Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Touch Cannot Deny What Sight Already Knows ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Metamorphosis: Touch Cannot Deny What Sight Already Knows" by Abraxas (2009-12-19)
At the end is it just a dream?
Aroused by the potent, exotic incense I inhale, I sit, and attempt to recall my capture. Frustrated, I return to my prison, its details emerging into view. It is a teepee illuminated by fire; above dangle objects of ceremonies, below stand skins of animals.
I wonder if the chief was satisfied with my tribute. I wonder, too, if the warriors related all of my message. I am unhurt, though, and thankful though I tremble with a mix of anxieties - the roles are reversed.
A coyote's hide trembles. Upon knees then hands it approaches - its mask jerking side to side. It is worn by a youth, skin tanned reddened, painted by figures, covered by a modest length of cloth.
My eyes examine - drawn onto the hands. The hands! From silent, midnight touches. To the expression of a relationship, untested and raw. I know them and when I clutch them contact confirms.
My head swells as if to burst.
I withdraw the mask - it tumbles away. My arms wrap around shoulders. My lips press onto lips. The gesture is returned. Between us the kiss intensifies and impels our hands to ravage what eyes used to see only.
Intoxicated by a freedom forbidden between men of white and red skin that we express we explore levels of intimacy urged by our bodies.
"Such passion," Sokka whispers, his lips wetting my cheek, "such fire. What is it you seek? What could it be?"
"Isn't it wrong?"
Sokka smiles and jokes with the words of a language I do not know. He drops me and pins me with all of his warrior's strength. He laughs while I pretend a struggle.
Intertwined we are - nakedness to nakedness - breath to breath.
"Isn't it right, my Fire Eye, at last."