Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of a Fly ❯ A Fly ( Chapter 1 )
You spent the day in your room. Actually, it was yours and Kai's room. You was just glad that Kai didn't spend as much time in here as you do. As you were working, you got an email. Of course, you read it:
Dear Kenny,
We need you to come down south for a couple weeks. I know you don't know why, but I will tell you when you get there.
Hope you can come!
Some Guy
P.S- If you answer me back within five minutes, you could get a wish.
You wondered why you had to go down south, but you decide to go. You write back an email saying you would be there, and you would leave tonight.
Then, you decided to do the wish thing. You think hard. You knew exactly what you was going to wish for.
"I wish I was a...a..." you were trying to say it, but a fly was buzzing around, "stupid fly!"
You then started to feel strange. You looked around, and froze. Everything was getting bigger.
"What's happening!?" You asked frantically.
After a while, everything stopped. You looked around. You were so small. You looked behind you, and saw you had...wings?
"Why do I have these on?" you asked, but stopped wondering when the ground started to tremble. "What's going on?"
The trembling got harder. You fall to the ground. Then, you heard your door open.
"Hello?" Rei asked, "Someone here?."
You plugged your ears. He was so loud!
"Guess not. Hmm…" Rei asked, and went to the computer, and almost stepped on you.
"Rei!" You yell, "down here!" You knew who he was.
Rei read the email on the computer.
"Why didn't he tell us before leaving?" Rei asked himself.
You was fed up, you ran to Rei's left shoe, and climbed onto it. After that, Rei left the room, with poor you hanging on for dear life.
Rei entered the living, but left afterwards. He entered the kitchen.
"Hey, was someone there?" Tyson asked. You plug your ears again.
"I couldn't find anyone," Rei said, "Kenny's computer had an email that said he had to go south for two weeks, he must've already left."
"Without telling us?" Max asked.
"I guess," Rei said.
You stand up, and started to jump up and down, but Rei started to walk again, and you fell off.
"Rei! Tyson! Max! ...Kai!" you yell, but no one heard you. You sit on the floor. What happened? You ask in your mind. As he thought, he heard Kai say he was going to his room. The ground started to shake again.
"Oh no," You said, then started to run. But, Kai was getting closer. You were running so hard, his wings started to flap. "What?"
You were in the air. "I can fly?" you asked yourself. He flew away before Kai got to him. "Wow, that was close," you said, and flew up the stairs into Kenny's and Kai's room, before Kai got there.