Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ What Happened To Earth... ❯ Where are we? And who's Zuko? ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What Happened to The Earth Chapter 2
The crack in the floor gets bigger and swallows us whole. I feel a rush of air then feel the ground not hard as but like metal. I open my eyes and is face-to-face to a guy in red armor with a ponytail. I scream in fear and hide behind Mori. (Who is by the way 6 feet 2 in. and Toto is 5 feet 1 in. o.0) The guy with the ponytail tries to look around Mori to me but Mori blocks his view. “Mori, I'm scared” I whisper. Mori turns around, bends down and says, ”It's ok. I'll protect you.” I let my guard down and hugs Mori. (Like a brother and sister nothing gross) The guy stares at me. Mori stands back up and turns around. I stand in front of Mori, “Who are you?” “I'm Zuko of the Fire Nation. And you are?” Zuko says as he stares at me. “I'm Toto Inoue and this is my brother Mori Inoue. What's a fire nation?” I look around to see that we're on a ship floating in the middle of the sea. Mori puts his hand on my shoulder and I feel him shaking pretty bad. My eyes widen and say quickly, ”Get my brother inside. He hates water. Wait…I have a idea.” I rip my sleeve and cover Mori's eyes with it. I nod happily and turn back around to the Zuko dude and see red armor dudes all around us with Zuko pointing at me with a evil smirk on his face. “Oh poopy…” I get in a stance, ”bring it on!” The armor guys grab my arms and ties them around my back with rope. Zuko comes close to me and squats down to my eye level. I say, “Do you HAVE to be so close? Cause let me tell you two words BREATH MINT! Your breath smells like old fish and stale tacos!” Zuko grabs my hair and yanks me to my feet, “It's going to take more than that to hurt me!” Zuko looks at surprised, lets go, and turns to walk off, “Take them to the guest rooms they decent enough for that.” “Yes sir!” a soldier says. “Hey! Why are you being nice? Just a few minutes you were about to throw me overboard!” I yell at him as the solider picks me up by the ropes. Zuko stops walking and looks back at me, “Solider. I want Toto and Mori separated. I want the girl to have a room next to mine and the boy to have a room next to my Uncle. Is that evil enough?” he turns back around starts to walk away. `He has a nice butt. EW!! Why do I think that!' I shake the thought out, stand up, and have the soldiers pull me inside the ship. Zuko follows behind them looking at me carefully, “ So… Where are you from?” “I'm from the USA. And you?” I say calmly. Zuko raises his eyebrow, “I'm from the Fire Nation. What's a USA?” “What's a Fire Nation? Wait.. if you haven't heard of a USA and I haven't heard of a Fire Nation then that must mean that I'm in a different world… Wow this is weird and awesome at the same time!” Zuko blinks and opens the door to my room and throws me in. He walks in and sits on my bed side. I get up and put my hand on my back, “Ow.” tbc