Beyblade Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Whats the difference between Kelli and Ashlee? ❯ The breakdown ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Beyblade or YuGiOh. And I'm broke…
Lyson- This is the third chapter, I typed them on different days, but I put em' both up on the same day, chap 2 and this is 3. Enjoy and please REVIEW!!
The Breakdown
-Kai's Car-
"Shut up, you guys are going to drive me crazy!" Kelli yelled at Nikki.
That was a big mistake,
"Did she just yell at me?" Nikki looked at Bryan.
"Did you just yell at ME?" she shouted the question at Kelli before Bryan could respond.
Kelli's eyes widened and she screamed when she saw Nikki scrambling over the seats to get to her.
Before Nikki got right to her,
"HEY! Hey hey, stop it!" Duke grabbed a hold of Nikki's waist and pulled her into his lap.
Kelli stopped screaming when she saw Nikki restrained,
"This is crazy, how can so many people who don't like each other have ended up in the same car!" she said in frustration.
"Actually, it would seem they," Kaiba gestured with mild interest to Nikki and Bryan, "Are the only people who don't like you…" he paused and smirked, "I just don't care…"
Duke grinned,
"Leave it to Kaiba to kill the mood…" he said sarcastically looking at the cute girl sitting on his lap.
"Her mouth is where her fists should be!" Nikki spat.
Nikki was a medium height and slim girl. She had a boy cut in her hair that sported light purple streaks, and she had a wide variety of neon coloured piercings as well a few tattoos.
"CHICK FIGHT! CHICK FIGHT!" Bryan started chanting and Duke joined in, Kelli looked furious.
"Kai, make em' stop!" she glared at Kaiba, who was also laughing.
"Come on you guys, don't gang up on her…" he was shaking his head.
Kaiba just turned and continued looking out of the window. Duke slipped his arms tighter around Nikki's waist,
"Hey you wanna swap places with Kaiba, sit next to me?" he whispered, but Bryan heard him, and Nikki knew Bryan heard him.
"Uh, sorry but…I don't know you…so I'm gonna pass…" she smiled awkwardly and crawled back over to Bryan.
Once Nikki was back in her seat the noise started all over again, Bryan was constantly interfering with her and she was constantly yelling at him to stop.
Duke was playing games on his cell phone and Kaiba had taken out his laptop (which he carried everywhere) and was surfing the net.
Kelli looked over at Kai who was focused on the road, it was getting dark now. They had been driving the whole morning without stopping and when she last checked her watch it was 3:30pm, the time was moving fast.
She looked at the dashboard clock and it was almost six.
"So, I should probably call my sister and asked her where's our first stop…she's got the map." She looked out the windscreen at Tala's car a few meters in front of them on the empty road.
"Nah, its not necessary, there was a sign about a mile back that said there was a motel coming up, Tala probably saw it." He commented.
"Ooh, a motel…" she smiled at him.
Kai, amazingly, started blushing,
"Don't do that to me, not while I'm driving babe, I'll lose focus…" he sat up straight.
"Sorry…" she said it but she wasn't sorry, she loved the power.
-Tala's Car-
"Oi, what's with your hairstyle, isn't that a bob cut? Don't girls usually have those?" Varon sat sideways looking at Amelda behind him.
"And what's with the clothes?" he was laughing lightly.
"Geez, lay off would ya'." Joey said irritably.
"Why, what are you going to do if I don't?" Varon taunted in his Australian accent.
Joey pulled his face and Amelda rolled his eyes,
"Well, seeing as how we're asking questions…tell me exactly why your wearing goggles? Is it some kind of fashion trend?" Amelda was seriously asking.
Tala started laughing,
"You guys are really sad, I hope you realise that some of you might have to share a room, so get your hair and your goggles in order and make nice…"
Ashlee smiled but continued reading the PS2 magazine.
Amelda made a really sour face and sunk lower into the seat. Joey looked at Varon and decided that even though he was a nice guy, he really didn't want to be nice to Varon. Joey sat back and shook his head,
"Hey Tala, where are we stopping for the night?
Tala looked in the rear view at Joey,
"There's a place coming up in a few kilometres."
"Oh thank God…" Alainhah said with dramatic effect.
Everyone looked at her, except Tala, who just frowned at the sound of her voice. They had almost forgotten she was there.
Tala looked Ashlee, who sat cross-legged in her seat.
"Are you okay?" he was talking quietly as conversation with Joey and Amelda continued and Varon's game boy could be heard.
Ashlee smiled and frowned at him,
"Yeah, why?"
"I mean, how are you feeling…like…after yesterday?" he hinted.
"Oh, that." Ashlee laughed slightly, "I'm fine…" she watched him.
Tala couldn't help but smirk.
"Why do you ask?" she wanted to hear him say it.
"Just checking if maybe I had to go to bed the normal way tonight." He almost whispered.
Ashlee wanted to ask him something else but when she heard Varon throwing comments at Amelda again, she gave it up.
-Nikki's Car-
"So, are you single?" Johnny asked Tara over his shoulder, watching the dark road.
"Maybe…" she was leaning on the back of his seat. She kind of liked Johnny Hothead. She had always seen him, but he was supposed to be a jerk like all of Tala's friends, so she stayed away, but now it felt different.
Marik rolled his eyes and looked into the rear view mirror at the dark back seat, he knew what Enrique was like when he wanted something.
Bakura was looking into Enrique's face at close range because Enrique kind of had him cornered.
"Em, I don't know how to answer that…" Bakura said softly to another one of Enrique's list of questions for the afternoon.
"Just yes or no…" Enrique urged.
Bakura looked around nervously (he really was the quiet type),
"Well, I've never really thought of guys in that way before…" he said even softer.
