Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Expect the unexpected ❯ Chapter ten: One week ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Setsuna-chan: Hey guys! We're back with yet another chappie. But wait, it's not just one chappie, it's three.
Warstock: Yup! We worked hard for you. We thought that, since we update very slowly, we would give it try for three times the work load to give you three hardcore chapters.
Red Dux: You mean one introduction chapter and two sensational chapters, Warstock.
Setsuna-chan: His right! Anyway, we worked hard for all of you out there who take the time to read us.
Warstock: Disclaimer? Do your thing! Please!
Disclaimer: Warstock and chibi Setsuna-chan don't own Beyblade nor it's characters. They belong to Takao Aoki. They do own the characters of the Tsubasa Elite and Grim Reapers and the plot of this story. Enjoy your reading.
Chapter 10: One week...
Setsuna, Reanne and Satoshi stared at Takato's back as he walked away. This was the first time he had been so angry at Setsuna, seeing how much he cared for her. Always the one to let her do as she pleased, just to make sure she would never loose her smile. But this time, she went to far. His heart couldn't take it anymore. Setsuna's behavior became Takato's source of pain: the way she always spoke of Kai and all her drive just to have the slightless sight of the bluenette clearly showed that nothing else mattered to her. And that's what hurt Takato the most. Beause in the end, she didn't really see those around her who cared for her, and Kai wasn't one of these people. He wasn't the one to raced over mountains and crossed rivers to find her. The stoic captain of the BBA Revolution probably didn't even care if she was gone for good or not, as long as it was away from him. At least, that's how Takato perceived it.
As he walked aimlessly in the streets, Takato bumped into someone.
-“I'm sorry!” he blurted out.
-“Hmmph!” a familiar voice replied.
Takato looked up to find Kai right in front of him.
`Of all the people I could have bumped into, it had to be that bastard!' he thought.
Takato glared at Kai, who glared back.
-“You're hand's bleeding.” said the bluenette.
-“Duh! You like stating the obvious, don't you?” replied dryly Takato, walking away.
-“Have you found her?”
-“Why do you ask?”
`What's with him?' thought Kai. `And why do I even bother asking about her, anyway?'
Takato slightly looked back at the BBA Revolution captain.
`What can she possibly see in him? What does he have that I don't?' wondered the silver haired teen.
Meanwhile, the rest of Tsubasa Elite made their way towards their appartment. As soon as she passed the front door, Setsuna walked in her room, took fresh clothes and entered the bathroom for a long, awaited shower. Reanne and Satoshi sat in the living room.
-“I've never seen Takato so angry!” told Satoshi.
-“I know! Especially toward Setsuna!”
Both of them were lost at words. They had no idea what to say about the situation. They both knew that Takato, when angry, could stay mad for a really long time. As for their team captain, she could endure the silent treatment, even when she wasn't the instigator of it.
-“These two both have a thick head and an enormous pride. They'll probably be mad at each other for a while. Might as well get used to it.” added Reanne.
As she said that, the green haired teen came out of the bathroom, passed in her room and came out to the living room. She planted herself before the two surprised members and commanded:
-“I want a detailed report of the matches I've missed!”
Before any of them could answer her, the phone rang. Satoshi picked up the phone.
-“Hello, Satoshi! It's me, Mr Reynolds! Your boss! I'd like to see the whole team at the headquarters as soon as possible!”
-“Yes sir! I'll relay your message!”
-“Thank you! I'll be waiting.”
With that, Satoshi hung up. He told the girls what their boss said.
-“We don't have much choice!” sighed Setsuna. “The report on the matches will have to wait!”
-“You girls go on ahead! I'll go find Takato and meet you at HQ!” told Satoshi.
-“OK!” responded Reanne.
Once Satoshi left to find the last member, Reanne and Setsuna went out in the direction of headquarters. They walked in silence, Reanne glimpsing toward her captain only to find her with a bored look.
-`She must be really tired. I wonder if they fed her well and if she slept.' she thought, turning a street corner leading them closer to the office. `She looks like she lost a few pounds during the week she was missing!'
