Beyblade Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Halloween Touranment ❯ Introducing Characters ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What happens after at least 3 years when everyone cashes up again…. They split back up for even more problems on a Halloween night


Channel is a little girl who was once very important to Kai but uh things change, friends change, and people change right? Right anyways She has a older twin by the name of Chaney. She's by her self now after a huge accident happened


Brittany is one of Channel's worst enemies. At first Brittany seems to have problems with Channel but after meeting her younger sister Clover every thing changes I MEAN everything changes


Dillon has a ton of problems with Chaney no matter what there always together but they fight a lot but who says just because you fight doesn't you really hate? Now wandering why would I say that?


Nikieta s a little kid who seems quiet all the time he doesn't talk much because he's afraid of saying the wrong thing in front of girls that only a guy can understand that has only happened once so since then he keeps his mouth shut unless it's him a few guys and Channel then he'll let it go he'll tell them what's up with no problem at all


Jasmine is uh Channel's new friend or what ever Jasmine knows everything about Kai because she met him first so now there are problems with her and Kai and everyone else for going after Kai who could blame her I would too Kai's hot


Remember PLEASE REVIEW OK thanks ^_^




Tonight is the night
When dead leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky.
When elf and sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen.

Tonight is the night
When leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground,
When spooks and trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy and green.

Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through sheaves and leaves
When gouls and ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their queen
It's Halloween!