Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ 03 ( Chapter 3 )
Same as before - all disclaimers in the first chapter and such.
Hope you enjoy my little story and review - if you want to see something in this story just put it in your review and hopefully I'll try and put it in - I'm not promising, but if I think that it will fit with the story then I'll most likely put it in.
Yuriko: You're putting off doing your stories again aren't you. ¬.¬
Georgia: <<;; Erm, no.
Taka: Sure you are, just like you do with your homework.
Georgia: Now that's just not fair, I've done it all already!
Taka: Sure ya have, keep saying that to yourself and one day you'll believe it.
Georgia: ::mutters:: Damn Takayuki, becoming just as sarcastic as me.
Yuriko: That's your fault, now story!
Georgia: Yeah, yeah, story time.
Georgia Hiwatari x
Part 3
Tala took a glance out of the window besides him, he had just been woken up by one of the stewardesses aboard the plane telling him that it was time to fasten his safety belt for landing. It was still unbelievable to him, here he was touching down in Japan, the last step to his liberation of the place he grew up in, his nightmare finally ending.
The red head took in a heavy sigh, this was a new beginning for him, he could do anything he desired now, without Boris breathing down his neck, getting at him for slacking off when he was meant to be training. Realisation was finally setting in as the 'fasten seat-belt' sign turned off. Collecting his backpack from the overhead compartment, though, there wasn't really much in it, there was nothing he wanted or needed to bring with him, just his clothes and blade and a few miscellaneous items which held some meaning to him, of his team, his friends, they were all in his dufflebag which he would need to collect at the departure area.
Like a sheep he followed everyone else from the plane, what with him not really knowing where to go, it seemed like a logical thing to do really, till he came to the luggage pick up. After being pushed about by everyone all trying to get to their bags at he same time he gave up, waiting till there was actually space to get in easily and not get pushed over. Finally Tala received his dufflebag, subsequent to a few choice words towards a brunette woman pushing her way though the crowd, and he was on his way again. Minuets of wandering down various hallways he came eventually to the departure lounge. Glancing around he looked for any sign of Kai.
"Where is he?" he muttered to himself, "He said that he'd be around here somewhere, but I can't see him anywhere."
Adjusting his backpack and weaving though the crowds of people, he came to a stop near some shrubbery in the centre, "Now, if I were Kai, where would I be?"
"Kai, why are we standing here?! Why aren't we looking for Tala? Isn't he out yet, everyone else is. How long does it take to get off a plane and get your bag? Kai, are you listening to me?!" yelled Tyson right in front if the crimson eyed captain.
"Will you please shut up and stop asking questions already Tyson, it's irritating." Kai replied with his eyes closed, leaning against the wall.
"But how are we going to find him just standing here?!" Tyson insisted, jumping frantically before Kai, trying to get his attention, yet failing.
"Ty, calm down, Kai knows what he's doing." smiled Max, placing a hand onto the navy haired teen to stop him from bouncing.
Rei stood next to Kai, "So, what's going to happen when we get Tala home, is Mr. Dickinson going to adopt him like you till he's 18 or what?"
"It seems that way, he hasn't got long till he's 18 anyway, he is older than me and I've got less than 2 years left." answered Kai turning to face the neko jin member of the team.
"See, see how you answer his question!" wailed Tyson, Max and Kenny sighed, hanging their heads in defeat while Rei smirked slightly, it was true, Kai always answered him.
Kai rolled his eyes, "Tala will find us so will you please just shut up already!"
Tala stood and though for a few seconds, "I should know this, I mean, I've lived with the guy for years, this shouldn't be so difficult to figure out. Hum...... Kai equals .....erm, what? Oh! I know, Kai equals likes to stand against walls, okay, that's a weird thing to equal to, but never mind."
With that done Tala made his way though the sea of people towards the far wall near the exit, "Exit, why didn't I think of that to begin with, Tala you idiot." Shaking his head to himself he continued walking towards the large green sign.
"Is that him?" asked Tyson jumping onto Max's shoulders.
"No Tyson, that person have blonde hair, plus it's a middle-aged woman." the teen answered.
"How about him?"
"Tyson, will you just stop now, Kai's twitching again." Rei interrupted before the hyper blader could continue ant further.
Kenny looked up, "How about there." pointing towards a red head walking towards them.
"That's him." answered Kai moving off from the wall as Tala approached.
End part 3
So that's all you're getting for now - yeah I know it's not that long, especially for me who usually goes on and on, but I thought that I'd leave it there for now.
Sorry that it's been ages since I last wrote ANYTHING, but I've not been able to think of anything to put and I've had exams and all that stuff that comes with 6th form. So sorry!
Georgia Hiwatari x