Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Moving to California ❯ Celebrating Hallowen and dancing with strangers! ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heya guys!

Disclaimer:I do not own beyblade,nor do I own Rei,Kai or Tala...-sighs-

Celebrating Hallowen and dancing with strangers!

The situation between Nate and Malisia did not improve during Tuesday or Wednesday,and Mariah got mad every time she even looked at the silwerhaired boy.Destiney appeared to be the only one who saw how sad her brother was.She felt it aswell,wawes of shame and sorror flowing from him,as they were twins.After school she tagged along with Maisia to her home,where they bumped into Rei and Kai.Destiney tried to make the blackhaired boy tell her what he was going to dress up as on Hallowen,but he refused to utter even the slightest hint about his costume.He simply laughed and shook his head each time she tried to catch him off guard.Malisia`s car was still at the garage,so she turned to her brother with a pleading look.

"Can I borrow your car?Pweaty pweaty pwease?"He grinned and handed her the keys."You owe me".She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek."Sure lil bro!"Destiney just had to laugh when she saw how red Kai turned by those words.Lil bro?So Kai was the youngest of the two twins?

She never would have guessed.Five minutes later they were on the road,heading for the mall nearby."How long is it between you and your brother?"Malisia thought it over before she answered:Almost sixteen hours I think.We were actually born on two different days.He hates to be called lil bro in front of people.It always makes him so embarrassed...,"she giggled.

Malisia knew the mall pretty well.She knew the location of every shop,every door and every corner.She lead her friend to a huge costume shop at the upper floor.Destiney almost got lost among all the funny dresses and masks.She tried several dresses and costumes on,but found no one she really liked.

"Dizzy!You have to see this one!!"Malisia called.When she popped her head out to take a look,the bluehead pointed."That dress is just!"It took her breath away,it was an incredible dress!It was made in a silklike,white cloth,decorated with white pearls.It did not cover the back and parts of the stomach.A long,silwercoloured cloak was hanging around the shoulders.There was also a mask,one of those who covered everything except mouth and nose.She took a closer look,and discovered that the dress looked like it was made of shells.She assumed it was supposed to look like a mermaid`s dress.

"That is my costume",she smiled and took it down to try it on.Malisia gave her the thumbs up when she came back out with it on."You will be the prettiest girl at the party with that dress,I am sure of it!"Since Destiney now had decided on a costume,she helped her friend look around for one.Malisia found her costume in a black dress with red stripes along the back,a split in the left side.There was also a completely black robe.Destiney herself thought the dress was a little too revealing,but agreed that it fit her friend perfectly.Satisfied with the shopping,they payed and left the shop to get some ice-cream.

"Malis!Dizzy!"a familiar voice called.They had not really expected to see Tala around here.He sat down beside them,and Malisia handed him her ice-cream.He grinned and took a bite before he said:I assume you girls are here to pick a costume?"Malisia grinned."You bet!"She showed him her costume.Destiney insisted on keeping hers a secret.

"What are you dressing up as then?"she asked the redhead,who merely smiled at them."I figured I should match Malis here,so I guess I go with black and red,ne?"Malisia raised an eyebrow,but said nothing."You have money then?"He smiled."Yeah,your mother insisted on paying..."Rei and Kai turned up too,both of them eating a huge ice-cream too.Kai greeted his sister with a simple nod while he ignored Destiney.She snorted and answered by doing the same.

Not even after begging Rei a hundred times would he reveal his costume-plans for Hallowen.Neither would Kai.In the end Kai got tired of waiting for the others,so he dragged them along to the store.

-Kai`s POV-

I wonder what that brat is dressing up as?Gah,why would I care!I dont care,I really dont.Ok,so maybe I do care,even if just a little.And THAT annoys the hell out of me!!!She will probably just choose a silly costume anyway...I dont care about that brat...

-end POV-

"Oh yeah?"
the voice at the back of his head asked."You should be careful with calling others a brat when it is you who are the brat here...After al,that girl is a couple of months older than you!"He growled at the annoying voice.Why did it always have to bother him?!?"Stop pestering me!!!Who are you???"The voice giggled.

"I am you Kai".

He blinked.

"You cant be me!!I am me!!!"

"Oh?Well,so am I!"Kai was about to seriously consider to call a shrink when he got home."Now now,Kai...Take it easy".He shook his head,as if to shake that silly voice out of his mind."What is wrong?You cant get Destiney off your mind?"the voice teased."Admit it,Kai..You do have a thing for her!"






