Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Just for the better ❯ Walking Alone ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

O.o Okay, Chapter 2! Ready?

Disclaimer - For those who have not read the anime section in their newspaper lately, I now own the anime industry, therefore these characters in this fic are mine. Not. I only own Gus.

Chapter 2 - Walking Alone

It was under unusual circumstances that Tyson Kinomiya found himself wandering the back alleys of Bay city The following Saturday night. Normally, he wouldn't have dared to venture into these winding, narrow streets, but fate had pushed him this way. No, honestly. Tyson was delivering a particularly large package to a class mate who lived at the other side of the city, his car was in the garage for repairs, and instead of going the long way around, Tyson had decided that going through the allies would be a perfectly safe option.

A large clatter from behind convinced Tyson he was being followed. It wasn't the first time a board had fell on its own accord. He quickened up his pace, breathing hard. It was getting late, the digits on his watch showed it was almost eleven.

There, that sound. Footsteps. Tyson came to a stop, and, sure enough, the footsteps came to a stop a short while later.

"Who, who's there?" Tyson called. A shiver ran down his spine as his voice echoed back. He held his breath, but there was someone still breathing behind him.

Tyson gave a startled cry as he felt a hand on his neck. Without pausing to look, he broke into a run; panting heavily. He ran wildly, not noticing where he was going, until he was lost.

In his anger, Tyson swore, kicking the wall. It was a dead end. Turning around, Tyson came face to face with his follower. The boy was big, although very thin and bony looking. He had a strong, definite jaw line, and wild, wicked green eyes.

"Pockets, empty them."

Nodding, Tyson took everything out of his pockets. Out went his wallet, his mobile phone, and his beyblade.

"The watch."

Tyson through his watch down on the ground, a sudden bitter feeling rising in his chest. That watch had been his dad's.

"I like that jacket."

Off came the jacket. Tyson didn't bother to argue, he could see the knife glinting dangerously. It peeked from the man's side pocket. Uncovered, unprotected.

"What size are those trainers?"

"An eight…"

"Take them off."

Tyson kicked the trainers off.

"And the shirt. Take the trousers off too. I like them."


That was all the man needed. The knife was out, and pointed threateningly at Tyson's throat. Tyson had just taken off his trousers, when he caught the sick, satisfied smirk on the guy's face. He was enjoying this.

"Happy now?"

"No, I like that pair of underwear your wearing." Tyson shook his head, horrified.

"No way!"


The man span around, the knife dropped, clattering on the bare concrete.

"Gus, what the fuck are you doing?"

"N - nothing!"

Tyson's eyes widened as the unexpected company made his way out of the shadows. His heart nearly leapt for joy as he recognised the face. It was the guy from the pub. He was without the make up, and his hair looked shorter and less untidy, but he looked thin and ill, as if he hadn't had a good meal in days.

"What the fuck? Gus, you better not be doing what I think you are, you fucking pervert."

The guy, who was undoubtedly Gus, suddenly reeled round.

"You're saying I'm bad Kai? I don't get paid to do it!"

Seeming unaffected by the comeback, Kai spat at the ground. "I don't rape and humiliate people for the fun of it."

"No, you let yourself be raped and humiliated for a few dollars! You're pathetic, man."

Tyson cried in shock as he was suddenly pushed against the wall, a hand at his throat, throttling the air out of him. "H-hey!" He cried.

Without warning, Kai leapt to his aid - grabbing Gus by the hair at the back of his head, and pulling him to the ground, swiftly kicking him in his balls as he did so.

Gus howled, curling up on the ground. He was only there for a few seconds though, because he grabbed for the pile of goods on the grounding, taking a handful. Despite his pain, Gus leapt up, and hobbled away as fast as his injured manhood would allow.

Tyson felt his face burn, embarrassment overwhelmed him as he scrambled to get his fallen clothing.

"Here." Tyson was startled to find his jacket in the hands of Kai. Kai seemed to hold none of the embarrassment Tyson held, it seemed that Kai was use to stumbling in on people who were half naked. Tyson nearly slapped himself - Kai was a prostitute, he was used to seeing people naked!


"No problem, I'm always having to pull him off people - You're lucky, he usually gets further."

"I didn't get your name the other night…?"


Kai smiled, and helped Tyson gather his possessions. "What did he take."

"Some loose change, my Mobile and…" Tyson suddenly looked crestfallen, "my dad's watch…"

"Special too you?"

Tyson nodded.

"Where do you live?"

"Huh? Why?"

"I'll get your watch and phone back - can't promise about the loose change though, how much was there?"

"He only took a few twenty dollar notes…"

Kai raised his eyebrows. "Hn, If someone took that much off me, I'd be well pissed."

Tyson shrugged. "Can you get my watch back?"

Kai nodded, "Sure, just give me your address."

"Do you have a pen?"

Kai nodded, and reached into the bag that hung loosely off one of his shoulders, he took out a thick pad and a pen. Tyson looked with interest as Kai flipped through the pad. He noticed that there were a lot fo dates with names.

- Monday 16th July - Mrs K Limpton, Flystar Hotel, 6pm - 7.30pm $15

- Monday 16th July - Mr S Marrine, Jewel Bar, 8pm - 8.30pm $25 + £6 (not paid from Friday)

"Those all your. Um…"


"Uh, yeah."

"Most of them. I just put memos and addressed in here to remind myself. I have to see my Land lord in the morning. Damn."

"Not good?"

"He has my eviction notice." Kai snorted slightly, and continued to flick through the pages. "Alright. What's your address?"

Tyson wrote the address down for him, and also his number.

Kai glanced at the messy writing, and nodded. "The dojo, right?"

"Yeah, you know it? I live there with my grandpa."

"Yeah, I know it." Kai folded the paper, and slipped it into a pocket in his bag. Come on, I'll walk you out of this dump - where you going?"

"Just to a friend of a friends, its just outside this part of towns. Rowan Grove, heard of it?"

"Yeah." Kai nodded again. "How are you getting home?"

"I'll get a lift."

"That's okay then - come on, lets go; I'm heading that way anyway."

The two teens walked in silence, only "This way," or "just turn right" was heard.

Truth be told Kai was ill at ease, and Tyson was the culprit; the boy's bubbly presence was overwhelming, contagious - let it be said.

Kai felt a huge weight leave his shoulders as Tyson gave his thanks and waved good bye, disappearing into a large, well kept garden.

Shaking his two-toned head, Kai sighed, and vanished back into the shadowy darkness the alleys offered. The sooner he found Gus, the sooner he could get Tyson's things back, and the sooner he could be rid of the responsibility.

He gave a long and sorrowful sigh as he wound his way through the passages that created the slums of Bay city.

It was going to be a long night.

Done, done, done, done!

Yay, review please, I'll be eternally grateful and reward you with a complementary rubber spoon!