. The girl's presence could jeopardize that.”
“Trust me when I say that there will be no problems there.” Zuko was slowly loosing his patience with the conversation.
“You cannot be certain of that!”
“Why are you trying to get rid of her?” Zuko snapped as he glared at his uncle. Iroh smiled, his assumptions proven true. Zuko too realized this and looked away.
“You have strong feelings for her don't you?” he asked in a calm tone. His nephew remained silent. “You must make yourself aware that her feelings are just as strong but of hate, not just for you but our entire race, despite the fact that she is half.”
It was Zuko's turn to sigh. He looked to his uncle then into the candle placed on the table. “She doesn't hate me. She told me so herself.” He stared deeply into the flame as he mused. “She fights constantly because it is what's familiar to her. The moment I showed a bit of kindness she grew suspicious of me and snapped at me ten times as fierce as before.” He closed his eyes and the fire died with his shutting lids. “It hurt on so many levels. I don't know why I feel this way about her even after she's rejected me the way she has.” A rueful smile graced his lips as he opened his eyes to breathe life to the candle. “I guess it's what I deserve after treating her the way I did.” Iroh was amazed at the level of maturity his nephew handle the situation. He admits to falling pray to the dangers of love at his age and coming out with his heart nearly broken in two. Zuko would no doubt; befall the same fate. “You must think me a fool to fall so fast and so hard for an air maiden,” he said in a laugh.
Iroh shook his head slowly and looked to his nephew with now weary eyes. “No, I do not for you are not the only one who has strayed down this path, but I am afraid to tell you that you might be the first to walk it alone.”
“And I think you are wrong uncle.”
“Zuko, please listen to reason. This is a war ship. In the end, you know that you cannot protect her as long as she remains aboard. You must let her go for her own safety.”
“And if I do this where should I leave her?” he said rising to his feet. “She can't find refuge within any of our cities and all of her people are dead because of us. Hiding her in the other nations will do her no good as well. There is no telling when the northern water tribe and earth kingdom's walls will give way to our forces.” He folded his arms as he stared out the small, high window. “I feel that if she is kept close to me then she will be safe, safer than anywhere else in the world.”
“Nephew, she cannot stay with us. Not if things remain as they are. If you succeed in capturing the Avatar, she will see you as an enemy to her people and try to free him. And what of your father? The moment he discovers that she too is an air bender he will have her in chains once more.”
“Then I will have her suppress her powers.”
“She may be willing to do that but she will not hold her tongue.” Iroh rose to stand beside Zuko. “She is very proud of her heritage and speaks her mind as often as she likes. This, as you know, is dangerous around your father. She will expose herself and you may never see her again.”
Zuko's gaze hardened then weakened at the inevitable truth. He would have to leave her. He sighed, admitting defeat and looked to the floor by his feet. “Where might she be most secure?” he asked in a low tone. Iroh smiled weakly though he knew his nephew's heart was slowly breaking. He explained that the Earth Nation was the best suit, the great earth kingdom to be precise. They would arrive close to there and sneak into the kingdom in disguise and have her taken into the castle, hopefully to be found out by the mad king Bumi, who would hopefully listen to her story. There she would be safe for however long before Zuko would return for her.
Zuko hated this plan. He hardly questioned his uncle's wisdom but the thought of her leaving was breaking him and he hated that feeling. He felt as if a part of him was about to be ripped away from him. Iroh was right on so many levels. At least in the Earth Kingdom she would have a chance. For how long, he did not want to dwell on such thoughts. He narrowed his eyes as he stepped into his room throwing the heavy door shut. Jaherah jumped and looked at him with wide eyes. She watched as he paced around the room like an enraged tiger then struck at a wall leaving a burn mark as well as a dent in it. He turned to Jaherah, his eyes blazing as he stared not at her but the chains on the wall. She gasped and pressed her back against the wall as he marched forward. He grasped both chains and with two quick jerks and a sharp growl ripped them from the wall at the same time then flung then across the room, the chains two hot coils that began to cool. She was shaken by his rage but continued to watch him carefully. Calling for help would do no good here and only set him off more.
