Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Blueeyed Lover ❯ three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks a bunch to everyone that read this story!!!-hugs you all-

Special thanks to:

Kimik0123:I am so honoured that yuo think so highly of me...I am nothing but a humble writer that serves the noble art of I not?

To Linkin Fantasy:-takes a bow-Arigatou my dear!This is actually the first time I write a story entirly from the I-POV...-lol-

Disclaimer:dont own beyblade or the suing me,ne ne?

When I wake up in the morning you are gone off somewhere else,and I cant help but frown at this.
Why didn`t you wake me up?Were you really that afraid to face me again..just because I saw you crying?
I know that they taught you to be strong back at the Abbey,I know they put you through endless torture
back then to make you the best.And I pity you for that.

It is so strange how you are able to keep this masquerade up still,how you can act so cold around others.
Sometimes I wonder if they are just retarded for not seeing the real you..or if you are too good an actor for
them to realise.I dont know which one it is.

I get out of bed,making my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up.My hair is all tangled from sleeping with it
loose during the night,and I need to brush it.The little bathroom in your apartment seems so..empty,like no
one lives in this place,no sign of anyone using it.I look around,open the drawers and lockers,on the lookout
for a hairbrush.Dont you brush your hair Tala?I wonder.

The day passes by in loneliness.I dont feel soothed by the company of my friends anymore,they dont understand
how I feel.It is hard to be in love,I know this all too well.I hate to see the way Mariah and Lee curiously watch
me from the corner of their eyes,not quite daring to ask if I am alright.That`s ok,I dont want them to dig into
my business.It is better if they stay out of my troubles...

I sit by myself in the hall,everyone has gone to bed by now.I wonder where you have gone Tala...
I haven`t seen you all day.

I notice the prescence of someone else as they step into the room,my senses as a neko jin making me more
alert than normal human beings.When I raise my head to see who it is,I see you Kai.Why are you here?
There is something strange about you tonight.

Your usually cold eyes hold something I have never seen before,a hint of emotion hidden in the deep purple.
You carelessly walk over to me,and I never once take my eyes off you,warily watching you.

"Hi Rei"

"Hi",I reply.

"May I take a seat?"

I nod and motion for you to sit down,and so you take the seat opposite of mine.What is it that you want?
"You dont happen to have seen Tala?"I ask to break the silence between us.Shaking your head you lean
forward,bringing our faces closer together.Why are you doing this?I feel uneasy at having you this close....
You were the one to break my lover`s heart in pieces by rejecting him.Mostly I want to slap you and tell you
how badly my love is hurting because of you.But I keep quiet.

"What is on your mind,Kai?Is there something you want to say?"

You shake your head again.

"No...I dont want to say anything..just to do this"

Suddenly there are lips on my own,a mouth pressed against mine roughly.I whimper in surprise and start struggling,fighting to get free.
But you refuse to let go,wrapping your arms around me to pull me close while you push your tongue past my teeth.A single thought is
going trough my mind at the moment:Why?

When I finally manage to push you away we are both panting,both wide-eyed staring at each other.

"What was that for?"I ask dumbfounded.

There is a flash of disappointment in your purple eyes,mixed with annoyance.

"I love you Rei..I thought you would understand that",is the simple reply.

I am shocked,to say the least.Why would you love me..?I dont know.

I catch a glimpse of red hair from the corner of my eyes,and I horrified find that Tala is watching me...his face heartbroken.Oh no...what
will he think of me now?I am the only comfort he has,the only one that will keep him warm through the night.And to see me get kissed by the
man that broke his heart..I cant even imagine how it must feel like.And it is when tears falls from your eyes and you turn on your heels to run that I finally react and call your name.

"TALA!"I shout,being back at my feet in a a second to follow you.I leave Kai puzzled behind to watch me disappear around the corner while
shouting for Tala to stop.

"Tala...wait,listen to me!!I didn`t do it,HE kissed me!!"I scream in panick.

I know you have fled to your room,that is your sanctuary and hide out whenever you get upset.

Oh..what have I done?I think as I run,a lump forming in my throat.
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