Batman Fan Fiction ❯ Arkham Escapees ❯ Harley Quinn ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: I've had this fic rattling around in my brain for awhile now, but what forced it into daylight was the release of Arkham Asylum video game and the totally sexy version of Harley Quinn in it. I hope you guys enjoy; I know I enjoyed writing it.
I'd also like the thank everyone who helped me beta the chapter when it was first posted, especially Belle, AZ, & Mobius. Your notes rocked!
Arkham Escapee
Harley Quinn
By Tobias
On a back road, a car purred along, the driver steering the vehicle deftly as dead leaves swirled in its wake. The driver, a clean cut man of 23, sighed and listened to the silence of his drive in the midnight air. It seemed the only freedom he found now a days were the late night drives he took to escape the stress of moving to Gotham from the country for his dead end job and his failed romance life. Here on the road he felt free and alive, his troubles always trailing behind him, never catching up until he slowed down to turn for home. He was enjoying the peace of the deserted road, missing the Arkham Asylum sign, and the smaller sign below it that was obscured by a pile of leaves that were swept away in the wake of his speeding vehicle.
About two miles from the missed sign, he noticed a head of blonde hair done up in pigtails in the distance. He blinked for a moment before realizing that the person said hair belonged to was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit. As he approached, the person turned, revealing that it was a woman with a white painted face and black rings around the eyes like a mask. As he got closer he saw that sticking out of the bottom of the legs of blue jumpsuit, her feet were clad in platform boots, one red, one blue. Her hands were also covered with gloves, also one red and one blue, and her lips were painted a bright red. She limped as she walked, but she stopped as he slowed down. When he pulled up next to her, he rolled down his window.
“You okay lady?” he asked. She bent over and leaned in the open window.
“I am now, that you're here sweetie.” She said, smiling. He blushed. “Can you give me a lift? I got ditched at Mr. J's party.”
He blinked at the sad tone in her voice and put it together. She must have been thrown out of a costume party, it was close to Halloween.
“I'd be happy too.” He said, unlocking the doors. She reached inside with her hand when the door locks clicked and opened the door. She quickly popped in and he rolled up the window. He turned on the heater to fight off the cold night air. She returned his friendly smile, making him swallow. He quickly put the car in gear and they began moving down the road.
“Do you have some place you want me to take you, miss?” He asked politely, forcing his eyes on the road and not the gorgeous blonde who stretched and reclined in his passenger seat.
“Miss, shmiss, I'm Harley!” she said, brightly. “As for some place, anywhere is fine with me! Don't have anywhere to go now that puddin's party got shut down!” He was about to introduce himself and suggest dropping her off at a motel when she reached up the top of her jumpsuit. She grabbed the zipper and slowly dragged it down to the bottom, nestled just above her crotch. She pushed it open and sighed, feeling the heater vents against her costume. He couldn't take his eyes off her, her chest clad in white blouse with a tight red corset. The top few buttons of her white blouse were undone, revealing the top of her ample chest. She giggled as she caught him staring and smiled before licking her lips. He whipped his head forward, blushing again. He forced his eyes on the road as he watched her strip out of her jumpsuit from the corner of his eye. Now that he could see her whole costume, he was overcome with desire. She had tight silk sleeves, each a bit torn, also in red and blue colors. She had a short white skirt clinched with a large black belt and gold belt buckle. Her incredible legs were clad in thigh high leather boots, one red and one blue, of course. Just above that he could see a pair of black fishnet stocking that were connected by garter belt straps that went up and under her skirt. She giggled and he realized he was staring at her again, mostly her legs.
“Sorry!” He said, turning back to road, once again. Harley giggled in her seat and scooted closer to him, wrapping her left arm around his right as he drove, trailing the finger tips of her right hand along his forearm.
“I don't mind you looking sweetie! You picked me up rather than letting me freeze in cold.” She giggled. “Besides I think I know where I want to go.”
“Oh?” he responded, a bit disappointed. His heart was beating fast as her right hand moved off his arm and began caressing his thigh. It moved up and down in long strokes and he forced himself to focus on the road, even as he felt himself hardening from her touch.
“I figured since you've been so nice to me, then maybe you can let me stay for the night!” she announced, and laughed as her right hand slid up his thigh to cup his cock. He shivered and she leaned closer to him, her lips brushing close to his ear.
“Looks to me like you like the idea, sweetie.” Harley whispered. He could only nod dumbly as she nuzzled the side of his neck. He quickly turned down the next road, knowing it would circle around to the road his house was on. Her left hand caressed his arm as her right moved slowly over the bulge in his jeans, cupping and feeling him.
“You know, all that walking has made me a bit parched, I think I'm going to have something to drink while we go home.” She whispered in his ear before nibbling on his ear lobe. He groaned as she slid down his side, her right hand unzipping the front of his jeans. The same hand reached in and fished his cock out of his straining boxers, freeing his eight inches into the cool air of the car.
“Oh my!” she giggled. “It's just my size too!” He groaned as Harley gently ran her silk clad hands over his throbbing cock. They caressed him before she bent her head into his lap and began to take long licks along his erection. Her tongue moved achingly slow, up and down, and swirling around it from base to tip. For what felt like tortuous hours she licked his dick. Then she paused with for a breath and took him into her sexy mouth with a wet slurp.
