Beyblade Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Whats the difference between Kelli and Ashlee? ❯ Get ready for the road trip! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own a lot of things in this story…really I don't, and I'm not claiming to!
Lyson: OK, finally the second chapter is up [it took me long enough] and I'm sorry. Thanks for my one reviewer, your opinion counts.
Get Ready For the Road Trip
"Wake up Kelli!" Ashlee shouted from outside the bedroom door.
Ashlee opened her eyes and frowned, it was a miracle that even though Ashlee drank more, partied more and generally never slept, she always got up earlier.
"Yeah I'm up Ash, shut up already!" Kelli whined.
"Listen, I'm ready and I 'm waiting out by the car, we've got to go and get the food and shit for the road trip, so move your ass!" Ashlee yelled.
Kelli figured their mother wasn't there since Ashlee was using her PG13 language. Otherwise she would have never even used any.
"Yeah, 20 minutes!" she shouted to Ashlee and she rushed into her bathroom.
Kelli stepped out of the house into the blistering Los Angeles sunny day. She slipped on her Violet sunglasses that matched her black mini skirt and purple tank top, which was completed with a pair of black sandals. She looked at Ashlee who was sitting in her car with the door open and playing her rock music super loud, it was Placebo if Kelli knew well enough. She modelled down the front steps to the parked car,
"What do you think Ash?" she done a twirl.
Ashlee blinked at her then pulled her legs in the car and shut the door, the window was open,
"I think…you took way to long to put on so little clothes…" she grinned.
"Oh never mind…" Kelli sighed and walked around to the passenger side and jumped in the car. Ashlee let the convertible top down just as they pulled out of the driveway.
They were on the Highway when Ashlee looked at Kelli, who was quite irritable holding her hair as the wind blew, her sunglasses in her other hand while she squinted her eyes. Ashlee hated sunglasses so she never wore them, and she often wondered why anyone did. Kelli looked at Ashlee,
Ashlee shook her head,
"Nothing…I was just wondering how last night turned out?" Ashlee changed lanes.
Kelli smiled,
"It went great, Kai drove me home and we kis…"
"Not that Kelli, that's gross!" Ashlee shouted.
Kelli blushed,
"Oh, What did you mean?"
"I meant about telling Tala and Kai about the trip?" she turned off the highway.
"Kai said yeah…" Kelli smiled dreamily thinking about him.
Ashlee gave her a moment and when no extra response came,
Kelli didn't want to be the one to tell her about Tala the night before.
"Oh, Tala said yeah…" she said softly.
Kelli unloaded the last of the packets into the boot and she turned to look at her sister who hadn't bothered to help. Ashlee was staring into space.
"Thanks Ash, you're a big help…" she muttered.
Ashlee looked at her,
"Hey Kel, I don't want to be a bitch, but I'd really appreciate it if you took the car home…"
Kelli frowned,
"What? Why?"
Ashlee sighed,
"I know Tala's pissed at me, it's like intuition. I wanna see him, I'll take a cab."
Kelli saw that pain on Ashlee's face,
"Did something happen last night at that party thing?" Kelli was concerned.
"No…I just know that Tala knows I went, and I know he wasn't happy. Someone called him and told him and Nikki called me this morning to tell me."
"Please don't run after him Ash, just leave him, let him come to you!" Kelli pleaded.
Ashlee looked angrily at her,
"I'm taking a cab Kelli, just take the stuff home." She said softly and walked away. Kelli sighed and went to the drivers seat, the key was in the ignition.
Kelli got in and drove the car, but not home, the turn off to Kai's house was far too tempting.
Ashlee got out of the cab after paying the cabby, she looked at the massive gates that stood open. A massive 12-foot brick wall was all she saw, except for the roof of the house.
The house was intimidating, and she had butterflies, but not good ones.
She made her way up the driveway and to the front doors.
Ashlee rung the doorbell and waited, after a moment the door opened and a woman with dark hair stood in the doorway.
"Hi, can I help you?" the woman had a light but very mean voice and she looked rather distastefully at Ashlee.
"Hello, I'm looking for Tala?" this was the first time she'd ever come here, although she knew the address.
Ashlee noticed how the woman was assessing her, but Ashlee wasn't surprised. Ashlee wore full black, a black hip cut denim jeans, with a black tight T shirt. Chains and accessories all over her jeans and arms and fingers, leather bands on her wrists and the thick black around her light eyes simply came across as a teen junkie.
"Just a moment…" she said softly and walked into the front hall of the house. Ashlee saw her leaning through an arch opening and heard her talking in Russian.
In the next moment Tala came out into the front hall, the woman watching him. When Tala saw Ashlee he turned to the woman,
"I know her…its fine…you can go mother." He waited as his mother apparently, left the scene. He turned back to Ashlee,
"Come on." he said and then walked in another direction toward the set of mahogany stairs. Ashlee followed him in after closing the door. She followed him upstairs, and she figured she knew where he was taking her.
