Batman Fan Fiction ❯ Zsasz at Large ❯ Escape ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are now on the LOOSE!” Jeremiah Arkham was screaming at Aaron Cash, the head of security. “We lost a guard! What the hell was he doing alone with her in the first place?!”
“He got put on night shift because he was being over-familiar with inmates,” Cash answered. “Guess it didn't teach him his lesson.”
“ALL our people need that lesson!” Arkham snarled. “If ANYONE AT ALL thinks they can get friendly with Jane Doe and not get their skin cut off, we need to correct them!”
“I know,” Cash unknowingly clutched the hook which now served as his hand. “But no matter how many times we told Doctor Harlene Quinnzel that the Joker was bad news, you remember?”
Arkham sighed. “Why, Cash? What the hell do we need to do to get it through people's heads?”
Cash didn't answer that question. “I better get back to my officers,” he said. “We don't just get one incident at a time around here. We get sympathetic disasters.”
Sixteen hours later, there had been eight inmate fights, seventeen total searches of inmate's cells, and two staff members injured. It actually hadn't been too busy, except for the murder and escape eighteen hours ago. Most all the shifts had been doubled, and many workers had been at the asylum more than twenty-four hours.
Since his arrival in the Asylum, Mertron “Monster” Aldritch had taken every opportunity to scream at Mr. Zsasz. He was jealous of the treatment Zsasz got.
No one else was. Zsasz was only ever allowed out of full restraints at night, when he went to sleep. After the last time Zsasz had killed a staff member, the asylum had hired two special guards just especially for him: Kim Nguyen and John Yarbrough. John was a former heavyweight boxer, and Kim had third-degree black belts in several martial arts, and they were the only guards who were allowed to escort Zsasz.
Monster felt like he was just as bad a killer as Zsasz was. He couldn't figure out why he didn't get the same treatment.
As Zsasz was wheeled past Monster's cell, there was always screaming.
Zsasz hardly ever responded. He just relaxed in his restraints, smiling.
Kim and John went through the seven-step process of moving Zsasz from his restraint cart to his cell. It involved unstrapping him, placing him in the cell, securing him to the wall, undoing his body restraints, leaving the cell, remote deactivation of the wall restraints, then removal of Zsasz's hand and foot restraints through special compartments in the plexiglass wall.
“Thank you,” Zsasz said as the last restraint was removed. “I hope that the two of you don't have to work overtime.”
“Thanks, Zsasz,” John replied. “Don't give us any reason to.”
“Good night, Mister Zsasz,” Kim said.
Three hours after Kim and John had gone home, Zsasz started acting up.
“Get his guards back here,” Arkam told Cash. The both of them were working beyond exhaustion, and had thought their long day was finally over when they saw Zsasz on the monitors, pulling his bolted-to-the-wall cot off the wall.
“Page Kim and John,” Cash barked into his radio, knowing that it would be at least twenty minutes before either one could be back. “And get me a five-man lockdown on Zsasz!”
The five-man team was all in riot gear, gathered outside the cell. The team leader, Officer Green, knew they couldn't wait for Zsasz's special guard to show up.
Right in front of them, Zsasz was twisting his metal cot back and forth. By the time the guards got there, Zsasz would have a dozen makeshift knives and clubs. Zsasz grinned at Green as he worked on his weapons.
“Tase him,” Green said.
Officer Barnett opened Zsasz's restraint compartment, aiming the tazer through it. As it deployed, Zsasz ducked behind his broken cot and the prongs bounced off it uselessly. Zsasz laughed.
“Smoke him,” Green growled. “Mask up.”
The team removed face shields and donned their gas masks. Barnett moved away from the opening and Ramirez stepped in, gas grenade in hand.
As tear gas filled Zsasz's cell, he started coughing and choking. He stumbled to the back wall, sweating as his eyes burned.
“Before he gets used to it,” Green said. “We're going in.”
Four officers lined up behind a riot shield, and Green threw the cell door open.
“BACK OUT!” Cash roared into his radio, but it was too late. From the monitors, he could see that Zsasz hadn't stumbled. Zsasz had a Coke bottle. A plastic one, rubbed against the floor until it had a sharp tip, and coated with God knew what.
The first cop in, the one with the riot shield, only had time enough to scream as Zsasz lept on him, shoving the shapened bottle over the shield but under the gas mask, right into the man's throat. The officers behind him tripped on him, and Zsasz tore into them with bare hands, his muscles hard as steel coils as he attacked their unarmored faces.
“ANOTHER TEAM!” Cash bellowed. “AOTHER FIVE MAN LOCKDOWN ON ZSASZ!” They wouldn't get there soon enough. Cash raced out of the monitor room, hoping he could get to Zsasz first.
Bolts which Zsasz had been sharpening for months were now deadly weapons, shredding flesh like paper. Inmates cheered.
“Oh god,” Green whispered as Zsasz emerged from his cell, covered in blood and holding a broken riot stick.
“Keys?” Zsasz grinned, holding out his hand. Inmates still in their cells roared, cheering Zsasz on.
Green swallowed hard. “Fuck you,” he snarled, drawing his own baton. He didn't get to swing it twice.
“Monster,” Zsasz grinned as he arrived at Merton Aldritch's cell, looking through Green's keyring.
Monster stood in the center of his cell, suddenly not feeling like screaming at Zsasz. Suddenly sorry he'd ever done it.
Zsasz unlocked the door and slid it open. Monster didn't move.
“Come on,” Zsasz stepped inside the cell. Monster stepped back.
“I ain't afraid of you,” Monster's voice trembled. “You ain't shit.”
Zsasz took another step in. Monster took another step back.
