Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ I Can't Live With Out You ❯ 15th birthday but 1st party (part 1) ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“McKayla pay attention will you!” One of my teachers was yelling at me again…damn it. I was half asleep again in class. “What's the point….I'm just going to fail like always.” I said looking out the window with a very unhappy face.
I don't know what happened to me. Ever since I was 8 I've been the most negative person alive. The bell rang and now I was sitting outside on some steps to the school. “Is there any thing to look forward to in life?” I asked my self sitting there. I dropped my books and of course I was to busy in my depressing state to actually care.
Soon I felt something touch my shoulder I was hoping it was a kidnapper ready to kidnap me and kill me. After a matter of seconds I felt someone's lips press against mine. I closed my eyes and felt someone's tongue touch mine I moaned softly and pulled away to breathe. “What's wrong?” Tala asked sitting next to me.
I looked up to see Bryan, Spencer, Kai, Tyson, Daichi, Max, Ray, Hilary, Kenny, and Amy all standing around. “You teacher called me in…you ok?” Bryan asked. I nodded and stood up. “That was pointless for her to talk to you about it Bryan like it matters.” I said. Tala hugged me and I guess it was all I could do so I hugged back.
“Oh by the way happy 15th birthday.” Kai said handing me a small box. “Oh wow you actually remembered…I feel…so happy really.” I said in an leave me alone I'm depressed way.
With every year passing it seems like it's been getting harder and harder for me to go on.
With you gone, but I have to forget….I mean if I just hold on to those memories
I know they'll only bring me down and I won't be able to go on
I'm sorry my older brother but…
I just wish you could understand…I wish you were here to understand…
What I mean when I say
I don't know Terror Menizke
“Kayla snap out of it.” Daichi said, I quickly got that out of my head. “Come on I thought you said you finally wanted a party?” Tyson asked pulling my arm. “NO….I…Amy.” I said turning to face Amy.
“My parents got everything for you. It's alright you deserve it.” Amy said pushing me. “Guys…come on pushing me around isn't how you're going to get me to move.” I said. “We got ice-cream.” Max said smiling, Well…they did get ice-cream. “Last one to Amy's is a fart nosed brat boy…oops I mean you all are fart nosed bratty boys.” I said running with Hilary and Amy.
My 15th birthday…and my first birthday party of my life… My foster parents happen to be my best friends' parents. They understand my problem. Every year they asked if I would like a party and I told them no every year. I told them no presents. What I really wanted was for Terror to show up in a huge present and surprise me.
But I never got it. This year…I'm having my super 15th bash. Amy's mom and dad went to Mr. Dickenson and they are actually letting me have it at the Beyblade arena. Everyone who's anyone is invited. I trusted Tala, Kai, Tyson, Max and Ray to hand out invites to everyone. I knew I could trust Tala and Ray they invited the most people. But it's ok at least I get to spend it with my friends and my sweet Tala I'm fine…though even though I want to forget about him I want him to come more then anyone in the whole world.