Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Amber Eyes ❯ fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


And btw, I DO NOT own beyblade or the characters used in this story.....why do I have to be reminded of that?-sigh-

-Chapter fourteen-

« Rei...I found you! What have you been doing here? Has he hurt you in any way...? Please tell» Tala begged quietly, a soft look upon his face. Rei couldn`t reply, his mouth and throat were too dry for him to speak. He could only stare in disbelief at the redhead, who now looked even more worried. Tala approached to him slowly.

« Rei? Why do you look so scared...I broke in through the window in the living room..the doors were all locked»

« W-why are you here,Tala?»

A look of confusion came to the beloved face. »What do you mean..? I want you back»

« I-I don`t think I want to come back, Tala...It`s over between us»

This time it was Tala`s turn to look jawdropped. Rei watched in horror as Tala`s face became grim with pain, jealousy and hurt. He stepped forward again, his hands shaking by his sides.

« Are you really leaving me, Rei? I knew it...I knew you would leave me for him...» he hissed darkly. In a few seconds Tala had grabbed a knife from the kitchen desk and thrown Rei into the wall, pinning him stuck there.

« Where is he? I`m gonna fucking kill him...WHERE IS HE?!?» shouted Tala straight to his face. Rei whimpered, refusing to tell. He had to warn Kai...had to get away before someone got hurt by the insane redhead.

Tala grabbed his by the arm and forced him along out of the kitchen, his fingers digging violently into his skin. He hit Tala as hard as he could, but the older didn`t even seem to notice it as he dragged Rei along up the stairs to the second floor. Rei said nothing of the location of Kai`s room...but as they neared he started panicking and fighting back real hard.

« So...we`re close, are we not? Good....He will die..before your eyes, trust me» Tala snarled.

« KAI!» Rei shouted out, trying to wake up the Russian. Tala hissed and flung him into the wall again, the sickening sound of a crack could be heard as a rib broke by the impact. Tala jerked up back up to his feet and pressed him into the wall again. Rei could barely fight back as his hands were wrapped up with a thin, but yet strong rope behind his back. Tala pushed him in front as he opened every door they passed. Rei wanted to cry as they burst into Kai`s room. He fell to his knees after being pushed.

« Rei?..Tala!» Kai blurted out, shocked at the sight that met him. He was only dressed in his pyjama pants and a tank top, feet and arms bare.Tala flashed the most insane smirk ever seen and laughed a little. »I found you....Say your prayers, cause I`ll kill you for sure!» he stated, holding the knife in front of him.

Rei shook his head frantically, shouting at the redhead to stop this madness. Tala answered by directing a kick towards his already damaged ribs, making him cry out in pain and gasp for air.

Kai stepped back...trying to find something to defend himself. If only he could get the knife away from Tala....he thought desperately, picking up the first thing he found...a book.

« You took my Rei away from brainwashed him, and now..look at him! You bastard....REI IS MINE!» Tala shouted. Kai was unprepared by the incredible speed, and suddenly he found himself lying on the floor on his back. Kai barely managed to roll away before Tala drove the knife into the floor, intending to slash Kai`s shoulder.

Rei watched the intense and dangerous battle with eyes wide from fear, shouting and yelling at them to stop. If either of them died...he wouldn`t be able to live on. His best friend and his lover...Everything went so fast, at one moment the young men fighting were on his right side, in the next on his left. He gasped as there was a splatter of blood staining the wall. Who had been hurt? he thought panicked, crying out as Kai dropped to his knees, a huge wound in his side, the blood pouring through his fingers as he clutched it. Tala laughed insanely and went for him again...but missed it this time and winded up flying into the air, hitting the wall hard. Kai picked up the knife for self defence, feeling his strenght dripping away with every droop of blood, his vision becoming blurry. He would have to make it, he thought, for Rei`s sake. Tala stood up again, throwing hisemlf at Kai with a fierce cry.

Rei was speachless as Tala`s expression changed drastically, a stunned look coming to his handsome face. Rei realised seconds after that Kai had driven the knife deep into the redhead`s stomach...the edge of the sharp metal buried deep within his lean and tall body. Blood poured from his mouth as he became limp and fell to the floor.

«» whispered Tala before shutting his eyes. Rei sat petrified for a little while, almost catatonic as Kai dropped to his knees and sat panting hard, the blood running down his side, soaking his pyjama pants and tank top. When it finally dawned on Rei what had happened he howled with sorrow, crawling over to his fallen lover to wrap his arms around him. Kai smiled slightly before falling unconscious to the ground, eyes closed.


I know, I know!!! I am such a meanie!!! Sowwyyyyyyyyy everyone!!!!

Nicholas: Dun worry Kani..They understand...-looks at angry readers- I...think....


Sowwy for making both Tala and Kai and Rei...and everyone get hurt!!!