The girls entered a tall building and walked on the side to reach a private elevator hidden behind a huge pillar. Setsuna took her ID card and slipped it in the slot. The doors opened and they entered the cabin. The elevator took them underground. Once arrived at the only level this elevator could take them, the doors opened to reveal a one sided hallway. Reanne and Setsuna got out of the cabin and followed the only path leading them to their leader's office.
-“They should redecorate this hallway! It's such a depressing color!” told Reanne, making her captain giggle.
The said hallway was uniformely light grey with little lamps barely lighting the place and it was reallly long before arriving at destination. At the end of the corridor was a huge door, where Reynolds waited for them.
Reanne knocked on the door and pushed it open. The office was very big with lots of bookshelves. There was also a bar and four enormous couches. Near the farther wall, that was replace by a huge fishtank, was a long desk with a computer and pilling files. Next to it was a tall man facing the tank. Reanne and Setsuna entered the room and stood in front of the desk.
-“Welcome home, team!” said the man with a pained voice.
-“Sir! Satoshi went to find Takato. They should be here shortly.” replied Reanne.
The man turned around to look at the two girls. He was in his mid-forties and had coffee brown hair and hazeled eyes. His eyes widened upon seeing the green haired lady standing before him. He hurriedly crossed the few feet separating him from the teenager and took her firmly in his arms.
-“Setsuna! I was so worried about you! Whoever kidnapped you will suffer my wrath! You poor thing! You look like you lost a few pounds. Those bastards haven't fed you properly. You look sick! I ...” he stated frantically.
-“Mr. Reynolds! I'm fine. Don't worry about me!” reassured Setsuna. “So why did you call the team here for?”
-“... I'll kill them, bring them back to life and kill them some more... I... oh! Why I called the team here? I wanted to... uh... oh never mind! You're back, Setsuna! Everything will be alright now! So... do you know who kidnapped you and why?”
-“It was the Grim Reapers, sir! But we have no idea why!” answered Reanne.
-“I do!” replied Setsuna in a bored tone.
Both Reynolds and Reanne turned to her with a disbelieving look.
-“It happened shortly after I was abducted.
~ Flashback ~
Setsuna slowly woke up with a slight headache.Taking her time to adjust to the light, she started to glance at her environment: she was lying on the cold ground made of cement, the walls were plain and looked thick. The room was empty, saved for her presence. The green haired girl realised that her hands were tied behind her back and so were her legs. Her mouth was taped, not allowing her to speak. Not that anyone could hear her from this cold and lonely room.
Setsuna managed to bring herself in a sitting position. She tried to loosened the ropes, only resulting in tightening them. Suddenly, the door opened and a tall blond man with percing green eyes entered the room. The Tsubasa Elite captain stiffened as she saw the man and the Grim Reapers that followed him.
-`What is Lain doing here? I should've known that Black Hole Corporation would pull something like this.' she thought, frowning at the said man.
-“Well, well, well! Look whom we have here. If it isn't Miss Setsuna! Nice of you to drop here!” he said tauntingly. “I hope you enjoy your private suit.” added Lain in a mocking tone.
Lain motionned for Ryo to take the tape off her mouth. Ryo walked to her, kneeled before her and stretched his arm to rip it off. He looked at her softly and said:
-“I'll rip it fast. It will hurt less longer.”
Setsuna looked at him, not hiding at all her anger and pure disdain. Ryo had a pain expression, knowing full well the girl would probably be mad at him for a long time. Not that she ever cared about him either. But he couldn't help stroking her cheek gently before taking the tape off.
Black Hole Corp.'s director told his team to leave the room so he could talk to the girl, alone.
-“I've seen your blading style and your natural abilities in whatever you do is quite appealing. I have a proposition for you! Join Black Hole Corporation. With you leading my team we will be unstoppable.”
-“Dream on! I will never join you!”
-“That's an unfortunate decision, Miss Setsuna.” said Lain, grabbing her chin to lift her face, inches from his. “I was hoping you'd agree! Now you'll have to suffer. But I'll tell you one thing: If, and only if, you ever manage to get away from me, tell you boss, Henri Reynolds, that I challenge New Destinies Corporation to a fight that will take place the day after your return, at dawn. Meet me at the park near the Museum of Fine Arts.”
