Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Nothing But Your Servant ❯ Confrontation With the Avatar ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I watched quietly as the waves crashed up against the edge of the boat. Life gets better each day for me. Prince Zuko hasn't even struck me a command. I knew he wouldn't because I trust him.

" Look, I'm tired of trying to persuade you not to trust him completely, Zenaida. Just keep an eye out." Aida said and I pondered how she was able to change her personality so quick. She could be so evil at times, but then she could be like this. This caring and sensible person that I was still getting accustomed to.

" Prince Zuko!" a guard at the front deck yelled throughout the boat, causing everyone's attention to go to him. Prince Zuko, who had been speaking to his Uncle a couple feet away, turned to the man, eyebrows furrowed in curiousity. " The Avatar's bison!"

Something twinged in my stomache as our heads shot up to surely see a flying bison in the air. Living in the palace for two month, I've heard a lot about the Avatar and the people who travel with him. There is a witty teenage boy from the water tribe, a strong water bender from the water tribes as well, an arrogant eaarthbending girl who is a master, and the Avatar himself. As the fleet scrambled to ready themselves for the capture, Prince Zuko looked at me with a question on his face.

" Zenaida...are you willing to...." he trailed off. I could tell his nerves were toying with him so I smiled and nodded my head.

" It's more assured that I do the job right if you command me to, Master." I said, giving a half-bow. He put a finger under my chin and raised my face to his.

" You and Aida will work together to capture the Avatar." he commanded in a serious tone, eyes hard as rocks. Something ran through my body and the command was set in stone. For the first time, I could feel Aida's presence joining with mine, our energy and power combining into something that fueled us.


The daring look took over Zenaida's eyes, but the lips didn't curve into the usual smirk. The lips stayed as Zenaida's, relaxed but attentive. She stood up straight, but kept her hair forward. Their looks and traits were mixing and my uncle and I exchanged looks when we saw the final result. Her body movements were innocent and fragile, but the boldness and confidence hung in the air around her. I don't like admiting that she looked quite scary, but beautiful. Somehow she seemed taken to another level as she jumped on the ledge's railing and looked over her shoulder at us.

" I will carry out your command as best as I can, Master." Zenaida's voice said as she turned to look back up at the flying bison. But then she snapped back around, eyes looking confused and impatient.

" How is Zenaida going to do anything? There is no damn earth!" Aida's voice exclaimed as she spread her arms to emphasize that we were in the middle of the ocean. I suddenly remembered that I had ordered a few guards back at the town to collect a large crate of earth. I summoned the crate out and Zenaida/Aida walked over to it, examining the crate before she made one kick. The front of the crate opened and the earth poured out. Her grin was one similar to Aida's, but just not as cold. " Now, the question is.....how are we suppose this-" she get's in an earthbender's stance, feet stuck to the ground and clenched fists at her sides, and bend the earth around her like a ring. "-up there?"

" I'll take care of it." Zenaida's voice said as she jumped on the ledge of the boat again, the ring of earth still around her. Half the boat stopped in amazement as they watched her bend the earth into one big rock before holding one palm over it. With one quick thrust inwards of her clenched fist, the large earth rock broke up into little sharp shards that lined up into 12 rows. They levitated in the air, her open palm controlling them as she took her free hand and pointed it at the shards. A flame withdrew from her pointer finger and covered the sharp shards. Zenaida smiled in satisfaction.

" I'd like to name these the Burning Diamonds." Aida's voice said as her open palm swept the air over the burning shards, sending the first row at the flying bison. It took less than 2 seconds for the burning shards to pierce the bison, it's cry echoing throughout everyone's ears. Sokka, the one who cannot bend, leaned over their round seat and began to pat out the flames that had began to eat the animal's fur. Zenaida did this move quickly, sending the burning shards over like fireworks.