He thrashed blindly then grabbed his head and fell to his knees. He sat still for a moment then slammed his fists into the floor leaving two depressions. He was shaking and he couldn't control it, he didn't want to. If he had the means he would let the world know his pain and have them suffer with him. He would melt through the very floor he glared at if he had to.
Jaherah was beginning to succumb to the heat of the room, breathing quite hard. A small sphere of air formed around her and her mind began to clear as she looked at his back, seeing him shaking. It was disturbing. What could have done this to him? She answered her own question soon enough and bit her bottom lip. Her eyes softened and she sighed. She needed for him to calm down so that she could reach him but the room was far too hot for her to move any further. She thought deeply to her past to her non-existence as the spirit guide. She remembered the song she used to sing to the troubled souls of dead children; a sorrowful but calming song that her voice could only replicate. She inhaled a bit and began to sing this song, the melody eerie as the sound of her voice in the whirling wind. She sounded distant though she was so close and felt that way like before her re-creation. Zuko looked up at the sound and blinked slowly then looked behind him. His eyes widened. It was the sight of a goddess; her robes flowed calmly with the wind as her hair danced around her. Her eyes were half opened and she seemed in a state of deep meditation as she sang this cryptic lullaby. The expression on her face was tranquil yet saddened. At this point he no longer wanted to see her in such deep sorrow ever again. He rose as the room began to cool and approached her. She watched him carefully as the winds began to fade but she continued to sing. He pulled her to the edge of her bed and sat on the floor with his head resting against her knees, arms resting on either side of her. The song would slowly end and she looked down at him, smiling weakly. He was still shaking but he seemed to be calming now. Jaherah placed her hands beneath his chin and lifted his gaze to hers. His eyes were red and cheeks stained with tears. He could tell she had cried as well, not through her eyes but in her song. He didn't need to have it signified by tears.
Zuko wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her as he sat on his knees, his face buried against her stomach. Her arms slipped around him and he sighed and kissed at the smooth surface of her flat stomach then looked up at her. She smiled and he returned it for a short while. Her hand would glide across his scared eye and he shivered a bit, almost moving from her touch. He hugged her once more then rose to his feet pulling her up with him. He held her close to him as he stared into her eyes. He searched then and found only feelings that puzzled him, feelings for him. He hugged her once more and whispered into her ear. “Why do I feel like your eyes are trying to tell me something?” he asked in a low voice, so calm it seemed to belong to someone else.
She smiled a little. “Because they are,” she said and nuzzled against him.
“What is it?”
“You're the one I'm destined to be with.”
“…Do you love me?”
“Because of all that I can see and the fact that I am myself around you. I haven't been so at ease in years. The pain of my past is gone in your presence.”
He smiled. “I feel the same way but you're so beautiful. I don't understand why you'd want to be with someone with a hideous scar on their face.” He looked away from her but she pulled his gaze back. She smiled staring into his eyes then kissed him deeply. He held her lips there then broke the kiss and searched her eyes again, smiling that nothing had changed. “I love you.”
“I know,” she giggled and kissed him once more. Zuko wrapped an arm around her waist and walked her to his bed, sitting down with her in his lap as he kissed at her neck and collarbone. His free hand roamed across her body, tracing over every curve. He pulled her chest wrap down and looked up to gage her reaction. She was blushing as she chewed at her bottom lip. She inhaled deeply then smiled coyly at him. Reaching behind herself she untied the wrap and tossed it aside then sat up more in his lap and kissed him.
Zuko increased the passion of their kiss, not wanting his lips to part from hers. His arms slipped around her and he laid her on the bed, his body across hers. He broke the kiss and began to kiss feverishly down her neck and across her shoulder. He heard her soft giggle and smiled, taking both her hands into his and stared into those silver eyes as she smiled right back. He leaned in with his eyes half lidded and spoke softly, “I love you.”