Kai answered the front door of his house and a smile spread over his face at the sight of Kelli,
"Hey baby, wow, nice surprise." He pulled her inside and kissed her, pushing the door closed.
Kelli grinned into the kiss, as Kai really and truly didn't keep his hands to himself.
"Kai…what if someone comes in…" she giggled as his hands found their way under her skirt.
He grinned at her,
"No ones here…I've been wanting to get you alone for so long…" he picked her up in a cradle position and carried her through the house. Kelli had a bit of a nervous feeling as Kai carried her to his bedroom.
They got into his room and he lay her down on the bed and crawled on top of her.
"I was so bored just when you showed up, your like a saviour." He was grinning like a kid as he started pulling off her top. She stayed quiet as he threw it onto the floor and leaned over her, kissing her flat tummy, she wore a black bra that Kai had started removing too.
"Kai, wait!" she shouted, blushing terribly.
He stopped quickly and sat up,
"What's wrong?" he frowned.
"I cant…um…I've never been naked in front of someone before…" she whispered.
Kai frowned and his eyes widened,
"Oh, oh my god, I'm so sorry babe, I didn't know that you were a virgin…" he got off her.
She pulled her face,
"What? So you thought I had had sex before? I never gave you that idea!" she sounded angry.
He shook his head,
"No, I guess its my fault, I've never had a girl friend that I couldn't sleep with before, I guess its just force of habit to assume…"
"…" She said nothing.
He smiled kindly,
"But its cool, its really nice that you are a virgin, its sexy…er!" he laughed.
Kelli looked at her feet with the matching lilac nail polish. She had her own problems, she wanted to have sex with Kai but she was scared. She looked at him in his black tank top and his plain jeans, he really was the hotness. She cocked her thin eyebrow at that perfect physic and she decided.
Ashlee sat on the bed and watched Tala close and lock his room door. His room was really cool, video games, surround sound, big screen television, double bed, computer, everything a teenage boy needed.
"Tala, I'm sorry about going to that party, I won't go again if you don't like it. I didn't want you to be upset with me…" Ashlee was watching Tala as he took his cell phone and other stuff out of his jeans pants pockets.
"You know what I did last night…" he said softly.
Ashlee became nervous, she was certain he would say he had cheated.
"I got spasmodically high on cocaine and had to be carried out and driven home." He said calmly and pulled his shirt off, his dog chains rattling as they landed on his chest.
Ashlee was upset but she just shrugged it off.
"And since your sorry, then I am sorry too." He opened his jeans as he walked toward her.
"Oh okay, so are we going to talk about the road trip?" she watched him walk to her.
Tala pulled an uninterested face as he pushed her legs open with his knees, Ashlee now straddling him and he pushed her down and started opening her jeans,
"I don't want you to talk, I want you to lay down and shut up…" he smiled.
Ashlee smiled and let Tala continue,
"I'm going to do everything to you that I wanted to last night…ten fold…" he pulled her jeans off shortly followed by her boy shorts [hot shorts]. Then her top and bra went flying, once he had her naked, he got naked and got comfortable on top of her.
"I'm tired of broom closets and back seats…I want to fuck you into this bed like you wouldn't believe…then lie next to you and hold you till you fall asleep in my arms…"
She hadn't expected that last part, and she couldn't help but smile.
"I love you…" he whispered against her neck and pressed his body against her.
Ashlee's heart skipped a beat, that might have been the happiest moment of her life,
"I love you too…"
Kelli crawled over to Kai and slipped her hands up under his tank top.
"Kai…if we do…will you be…gentle…I'm a little scared…" she whispered.
Kai turned to her and kissed her softly,
"You don't have to…its okay…"
"But I want to…" she smiled at him and he smiled back.
"…" She nodded.
"I'll be really gentle…and really specific…" he grinned laying her back down.
She giggled nervously but she knew she wanted this.
Kai undressed Kelli slowly and then undressed himself. Kelli was blushing terribly now, never having seen a boy naked before.
"Wow…it's so…big…" she giggled.
Now Kai blushed and looked down at his erection,
"Oh it just looks like that now…" he tried to be modest even though he was well endowed.
"It's still really…big…" she was a bright red.
Kai cleared his throat, also becoming extremely bright red,
"Well…moving on…" he lied down and begun his fun with fore play.
Kissing, touching, licking, sucking, tickling and rubbing…both Kai and Kelli were extremely hot by the time Kai decided to get down to it.
Ashlee held onto Tala really tight as it all came to the final. Tala had pulled the band out of her hair so it was all over the pillow and a few strands stuck to her head.