"But you've thought of girls?" Enrique let his hand slip onto Bakura's denim covered thigh.
Bakura tensed,
"Well no, I haven't…" he said honestly and Enrique frowned.
"What are you, hermaphroditic?" Enrique was long off his high and he was thinking straight again.
Bakura laughed and everyone turned and looked at them, Bakura covered his mouth and kept his laugh in.
Tara and Marik frowned and then turned back to what they were doing.
Bakura smiled at Enrique,
"I've been sort of isolated growing up, I never really knew much or thought about…that…with any gender…" he said really softly, the music on the car radio drowning him out.
Enrique nearly laughed at the word gender,
"So your…a never been kissed, never been sucked, never been f…"
"Yes…" Bakura covered his hand over Enrique's mouth smiling and blushing.
Enrique grinned because this was his lucky break.
All calm was broken at the sound of a blow out, from behind Tala's car and Johnny saw Kai's car swerve violently out of control in front of them.
"Shit!" Johnny shouted and stopped in a halt, the dust and smoke riding up in front of the car.
Tala heard the car screech after the blow out. He pulled up and they all got out of the car. It was freezing outside and they all noticed this as they scrambled back for jackets.
Kaiba already wore his usual long coat and he walked over to the car first. Kai opened the door just as Kaiba did the same,
"Are you okay?" he said in his calm voice.
"Uh…yeah, the tyre just blew." Kai looked at Kelli,
"Are you okay Kelli?"
Kelli looked at him,
"Yeah…just a little shaken."
Ten minutes later just about everyone was standing in the road, the three cars all pulled up along the side of the road.
"Oh shit, how can you not have a spare?" Tala said to Kai.
Kai looked at him,
"What's it to you anyway?" Kai didn't like Tala's tone.
"Because, I would like to just drive off with my friends and my girlfriend, but my girlfriends sister is your girlfriend," Tala had pointed at Kelli when he said 'my girlfriend' and she and Ashlee frowned.
The two sisters looked at each other, because they had both thrown on their hooded jackets when they got out of the car, there was no real way to tell them apart, their hair had both been open, and they were both wearing similar jeans and sneakers. They both cocked their eyebrows at each other.
"So fuck off man, I'm not asking you to stay out here, take your friends and get lost. I can take care of my girlfriend." Kai said in an equally nasty tone.
"No shit, that's excellent, lets go guys." Tala said simply and grabbed his girlfriend's arm quite hurriedly. All of Tala's friends including Nikki made way for Tala's car and they all filed in a big rush.
"We'll be at the night stop…" Tala still shouted to let them know.
The car pulled away leaving some dust and Kai sighed and looked at…Ashlee, although he didn't know it was her, nobody did, it was all such a rush.
Ashlee stood staring blankly at the car in the distance, they had truly not realised.
Kai looked at his friends,
"Sorry, I fucked up…"
"No, those guys are assholes Kai, we should be lucky that they're gone without us." Amelda commented.
"Yeah, I don't even like most of em'." Joey added.
Alainhah and Tara came to stand on either side of Ashlee,
"So what do we do know Kelli?" Tara linked arms.
Ashlee was stunned and she finally noticed her surroundings. She looked into the nearest car mirror and saw she had no black around her eyes; travel comfort had officially got them mixed up.
"That Tala guy needs to pull himself towards himself, before I lose my temper…" Kai commented and Ashlee looked at him with an angry frown.
Ashlee didn't want to say it was her, these people were the enemy. Kai came over and took her hand,
"We'll take a walk to the petrol station we passed a few kilometres back, get a tyre."
"Why don't you just call someone?" Kaiba held out his cell, he never left that either.
"Yeah we'd love a helicopter." Duke smiled knowing Kaiba could arrange it.
Kai laughed still walking away with Ashlee in hand,
"No, that'll take at least a half an hour longer than it'll take us to walk."
Duke sighed,
"Man, no helicopter…"
Kaiba grinned,
"Maybe we'll just take one back after this shitty trip…"
"Yeah…" Duke was smiling again.
Just then Enrique stepped out of the back of Nikki's car and looked around, a small smile on his cute face. Everyone looked at him,
"Where's Tala and the guys?" he asked.
"They left you, we split back into our friend groups." Amelda informed.
Enrique smiled,
"Well, Ill take Nikki's car and go on, you guys can catch up…" he slipped into the driver's side, the car started and he pulled away.
Kaiba frowned,
"Do realise that that car was a quicker way to the station…" he said softly.
There was silence then a few whistles and sighs.
Joey frowned,
"Where's Bakura?" he looked around.
There was another short silence then,
"He was in the car with us, he was in that car…with Enrique…" Tara informed, remembering now that Enrique was gay.
Everyone thought about this for a moment, some frowning in confusion, others some how realising Bakura's predicament.
"This is going to be a long night…" Amelda said finally and went to sit in the car.
Kelli sat quietly in the front seat next to Tala, she knew better that to give herself away. Not only did Tala not like her, Nikki was after her blood, and there was no one here that would stop her this time.
There was a lot of mixed talking and she heard numerous comments about Kai, mostly bad and about his friends. Kelli just pulled her face and sat quietly.
A little ways along the road they saw the motel, Tala sped up,
"I'm tired…" he said but grinned at Kelli who's eyes turned into balls.
She knew Tala was a very horny guy, and she was a little nervous, she decided once she was on safe ground where she couldn't be thrown out of the car, she would tell them it was her, and save herself from Tala and his disgusting friends.
She smiled to herself as they turned into the motel.
Short I know it is…………I'm sorry, I'm really sick and I needed to catch some z's. +_+