Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Holiday Paradise ❯ what's up next ( Chapter 4 )
Menna and everyone else were standing right out side of the door but that's when Tyson was just about to open it Nia and Monica came around Menna grabbed Tyson and pulled him back as fast and hard as she could that really and seriously left a mark Menna looked around but didn't see anything once Nia and Monica walked in well
"MENNA!!!" Sky and Brittany yelled running to Menna once they got to her Menna just pushed them on to there buts
"Now how many times must I tell you to…? SHUT THE FUCK UP?????!!!"
"Let's see one, two, three uh about one million times right now your only up to 1,938 times" Sky said counting on my fingers
"Wow you did that on your hands?" Tyson asked
"N.T.P no the point Monica she uh Nia came and well then uh now" Brittany said looking confused "Ok I said that wrong uh" Brittany said thinking
"Uh move we found Myrrissa, Nicky, and Clare and we tied them up to a tree Nia came along and mistaken her for you so now she's in there and you're out here" Sky said
"Uh now what hey that wasn't apart of the plan" Max said
"Dam it why she uh this was suppose to be a simple brake go to a dam island for two months and go home this isn't any fun at all and I want my Killer" Menna said
"Forget about your dam dog hello Menna have you never mind" Tala said
"Uh ok only way else in is too oh forget keeping a dam low profile this is personal we're busting in" Menna said taking off her hat and throwing it on the ground
"3, 2, 1 LET IT RIP!" Rei yelled and everyone launched there blades cut open there own entry and went in and saw nothing but a huge room with everything
"Uh where are we?" Kai asked
"Dam this is Nia's crash out place uh Sky and Brittany you know what to do" Menna said
"I uh ok caption we'll do out best" Sky said walking out and Brittany just out the room and came back
"Yep she's still got lasers and everything good luck getting to the next room trust me you'll need it" Brittany said
"Great I hate lasers" Rei said
"So what you're jumping over them" Menna said
"Now when you say lasers are we talking about" Max asked
Later on
"Oh boy Menna you better have a idea how are we going to get over that uh there coming out of the walls" Max said looking around
The room was from top to bottom red and blue lasers my thoughts what the hell with a 16 year old and lasers?
"Easy just watch your step" Menna said
"Dude we can't go around it or over it and we just can't walk through it I mean there is no telling what they can do" Tyson said
"Yeah you can get the picture?" Kai said
"Hey you two better not be" Tala said
"Not uh never in a million years Tala but uh since you want to be really nice you can go first" Menna said
"Not uh I'm not getting into any trouble you go first" Tala said
"Alright boys are such babies anyways oh my gosh you can follow me or do it your own way" Menna said walking closer then flipped over the first two
"Oh well that was simple who's next or are you too chicken to even think about it uh Tala?" Menna said once she was on the other said
"Uh you are so lucky you're a girl" Tala said
"Please look I'll leave you guys behind if that's what you want cuz apparently someone is scared" Menna said
"Ok I'm good with that" Tyson said
"Uh oh no you're not going anywhere with out me" Tala said jumping over
"Uh didn't aw come on man she said she'll keep us left behind" Tyson said
"Well you guys can" Tala said
"Uh show off keep up guys" Menna said
Sky ran into the room and yelled when she saw all the lasers stepped back ran and jumped over to Menna
"Menna you got to forget about this she uh let's just say the little tiny things have been activated and everyone is coming right now…" Sky said
"You want me to do?" Menna asked
"Uh oh uh guys not time to play around either your coming or your staying your choice" Menna said as Sky jumped over and tripped over the first laser and alarm came on all the lasers shut off
"Uh oh that didn't sound to friendly" Sky said as she laid on the ground then got up
"You know what maybe I'm thinking we should just turn back now" Max said
"Yeah and well we couldn't go back even if we wanted to go back" Menna said
"Uh and why not?" Tyson asked
"The door closed and now we better move because I'm scared of snakes" Menna said running off with Sky by her side and everyone else too
"You picked a really great to tell me your fears Menna I hope you know that" Tala yelled at her
"Hey I had a very bad experience the other day with Nia so yell yeah I'm going to be scared of snakes" Menna yelled
"Your scared Menna you said only thing that scared you was will spiders" Sky said still running
"Yeah well I can live with spiders because I got one FROM TALA as a birthday gift and now snakes I hate" Menna said