“ZSASZ!” Cash bellowed, racing down the hallways. The imates hooted and cheered, worked up like they hadn't been in a long time.
What remained of Monster was only recognizeable because it was still in his cell. The broken baton had been driven through his head sideways and smashed against the wall.
“All units,” Cash was breathing hard. “Zsasz is loose, he's got keys, he's armed. Deploy firearms. If you see him, kill him. We've probably got six dead already.”
In an hour, half the Gotham Police Department was outside the asylum. Any guard who had been at home was back on duty. After a long search, it could be conclusively said that Mister Zsasz was at large.
After twelve more hours, employees were finally allowed to go home.
Kim felt light-headed as she entered her apartment, sick with the knowledge that the man she'd been meant to control had escaped before she even managed to get back to the asylum. Lack of sleep over the past two days wore on her, and she was past exhausted. She didn't even know if Arkham would want her to come back, since she'd only been hired in the first place to transport Zsasz.
“Stupid, dead motherfuckers,” Kim said to herself, thinking of the officers who'd taken it on themselves to go in without her and John. Why hadn't they waited?
Kim stripped off her uniform and let it fall on the floor, then started her shower running, waiting for it to warm up. The first few seconds of cold water made goosebumps come up on her arm and made her nipples harden. Kim shivered, and walked to the kitchen to start tea boiling. Tea was calming for her.
Midway to the kitchen, Kim froze. Someone was standing next to her bed.
“Hello, Kim,” Zsasz said. He was standing in his pristine white boxers, revealing six fresh scars on his chest, framed against myriad old ones.
Kim forced herself to stay calm, take stock of where her potential weapons were. Her gun was on her uniform, next to Zsasz. Her martial arts knives were in the closet, behind Zsasz. Slowly, Kim continued moving toward the kitchen.
“Your naked body looks even more beautiful than I pictured it,” Zsasz said, not moving to stop Kim. “It's been a long time since I felt this way about a woman.”
Kim reached for her kitchen knives, only to find them gone. Cursing under her breath, she grabbed the phone, knowing even before she tried it that Zsasz would have cut the line.
Zsasz sat on the couch, hands together in front of him. “It was Harley Quinn that gave me the idea,” he said. “You know what happened, Kim?”
“No,” Kim answered. Her front door was rifled, she could see now. If she struggled to open it, Zsasz would have a few seconds to attack her unprotected back.
“I could see it from my cell,” Zsasz said. “I never knew a relationship could be that way. I always thought that love was dulling to the senses.” He cocked his head. “How do you feel about me, Kim?”
Kim locked eyes with Zsasz, now edging closer to him and toward her gunbelt on the floor. “You were usually pleasant to deal with. You didn't cause us many problems.”
“No personal feelings?” Zsasz smiled.
“You frighten me,” Kim answered.
Zsasz nodded solemnly. “I wish I didn't,” he said.
Lightning fast, Kim snatched her belt off the ground. It was too light. Kim felt like crying. How had he gotten this far?
Zsasz sighed and stood up. Kim realized that she would have to fight without weapons against an opponent who almost certainly did.
Kim's naked body rolled, generating as much power as she could into a full rolling roundhouse kick that slammed into Zsasz's rock-hard stomach and sent him to the ground. Before he could recover, Kim followed with an axe kick at Zsasz' face, only to feel strong hands catch her by the ankle and yank her down on top of her opponent.
Kim was now sitting on Zsasz's bruised stomach, legs spread. She couldn't close them; he was twisting her ankles. Zsasz looked at Kim's open legs with lust, and she could feel a bulge in his boxers pressing against her buttocks. She grabbed it hard and twisted, but Zsasz pulled her off balance by throwing her legs up past his head, sliding her little pussy lips right up on his face. Kim yelped as his tongue probed her. Strong arms held her thighs in place as Zsasz ate her snatch.
The love juices started flowing in spite of the terror Kim felt. She squeezed her legs around the rapist's head, hoping to cut off his air, then tried to strike his head in a vulnerable spot, but couldn't get one from her compromised position. Her body trembled, even as Kim tried to tell it not to.
Trying the trick which had worked before, Kim reached behind her for Zsasz's erect penis. Her awkward fumbling seemed to excite Zsasz and he licked faster, making her gasp. Kim finally got a good grip and sqeezed hard on his cock until Zsasz screamed, though whether from pain or pleasure she couldn't tell.
With almost inhuman strength, Zsasz lifted Kim's body entirely off of him and stood up. Kim hit him hard in the face, and he just grinned. Zsasz hooked his boxers with one hand and lowered Kim's trembling body onto his cock. Kim felt his dick stretching her and she moaned. As Zsasz started pumping, Kim desperately bit him on the neck, drawing blood but thwarted by the hard muscle.
Zsasz lowered Kim to the ground on all fours and handcuffed her with her own cuffs, the way Harley had been the night she'd escaped. Kim sobbed, no longer fighting as Zsasz fucked her treacherous body, her pussy sopping wet from excitement.
“I'll be good,” Kim begged. “Please, Mister Zsasz, don't kill me.”
Zsasz leaned forward and shushed her, running his hands over the front of her body, resting on her small, firm breasts. He pumped into her harder, and Kim rocked back against him, trying to stimulate him. Zsasz moaned, and Kim knew it was working.
As she pumped her ass back, Kim felt confused. Did she actually like being dominated? Her pussy was on fire, her body shaking as it came from being fucked by a serial killer. Zsasz pulled out, spurting cum onto Kim's bare ass.
He stayed behind her, breathing hard.
Kim's fear returned, having disappeared ever-so briefly.
“Are...” Kim sobbed. “Are you going to kill me?”