Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Dramma Is Before, During, And After Love ❯ The begining ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Resse: Hey. yhis is my first Beyblade fic so be nice.
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Flash back
"Kai I am sick and tired of you!" Tyson and Kai were having their most explosive fight since they've met.
"You're always walking around like your better than everyone else! I have a news flash for you Kai- YOUR NOT!"
"No I'm not you are right Mr. Champion? Your always boasting about how your the world champion! Your the best! Your the best alright. The best at being a pain in my @$$!"
"At least I'm number one! You'll always be in second place. You'll always be in my shadow! Next to me your nothing! i don't even know why you're my captain!"
"Neither do I, so you know what I'm leaving! And I never want to see your face again!" With that Kai was gone.
"I'm going after him." Rei sayed Following his friend.
End flashback`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
Tyson's POV
Once again I'm thinking of that fight. It was two years ago. I can't believe he never came back. i haven't seen him since. The others have, but i haven't. I miss him. I love him, and he hates me. i shouldn't have lost my temper. i should have kept my mouth shut.
"Tyson! Tyson!" Max called
"Hey what's goin' on buddy?"
"Kenny needs to show you something. He's in the park."
"Ok let's go."
A few minutes later me and Max walk get to the spot where everyone was waiting for us. Kai was there too sitting on the bench.
"Why am I here?" Kai asked glaring at Rei.
"We want you and Tyson to stop the madness." Rei said.
"I'm out of here." Kai said.
"Wait at least listen." Hilary grabbed Kai's arm and pulled him back.
"Your fight has broken up the team. The next tournment is coming up soon, and we want to win. We can't do it without both of you guys."
"Neither i nor Kai want him to be on my team, so he's not going to be apart of it ever again." i said before leaving.
i didnt mean what i said but i knew that's how he feels.
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"Yo Tyson my man! Why you lookin' so down?" Gramps asked as i made my way to my room.
"Nothin' i'm just tired."
I layed on my bed just staring up at the ceiling for hours. My mind was empty except for one thought. One person... Kai Hitwari.
No matter how much i tried i couldn't get him off my mind. It's so frustraing and painful to love someone who'll never love you back.
Great now i'm crying. Kai why? Why do you torture me this way? Am i being punished for caring about you?
I let the phone ring five times before i answer.
"No! Stop! Please! Don't! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!" There were noises along with his pleads, like someone was stumbling. Trying to get away. Then a loud crack. His voice was getting weaker. i could tell that he was in a great deal of pain.
"Oh my God! Kai! Kai! What's going on? Kai!"
i called ther police , gave them his adress, then took of toward his house.
Kai don't worry i'm coming.
A/n:wut u think? r&r thanx. Holla!