She touched her nose to his then whispered, “I know.”
Later that evening they lay in one another's arms breathless and weak. Zuko looked to Jaherah. Her eyes were shut and there was a blissful yet subtle smile across her lips. He pushed a few strands of hair from her face and stroked her cheek. She stirred then opened her eyes and smiled more before shutting them again. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead sighing. “I hate to ruin this perfect moment but there's something I have to tell you,” he said in a calm tone.
“It's about me being here isn't it?” she asked looking up at him.
“How…did you know?”
“I just had a feeling.” She smiled ruefully. “I knew something like this was bound to happen, it was just a matter of time.” A tear welled up in her eye then fell and Zuko wiped it away.
“Please don't cry,” he whispered and hugged her close. “It's for your own protection. It's…a war ship isn't the place for a civilian, especially you.”
“I can take care of myself just fine!” she said shooting up and looking to him.
“I know but you have to listen to reason.” He touched a hand to her face, staring into those eyes that held no lie to them. “There's only so much one person can do. I don't know what I'd do if anyone ever hurt you.”
She seethed a bit and looked away. “Did you ever think that this, you leaving me would hurt me?” she asked curling her hands into fists. “What if something happens? What if…what if you die?”
Zuko hooked a finger under her chin and turned her gaze to his. “I promise you I will not die.” He took her hands into his and kissed them both. “I swear that I will come back for you. Nothing will stop me from being with you. Not this war, not my father not”
“The Avatar?” she asked in a hurt tone. Zuko retracted a bit but held her gaze. “I understand that you want to capture him but please reconsider or…at least don't kill him. For my sake.”
He sighed then nodded and kissed her hands once more. “I swear to you that I won't.” He pulled her close to him and she curled up in his arms. “Get some sleep now. Tomorrow night we'll arrive near an earth port. Uncle and I will escort you to the Earth Kingdom where you'll remain until I come for you. It'll be a long journey.”
“The longer I get to spend with you the better,” she whispered; a smile on her lips that seemed contagious as one touched his. “I assume I'll be getting new robes.” He nodded and hugged her. “I am not a fan of green.”
“You'd look perfect in anything,” he purred into her ear, kissing at her neck.
“You mean nothing.”
“That too.”
The next morning the young couple rose refreshed in spirit but sore in body. They seemed far too reluctant to even leave one another's arms much less the bed but finally dressed and made to breakfast. Zuko walked ahead of Jaherah in the hall but hid nothing before his uncle as they sat close to one another. Jaherah would lean on him as she idly ate fruit, paying full attention to the discussion Zuko and the general held of their journey. At sunset the trio ventured into the Earth village acquiring Earth nation robes then made towards the great city. Zuko was happy at how free Jaherah felt on land. She jumped around like a nymph from tree to tree, twirling and singing happily. He would not restrain her and neither would his uncle. They saw the girl in her true element of freedom. Zuko would join in at one point, chasing her around trees and bushes, over rocks and through tall grass.
Their play lengthened the journey but none complained. Iroh would keep the path and call out to Zuko, careful not to speak his name. He watched as they danced together, Zuko carrying Jaherah on his back for a time. At one point, they raced ahead and he discovered them sitting on the path, hands lit with the glow of fireflies they caught then released. When the walls of the great Earth Kingdom came into view, he knew that this time of bliss would come to an end. They behaved as he expected them to; quiet and mature but not lacking the love they held for one another. Their final embrace was painful to watch but their departure was worse. They turned their backs to one another and walked on never looking back for fear that if they did the other would be struck down before their eyes.
Zuko fought back the tears trying to form in his eyes as he held his head high, staring forward at nothing. Walking now felt like every bit of his concentration depended on it. He felt his heart crumbing and his fears finally caught up to him. He wanted to run back to her, betray the promise he made that she would be safe but held strong. He bit his lower lip, shutting his eyes. “Uncle…” he whispered, gulping hard.
“You will see her again Zuko, I know you will.”