"Oh great hey guys dead end ahead" Tyson said everyone slid on there feet and stopped Rei actually hit the wall
"Oh today isn't my favorite day ever" Rei said
"Well it's getting worse stairs" Menna said
"Ok how long do we have until everyone finds us?" Tyson asked
"Uh about one, five minutes" Sky said
"Uh hey remember when I showed you that trick yeah well use your feet instead of a board" Menna said to Sky
"Feet grind wait that's going to hurt" Sky said
"Yeah what's going to hurt more a world ruled by Nia or your feet?" Kai asked
"Uh ok I'm going" Sky said jumping on the rail then followed by Menna and Tala then Tyson and Rei then Max and Kai
"WOW THIS ROCKS!" Sky yelled
"Shut up and go faster you're slow" Menna said
"Yeah well you want to take the lead?" Sky asked
"Ha don't mind if we do" Menna said jumping over her then Tala
"Ok guys no offense but this kind of fells" Max was about to say
"Yeah what?" Sky asked
"GREAT!" he yelled
"I hate skateboarding" Tyson said
"Well think of snowboarding" Tala said
"Ok now I like it" Tyson said
"Uh Sky when was the last time you had a cheek up?" Menna asked
"Uh the week before we got here" Sky said
"Great time for you to get another one hang on tight guys this could get a little hard oh if your not a jumper I suggest you better run for it" Menna said with a huge smile on her face different parts of the rail were gone so they had to jump to each part
"I HATE YOU!" Brittany said catching up as she jumped over Kai, Max, and Rei
"Bubbles I" Tyson said
"Move it or lose it kid I'm not really in a great mode" Brittany said
"Hey Brianna what?" Sky started to ask
"Because Nia, Myrrissa, Monica, and everyone else uh huh are right behind us" Brittany said
"Uh oh time to kick it up a bit" Menna said jumping off and running into another room everyone else followed and closed the door
"Wow where are we this place is huge" Tala said looking around
"Uh let's see fourth floor under base yep this is the right one alright" Menna said
"Dude that really wasn't much of a challenge is this is really Nia we're talking about wouldn't it be a little more uh tricky and dangerous?" Max asked
"Yeah it's kind of like she wanted us to come here I mean Nia would have had more lasers more things" Tyson said
"Oh right and don't forget the beybattle she always has one" Kai said
"Wait a minute she wanted us to be here because" Rei said looking around
"This isn't just any room this is" Kai said
"A blade room and that's the arena" Tala said
"So you are smarter then you guys look uh Menna like I said no body gets a way with betraying me ever" Nia said from the other side
"Never where is Monica your creep she did nothing to you" Kai said
"Oh don't worry Monica is fine well for the mean time look Menna you want to be a miss bad ass and everything alright I'll give you a chance to prove your self beybattle" Nia said
"You just want me to beybattle two prove a point?" Menna asked
"No Menna your are battling for your life" Nia said
"Nia that's against the rules we are not allowed to beybattle for life" Tyson said
"Who said we're playing by those rules you stupid kid uh I always knew you were dumb" Nia said
"Ok Nia we know you so want to beybattle then we'll beybattle and I won't lose" Menna said
"Oh it's not me silly that you will beybattle uh oh no see it's Monica let's say she well had the choice to join me" Nia said
"Uh Monica this isn't funny do you know what you'll get if we fight against each other?" Menna said
"Let's see one this place will fall right on top of our heads and none of us will see another day again uh that's funny no music uh oh well" Sky said
"Forget it Sky and Brittany you two will be joining me shortly" Nia said
"Hey we don't wanna I'm not in this" Sky said
"Uh oh" Brittany said as her and Sky were moving back wards
"Uh where are we going why is the room moving?" Sky asked
"TYSON DO SOMETHING!" Brittany yelled out
"Brittany" Tyson yelled out
Sky pushed Brittany off and Sky went a way
"Ok I have a really bad felling about this something isn't right" Menna said
"Where uh Sky hello shrimp where'd you go" Brittany said looking around
"Ok Menna you ready?" Monica asked
"Mo listen to me Nia wasn't all that great of a friend sorry I'm really sorry" Menna said
"Don't worry either way I'll kick your but" Monica said
"Uh dang stupid no cuss people dam it" Menna said as she got pushed back
"Hey I said Menna not Tala are you guys so dumb you can't hear or something?" Nia asked
"Menna may be good but I'm better" Tala said
Monica just stood there
"Hello Sky is missing what's the oh right be right back" Menna said running off into a dark room
"Let's get this started" Monica said
"3, 2, 1 LET IT RIP!" Tala and Monica both yelled and launched there blades
Ok so Menna runs off Tala beybattles and Monica is being controlled oh yeah right and Brittany is selfish and Sky is joyful well when she wants to be please review see ya