Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Melted Gaze ❯ Melted Gaze ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Melted Gaze

Written by: Atsuki

A Kai/Rei one-shot fic

{...} - My words

~...~ - Thoughts of characters

=...= - Change of time/place

A/N: !WARNING! - Yaoi (male/male) is present in this fic, but does not touch on adult issues. (no lemon/lime) If you don't like it, then please don't read it, thank you... This fic is mostly (or entirely) concerntrating on Kai/Rei. It's taking place after the championships, in Japan. The team is enjoying their last few days before they part. And yes, I admit, I couldn't come up with a better title! First Kai/Rei fic, *bows*. Sorry if anyone seems OOC. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Beyblade.

Raising his head, and gazing around the room, his dark chestnut eyes finally stopped as they rested on a spot. He shook his gaze and closed his eyes, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. ~What was I thinking?~ Looking up, he shook his head once more. ~I've probably been in here for too long...~ Standing up, he walked across the room to the door with steady footsteps. Despite the numerous shouts, he did not bother to answer, not even respond. Only when he heard an ever-so-familiar voice, did he turn his head slightly towards the source, face expressionless. {I think you get me...}

"What?" His voice as hard as ever.

"Where are you going?"

Kai answered, "I'm leaving."

"So soon?" Everyone in the room except Kai chorused.

Only replying with a grunt, Kai opened the door and slammed it. The other four in the room could only stare at each other. Silence hung in the atmosphere for a moment, before Tyson finally broke it.

"Sourpuss...always spoiling the mood,"

Max said, "We are going separate ways the day after...why-" {You know, Max going back to America, Rei to China etc.}

"He can't wait that long," Tyson cut in.

Rei got up and spoke, "I'll go after him."

As Rei went to the door, Tyson cried out, "If he doesn't want to come back immediately, just leave him be! We don't want you to go missing as well."

Rei nodded, smiling, and left the room. He ran outside and looked around, and he spotted Kai in a distance. Calling out towards him, Rei caught up with him, pulling him back as he placed his hand on Kai's shoulder.

"Why did you leave us like that?" Rei asked. "We've only less than two days left to be together."

Kai stared at Rei, "It's late."

"But we're all staying at Tyson's place for the time being..." Rei answered. "So where are you going?"

Words did not come to his lips straight away, as Kai tried to think of a plausible excuse, "I'm just walking around, you don't need to worry about me. I'll probably be back quite late."

Considering what Tyson had said to him before he left, Rei finally replied, "I can accompany you."

"I don't need anyone to accompany me," Kai replied coldly.

Rei smiled, "Then I'm just walking around too."

"Whatever," Kai huffed and walked ahead of Rei. ~Why am I so concerned about Rei being with me anyway? It's not like anything's going to happen when we're together...~ Raising his head slightly, Kai scanned around the neighbourhood. ~No one's around...I...~ Hitting himself mentally, he quickened his pace and stared at his feet. ~I shouldn't be thinking like's not me. When they're going to vanish from my life soon, so will these thoughts, so I shouldn't worry too much.~ With that thought in mind, pushing away all the other thoughts, Kai had a smirk on his face. Running his fingers through his hair, he stared above him. Only then did he finally turn his head to look behind him. ~Is he still there? Wait a minute, why am I hoping that he is still with me? I shouldn't even think about him, lest hope for him. But then again...~

~Why did I say I wanted to accompany him? It's strange...~ Pondering over this matter, Rei kept his eyes on the ground, and also kept a short distance away from Kai, just in case. He did not want to cause any discontentment. ~I could have gone back to the rest...but I didn't...~ With a cute pout upon his lips, Rei thought to himself. ~But I don't understand my own actions fully...Have I been acting odd lately? But the others didn't mention anything like that to me, so I guess it's still not too bad.~ He had a small smile on his face as he thought. ~Hopefully there isn't anything wrong with accompanying Kai...I'm not sure, but I don't wish to make him mad...~ He had that same pout on his lips again, as he spotted a tiny rock before him. Kicking it lightly, he watched as it tumbled and stopped as it hit against another person's foot.

Eyes travelling upwards, Rei saw Kai staring at him. Blinking at him, Rei opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Closing his mouth, Rei settled with a smile, and waited for Kai's move.

At first, Kai could not help but stare at Rei walking towards him. Those eyes, that pout, and now this smile. And he was caught staring at Rei. Kai closed his eyes and forced a smile, before turning and proceeded walking.

