Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Chibi Tales ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

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Heya guys!
This is a cute,little ficcy I wrote recently.I hope you like it!I am not quite sure when the next chapter will be posted...if I find the time to write some more chapters,I will,ne?meantime,enjoy this one!

Disclaimer:I do not own beyblade,nor do I own the bey-characters used in this fanfic.I only own Jadey(aka might recognize her from Moving to California).

A day in the life of a four year old

A very young boy stood by his mother`s side,clutching her leg with his small hands.He was hiding his face behind her so the lady with the red skirt wouldn`t see him.The boy had spiky,blue hair that fell into his beautiful,crimson eyes."Kai,be a good boy now,there is no need to be afraid",his mother said,her voice soft but demanding.Kai looked up at her with pleading eyes,his bottom lip bevering."But I dont wanna!Dont leave me here with all these people!"he begged,his eyes watering.His mother bent down so she could look into his eyes.She smiled that pretty smile of hers and pulled him close to her chest."Dont worry,I will come back after I finish work today to pick you up,ok?"She pulled away and looked at her son.He sniffled and rubbed his eyes."Okay..",he muttered.His mother smiled again and kissed his forehead before she stood up and started talking to the lady with the red skirt again."I`m going then.Be nice to the other kids,Kai",his mother said and walked away,leaving him alone with the strange lady.She was in her mid fourties,a kind looking lady with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair."Hello Kai.My name is Olivia.Shall we go inside?"she asked.He nodded and took her hand.

"Noooo,that one was mine!!!"a high-pitched voice yelled.They came inside a big room.Kai wanted to hide.There were so many kids in here that he didn`t know.As a matter of fact,he didn`t know any of them.The Olivia lady let go of his hand and told him to sit down before she walked over to a little boy with darkblue hair and a baseballcap on his head.He was crying."What is it Tyson?"the Olivia lady asked the boy.Kai watched them with curiosity in his crimson eyes.The boy sniffled and pointed towards another boy."He took my toy car and hit me!"he wailed.The Olivia lady motioned for the other boy to come closer.He had weird,red hair and icyblue eyes.The redhaired boy stuck out his tongue at the one named Tyson and held the toy car safely behind his back."Haven`t I told you to be nice to the other children,Tala?You be a good boy.Appologise and give him back his car",the Olivia lady said.The redhaired boy made a pouting expression,and handed the Tyson kid back the car with an angry movement."I`m sorry I took your car and hit you",he appologied quickly.Tyson smiled happily and wiped away his tears."Zeo,wanna play?"he called.Kai eyed the redhaired boy up and down.He kinda liked Tala for some reason.Someone called Olivia`s name,and she walked over to them.Kai kept staring at Tala,not daring to go over and speak to him.Tala grinned sheepishly and climbed onto a chair,sitting down.Kai thought it was too noisy in here,so he trotted out of the room on his little feet.He smiled brightly when he found a room nearby with lots of nice,fluffy pillows and books.Satisfied with his new discovery he picked a book about butterflies and sat down among the pillows to read it.

