Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Bend Me Your Time And Space ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Metamorphosis: Bend Me Your Time And Space" by Abraxas (2009-12-18)
I wander in search of destiny.
Sun rises. Wind stirs. And into that desert of grass walk I with the stallion.
We gaze at vistas unspoiled by man. The landscape rolling from shades of green to onyx. The horizon where silhouettes of mountains stand - shapes softened by fog into a kind of mirage.
We trek by water through a route my uncle, Iroh, forged the years he fought with Indians.
I should be afraid - out of my family's estate - yet I am calmed by freedom.
A recollection erupts out of time and space - I experience it as if anew.
A gunshot. A wail of despair. A bison tumbled; its life drowned by the cheer of the cattlemen.
I wept at the violence. Senseless. Cruel. And my father cursed the gods that Azula was female while snuffing my tear with the iron.
My uncle and I escaped into that wilderness. At the campfire we lit a pipe and talked about other, elder nations. It was the start of my education.
That night I awoke to a cough.
"Do not fight it, Zuko, calm, calm," my uncle said and despite fear I complied.
A figure, clad with the hide of a wolf, stood at the campfire. The stranger danced, dusting my wounds with smoke and ash. I watched, hypnotized, the fear transforming into the worship I gave cattlemen. Adoration reawakened by Sokka.
"Dragon of the West...."
The Indian, naked except where painted, embraced my uncle.
"Paku.... Thank you. Thank you."
I with the journey were not just through distance but through time - to forget the tyranny of my father within another era of man.
Sokka - is my love real or an exercise of rebellion?
I intend to know.
I stray into your world, your eyes watching, following, while I reign my offering.