Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Messing with Heat ❯ Siege Part 2 ( Chapter 19 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Messing With Heat Ch19: Seige Part 2
A/N: Glad you guys like this story! LOL I love it so much!!! Anyway, I'm gonna let 'you' tell Zuko about how 'you' got here, but sometime later on. Right now we have to focus more on the Water Nation Seige. Enjoy!!!
"He left," You said, looking up at the mountain. "And didn't bother to help me."
"That boy," Iroh muttered, shaking his head. "He always chooses the wrong choice. Do not be angry at him or hurt, for he always makes foolish mistakes like that."
You laughed despite the situation, "Yeah, I know."
"He cares about you, no doubt," Iroh murmured, "and I'm happy for the two of you. Please don't let one of his mistakes ruin everything."
Whiping away the tears, you pulled away and smiled. "Okay; I'll try my best not to."
"I am predicting Zhao will be coming soon," Iroh said after awhile, after getting you out of the terrible ice. Your whole body was numb from the cold, but the sun was helping a tad bit by beating down on you almost gently. No wonder why firebender's got their power from the sun. You also then noticed how Iroh said Zhao's name in total disgust, and you grinned a little as you took a step behind him.
"What's going to happen now?" You asked, even though you knew what was about to come. Zhao was going to come here the same time the Avatar and his friends did, along with a knocked out Zuko, and he was going to kill the moon spirit. Then, Iroh will attack Zhao then Zuko will come as back up, until he gets beaten by the moon spirit when Aang does that awesome Avatar thing. Yeah, you knew exactly what was supposed to happen, but you wanted to act like you were innocent.
"I am guessing Zhao will try and destroy the Moon Spirit," Iroh muttered, hiding behind a pillar in the back. He kept him behind you for some reason, which slightly irritated you. "So I shall try and stop him."
"I'll help," You said, "stop Zhao and his stupid stunts. He needs to have a taste of his own medicine."
Iroh turned to give you his calming grin over his shoulder, and your heart warmed from the sight. What a kind, old man he was. "That is so true, it should be written down."
"Maybe the Fire Sages will write it one day?" You joked, but caught yourself too late. You obviously weren't here when Aang went to that Fire Nation temple, so you couldn't have known what the Fire Sages were or what they do. Iroh froze as he gave you a bewildered look over his shoulder.
"You have been to the Fire Nation before?"
Smiling hesitantly, you shook your head. "No, but I had friends that did go. They explained everything in amazing detail."
"You are very lucky to have such observant friends."
"That I am thankful for every day."
"Wait, be quiet. I sense they are coming," Iroh whispered, and you shut your lips as you prepared for the attack to come. Your whole body stiffened when you heard appa land on the ground, and the grunt he made as his giant feet landed. Looking over Iroh's shoulder, you caught sight of the Avatar and his friends.
"The Moon Spirit!" Sokka exclaimed, running to the water. The Avatar and his friends ran to the water oasis and they looked deeply into the water.
"They are still safe," Yue said in relief, sighing.
"We must keep it that way," Aang stated, "and I will do the best job I can to help you keep it that way."
"Thank you, Avatar." Yue said, giving the boy a thankful smile.
"It's my job."
"Aang, I am so sorry for letting Zuko get you earlier." Katara said, looking truly sorry. She looked like she was extremely guilty, and like she was ten years older. "I almost let the whole world lose their hope."
"It's not your fault, Katara," Aang insisted gentle, shaking his bald head. "If it's anybodies fault, it's the Fire Nation."
"Hey, where'd Zuko go?" Sokka suddenly yelled, like he was actually scared.
You almost felt Iroh smiling from how his nephew vanished so easily, so you leaned heavier against the pillar for support. Your legs felt like they were draining of blood, and they were falling asleep now. You swore vividly never to eat ice again, or mess with Katara. Darn her and her master waterbending.
"Oh no!" Katara fretted, and you listened as all the friends started freaking out. Completely calm, you drained out the noise before you.
Okay, now you were sure you had to tell Zuko what and why you were here. But something told you to tell him later, when he was more sane, you know? You didn't want to go up to him and try to explain something you don't even know yet. Seriously, you don't know how you got here. All you knew was his mother sent you here because she was gone, but how can some ghost from a cartoon show do that? None of it made sense! People don't just have good hearts and watch a show, then magically find themselves participating in the show the next second! Honestly, that kind of stuff happens in fairytales! This couldn't be a fairytale.....
Well except it had the Prince, who was crowned to a powerful nation and had the hots for you. And it did have the bad people, the Fire Nation, who want world domination. It also had the heroes, the Avatar his his teenage friends. The problems might not have been like a normal, ogre fighting or dragon fighting fairytale, but they sure seemed like a quest to you! Now that you think about it, this does seem like a twisted fairytale.
Weird, right?
"-I will unleash ten fold on you!" You hear Iroh yell from out of the pillar, and you looked around. Dazed, you noticed the fight started now. Iroh fought with the infamous Zhao, but Zuko butted in and they went off somewhere. Aang and them were arguiing about the dead spirit.