"What are you doing?"asked a boyish voice.Kai turned his head,looking into two golden orbs.He dropped his book in surprise and crawled away."What happened to your eyes?"he asked.The other boy looked hurt for a second,then grinned."I dunno,they have always been like this",he replied and picked up Kai`s book.Kai watched him as he sat down and flipped through the pages.The boy with the strange eyes looked like a cat,because he had fangs and long,black hair kept away from his face with a bandana.The boy yawned and put the book away."What`s your name?I haven`t seen you before",he asked.Kai moved a little closer."Kai..."
"I`m Rei!You wanna play with me?"Kai nodded and stood up,walking over to him."What are you doing in here,Rei?"he asked.The other boy frowned and peeked out of the room."I`m hiding from Mariah.She says she wants to be my girlfriend,but I dont want her to".Kai laughed at him."Your girlfriend?Why dont you like her then?"he asked curiously.Rei shuddered and motioned for Kai to come closer before he said in a low voice:She loves pink,and she wants me to wear a pink dress for our marriage".Kai blinked and nodded in understanding."REEEEEEIII???WHERE ARE YOU???"a girly voice called.Rei squealed and took Kai`s hand,pulling him along.He dove into some pillows,burying himself and Kai under them."Be quiet.Then she wont find us",Rei assured him."Rei?Come out...",the girl called.They both sighed in relief when they heard her walk away.They popped their heads out,looking at each other before they started laughing."That was close...",Kai muttered.Rei nodded and smiled brightly."You know what?I kinda like you,you`re a nice guy.Wanna be friends?"Kai nodded,a smile on his face too."Yeah...You are nice too....So,what do you wanna do now?"Rei shrugged and peeked out of the room again."I wanna paint!"he stated and took Kai`s hand again.They sneaked down the corridor,Kai following closely behind his newfound friend.

Kai thought the room they entered was amazing.There were painted dragons and fairy tale creatures on the walls.He gasped and stared in awe."You coming?"Rei asked.Kai tore his eyes off the pretty paintings and followed his friend.He sat down by a little table and waited while Rei found some paint,brushes,papers and a glass of water.It was all quiet in there as they took one brush each and started painting.Kai wasn`t very good at it,but he was very satisfied with his blue dragon.He loved blue,it was such a pretty colour."Can I paint too?"a voice asked."Sure thing!"Rei chirped.A little boy with orage hair and heavenly,blue eyes sat down by their table and grabbed a brush.He eyed Kai up and down before he smiled."Hi!I`m Brooklyn!"Kai smiled shyly."I`m Kai",he replied politely.The blueeyed boy hummed happily as he painted.The three boys sat quietly just enjoying the silence when girly screams made them jump into the air.Brooklyn and Rei glanced at each other,both looking scared.Kai didn`t understand what was going on.Were they afraid of some girls?"We have to hide!!!"both boys squealed and dragged Kai along into another room before the girls found them." painting!"Kai protested and attempted to go back.Brooklyn refused to let him go and held his hand firmly."They are nuts,Kai!If they catch you they will make you play with their dolls and have tea parties!"he said with fear in his voice."Ohhh....Okay..I guess I can get my picture later,ne?"Brooklyn nodded,and they went to find a hideout.

"Is it really safe here?"Kai felt uncomfortable like this.The three boys were hiding inside a locker,being pressed close together."Yeah,we always hide in here,and they have never found us before".Kai stayed silent,wishing that he could come out soon.He hated being in small rooms like inside this locker.It always scared him,making him think that he would be locked in forever if no one found him.They could hear footsteps enter the room,and they held their breathes."You think they`re in here,Hilary?"a girlish voice asked."I dont know..Let`s check the lockers!"another girl stated.The three boys panicked when the footsteps came closer."They`re gonna find us!!"Rei whimpered quietly.Suddenly the girls started screaming,and they could hear them run away.The door was opened,and Kai looked straight into the familiar face of the boy named Tala."You can come out now,I chased them away",he grinned.The three boys crawled out and lay on the floor."Thanks Tala"",Rei sighed.The redhead nodded and pulled him to his feet."No prob,pallie".He looked at Kai and frowned."Who are you?"he demanded to know."I`m Kai",he stuttered nervously as he stood up again.Tala grinned again and slapped the back of his head.A pout slipped across Kai`s face as he rubbed his head."Why did you do that?"he said angrily."Cause I wanted to.I`m Tala".Kai glared at him for a second before he smiled."It`s lunch time,Olivia told me to go get you",Tala said and dragged the along.When they entered the room,all the other kids were sitting by a long table,their lunch in front of them.Kai ran into the wardrobe and fumbled around in his backpack to find his own food.With a happy smile he sat down beside his friends.There was a girl sitting beside Rei,and he looked like he wanted to disappear right away.She was wearing clad pink,her hair pink too.She also had golden eyes and fangs.Kai thought she looked weird.She really had to be fond of pink,he concluded.
"Wanna switcth lunch?"Tala asked.Kai looked down at his food.His mom had made him slices of bread with scrambled eggs,his favourite.He bit his lip and looked at Tala,who had a hopeful look on his face."No,but we can share...?"Tala nodded and waited while Kai handed him one of the slices.The Olivia lady sighs and looks at Tala."No eating before we have sung our song,you know that Tala!"she said strictly.Tala pouted and looked down."Sorry...",he muttered.Olivia smiled."That`s ok,Tala.Just remember til next time,ne?"The redhead nodded weakly,still looking down at his hands and the slice of bread.Kai put a hand on his shoulder."Dont worry",he comforted.