The Avatar, the little boy named Aang, hopped out of his seat and used his airbending to extinguish the flames. The catapults were now readied and Zenaida had slowed them down enough for us to have a good shot at the bison, but all of our efforts were put to waste as they either dodged the burning ball, or taken it out with their bending. The waterbender girl, Katara her name is, was getting annoying. She was taking out most of the missiles that had a great chance of hitting the bison. I soon remembered that Zenaida was still next to me and I turned to her.

" Are you not going to do something?" I asked softly, not wanting to sound too pushy. She turned to me and gave me Aida's smile before hopping on the ledge of the boat again. She turned to me with a small frown.

" I put all my earth to waste." Zenaida's voice said with a frown, but Aida's smirk soon replaced it. " That's fine. I guess it'll be up to me to capture him" Aida's voice said and for the first time, I had seen ultraviolet flames. They lit her curled fists and acted as rockets as they propelled her into the air toward the Avatar's bison.


When the Avatar had first caught sight of me in the air, he threw a wave of air at me, but I propelled myself high enough to dodge it by just a little. A girl with thick, dark hair soon had a flying water whip at me, but it only took a small fluid movement to dodge that. Air and water was simaltaneously thrown at me, each time I was able to dodge it somehow until I was able to get a firm stand on the bison's back. Now that I was on my feet, I could begin my work.


The girl that was attacking us now with violet flames shooting from her feet, fists, and mouth was....I don't enjoy saying it, but beatiful. Beautifully dangerous, that is. Sokka took Appa's hold as Aang used his staff to extinguish the fire that turned the teperature high. Her red robe was extremely short, but somehow as she kicked high in the air, her undergarments didn't show. Should I be taking notice of something like that at a time like this?

" Woah!" Aang exclaimed as he leaned back just enough for her thick flames to go right over his face. Her facial expression made my blood run cold as my water tentacles whipped this way and that, each time the woman hopping over it. Her eyes were cold, her mouth relaxed and partly open as she placed one foot across the other while shooting out her fist, this time at Sokka who she seen was unguarded. My chest lurched and I quickly cut the flame in half before it licked the back of my brother's back.

" I feel real hot guys." Toph wined from her spot next to Sokka. She sat there, staring below as if she wasn't affected by the fact that there is a murderer in Appa's saddle.

" We're working on it...." I replied more annoyed as me and Aang double-teamed on this woman who seemed to keep dodging everthing we had. Suddenly, Aang let our a frusturated yell before hopping in the air towards her, his staff swinging down, prepearing to send a large air wave at her. But he got close enough to where she had to only jump a little before grabbing the tip of his staff before swinging the other way down, his body crashing hardly on the saddle with a thud.

" Aang!" I cried as I sent out a whip of water that successfully wrapped around her waist. But the woman acted fast. Too fast. She already had the tip of a violet sword at the back of Aang's neck, staring at me with a menacing smile.

" Remove these nasty things off me be-" she began to say, but Aang rolled quickly away from the tip of the flame and sent a thick pillar of air towards her, knocking her off the sadle and down towards water, her scream following her. Aang knocked Sokka out of his place and took hold of Appa.

" Yip Yip, Appa. Come on!" Aang encouraged, still waving our bison friend out of the range of the flying and flaming balls. When we finally thought that we were out of the Fire Navy's fleet, Appa let out a high-pitched cry and we began to slowly descend.

" I'll be seeing you soon." an unfamilar powerful voice said behind us, and we shot around to see the woman hovering around Appa, her flaming hands keeping her up in the air. Her smirk widened as our eyes landed on the large burn on Appa's tail that was doing it's best to keep us up.

" Appa!" Aang cried as he tossed the rein to Toph who had been sitting next to him. He ran over to the back with me and Sokka and did a quick airbender move to wipe out the flames. " Appa...oh no, buddy. Katar, can you heal it?"

" Maybe, but not while we're in flight." I said, also worried by our friend's burnt tail. He meant a lot to us, and I know he means even more to Aang.

