Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ A Careless Whisper ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: is still be douchey. Dx damn site. But you guys are awesome for stalking this story xD it just made my day. Awed-Reader, you always make me feel like I've just written a best selling novel or something n////n thank you very much, as always.
Annoying talking animal:: you know…it took me three times at reading your review for me to actually understand the whole fictional baseball bat thing Dx YUSSS we are all mad at Tyson. And it only gets better (or worse) so prepare your fictional baseball bats and let the story begin!
Warnings: Shounen-Ai.Yaoi.Sex..kind of.Abuse.Self-Mutilation.Russians.Asian boys.Boxer-briefs.62.43.69!
Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade or any of it's sexy sexy characters NOR do I own the fictional baseball bat.
A Careless Whisper - Chapter 17
I should say something.
I know I should.
This isn't right.
You don't hit the people you love.
At least…most people don't hit the ones they love. But I guess Tyson never learned that rule. I wish I knew why it started because then maybe I could find a way to stop it. Just saying “stop” doesn't do anything. He just hits harder. Never my face though. I don't think he wants anyone to know. No. I know he doesn't want anyone to know. And neither do I. I don't want anyone hating Tyson for what he's done. I mean…if Kai or Ray ever found out…they'd probably try to murder him. But I don't want that. No. I mean sure things have mostly been bad instead of good but..I really love him and im not letting him go. He can hit me, punch me, throw me around as much as he likes.
As long as he stays with me.
That's all I ask for.
So please, God. Let no one know.
Let no one find out.
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Ray Kon's POV
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My reasons have changed. My ideas have changed. I can be happy. It is allowed. So being happy will never again be my reason for cutting. But don't think I've given it up. Like I said, my reasons have changed. They're…selfless now. When I cut, I cut for Max. Because there's nothing else I can do. Kai wanted to confront Max last night about it a few hours after he had discovered the dirty little secret. But I managed to convince him it was too soon. So instead I fed my sweetheart freshly baked cookies and massaged his shoulders for him. It was a dual threat. He calmed immediately and just about fell asleep on the couch. I moved him upstairs to our room and tucked him in before retreating to my own safe haven; the bathroom.
Weapon of choice?

One stolen razor blade.
Previous owner? Max Tate.
I don't think he needs it anymore.
And we don't need him having it in his possession.

Especially now that he has reason enough to try to commit suicide again. So, making sure the door was locked this time, I slipped off my arm bands and started away, with every cut I wished for a miracle.
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Tyson Granger's POV
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Please, God. Help me.
Someone. Save me.
Please, Maxie.
I don't know what to do.
Let me in.
The first time was an accident. We were arguing. I didn't mean to hurt him.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
But then…I just couldn't stop.
I never meant to hurt you.
I can't.
It was never my intention.
Hitting im. Knowing that im hurting him.
I screwed up.
It's so wrong.
I love you Max.
But I could just smile when I do it.
But it's wrong.
I need to fix this.
So. Very. Wrong.
But I can't do it on my own.
A/N: a shorter chapter, yes. But I really liked the way it was going so that seemed like a good enough place to stop. Please read and review.