Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ Kidnaping ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is not an original work. All credit goes to the creators!!
Katara silently sat on Appas back as they flew over the ocean. She gazed out on the sea deep in thought. The fire nation's prince had kissed her, thoughts of him muddled up her head. She was eager to find out why he had kissed her and if it was all some scheme to get to the avatar, but a day passed and then a week, and then two but still no sign of him. Katara had a mixed feeling she felt relived that they hadn't run into him but she also felt very anxious to see him. Sokka and Aang who were oblivious to what she was feeling just assumed she was going through girl problems that they shouldn't even try to help deal with. Toph who could sense from the atmosphere around her and Katara being so quiet lately there was something wrong with her. When the gang made it over the ocean they found a small village to where they could find supplies. Katara and Toph took a separate path from Aang and Soka with the Idea that they would finish sooner. As soon as Katara and Toph were far enough from the boys she stopped in the street a little ways in front of Katara.
“I can feel movements here. Just like the ones I felt in the woods the other day when we were looking for you”.
Katara stopped walking also and just gave Toph a blank stare.
“I can feel you shaking Katara. Tell me who was in the woods the other day”.
Katara grabbed Toph by the hand and ran in the direction of the boys. They finally reached them an out of breath Katara grabbed Aang by the sleeve.
“We have to get out of this town”! Katara was out of breath.
“But we just got here and we aren't even done with our shopping yet”. Sokka had an unpleasant look on his face.
“We have to go. Prince Zuko and his uncle are here in this city we can't let you be seen”.
“You saw them? Where?”
Katara let go of Aangs sleeve.
“Who cares where she saw them there here lets go already”!! Toph seemed a little uneasy and angry. The four of them made there way back to where Aapa was resting. But when they got there what they saw Prince Zuko and Iroh waiting for them on there Mongoose dragons. All four of them took stance ready to fight there way free. Finaly Zuko made the first move and went toward the avatar first. Aang found it a bit odd. His fighting was off and it was as if he was going a little easier on him then he usually did. When Zuko had to fend off Aang and tophs Attacks he moved onto a metal loading dock where Toph could no longer feel her way through the fight and she backed off and waited for them to move back. Katara and Soka were fighting Iroh, it seemed like a meaningless chore to him. He never moved from his Mongoose Dragon and fought with one had blocking every thing they threw at him. He deflected Sokkas Axe rendering Sokka weaponless Iroh made one quick movement catching Katara off guard he grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her up and rode of into a thick wooded area that led out of the town. Soka ran after her. But it was no use there was no way he could catch up to a mongoose dragon by foot. Aang realizing what happened tried to free himself from the prince's attention. But the prince just began to fight harder. When he was sure that Iroh was far enough away Zuko jumped on his mongoose dragon and sped fast after his uncle. Sokka ran after him and Aang and Toph jumped on Appa. Sokka gave up soon after he realized that there was no way he could catch up to a mongoose Dragon. Aang was also forced to give up and landed to get Sokka.
“Did you find her. Wheres Katara Aang where's my sister”?
Aang just looked down at his hands, trying his best to control his anger.
“I wouldn't worry to much, they wont hurt her. I can promise you that when we find her she'll be perfectly safe”.
Aang and Sokka just stare at Toph. She knew something. But she would never tell.