" Uhm...I don't know if you guys know this, but a blind girl doesn't exactly know where to steer a bison......especially when it's flying in the middle of a Fire Nation attack." Toph remarked from behind us as a lucky flaming ball flew in front of Appa.


She landed back in front of me, a satisfied smile on her face as she bowed.

" They will be descending soon, Master. I seen a small island in the distance when I had injured the bison's tail since I wasn't able to keep up with them." Aida's voice reported as she stood on the thin ledge again and watched the bison getting smaller and smaller. " I will capture him there." she stated before hopping back down in front of me.

" You've done a good job....both of you. Aida and Zenaida. You've made more progress than we've ever had in the past." I said to them as I approached them. Zenaida's soft smile came on before her features began to take over the body.

" Thank you." Zenaida said and before the daring look in Zenaida's eyes disappeared, Aida let out a scoff and, " Whatever."

~ Zenaida~

We did not reach the island until nightfall where the bison's visible footprints were on the sandy shore. Prince Zuko instructed for the fleet men to stay on the ships and set a perimeter around the island. Only the guards on our ship accompanied us on the island.

" Zenaida. I want you and Aida to find and deliver the Avatar to me." Prince Zuko instructed and I could feel Aida's prescence slowly beginning to mesh with mine.


I watched as their features slowly began mixing together. Aida's famous smirk crawled on their lips.

" Dead or alive?" Aida asked, her face still in the shadows. I watched as goosebumps crept on her bare legs and was angry that Aida insisted on showing so much of her leg, but I shook it off and looked deep into the thick forest that inhabited the small island.

" Alive. But I will come with you." I said and threw my cloak's hood over my head as her open cloak made waves in the wind. She nodded as our fists lit on flames and began to scout the island. After a few minutes, I grabbed Zenaida's arm.

" The last confrontation I had with the Avatar, I learned that blind girl could feel our footsteps coming and that's how they would escape in time." I notified her and she chewed her lip in thought. That simple move made my crotch area begin to feel an unwanted sensation so I tried to focus on something else.

" I know!" she whispered before slamming her two curled fists together, making the ground break into a circle that held the both of us in. Thrusting her fists into the air, we rised off the ground. Pulling one fist back, and thrusting the other forward, we moved silently through the mass of trees that seemed to stare at us floating on the rock pedestal.

" Good idea...." I said lowly and I could hear her chuckle.

" Thank you." she said in something lower than a whisper and then pushed farther, the rock pedestal we were floating on increasing it's speed. " At the damn rate we're going, they've probably already left and are having some damn tea right now." Aida's powerful voice said and suddenly we could hear whispers. Stopping the floating pedestal for one moment, we looked out into the darkness, our ears twitching at the small whispers and murmurs.

" Is Appa going to be okay?" we could hear a young boy's voice say and I quickly recognized it for the Avatar. Zenaida/Aida smiled mischeviously as she curled her fists in tighter, preparing to strike, but something inside of me made me grab her hand.

" Do you wish to capture him, Master?" Zenaida's soft voice asked, but I shook my head.

" No, move us toward them, Zenaida." I instructed and she obeyed, our platform moving us closer to their group. Our eyes having adjusted to the darkeness, we could see them huddled in a small crowd next to their injured bison who lay on it's back. I could see now that there was a thick and tall stone wall raised around them in the shape of a circle. The earth girl must've made that to protect them. We hovered not too far from their ring and watched them.

" Appa can't fly!?" Sokka's hiss danced in the silent air, his hands gripping his head in disbelief. The Avatar sighed and sat next to his bison.

" No. No, he can't. Now we're surrounded by the Fire Nation." The Avatar said in a gloomy voice.


" You will deal with over 1,000 men if you do not cooperate us, Avatar." Zuko's deep and raspy voice echoed throughout our ears. Everyone's body tensed up as we looked to find him slowly lowering to the ground on a floating piece of circular rock. The woman that was attacking us earlier controlled the rock, her hands and feet moving smoothly over it as she landed it. But was she not bending fire earlier.....how could she bend earth? Is this a twin?