"Tala…" she breathed as she felt him breathing heavily on top of her.
He rolled off her and sat up, then he looked at her,
"I'm sorry…" he apologised.
Ashlee looked at him and pushed herself up,
"Its okay…I'll be fine…" she looked at the en-suite bathroom, then she got up and walked into the bathroom. Tala swore under his breath and followed her.
Ashlee ran the shower trying to ignore the pain between her legs. Tala had been extremely rough and it was probably because of his bad mood. But she didn't mind she loved him and that was it.
"I'm really sorry…" he walked in and kissed her, "I'll never do it again…" he whispered.
"Its okay Tala, now lets take a shower and talk about the road trip…" she grinned.
Kelli woke up a few hours later and turned over to look at Kai, he was asleep. She smiled at his sleeping and very satisfied look on his face.
It had been painful all the way, but it was worth it. She did hope it would be better the next time, and she hoped that the next time would happen on their road trip. She thought naughtily and she woke him up,
"Kai…wake up…come on!" she giggled.
Kai opened his eyes and looked at Kelli,
"Now that's a good thing to wake up to…" referring to her face as he smiled.
"Shut up…" she blushed again.
"Listen, its like 3PM and Ash is going to kill me because I was supposed to get the groceries home and start my packing…" she started moving despite the pain.
"Oh but wait babe…I have to take care of this first. The maid will flip if she sees this." He pointed at the blood on his white sheets.
Kelli covered her face and ran into the bathroom terribly embarrassed. Kai smiled knowing she would need to get used to it.
"That's the last of the stuff…now they just need to get here so that we can pack the stuff in their cars." Ashlee complained.
Kelli sat down on some of the luggage, but slowly because it was painful. She pulled her face at the slight discomfort.
She looked at Ashlee, who seemed really happy,
"Your happy, I guess things went well with Tala…" Kelli asked.
Ashlee just smiled at her and then saw Kelli shifting uncomfortably,
"Are you okay?" she turned to her sister.
Kelli pulled her face,
"I did something yesterday Ash…with Kai…" she whispered.
Ashlee looked suspicious,
"No way! You finally gave it up!" she whispered.
Kelli nodded feeling the heat in her cheeks.
"And?" Ashlee persisted.
"It was freakin' painful…and it didn't feel good at all!" she whispered loudly to Ashlee.
Ashlee laughed,
"Oh Kel…it gets so much better…" she looked naughty.
"I know you and Tala have been sleeping together for a long time…6 months…" Kelli commented.
"4 months…I didn't just give it up…" Ashlee laughed, "But I liked him enough to want it bad enough, kind of like you, what 2 months with Kai, are you copying me?" she laughed.
"No…he was just so hot in his tank shirt and…"
"I don't want to know Kelli, really, the detail of your boyfriends body…not for me!"
"Oh yeah, you like skinny ass dead looking guys!" Kelli laughed.
"You may think he's skinny, but you'll never know…" Ashlee muttered to herself, but Kelli heard her and smiled suspiciously. Although Kelli still didn't like Tala, she wondered what he was like in terms of Ashlee's interest, and she didn't realise that Ashlee was wondering what about Kai, really made her sister want him that bad.
Just then, Kai's car pulled up into the driveway, it was a Hummer, black and with stunning rims if Ashlee did say so herself, she had a thing about big cars. What got their attention was the amount of people in the car.
Kai got out followed by a group of guys, one they recognised as Joey wheeler, he was famous. Kelli recognised Duke Devlin from the party, but the rest were unfamiliar.
"So many people…we said a few friends!" Ashlee stated sounding annoyed.
Before Kelli could reprimand Kai, a BMW x5, also black pulled up behind Kai's car, an equally large group jumping out.
Ashlee's jaw dropped and Kai smiled, now feeling exonerated from the crime. But Ashlee didn't keep it quiet,
"TALA! I said a few friends as in one or two, but both of you bring a cavalry! Are you crazy?" she yelled.
Kelli looked at Tala and his friends very distastefully,
"And worse its his asshole friends…" she mumbled.
"AW Ash, c'mon, how much fun would this road trip be if we weren't here?" Bryan hugged her and Tala smiled. Enrique was standing and looking at Kai's friends with renewed interest and Johnny saw this,
"Down boy…I don't think the 'Preppy La Pew' gang swing that way…" he said softly to Enrique, who was as usual somehow drunk or high. Enrique grinned,
"There's only one to find out…and it's a long road trip…" he looked at Johnny who was shaking his head.
Ashlee calmed down when she saw Nikki's car pulling up awkwardly. She came out gaping at all of the people there,
"I don't think we'll have enough food…" she said morbidly and Kelli laughed.
"Or space…" Kelli added.
