Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ Concern ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is not an original work. All credit goes to the creators!!
Katara climbed up on Appa and nuzzled herself deep in his fur. She felt like crying. She could never explain to her friends the real reason why she had been kidnapped for the night. Katara let her tears run freely before she fell asleep on the back of Appa.
She hadn't been asleep long when she woke up to Aang, Sokka and Toph calling her name and jumping at her to hug her in relief. Katara welcomed the group hug and wished it would go on for as long as possible to delay any explanations that they would want. All too soon the hug ended and she looked down to her lap as the questions began to come at her.
“Alright every one slow down! Slow down! One question at a time, Can't you see she's tired.”
“Thank you Sokka.” Katara looked up and smiled at her brother.
Katara decided the only thing to do was to tell the truth.
“Iroh wanted to invite me for tea, He only took me forcefully because he thought I would decline from distrust.”
The group looked at Katara in disbelief.
“Good one Katara. Now why don't you tell us what really happened.” Sokkas face had a serious look to it.
“I'm telling you the truth.” Katara said with a little too much desperation in her voice.
“Why would Iroh want you for tea?” Aang had a look of concern on his face.
“Were they trying to get information on me or where we were headed?”
“No it's not like that. He talked to me about his family and tea.” Katara felt her face flush remembering the story Iroh told her about Zuko.
“Hey, why are you blushing?” Sokka got a little closer to Katara.
“It's obvious she isn't feeling well. Why don't you give a girl some room. She probably wants to go get cleaned up.” Toph stood up and grabbed Kataras wrist.
“Come on Katara. Let's go freshen up”.
Toph angled her feet into the river and lay back in the grass Katara at with her knees to her chest. Toph knew something Katara just didn't know how much she knew.
“So. You meet the prince secretly in the woods and then you get forcefully invited to tea. There's more to this story than you're letting on isn't there? Don't worry I didn't tell Aang or Sokka about that night in the woods. I just want to know what's happening here.”
Katara made water dance in front of her as she started to speak.
“Toph can we talk just girl to girl?”
Toph sat up and turned to face Katara She folded her arms across her chest.
“Well I am a girl, or at least I was the last time I checked.” Toph looked a little agitated.
“What I mean is can you keep a secret.”
“Don't worry I'm no blabber mouth anything you tell me in secrecy stays with me alone.” Toph sat waiting for Katara to speak although she already had a pretty good idea of what was going on.
“Prince Zuko kissed me. Not only that but he said there was only one reason a man kisses a woman and it has nothing to do with the Avatar.” Katara started to cry into her lap and Toph sat in deep thought. After a short while Toph spoke.
“How do you feel? Do you trust him not to hurt you or your friends? Does he expect to keep pursuing the Avatar and have you continue to forgive him? What is he going to do when we start to fight against the fire nation? Just because he's a deserter dosnt mean he has denounced his country so easily. He is the prince after all. And don't worry I wont breath a word of this to anyone. Not only for your sake but for Aangs also.” Toph walked back to where ever one was at and left Katara to her thoughts. Hen the afternoon sun was high in the sky Katara headed back to where every one was waiting for her ready to leave.
“You girls sure do take along time to get freshen up don't ya?” Aang looked back at Katara knowing that something was weighing on her mind. He decided when they got to the next port he would try to figure out why she had such a lonely expression. Aang gave Appa a YIP YIP and headed toward the sky his last thoughts before taking of were,
“If Zukko did anything to her I'll kill him”