Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ Imprissoned ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is not an original work. All credit goes to the creators!!
Aang and Sokka heard Katara scream. Dropping there things they headed toward the river. Before they could make they noticed Toph fighting Mai and she wasn't doing to well. Aang help Toph, I'll get Katara; Aang flew up to the cave to lend a hand to Toph. The way to the river couldn't have seemed longer. When Sokka finally made it he saw the two girls on the Mongoose Dragons already headed across the river. Katara was thrown over the back of one and Prince Zuko the other. Sokka made a move to run out after them but a hand held him back. Sokka turned back to see Iroh and he jumped back and readied his weapon.
“I'm not here to fight, they have my nephew also. If you run out there you will only become a captive with them. Do not worry Zuko is a fine boy. He would never let them hurt an innocent bystander”.
“Where are they taking her”? Sokka had a deep concern in his voice.
“My guess is back to the Fire nation. She knows the Avatar will come for her so she will keep her alive to get to him. If he comes into the fire nation he is as good as caught”. Iroh and Sokka headed back to where Aang and Toph had just restrained Mai. After explaining the details to Aang and Toph the four men began to question Mai for information on the whereabouts of Azulas ship.
Katara woke up in a large dim room she could see that it was night already from a single small window high on the wall. Her head was throbbing and her hands stung from the burns she had received earlier.
“If I had some water I could heal my hands”. She said to herself not knowing she shared her cell with another.
“They wouldn't allow you enough even to do that in here”.
Katara stood and backed herself to a wall hoping that the voice didn't belong to the person she thought it did, but her eyes were adjusted enough to make out that the man in the cell with her was Prince Zuko.
“I have no intentions of hurting you I am a prisoner also”.
“Where are they taking us?” Katara asked after a few minutes.
“There taking us back to the fire nation, I'm a wanted criminal and you will lure in the Avatar. I suggest you sleep i'm sure they wont just simply leave us in here to sit till we arrive. Azula isn't that type of person. She will come back to question you again. Don't worry I try my best to stop her”.
“Why would you help me”? Katara asked in a low voice.
“Let's just say I owe your friend one”.
Katara sank to the floor pulled her knees to her chest and rested her head. She had to figure something out but with the pain in her head and he palms she couldn't think of much more than the pain before she fell asleep.
Zuko couldn't sleep. All he could think of was how he could possibly escape. If he was taken back home with out the Avatar it would bring him nothing but misery.
Late into the night Kataras Breathing became heavy Zuko who was still unable to sleep moved closer.
“Hey are you alright”? He shook Katara lightly but she wouldn't wake up. He shook her again and she fell from her knees to the floor. Zuko put his hand behind her head to lift her up but he noticed the back of her neck was soaked in sweat and it was warmer than it should have been. He took her head and placed it in his lap. He took a piece of his shirt and ripped a small section off and used it to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Her Head was hot he knew that she had a temperature but there's nothing he could do about it there. Zuko took care of Katara through the night. He had nothing to bandage her hands with, instead Zuko held them through the night blowing on the burns when Katara made a sound in her sleep that he believed to be because of her pain.
Katara woke when the light from the tiny window hit her face. It only took her a few seconds to realize that she was in Zukos lap. She sat up with a jolt, she felt dizzy from the sudden movement and fell back. The movement startled Zuko and woke him from his sleep. Without hesitation he put a hand on Kataras head.
“Good, your fevers gone”.
“You took care of me while I was sick”. Katara didn't know what to say.
The two sat in silence for a long time. Katara noticed multiple times that Zuko was staring at her but every time she noticed he diverted his gaze away from her. When Katara finally summed up the courage to talk to him, it was too late. She could hear footsteps walking toward the room that held the two. To kataras amazement Zuko bolted in front of her.
“What ever happens”. He said “Stay behind me”.