Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Look in his Eyes ❯ Hospital ( Chapter 1 )
No one reviewed sob sob so you don't get the pleasure of hearing be babble for half the fic. You are soooo deprived. ^_<
Lost look in his eyes
Chapter 1
"In the news today, a house has burned down in Odaiba*. The two occupants where caught in the blaze and unfortunately one of them, a Mister Marshall** Granger, was killed in the fire out right. His grandson Tyson Granger is now in hospital recovering from shock he should recover. It appears there may have been foul play involved. In other news… click"
Max lowered his hand, which contained the remote and dumped it on the cluttered bedside table. Silence spread through the little white washed hospital room. He wished it would be as easy to erase the bad memories from his friends mind, as it was to remove them from the TV screen. But he feared the Tyson would never be the same again.
The boy in question was at this moment swamped in hospital gown and sheets surrounded by the stark white of the hospital room, staring blankly at one of the blank walls.
It was painful for max to watch, his usually happy, cheerful friends, with sparkling gem like eyes. Looking as though someone had sucked all the life out of him and left him as a soulless zombie. The whole scene was wrong. Surreal somehow. But it was like a car crash; no matter how much you wanted to or how disturbed you where by the scene in front of you. You couldn't pull your gaze away.***
It was fascinatingly wrong.
The silence was beginning to grate on his nerves, but Max didn't know how or didn't want to break the spell of silence that had been cast over the room. So it was with guilty relief that he welcomed the arrival of the nurse telling him that visiting hours where over and he had to leave.
"Bye Tyson. I'll come back tomorrow, see if the rest of the gang want to come, I'll even bring along Mister sour puss Kai" he said to his lost best friend on the bed. He didn't even acknowledge his presence. He sighed and carried on walking out the door.
Before he left completely he looked back through the little window in the door and whispered to no one "Please come back to use soon Tyson, please" He hoped someone had heard him.
~~POV start ~~ Tyson~~
I knew Max had come to visit me, but I couldn't care at the moment. Not with the image of my Grandpa getting his skull smashed in by a smoking beam of wood, then the fire slowly consuming his body still lingered in front of my eyes. That image is going to haunt my nights for as long as I live.
Why did they have to destroy my home? Why did they have to leave my alone, with no family? My Grandpa didn't deserve to die like that. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? It was me they wanted not him he deserved none of it.
I wish he was still alive.
I wish my life was normal again.
~~POV end~~
^_* The next day *_^
The whole team was walking down one of the many bare corridors in the hospital Tyson was staying at. Max even managed to somehow drag the sour-puss leader along, but no one was really sure how he did it and most of them didn't want to know. Max could be quite scary when he set his mind on something.
As the walked up the hall to Tyson's room max was in the front dragging along a anxious Kenny by the wrist, he was holding on tightly to his laptop making sure that it didn't fall from his grasp at the fast pace Max was setting to get to Tyson's door. Rei was behind them walking quickly but not as rushed as Max and Kenny, his hands where in the pockets of his Chinese style trousers and his long rope of hair was whipping behind him as he walked.
The last in the little crew of visitors was Kai. He was walking at his normal pace, it wasn't that he didn't want to see his team mate and find out if he was ok, far from it in fact, he did want to see Tyson. He wanted to run up to him hug him and tell him everything would be fine. This is why he was lagging behind; he was too caught up in his thought to put the effort into speeding up his walking.
~~POV start ~~ Kai~~
I'm cold. Everyone says it. I'm the cold, emotionless, wouldn't-know-feelings-if-they-bit-him-on-the-ass bastard. Who betrayed people who had only tried to befriend him. So I'm emotionless. I'm unfeeling.
I don't care.
So why does my (WARNING, WARNING romantic slush alert) heart suddenly beat differently when I'm around him? Why did I feel scared when I heard about the fire? Why did I feel relief when I knew he was ok? Why do I feel worried now when he isn't getting better? Could it be that my heart isn't made of ice? Or could it be that Tyson has the flame to thaw it out?
~~ POV end~~
Kai shock himself out of his thoughts when he realised the others where waiting for him outside Tyson's door. He glared at Rei when he had the audacity to give him a strange look.
Speeding up slightly to make it look like he wasn't lagging behind so much, he reached the door where the others where standing. Max was looking at his with questioning eyes, he nodded his head to say he was ready to enter the room and see what damage this fire had done to the normally cheerful boy inside.
Max took in a breath and then let it out again; he turned the metal handle and pushed the door open. Only to find and empty room to greet him.
"I thought you said this was his room"
"It is his room Kai, at least it used to be."
* Isn't this where they live in Digimon 1 and 2??? Is it even a real place?????
**Does he actually have a name other than grandpa???????? If anyone know please tell me.
*** Have you ever found this its completely morbid, but you just can't help it.