~ End of Flashback ~
-“After that, the Grim Reapers kept me under surveillance. Once in a while, Lain would appear to ask me again to join him. Whenever I refused, Aria would beat me up until I lost consciousness.” Told the green haired girl.
Meanwhile, behind the door of Reynolds' office, Satoshi and Takato listened.
-“Come on, Takato! Let's get in!” begged Satoshi, in a whisper.
-“No! I want to see if she's going to say things she doesn't want me to know.” replied Takato.
-“I'm very grateful to my team for coming to my rescue. And to you too, sir! If it weren't for the earings with the tracking device you gave us, they would never have found me. Thank you! said Setsuna.
-“You're welcome!”
Reynolds, Reanne and Setsuna turned to see Satoshi with a smile and a pissed off Takato.
-“Satoshi! I thought I told you...”
-“Oh shut up, Takato! Are you going to ignore her thanks?”
Takato looked at his captain who looked back. She approached him and gently put her arms around his neck in a warm embrace. His eyes widened by her sudden move and blushed a dark shade of red. The others just smiled at the sight.
-“I'm sorry, Takato! You were right. I should have thanked you guys a lot sooner, before asking about the championship. I'm such an idiot!” admitted the girl.
-“Don't forget a finished hard core Kai fan!” replied Takato.
Setsuna stepped back and lifted her hand in a gesture to hit him. Takato closed his eyes, expecting it to connect with his cheek, but nothing came. He slowly opened his eyes.
-“I know I am! That's why you guys like me!” she said, beaming at him.
Takato knew that instant, that she was the only girl who could make him feel anger and love at the same time and that he would always let things go her way. Even if it meant that he was out of the picture.
-“Sorry to interrupt your joyful conversation, but you kids should return home to get some sleep. At dawn, we will take down Black Hole Corp!” said Reynolds. “Setsuna, before you leave, I want to speak to you, alone!” he added.
The three youths came out of the room and walked toward the elevator and waited for Setsuna to join them.
Now alone, Setsuna turned to look at Reynolds. He came to her and embraced her once again.
-“I'm glad you're alright! I really thought I wouldn't see you again.” he whispered in her ear. “After all, you're my little girl.” he added.
-“It's good to be home, father!”
-“You still haven't told your team, haven't you?”
-“I don't think it's necessary for them to know you adopted me!” she answered him. “All I need is to know you're there for me!”
Reynolds smiled at her and motionned for her to join the others.
-“Have a good night!” she said before leaving the room.
-“You too!”
Once back at their appartment, they directly went to sleep, saved for Setsuna. She was still wide awake. She was sitting in a chair on their terrace, glancing up at the moon. Deep in thought, she never noticed Takato walk out of his room, pausing as he saw the opened glass door and took a look at the surroundings. When Takato's eyes rested on his captain, he couldn't help but notice her pained look mixed with bitterness and fear. His eyes furrowed in concern.
-`What else happened that she's not telling us?' he thought.
Takato sat down, leaning on a wall, wishing for a way he could ease whatever it was that kept the girl he loved from sleeping. But mostly, he wanted to know everything she was keeping from them, from him.
The silver haired teen heard her loud sigh and turned to see her burry her head in her hands.
Disclaimer: (sobbing) How sweet! I really liked the part where Setsuna hugs Takato.
Setsuna-chan: I know! Me too!
Disclaimer and Setsuna-chan starts a really long conversation about the heartwarming scene of Takato and Setsuna and the really sad scene of Takato seeing Setsuna out on the terrace.
Red Dux: I pity you Warstock! Yet again, you can only watch after her.
Warstock: That's my job!
Red Dux: Looking at those two, behind us, I don't think I'll join in the conversation.
Warstock: Why not?
Red Dux: They're getting sappy, too much for my liking.
Warstock: I agree! (taking a look at the sobbing girls)
Red Dux: Then I guess we'll move on to the next chappie.