Beyblade Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of a Blader (how original!) ❯ Chapter 2
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2
“What?! You mean this is him?” asked Nicole.
Yes. Kai Hiwatari. Met him in Russia but he left and I haven't seen him for a few year,” answered Serena.
“You lucky thing,” said Yvette.
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“Hey look at this. This pretty thing came all the way from Russia,” said Wyatt.
“She's no pretty thing, she's one hot mama!” said Daniel.
“Well duh! She's on the cross country and volleyball team,” said another boy.
Kai Hiwatari sat in a corner of the classroom. He normally didn't pay attention to his classmates; but he did now, discreetly. He turned the page of his newspaper, and staring right at him, was Serena Smith.
I've finally found my girlfriend again.
Wyatt came up behind him. “Do you know her Kai?”
“If so, kin ya hook me up wid `er?” asked Daniel.
Kai ignored them as usual. Just before his classmates could pester him with more questions, the teacher walked in.