Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Can anyone of you pinch me please! ❯ down came the rain and washed the spider out... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3. `down came the rain and washed the spider out…'
Hilary and Jennifer were on their way to Tyson's house that suddenly it started thundering and the whole sky went gray
“we should better hurry! I think its gonna rain here!” Hilary said to Jennifer and she started moving fast making Jennifer do the same
“whats the hurry Hils! Don't you like getting wet in rain!” Jennifer said Hilary in a singing tone
And as a response Hilary just rolled her eyes and made Jennifer to run also with her by holding her wrist
As they were a little far from the house it started raining and hard Hilary started running making Jennifer do the same. They both reached the house pretty soon.
Hilary at once entered the house covering her head with her both hands while Jennifer stood in the rain and started going round with her hands wide spread.
Seeing Jennifer doing these foolish acts Hilary shouted from inside of the house standing in the window cause the rain was coming inside by the door so she closed it
“Jennifer!! Aren't you forgetting something!” Hilary shouted as Jennifer just stopped going round and started looking at her in a question asking manner
“if you remember this is the only shirt you have for tonight!! because as you said you don't feel good in that tank top!! and I will also not be able to bring you another shirt in this heavy rain!!!” Hilary shouted from inside which made Jennifer's eyes go wide
she started running to make it to the door. She ran with her hands straight in front of her to open the door but as her hands were about to touch the door someone else opened the door and because her hands didn't find any door to touch so she fell down.
Well she did fell but on something soft or should we say someone soft. When she opened her eyes she got up screaming
“AAAAAA!!!!!!!!” she shouted with her hands on her cheeks as she has seen a very terrible thing.
Then she started speaking at a speed of what should we say, She was speaking so fast that maybe no one was able to understand it
“I am sorry! …..I am really sorry! ….. I didn't know! ….. Please forgive me! ….. Its not my fault! ….. I was running and also how should you be knowing I was on the other side of the door running but when you opened the door I fell on you! …... I am sorry! ….. You are not hurt nah! ….. Please forgive me! …... Please I am really … really … really … sorry Kai!!!!!! Please Kai I am very sorry”
Well what do you know she fell on Kai with her all wet clothes (A/N: duh! she was standing in the rain remember!) and as a result Kai was also wet not all but yeah his shirt was ruined.
She spoke and spoke without even stopping causing Kai so much confusion.
Kai came forward and placed a hand on her shoulder and said showing much confusion on his face “its okay!” he said and moved away.
And as for Jennifer she just stared him with her eyes and mouth both opened wide
Hilary moved towards Jennifer and then shook her hand in front of Jennifer's eyes but Jennifer! she didn't even blinked
Hilary then started calling her name “Jennifer! … Jennifer! …”
But it seemed like she has decided not to listen to anyone which made Hilary very annoyed and she shouted this time “JENNIFER!!!!!!……”
As a result Jennifer suddenly got scared with this much loud sound of Hilary
“what!!” Jennifer asked in a scared voice
“why are you freaked out”
“me?! Aaa!! I was just… aaa …that because of me Kai's shirt is all wet!”
“well! It seems Kai didn't mind that's why he didn't say anything to you and as for you what are you gonna wear for tonight”
“what did you mean Hilary??”
“I meant that your while shirt is wet and is still dripping water what are you gonna wear for tonight??”
“it will dry out Hilary!”
“Hilary!! Jennifer!! The dinner is ready! We are waiting for you”
Max shouted sneaking out from the door frame as Hilary and Jennifer moved ahead
“did you went to water park Jennifer??” Rei asked looking at the fully wet Jennifer
“Miss Jennifer was taking the fun of rain” before Jennifer could say anything Hilary answered Rei
“you were getting wet in rain??” Max asked curiously
“why don't you go change your clothes. You can catch a cold” Rei said
“hey had anyone seen Kai!!” Tyson asked not founding Kai on dinner with them
“there he comes” Rei said as he saw Kai coming out of his room
“why have you change your clothes Kai. You were looking more good before!!” Rei said as Kai took his seat beside him which means in front of Jennifer
“well!..” he began looking at Jennifer who had her head down in embarrassment
“I was out in the hall… that it suddenly started raining.. that's why I had to change my clothes” he explained Rei a total lie
“oh!!” Rei said
while Jennifer had her eyes wide during eating on the answer of Kai
“really!!! Did that happened” Hilary asked smiling very mischievously taking the glass of water from Jennifer
As Kai started glaring her and Jennifer spilled the whole glass of water on Hilary because of her mischievous acts
“Jennifer!!!!” Hilary said standing up at once because of the water spilled on her
“what did you do that for??” she said looking at her dress
“oh sorry Hilary I didn't wanna to do that!!” Jennifer said smiling a bit and in a ver evil tone
well Hilary understood very well that it was only a warning from Jennifer that not to tell anyone what happened
as she was staring her clothes standing up Tyson slightly laughed covering his mouth from his own hand as something hit his head
“what!!!” Tyson said looking at Hilary who had hit his head
“I was just….” Tyson tried to explain but Hilary went away to her or should I say Tyson's room in anger
“ah come-on Hilary!!! I am sorry! I'll not do that again” Tyson said knocking on the door to make her feel better while other were busy eating their dinner
“I cant sleep in this wet shirt” Jennifer said getting up from her bed and strolling around her room
“and also I don't sleep this much early its only… hey whats the time?? leave it I cant sleep it means it must be early. Now where was I?? Yeah my clothes I gotta change them” she now came out of her room and starting walking in the hall
“everyone is sleeping…” she said to her self passing in front of every door
“This must Tyson's room. I know his snoring” she said passing away from the closed door smiling
“this must be Max's I think so.. hey but no one is here where are the other three sleeping..” she asked to herself looking inside the room
“not here.. oh there they are..” she said as she saw Rei and Max laying on the bed in one of the rooms
“but where is Kai… he must be out as they showed on T.V like out in dark nights…” she said thinking for a second but stopped in front of a room
“no there he is… hey are those some cupboards.. hey I can have one of Rei's or Max's shirt for the night… I'll return them in the morning!!” she said entering the room very quietly as Kai was sleeping there
“quite Jenny! Quite!!!” she started talking to her self getting near to the cupboards
“okay! Here we are to the first one!!” she said standing in front of one the cupboards
“here we go!” she said opening the door of the cupboard but as she opened the door some of the clothes from inside the cupboard came down falling on her
but she handled them and then quickly inserted them inside and closed the door quickly so no more clothes could come down
than she moved to the next cupboard she opened the door and saw a neat cupboard
“this cupboard can't be Tyson's! I can bet! May be Rei or Max! this cant be Kai's also because he never takes anything on second number…” she said to herself smiling on her sentences
“okay what do we have here.. I can take this one” she said first looking at the cupboard then taking one of the shirt present in front of her
“okay! Jennifer lets get out of here!” she said closing the door of the cupboard and then getting out of the room and then into her room she goes
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Hi again! How are you guys!! Well!done with the third one too! Sorry if I updated late but… hey I am not gonna tell you thereasonbecause I am the…
Crazy Wicked Witch