"Wait, aren't you basically made from the Spirit's life?" You asked, walking behind them. You sat in the background, watching as the young Princess made her mind about giving up her life for something more important.
"Yes, you are right." She said in a soft tone, staring deeply at the dead fish. "I know what I must do."
Sitting against the pillar, you watched in boredom as the girl died and appeared again, only to kiss Sokka. Yeah, you've seen this episode quite a lot, since it had a major plot to the big plot. You had your chin resting on your knees as you watched, seeing everyone in total drama.
Too bad Iroh turned to check on you, only to see you watching the scene with a blank and indifferent expression on your face. He narrowed his eyes for a split second in suspicion, but nevertheless, he turned back to the Avatar.
Exhaling from the attention, you relaxed when nobody was looking at you. The way Iroh looked at you made you nervous, like he knew something was off about you. Great. Iroh was a very smart guy, so he was bound to ask you some time. You'd have to prepare for that, too.
"No. It is not over." You looked up in awe to see Aang say in his strong, Avatar voice. His eyes glowed blue, and he overtook the Moon Spirit's form. Becoming that huge, blob thing monster, he started attacking everyone he walked by. You quickly dropped to your knees before him so he wouldn't attack you, and he walked by without ease. You wondered if Zuko did this for himself, or if he got attacked. You forgot what happened to him in the show at this point.
"We need to prepare to leave," Iroh told you, telling you to stand up. "The Fire Nation has lost. If we stick around, the Water Nation people will capture us."
The word capture got your heart beating.
"Okay," You said, "lets go."
The both of you took off running around the edge of the huge city, trying to stay on the borderline. Iroh was actually pretty fast for an old man, and you almost laughed when he passed you up. Aang was now calming down at the oasis, so you grew a little less worried.
"Here's the raft," Iroh said when you both reached the edge of the ocean. The small raft floated at the edge, some waves gently whipping its sides. You stared at in, wonderinf how all of you were going to fit on it.
"Are we gonna fit?" You asked.
"Sure we are." Iroh said, laughing a little. "What? Do I look that overweight?"
"No!" You stammered, blushing. "I was just-"
"It's quite all right," Iroh said, turning to give you a stare. He suddenly looked serious now. Gulping to yourself, you stood your ground. "Now, you know you can trust me, right?"
"Of course."
"Then, do you have anything to tell me?"
You stiffened from his searching stare, and felt yourself pale now. Just the sight of him looking at you like that made you get goose bumps from guilt. You knew you were lying to him about everything, but you shook your head quickly. Iroh still looked like he didn't believe you.
"Are you sure?" He said again, eyes staring still.
"Uncle," You turned from someone speaking you, and you silently thanked them for their perfect timing. Zuko looked a mess, dressed in all black like in the episode. He briefly met your eyes, and he softened, but he then withdrew and grew weary again. "Lets leave."
"We are way ahead of you, nephew," Iroh said with a proud grin. "We made a raft for us to leave."
"Good." Was all Zuko said as he fell onto the raft, laying on his back as he closed his eyes. You almost fell in the deep, arctic-like water, but Iroh shoved you on before you hit the water.
"Go on," He urged while laughing, "you don't need to get sick right now."
"That'll be the day." You muttered with a grin as you sat the opposite side from Zuko. No matter how much you wanted to be with him now, you had enough brains to know the guy wanted to be by himself for right now. You looked out onto the ocean as you imagined how your life was before this.
"Ready, Zuko?" Iroh said, sounding excited.
Zuko only grunted in responce, and you grinned.
Iroh blew a fire or something that got the raft to move, and it moved actually in a good speed. The wind lapped at your face and you looked over the water, sighing.
"Is something wrong?" Iroh asked.
When you realized he was talking to you, you glanced at the retired general. He had yet again another look of suspicion on his face, and he was staring right at you.
"I'm fine." You said quietly, wanting for him to forget about you.
"You look cold."
"Maybe it's because I am."
"Do you need a blanket?"
"I said I'm fine."
"You're going to get sick if you don't-"
"Quit asking me!" You snapped, turning your back to him. Tears pooled in your eyes for some reason, regretting yelling at him. But you knew he was curious, but he needed to know that you just didn't want to tell him everything about yourself. Yet. Your lips quivered but you stayed how you were, staring across the ocean blankly.
"I am sorry for asking you too much," Iroh said in a gentle tone, and you simply listened as he spoke sadly. "It's just.... Since I have a Neice being Azula and how she is....I like to imagine you as one of my own daughters."
Feeling touched, you turned back around to see Zuko was staring at you. But when you looked back, he quickly looked away like he never looked at you. Humph, weird.
"Yes. You are a very good girl who is becoming a woman." Iroh said, "And I just wanted you to know that if you have some trouble in your life- I am here to give advice. Please do not hesitate to ask me anything- anytime."
"Thanks, Iroh." You said, softly.
"Please," Iroh grinned, "call me uncle."
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