Kai didn`t recognize the song they sang,but he tried his best to join in.After they finished all the kids cheered and eagerly started eating.Tala seemed pretty happy with the fact that he got to share lunch with Kai.Rei couldn`t get away from Mariah,she was stuck to his arm as she chattered about how cute he would look in a pink dress.Rei frowned,but said nothing in return.Kai chuckled as his friend.That boy that Tala had been bugging earlier,Tyson had quite the appetite for someone his age.He finished his own lunch before he asked his mate,a girl with long,aquagreen hair if he could have hers aswell."Sure thing,Ty!Here ya go!"the little girl beamed and handed her food to him.Tyson smiled happily and dug in.Kai watched the girl with curiosity.Tala grinned as he saw whom his pal was staring at."Hey,Zeo!"The girl raised her head and frowned when she saw that it was Tala that had called her name."Why dont you cut your hair?Then you wouldn`t look like the pansy you are!"Tala teased.Kai blinked in confusion.Wasn`t Zeo a girl?
Zeo puffed his cheeks out and stuck his tongue out at the redhead."I dont wanna cut my hair,and I`m not a pansy!I am not that girly!!"he squealed.Tala grinned again and turned to Kai."You thought he was a girl right?"Kai nodded,a slight blush on his cheeks."Everyone thinks he looks like a girl.And a boy that looks like a girl is a pansy",he stated and snatched the last slice of bread away from Kai."hey!That one was mine!"Kai squealed,wawng his arms.Tala made his puppy dog eyes and stared innocently at him."Ok...You can have it...",Kai shruged.Tala grinned and stuffed the slices of bread into his mouth.

After lunch Olivia announced that they were going to bake cookies.All the kids bounced around in joy,eager to start as soon as possible.Olivia had made the cookie dough the evening before so they could start right away.She smiled as she handed each kid a piece each.Tala managed to end up with two pieces of dough,and grinned mischievously as Kai looked at him."It`s not nice to steal,Tala.What if someone doesn`t get a piece now just cause you took two?"Kai said.The redhead stuck out his tongue and started smashing the dough onto the table,making it splatter everywhere."Play nice,Tala",Olivia ordered and sat down to help some of the girls.Tyson was apparently trying to eat rather than bake,and he had soon devoured both his own and Zeo`s piece with his hunger.Zeo`s eyes watered as Tyson stuffed his piece into his mouth,and he started crying."He ate mine!!!"he wailed and pointed at his friend.Olivia put her hands on her hips and looked down at Tyson with strict eyes."Be ashamed Tyson.You dont steal from others,that is bad",she said and told him to go sit in the corner while they baked.His bottom lip bevered slightly,but he stood up and walked over to the corner,his head hanging in a defeated way as he sat down.Kai felt sorry for him and decided hat he wanted to cheer him up.So he took his piece of dough and walked over to the sniffling boy."Hey...You can have mine,if ya want to",he offered.Tyson raised his head and blinked away his tears.His face broke into a bright,happy smile."I can?"he asked.Kai nodded."Sure,just take it".Tyson smiled again and took the piece that Kai handed him.Olivia smiled at them and shook her head."Alright...Come sit back down then,Tyson",she said.Tyson took his chair,so he sat down somewhere else.A girl was sitting on his left side.She had curly,greenish hair and huge,babyblue eyes.Kai thought she was pretty.She noticed that he was staring at her,and smiled at him."Hi,I`m Jadey!You are Kai right?"He nodded quietly.She watched him for a second before she grinned and said:You are cute,you know that?"Kai blinked in surprise."I am?Thank you...No one has told me that before",he stuttered as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.Jadey smiled and leaned forward to plant a kiss on his lips.
"Kai has got a girlfriend,Kai has got a girlfriend!"Tala,Brooklyn and Rei sang.The girls clapped their hands encouragly and cheered.Jadey pulled back and smiled again.Kai muttered something and looked down.Olivia simply smiled and told them to stop teasing the two.