Ashlee sighed,
"Okay, first we need introductions, because there's a lot of unknowns here, then we need Nikki to take her shit out of her car because we'll be needing an extra ride. Then we pick who goes in which car and then we think about buying more food…on your credit cards!" she pointed at all of the extra boys.
They all stared and then Nikki turned to empty her car.
Kai introduced his gang starting with Joey Wheeler, FAMOUS Joey Wheeler. Everyone knew him throughout the suburbs, he was the party liaison, tall, blonde, chest nut eyes, Brooklyn accent and quite the street wise charmer. Then Duke Devlin, another rich boy heartbreaker, jet-black long hair with stunning green eyes and a bad boy attitude. Then came the asshole who didn't bother to introduce himself, although he was hot, he was a jerk. Seto Kaiba, tall, brunette with blue eyes, nothing outstanding at first glance, but looks can be deceiving. Then was Bakura, he never gave a last name.
Bakura was the one that Enrique, who was gay if you didn't catch that, was interested in. The quiet type, sweet looking, long almost silver white hair with blue eyes, and oh so polite with a slight English accent. Finally was Amelda, a tall guy with dark red hair and a tight voice. He had almost red eyes and he dressed very strange.
Kai's friends generally came across as stuck up, but then again they were prep students.
Tala's friends where basically known, there was Bryan Kuznetsov, violent and mean, but oh so loveable when he wanted to be. Johnny boy, with a last name no one could pronounce. Tough mean and very cocky, easy on the eyes though. There was Enrique, the gay guy, who was not fagadelic, but was very loveable and promised he'd never hit on his friends, who just loved the drunk junkie to bits. Marik Ishtar, was an exchange student 4 years back and decided never to leave, he was a sly kind of guy and he was very exotic looking. Finally was Varon Crawly, a real creep who was as hot as they came. An Australian accent and the most amazing smile, but he was a major jerk. Tala's friends were all generally good looking.
Then Nikki gave an uninterested introduction, Nikki Kyle, was all she said.
By then Tara Stevens and Alainhah Mannon had arrived, flushing at the sight of so many cute guys.
"OK idiots and ass's, lets get this over with!" Ashlee shouted over the mass of talking.
"Okay, in Tala's car it's Tala, myself, Bryan, Nikki and Seto." She stated and she received a very angry look from Kaiba.
"Wait, maybe you shouldn't do this!" Tala grabbed Ashlee's shoulders amused.
"Fine…" she grinned, "I'll pick someone else to do it, but its going to be mixed up!" she was grinning so hard everyone was worried.
"OK, who do you pick?" Kelli asked also worried.
Ashlee smiled sweetly,
"Enrique…" she called him with her finger.
"Oh shit…" Tala burst out laughing, "This is going to be one hell of a trip!" he and his gang all knew it and waited for Enrique.
Enrique was sharing that evil grin with Ashlee,
"Did I ever tell you that I love you Ash?" he put his arm around her.
"You don't need to babe, just make it interesting…" she winked at him and made her way into Tala's waiting arms.
"OK…let's see…" Enrique looked over the large group.
"OK, in Tala's car, naturally Tala and Ash. Then we'll have Varon, Amelda, Alainhah and the famous Joey Wheeler. We'll use up the back space for some of the luggage." He ticked off their names on the list Ashlee had made.
Joey looked at Amelda, they were the minority and they were worried.
Enrique smiled,
"Then in Kai's car, again naturally Kai and Kelli. But we'll add Kaiba, Bryan, Duke and Nikki." He smiled seeing how Bryan smiled, he wanted to get Nikki so alone she had no where to run and Enrique would have to oblige his friend. Nikki tried to protest about her car but Enrique assured her that he'd place a responsible driver. There were more groans and unhappy faces but Enrique moved on,
"Finally in Nikki's car, driving is Johnny Hot head!" the group of Johnny's friends all cheered at his usual nickname and Johnny gave Enrique the finger.
"And to finish it off, myself, Marik, Tara and…" he grinned, "Bakura…" he was looking really devious at that point and Bakura suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
Kelli stood up,
"OK, so Ash it's all sorted, can we please pack and get going! We still need to get more food!" she whined.
The group moved quickly packing up the cars and they all resumed their designated places. With some happy and some really unhappy hearts they set off.
Another hour at the supermarket on Joey Wheeler, Duke Devlin and Johnny Hothead's credit cards, they were set.
They begun their much anticipated road trip to nowhere in particular…
OKIE, hope that chapter was sufficiently long, my back hurts like hell from slouching at the PC *cries in pain*
So I hope you like it, a little lime and a lot of suggestion I know, but let me know if you want any lemons and people, let me know if you want any coupling.
Ps: For those needing more Kelli/Kai action, it's-a-coming! Patience my pretties!! *Cackles*