Azumanga Daioh Fan Fiction ❯ Bye bye love ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters used. All are licensed to their respective owners. I am not making any money through authorship of this fic.
`They say that every rose has it's thorn, love is a battlefield and the courses of true love never did run smooth. I believed them. From the first moment I laid eyes on her, I believed them.'
The young girl sighed and ran a hand through her dark hair.
`There's nothing quite like sitting by yourself and looking out at something as unreachable as the person you love, who doesn't love you back. Nothing quite like knowing your unrequited love is all it is and all it ever will be. There's no fairytale beginning, no happy ending, no meaningful times in between. This is just what it is and I am just who I am.'
She stood out in the courtyard looking out at her high school. It was the last day today, most people had already left, but there she stood. Trying to release herself from the dull ache that she felt in her heart. Refusing to turn around and walk into her life until the pain was gone.
At that moment she was too true to herself to live in denial of her pain, no she had done enough of that during the course of high school.
Now she is content to be engulfed by the feeling one last time before she cast it all into the wind and prepared for a new chapter in her life.
At least that's what she told herself. She was on her knees now, shoulders hunched forward, salty drops rippling from eyes.
A teacher stood a little way from the girl, her silent looks showing her concern.
`Sometimes I wish I taught grade school kids,' Yukari thought. `Scrapes and tummy aches are a hell of a lot easier to heal than broken hearts.'
With a sigh and not a second thought, she made her way over to the girl and wrapped an arm around her.
“Kaorin…,” she began soothingly. “It's gonna be ok.”
Yukari cringed at her own choice of words as soon as they had left her mouth.
`That's the best I could come up with? It just sounded so insincere…'
“I know it is Miss Yukari. I know it, but my heart won't respond to me. I say it over and over again in my head, I know I can't force anyone to love me back but my heart won't listen. It just aches.
Yukari felt a twinge in her own chest as the girl's words touched her.
“Of course you're right Kaorin, you can't force someone to love you. All you can do is try to become the best person you can be, someone who can be loved, and the rest is up to that other person.”
“But she doesn't… am I not someone to be loved?”
“You misunderstand me Kaorin,” Yukari said while offering a small smile at the girl.
“The `other person' I meant isn't whoever you're holding in your heart right now. It's not the person who causes you pain at the thought of them. I really think that `other person' for you is someone you just haven't found yet.”
Kaorin looked at Yukari and nodded trying her hardest to offer a smile of her own.
“Just give it time ok?,” Yukari said. “You've got a lot of time left. Slow yourself down, relax, and instead of searching for another seemingly perfect love, let something truly real find you.”
“Miss Yukari?,” Kaorin asked softly.
“How did you get so wise?”
Yukari shrugged and gave the girl another quick hug before helping her up.
“I guess life taught me,” the teacher said.
Kaorin bowed to her.
“Miss Yukari, thank you for teaching me.”
The teacher smiled and walked away hoping that she had helped Kaorin let go of her hurt.
With a last look at the high school and a last goodbye to her pain, the girl walked away. Released.
AN: Thanks for reading. As you could probably tell this fic has got a very different mood to the others, I hope you enjoyed it. Please review if you can spare a minute XD