That smile was a short-lived one, but when Rei saw it, he felt his heart flutter slightly. He took some time to recover. Soon, he saw Kai a distance ahead, waiting for him to catch up as he stared at Rei. Rei quickly went up to Kai and they started walking together.

They were silent for most of the time. Occasionally, each looked up at the other, but did not say anything. Hearts did skip a beat, thoughts did fly at a high speed, and sometimes eyes did made contact, but not a single word was said.

~I don't know what I'm thinking but...this feels...I feel comfortable with him.~ Kai stole a glance at Rei. ~ What did I just think? This is crazy, how can I feel comfortable with somebody else. I never did like company. Hn.~ A glare hardened upon Kai's face. ~I could never feel this way unless...~ His glare softened and he looked at Rei. ~Unless I...~ He looked away and his heartbeat started quickening.

"NO!" Kai shouted at himself.

Rei was startled and his eyes widened, "Uh...Kai, are you alright?"

Realising what he had just done, Kai avoided Rei's gaze and muttered, "Yeah..." And he shoved his hands deep inside his pockets and continued walking, pretending that nothing had happened just now.

"Okay..." Rei said, loud enough for Kai to hear, and he followed Kai.

~I'm not too sure what happened just now, but I think I actually felt my stomach turn...and my heart jumped.~ He shifted his gaze above. ~I don't know if it's because of the shock, or whether it's because...of what I think Kai was thinking back then...~ Rei looked at Kai, who was now deep in thought. Turning his eyes to the ground, Rei shook his head. ~That's impossible. It can never happen...~ Rei smiled foolishly.

When they were nearing Tyson's place, Kai stop in his footsteps and faced Rei. Curious by his actions, Rei stared blankly at him.

"I..." Kai hesitated. ~Should I tell him? But...~

Rei waited for Kai, but when Kai did not continue any further, Rei urged him, "Yes?"

Kai clenched his fist and looked away, "I know this sounds crazy, but..." Jerking his deep, dark eyes towards Rei's golden hues, Kai confessed, "I think I'm in love with you." After that, his feet were rooted to the ground, and he could only turn his gaze away from Rei's.

Upon hearing what Kai said, Rei broke out into a light blush. He was expecting to hear it, but in reality, he was not ready for it. Not knowing what to say, Rei blinked.


"Hey, Rei," Tyson waved, and then he saw Kai. "Oh, you found Mr. Sourpuss."

Max appeared behind Tyson, "We were beginning to worry about you, but since you two are here now..."

"Kenny's inside, let's go," Tyson beckoned.

Tyson and Max disappeared. Rei looked at Kai, who merely shook his head, smirking. Rei was still partly dazed by what Kai had just said.

Walking pass Rei, Kai said in a low whisper, "Forget what I just said, I wasn't myself then." With that, he went inside, leaving Rei further dazed. It was only after a while, did Rei enter the room.

=============================================================== =======

Next day

It was early in the morning, and Kai was already awake {as usual} . Stepping outside, he was soon lost in his own thoughts. Inside, the rays of sunlight shone upon Rei. Rubbing his eyes, Rei turned to see Kai missing. He got up and went outside. As expected, Kai was there. Rei walked up to him and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"What do you want?" Kai gave a hard stare, trying to hide his shock.

Rei did not hesitate to answer, "Kai, about yesterday-"

"Didn't I say to forget it?" Kai folded his arms and looked away, not wanting to reveal any second thoughts about what he had said.

"Yeah, but since you brought it up..." Rei bit his lower lip. "I've been thinking about it and..."

Kai sneaked a peek at Rei and quickly turn his gaze away as Rei felt his gaze upon him, "Hurry up, we don't have all day."

Rei took a deep breath and spoke, "I think I'm in love with you too." After he said that, he smiled and took a step towards Kai.

Kai stared at Rei, and then relaxed into a smile, "That was better than I expected..."

"Same here," Rei agreed. Not knowing what to expect next, Rei blushed slightly and looked away.

Kai raised a hand to Rei's cheek, and made Rei face him. Unsure, Kai kissed Rei on the lips. Feeling awkward, Rei kissed him back. It was a funny feeling at first, but they both soon settled down and kissed further. A bit reluctant, Rei pulled away from Kai.

"What if the others see?" Rei asked, a bit embarrassed.

Kai glanced inside, "We'll just have to make ourselves scare today."

"You mean..."

Kai smiled, "Today is the last why not live it up till tomorrow?"

Rei nodded, "Yes...but when tomorrow comes-"

"We shall see then," Kai cut in, and wrapped both arms around the smaller boy, hugging him closely, as his mahogany orbs and Rei's golden ones melted into each other.
