Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Always For Eternity ❯ The First Night ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Beyblade characters. Acirimik Kivanov is my own character, as well as the Static Shocz. Xantcha belongs to my friend.
Always For Eternity
Chapter Seven: The First Night
Acirimik walked casually over to the mini fridge in the hotel room, and grabbed two colas. Tossing one to the silver haired blader she walked over to her laptop and sat down without a word, immediately typing away. Pausing momentarily she grinned and looked up to see Xantcha looking at her in question. “Would it be wise to hack into the BBA's main computer and borrow their beyblader stats?” Xantcha raised an eyebrow. “You've got issues Acirimik, and they need to be sorted. Soon before they get you in trouble.” Acirimik turned her focus back to her computer screen in silence. “You shouldn't be talking Xantcha. You have more mental issues than me. Issues that have already posed as a problem.” Xantcha stopped her typing momentarily to glance at the teen in front of her. Acirimik looked around the dimly lit room in silence, pretending not to see the glare she was receiving from the Egyptian teenager. “Triashie. Take form.” Acirimik ordered as she took her blade out of her pocket allowing the bit-chip to be seen. The blue bitchip in the centre glowed a dark blue before a flash of light flew from the blade and accumulated on the floor in front of her. A miniature dark blue dragon appeared in front of her as a translucent figure before becoming a solid image. Acirimik turned to face Xantcha when a flash of white light caught her eye. Tiamut sat down at Xantcha's feet lazily looking up at Acirimik. “You won't be physical form for long Tiamut. Go see Triashie while you can.” The golden-eyed dragon immediately got to its feet and walked over to the other dragon upon Xantcha's order. “Do you think the others have realized, or will realize that you and me have known each other before our match?” The red-eyed girl glanced at Acirimik momentarily before she put her blade aside and grabbed her cola. “Ray and Kai might notice. Bryan and Tala will definitely notice we get along extremely well, considering we “just” met.” Acirimik sat down again and stared at her computer screen in silence, as Xantcha watched the two dragon's wrestle on the hotel room floor.
Knock knock. Acirimik and Xantcha looked at each other in confusion before grabbing their blades and waiting for their sacred spirits to re-enter their bit chips. “It's your team captains. Open the blasted door Acirimik, before I put a hole in it and open it myself.” Tala's irritated voice came through the door, followed by another vicious knock. Xantcha put her blade down on the table and walked smugly to the door and opened it for the teens. The boys entered the room seconds later with Xantcha following closely behind. The Russians sat down around the table with a sigh. “What's wrong with you carrot top?” Tala's eyes focused on the girl in front of him and narrowed dangerously. “Spencer and Max won't quit arguing over who gets what room, and other meaningless things. Ian and Tyson are swearing up a storm, and are costing Mr. Dickenson a boatload of money with room service. Finally, all you can hear from Ray and Bryan are doors slamming, and screaming, hollering, cursing… You two are the only ones who are quiet and aren't arguing. And I now know why.” Kai put his head in his hands and let out a short sob.
“Bryan you are such a jerk! Leave me alone, and stay away from me.”
“What do you want me to do jump out the bloody window? I'm already on the opposite side of the room.”
“That would be a dream come true.”
Acirimik waited in anticipation, expecting another outburst from the Russian and the Asian boy. Kai motioned at the door and the teens exited the room in silence heading for the elevator.
“Um… Kai would you mind if I went off alone with Acirimik for a little while? I need to talk to her.” The quiet teen said nothing, waiting for a response from his teammate. The silver haired teen turned and walked down the busy street with Kai closely on her heels. Acirimik watched the two teens take a left at the end of the block before turning to Tala and giving him a questioning look. “I wanted to make sure you feel like you belong.” Acirimik watched in amusement at the concerned look on her team captains face. “Promise me one thing and I will.” Tala hesitated for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. “Don't go easy on me because I'm a girl.” Tala let his wall drop and let out a chuckle as he offered her his hand. Acirimik accepted the offered hand and shook it happily. “What do you want to do?” The purple haired teen grinned evilly before taking off down the street still holding onto Tala's arm.
Tala stood silently in front of the hotel room door with Acirimik standing behind him, urging him to open it. Tala's hand reached out unsteadily and turned the silver handle cautiously. The purple haired girl stood back and watched as the Tala surveyed the room in front of him carefully. Tala opened the door the whole way and allowed Acirimik to peer inside. Looking over Tala's shoulder, Acirimik's blue eyes noticed a slate haired Russian sleeping half on and half off the couch. Xantcha was asleep on a chair next to the open balcony door, with her laptop still on her lap. Acirimik willed herself not to laugh as she walked past Kai, and picked up the Egyptians laptop and put on the table beside her. “Should we wake them up?” Tala asked uncertainly. Acirimik looked around the room uncertainly before her eyes focused on Tala and gave a silent answer. “You can stay in my room for the night. I'll be up for most of it anyways doing research.” Tala's eyes glanced at the sleeping Russian and came back to look at Acirimik uncertainly. Tala nodded his head and disappeared into the room behind him, hoping that it was Acirimik's. When Acirimik said nothing he closed the door silently, silently thanking Acirimik. Acirimik smiled to herself as she sat down in a chair adjacent to Xantcha's. “Nice hair. How did you convince Tala to die his as well?” Acirimik acknowledged the half awake teen beside her with a smirk. “He didn't like being called carrot top, so he got yellow and orange highlights.” Acirimik stood and walked over to the open balcony door and closed it. Noticing her reflection in the glass, she paused and looked at her icy blue bangs. “Your bangs and eyes match perfectly. It looks good.” Acirimik immediately turned around and looked at Kai. Xantcha stood and looked at Kai in shock. The slate haired Russian raised an eyebrow at Xantcha's strange look. The silver haired girl shook her head and walked into her room and closed the door. “I'm going to my own room now. Oh… and feel free to kick Tala's but out of bed when you want to go to sleep. Tell him it's my way of paying him back for dragging me out of bed at four in the morning when we were at the abbey.” Acirimik smirked and nodded. Taking Kai's words into consideration she watched the door close behind Kai, and turned on her laptop. `Time to find out what were doing tomorrow.' She thought to herself as she opened up an email and read it silently.