Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Emotionless ❯ Emotionless ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey dad, I'm writing to you..

18-year-old Kai Hiwatari walked the cold empty streets of Moscow, Russia. He was known for being cold and heartless. His sister, 14 years old and having problems with herself. She does drugs and is always in Juvie Hall. He had started to write to a certain person that abanonded them at the Abbey.

Amber wasn’t the same. He wished he were with his old team...the Bladebreakers. He hated to admit it, but it was the truth. He looked up in the sky. It had started to snow. Sirens echoed through the silent night. Ganges were out. Closing his crimson eyes, he let the tears fall. It hurt him deeply to know that his sister needed help. He couldn’t take care of her.

Not to tell you that I still hate you..

He walked inside. His sister curled up on the couch. Good Charlotte playing. He walked over to her. "Amber...wake up...I need to talk to you." he wispered. Amber stirred slightly. "Kai?" she asked tiredly.

"Yeah. I'm gonna contact Kenny to see if Tyson could take care of you. I wont be able to take care of you anymore, baby,"

Amber looked away. "I-I understand...I guess."

"Amber...please don’t cry. I still love you. I just can’t raise you properly. And with Hilary around, you'll be ok."

"B-but Kai.."

"Please, dont cry.."

Just to ask you how you feel...

'How does my father feel now that I have to take care of Amber? How does Voltaire feel for what hes done to us,' he thought angrily.

He took out a picture of Amber and her friends. She hung out with mostly boys her age or a tad older. Alex, Tyler, Jason and Neo. The five of them have been best friends for so long. She had been wearing a light blue tee with a skirt (Miriam and Hilary were able to get her to wear a skirt for once), her hear was braided. She looked innocent and like a doll. Delicate and breakable.

Then there was Jason. Sapphire eyes glinting in gentleness. Wearing a black tee with black jeans. Yet..she turned away and became gothic. His sister gothic. Hurting.

how we fell apart
How this fell apart?

Everything before him fell apart after the 3rd world championships. He left to Russia bringing Amber with him. He remembered her understanding and her behavior before she was like the way she was. The family fell apart. Nothing will change. He couldnt turn away from the darkness he was in.

Are you happy out there
In this great wide world?
Do you think about your sons?
Do you miss your little girl?
When you lay down your head at night
How do you sleep at night?
Do you ever wonder if we're all right?
But we're all right
We're all right..

He often wondered if his grandfather or his father was happy in the world. He often wondered of they could sleep at night. He sometimes wondered if they missed Amber or him. But they were fine. Yet..Amber has problems he cannot solve. It scared him. He was scared. Kai Hiwatari was scared that his sister would leave him someday and never return as if she’d die.

It's been a long hard road
With out you by my side
Why weren’t you there the nights we cried?
You broke my mothers heart
You broke your children for life
Its not okay but
We’re all right
I remember the days you were a hero
In my eyes
But those are just a long lost memory of mine
I spent so many years learning how to survive
Now I'm writing to you just to let you know
I'm still alive.

Why didn’t his father think twice?! Kai wouldn’t be in this pressure if his father hadn’t ditched them at the abbey. He continued the letter. Tears came to his eyes.

'I have to let him know we’re still living were still okay.' Kai thought.

The days I spent so cold
So hungry
Were full of hate
I was so angry
The scars run deep through this tattooed body
Theres thing I'll take to my grave
But I'm okay
I'm okay...

Other than the tattoos on his face, thanks the conviction of Amber, he got a tattoo on his shoulders and arms. But the scars were visible. The scars from the Abbey. He regrets the hate he had there. "The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want.." he whispered repeating the verse Amber had on her arm.

'If God is so great than why did he abandoned us? Why did he let my father ditch us? Like he ditched mom?' he thought.

It’s been a long hard road
Without you by side
Why weren’t you there the nights we cried?
You broke my mothers heart
You broke your children for life
It’s not okay, but we’re all right
I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
But those are just a long lost memory of mine
Now I'm writing to you
Just to let you know
I'm still alive
And I'm still alive..

The nights they cried. He looked up to his father..that was then this is now. He was letting his father know he was still alive. He was alive. He was going to live..somehow.

Sometimes I forget
Yeah and this time I'll admit
That I miss you
Said I miss you

"I miss you dad..I really do. Please return to us. I dont want to send Amber away. But I have to..I miss you.."

Amber had walked in. "Kai...t-the cops just called. T-they said that...m-mom died from over dose of alcohol.."

"Amber.." he whispered.

" should..please...attend it. I'll behave and wont do anything wrong.."

Its been a long hard road without you by my side
Why werent you there the nights we cried? You broke my mothers heart
You broke your children for life
Its not okay but were all right
I remember the day you were a hero in my eyes
But those are just a long lost memory of mine
Now i'm writing to you
Just to let you know I'm all right
I'm still alive

He had attended the funeral. It was too sad. When he walked back to the mansion. Amber was crying. She was sad over something. Her hand was bloody. Glass was in it. "Oh..Kai.." she chocked out, tears ran down her pale face.

"Baby, whats wrong?"

She gulped and shook her head.

'Dad why arent you here now? Amber is broken. Dont you care? Just to think I looked up to you. You ditched me. you ditched our family..'

And sometimes I forget
This time I'll admit
That I miss you
I miss you
Hey dad,

He'll forgive and forget. Kai sat down at his desk and picked up a piece of paper and started to write:

Hey, dad, how are? I hope your fine. Even though you treated Amber and I like we're nothing, I still love you. Did you know mom was dead now? Why didn’t you attend? Amber is pregnant now. But-she misses you. She sometimes cries at night. I do the same. I cry forever. Did you know that I was once apart of the Bladebreakers? Anyways, I hope you respond soon. Love you always-Kai Hiwatari.

Picking it up, Kai sealed it away in an envelope and mailed it. A couple days later, the phone rung. "Hiwatari residence, can I help you?" Amber asked.

"Amber honey? Is that you?"


"Hey, kiddo. I miss you two. I hope one day I'll be able to raise you both, but right now..lets just say I'm learning to take care of you much. Tell Kai that I'm proud of him. Tell him that I'm sorry. Well, I have to get off, but baby, remember that I never meant to hurt you..bye, dear."

"Bye dad.." she said. Then hung up.


The 18 year old walked down stairs. "Hm?"

"It was dad! He might be able to take care of us! He misses us!" she smiled up at her brother.

For the first time in many years, Kai Hiwatari smiled.

"I know he would.." he whispered.


Owari. Today was sad. I found out after a good day of school that someone in the family just died. This sucks. Anyways, R&R but don’t flame!-S.L

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