Beyblade Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Of Blades and Hearts ❯ Ch. 17: A Ninja's Story ( Chapter 17 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ch. 17 (A Ninja's Story)
Later on, during homeroom, Anna and Keyoko told Kai about what they did. Kai laughed and said, “I had a feeling that it was you guys. Oh well, he had it coming.”
After the bell had rung, Kai, Anna, and Keyoko headed to lunch. They got their lunches and sat down, soon followed by Tala. After a few minutes of silence, Anna broke the silence. “Hey Tala, can you guess why Tyson came back sopping wet?” She asked with a mischievous grin. Tala scratched his head and said, “Let me guess. You two snuck into the boys' bathroom and gave Tyson a swirly, right?” Keyoko and Anna smiled as they both said, “Yes. You're right. But can you guess how we snuck in?” Tala shrugged.
Anna leaned in closer to Kai and Tala and said, “We're going to let you guys in on a little secret of ours.” She pulled out a purple headband with a musical note imprinted on it. Keyoko pulled out an indigo headband with a symbol of a waterfall imprinted on it. They put on the headbands and Keyoko said to them, “We're ninjas, but don't tell anyone.” Kai looked impressed and said, “Cool. Could you guys teach us some moves sometime?” The two ninjas nodded. Tala then said, “I've researched ninjas before. I know a little bit about your kind. So, what are you guys' rankings?”
Anna and Keyoko beamed. “We're both jounin. We're from different villages, but we participated in the chunin exam together. It was hell, but somehow we survived. From the moment we met, we became friends. We saved each others butts more than once,” Anna and Keyoko told. “After we became jounin, our parents moved us out of the country so that we could be “normal” kids. Ever since then, we've been going to public schools like everyone else. But secretly, we've been training and saving up money so that we can return to our country one day.”