Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ Guest ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is not an original work. All credit goes to the creators!!
Zuko and Iroh rode for what seemed like hours, Katara had already passed out from crying and trying to kick herself free. Zuko had a scowl on his face. These were not his intentions at all. After stopping to set up camp for the night in a small hidden cave, Zuko set out to find fire wood. Iroh took Katara down waking her from a rough sleep.
“I'm sorry to wake you. I meant to sit you up right when you calmed a bit but you fell asleep.” Iroh sat Katara against a wall while he built a small fire and put on some tea.
“Why did you take me? Do you expect the Avatar to co me find me? Even if he dose he won't be beaten by you. He will save me. Katara noticed her water pouch was still over hanging on the mongoose dragon. It didn't matter anyway her hands were tied behind her back. She couldn't water bend right now anyway.
“Don't get the wrong idea young lady. We simply wanted to invite you to tea. But I knew that if he just asked you, you would probably have said no.” Katara gave Iroh a blank stare.
“What do you mean”. Katara unconsciously relaxed a bit.
“I mean we will have tea talk a bit and then we will return you to your friends. I'm going to untie you now. You may leave if you wish but it would make this old man happy if you would stay for a bit.” Iroh did as he said and untied Katara. Katara stood and rubbed her wrists.
“Thank you”. She said.
Zuko returned a short time later to find Iroh and Katara talking and laughing. Zuko was infuriated at his uncle for his actions. Kidnapping and tying her up like some kind of animal.
“Uncle!” Iroh looked up from his tea to his nephew.
“Ah Zuko come have some tea. I was just telling our guest about the time I found you half asleep talking to a mirror thinking it was one of our men.”
Zukos face flushed a deep red and he moved his gaze from Katara.
“What's going on? One minuet she's a hostage now she is a guest. What are you trying to do Uncle”?
“She was never a hostage; it was simply a forceful invite”. Katara felt herself blush with out knowing the cause.
Zuko took a seat across from Katara and poured himself some tea.
“I'm sorry to be rude.” Katara began looking at Iroh. “But if you just wanted to invite me for Tea why did we travel so far and so long?” Zuko shot a glance at his uncle curious about his intentions also.
“The trees in this part of the forest are perfect for brewing tea. Other wood would not burn as well as this and the tea would be to bitter”. Iroh gave a big yawn.” Well I think I will turn in for the night.”
Wait... You're not going to take me back”. Panic flashed over Kataras face.
“We are to far from your friends right now we will leave at first light. You have my word.” With that Iroh walked over to his Dragon and began preparing for bed.
A long silence passed between Zuko and Katara. They sat and drank tea late into the night. Katara felt uncomfortable sitting across from this person. He had kissed her the last time they were alone and Katara wanted to know why. Katara felt the question rise in her throat but before she could let the question out Zuko had stood and walked over to his mongoose dragon.
“If you're not to uneasy about it I will lend you my sleeping sack for the night.”
Katara stood. ”Oh no please I can't do that to you. It would be rude of me.”
“My uncle captured you and rode you out hours away from your friends making you ride on the back of a mongoose dragon and you don't want to be rude?” Katara blushed again. She seemed to be doing that a lot this evening.
“I apologize. I will gratefully accept your offer.”
Katara lay in the warm sleeping bag Zuko had loaned her she could smell him on it and she buried her face to hide the awkward face she made she felt comforted and fell into a pleasant sleep.
She wasn't sure if it was minuets or hours later but Katara woke in the dark cold night.
She could hear a sound of uneven breathing. The fire had died and the wind was cold on her face. She crawled out of the sleeping sack and put some more wood on the fire. She poked at if for a bit until a small flame was burning again and she added a bit more wood. With a small fire lit she could make out who was making that noise. She saw Zuko leaning against the wall shivering. The inside of the cave was cool much cooler than it was outside. Katara who was fully awake (after all she did sleep a while on the dragon) made her way to where Zuko sat.
“Prince Zuko”? Katara gave him a light shake.
He did not wake. Katara gathered the sleeping sack and began placing it around his shoulders. Zuko eyes shot open and he grabbed her arms. After a moment he realized who it was, and looked into Kataras shocked face.
“Oh it's you. Thank god it's you. I thought you would leave”. After those words Zuko closed his eyes again and slumped to rest on Kataras shoulder. Katara helped his head to her lap and recovered his shoulders. After looking at his sleeping face for a while Katara gently kissed his forehead and whispered to herself.
“Why did it have to be you”.
Sorry I'm so slow guys but I have ideas now so I will be working more!!