He gasped and jerked the wheel a bit, as she began sucking in him in hard, long, and agonizingly slow strokes. Each movement of her head up and down was accompanied by the sexy sounds of her slurping and sucking. Her left hand caressed his right thigh as her right slowly fondled his aching balls. He clutched the steering wheel tightly, trying to focus on the empty night road. Each foot closer to his house seemed to get longer and longer as the pleasure built in his penis. He gritted his teeth as Harley continued her sloppy blowjob. He tried to focus on anything else, but knew he was fighting a losing battle. He moaned in relief when he saw a small access road to some one's corn field. He quickly pulled in and drove down just far enough to be hidden from view. He switched the car off, but turned on the inside light. Harley, feeling the car stop, doubled her efforts, her head bobbing up and down faster, her sucking and slurping becoming more insistent. He rested his left hand on top of her head, between her pigtails, caressing her. His right hand slid down her back and skirt, siding under the cup her ass. He smiled feeling it bare. He let out a moan as Harley gave a particularly strong suck.
“Oh Harley, I'm gonna cum.” He moaned. Harley moaned around his dick, making him shiver. She began sucking harder and moved her head atop his erection frantically. He felt his orgasm hit him with a force of a freight train, and he came hard. His cum shot out of his cock and Harley groaned as it filled her mouth. She kept sucking on him swallowing his cum as it filled her mouth. He clutched her head and ass, his ass bucking in the seat as he came. Harley continued to slurp on his softening erection as his jets of cum tapered off. She continued to suck on him as he went limp. He smiled down at her, caressing her back with his right hand as she sucked. She didn't stop until his penis began to twitch and soon became hard again. Then she let him slide out of her mouth. She giggled at the line of cum that connected from her pouty red lips to his cock. She caught the string with her finger and stuck it in her mouth, sucking on it for a moment.
“My turn.” she said. She kneeled on her seat and lifted her skirt, revealing the thong over her garter belt. She slowly slipped it down her legs to reveal her dark haired, neatly trimmed bush. She reached down and ran finger along her soaking wet pussy lips. She raised her finger to his lips and he captured her finger, sucking it clean of her pussy juice. She smiled and moved over him in the driver seat. He reached with his left hand to side and leaned the seat back to give them room. She giggled as he went back with the seat. She reached down and grasped his cock with her right hand as she straddled him. Then she slowly guided herself down and onto his throbbing length. They both moaned as he slipped deep inside her. She slowly lowered herself down, until he bottomed out inside her. Harley giggled with a smirk on her face and bucked into him a bit, making him moan.
“A perfect fiiiiit!” she sang. His laugh turned into a moan as she began moving up and down on his dick. He grasped her hips to help her move slowly up and down. She smiled at him and slowly undid more of her top and first few ties of her corset. Her breasts slowly came into completely into view. Her breast had to be at least a C-cup and ended in perfect cherry sized areolas. He licked his lips and leaned up to capture one in his mouth. Harley moaned and clutched the back of his head as he sucked on first one nipple and then the other. He switched back and forth as Harley bucked atop of his lap, his hands moving from her hips to cup her ass. Their thrusts against each other soon began to get more frantic. He laid his head back into the seat, closing his eyes as Harley fucked herself on his dick. She began to let out small little whimpers and moans, which became higher in pitch and more frantic as they fucked. She gripped her shoulders with her gloved hands, thrusting harder and harder into his dick. Then with one final slam, she came with a shriek, her pussy walls spasming and clamping around his dick as she came. Her orgasm trigged his own and he bucked up into her filling her with his cum. They lay there on his seat, shuddering and moaning as the pleasured course threw them. Harley lay with her head on his chest as his right hand caressed her back.
“So how long until we get to your place, sweetie?”
That frantic fuck in the front of his car was not the last of the night. As soon as they walked inside his house, Harley attacked him. They had sex right there in the entrance way to his house, where any of the neighbors could have seen. Soon after that coupling he went into the kitchen to get them something to drink. When he made it to his bedroom, he found Haley nude save for her stocking and garter belt reclining on his bed, her clothes pile next to the bed. This time he ate her delicious pussy with great enthusiasm, lapping and teasing her soft folds, before fucking her again. This time so hard she left bloody scratches on his back. Then, just before sun began to rise, they had one last frantic coupling. He took her from behind as Harley buried her face into his pillows screaming in pleasure. They both fell asleep, Harley curled up in his arms with a contented smile on her face.
He awoke around eight that evening, exhausted, sore, and Harley was no where in sight. He gingerly got out of bed and hit his answering machine on reflex. He ignored the message from work asking where he was and why he had not called in. He padded naked into the dining room. He found a couple of purple pills next to a note addressed to him on his dining room table.
I gotta go, I'm so sorry but I need to move on before the nasty bat tracks me down to here. I had a great time sweetie, you were the best, even better than Mr. J! (But don't tell him that! I don't want you to wind up dead!) I promise I'll come see you again when the heat has died down a bit. You're some nice sweetie, you could make a girl go straight just to be with you! Anyways, so nothing happens to you, make sure you take these pills. That way if Mr. J ever gases the burbs I know you'll be safe!
Do me a favor and drive by the same time you picked me up about a week from now? Red should be getting out then and might need a ride home too!
Take care sweetie, and I promise we will meet again!
Harley Quinn
He sighed, and set the note down. He stared at it and the pills for awhile, before picking them up. He popped them in and dry swallowed them.
He wanted to make damn sure he was around when Harley stopped by again!