When the cookies were finished Olivia made lemonade for them,and everyone sat down in the room with all the fluffy pillows to listen to a story that Olivia told.Kai was facinated by her story.She was telling them about dragons,knights and magic.Kai loved to hear stories like that.He wanted to be a wizard.He felt someone take his hand and looked up,staring into Jadey`s babyblue eyes."You`re my boyfriend",she stated and entwined their fingers.He blushed again and stuffed another cookie into his mouth while he listened to the story.

At the end of the day Kai`s mother came to pick him up,just as she had promised.She asked Olivia how he had been,if he had been a good boy.Olivia smiled and said that he had been great.His mother bent down so she could look into his eyes."Did you have fun today,Kai?"He nodded eagerly and started telling her about everything they had done,about how he and Rei had hid from Mariah,about how Tala had saved them and about how he had given his piece of dough to Tyson.His mother smiled as she listened to her son."So,you wanna come back tomorrow?"kai smiled brightly and nodded again."Yeah!"he exclaimed.A girl came over to them.She grinned at Kai`s mother."Hi!I`m Jadey,and Kai is my boyfriend!"she stated.His mother looked baffled for a second,then started to chuckle." got yourself a girlfriend too,Kai?"He son nodded shyly and blushed.Jadey hugged him and pecked his cheek,making his blush worsen."Well..We have to go home now,Kai",his mother said and reached out her hand for her son to take.He hesitated a bit."But I dont wanna go home",he muttered.His mother was about to tell him that he would come back here tomorrow when two boys suddenly approached."You leaving now,Kai?"a kid with golden eyes asked.Kai nodded and walked over to them.Another redhaired boy grinned and slapped the back of Kai`s head.Kai only chuckled and slapped him in return."I`m coming back tomorrow...Then we can play,ne?"The three boys nodded.
A third boy came running,a paper in his hand."You forgot your painting,Kai!"the kid said and handed it to him.Kai smiled gratefully and thanked him."We want a hug,Kai!!"the gang of girls stated and glomped him,knocking him to the ground.Jadey huffed and pushed them away,sliding her arms around his waist."He is mine!"she stated and gave him one last peck.Kai smiled to them all and took his mother`s hand.

Back home again,Kai hurriedly ate his dinner and stated that he was going to bed before he ran upstairs to his room.His father frowned and raised his head from the newspaper."What is up with him today?he never wants to go to bed",he said.His mother shrugged and took the plates off the table.After she finished she went upstairs and found her son lying in his bed,his pyjamas on already.She sat down on his bed and stroke his hair lovingly."Why do you want to go to bed already,Kai?"she asked.He cracked one eye open and looked up at her."Cause I want it to be tomorrow so I can go back and play with them again",he explained.She laughed and hugged him,rocking him gently."I`m glad you liked it there",she smiled and kissed his forehead before she turned off the light.Kai listened to her foosteps as she walked away and gazed up at the ceiling.He was really looking forward to tomorrow.It would be fun to play with the other kids again,he thought happily and closed his eyes.


Yours sincerly,Kanilla

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