The voice sighed."Ok,I will let you win this time".It faded away to nothing."And stop acting as if you were me!!!"he hissed.

They entered the shop.It did not take long for Tala to find his costume,a strange,black dress.He also bought a pair of black angel wings and a black hairspray.Rei was still unwilling to tell them,so he bought his costume without showing it to them first.Kai was still not sure of what to dress up as yet.He stopped in front of a black,dracula-like robe.A smile came to his lips.Now he only had to find a shirt that would fit to it.He could already think of a pair of trousers he had in his closet.He bought the robe and a black mask,the same sort that Destiney had bought,though hers had been white.With a smile on his face he went to the counter to pay.

Thursday morning Destiney was asked by two boys who wanted her as their date.She did not know them,so she kindly told them to find someone else.She had been asked by other boys to,but turned them all down.Not to be mean though,it was just that she would much rather go with one of her friends than someone she didn`t know very well.And all of her friends were taken.

While they were sitting in the cafeteria eating their lunch,Aydan suddenly showed up again.He bowed to her and asked if he could have the honour of taking her to the party on Friday.She smiled."Ok".

He bowed once more."Then I will pick you up at half past seven then,my lady",he smiled and turned around to leave."Aydan!WaitDo you know where I live?"He blinked,then smiled."Silly me!Is it possible to be as stupid as me?"She wrote her address down on a paper and handed it to him.He smiled at her and took it before he left.

Kai felt a stab of...jealousy?...when the brat accepted the invitation from Aydan.For some reason it annoyed him to no end that Destiney would be going to the party with someone when he was not.Of course he had been asked by girls,quite the number actually.But he had turned them all down without any reason in particular.He snorted and continued with his lunch.He was not jealous of Aydan!Never!

Practice was cancelled because Jade and Aya was helping with making things ready at school for tomorrow.Malisia decided to help them,but assured Destiney that she would come over tomorrow and help her with dressing up.So she spent her afternoon alone,practicing her song.During their longbreak tomorrow she would have the piano accompanying her aswell.Friday came,and everyone seemed to pretty excited about tonight.Most of the pupils seemed impatient for the bell to ring and announce that they could go home.Even Kai could not hide his excitement.He was distant and spoke little all day.When school finally ended,everyone rushed to get home.Tala and Destiney went home,while the girls stayed at school.

The bluehead showed up around dinnertime.She had brought her costume and a whole lots of other things,like hairspray and accessories.Tala had disappeared a while ago to go over to Kai`s place.Malisia suddenly got the idea to spray Destiney`s hair blue.She refused,but gave in when her friend said that everyone would recognise her white hair.Malisia`s own hair was sprayed with black and red stripes.After what seemed like an eternity the doorbell rang,and Aydan was there to pick her up.She hurried downstairs and left her friend back upstairs.Malisia had assured her she would be fine,Tala would come by and pick her up in a little while.

The brownhaired boy was now dressed i a bat-like costume with wings sticking out of his back.He gasped when he saw her."As pretty as ever,my lady",he smiled and offered her an arm.She blushed and accepted.Aydan`s car was not a fancy one,actually an old car.But it was one of those cars that would last forever.It would always take you to your destination.They sat in and drove off.Destiney had spoken to Aydan on several occations,but she did not really know the guy."So..Destiney".

"Just Dizzy please",she abrupted before he could say anything else.He nodded."So Dizzy,are you looking forward to the party then?"She smiled."Of course I am!I am really excited about how the girls look!"He chuckled."Yeah..."

When they got there,he once again offered her his arm,and she took it.It was dark inside the hall,the walls decorated with ghosts and spiders.There were pumpkins on the tables.The room was almost empty,except from a few people hurrying around to take care of everything.Mariah,who looked liked like an Egyptian Goddess,came over to her.

"Dizzy darling,you look gorgeous!"She embraced her friend."The same to you,Mariah".The pinkhaired girl turned to Aydan."Sorry to bother you about this Aydan,but there was something with the sound system that the guys needed help with".

He frowned."Ok...See you later Dizzy.I am sorry to leave you alone".She smiled and assured him that she would be fine.

"So,where is Rei tonight?"Mariah giggled."He will be here in a little while,sweetie.By the way,you are on after a song called "Be there",so just be ready then,ok?"

She gave a nod and went to find herself something to drink.Slowly people started to turn up,dressed in all kinds of crazy outfits.She almost had to laugh when she saw her own gang.

Aya had put makeup on that made her face look like the face of a tiger.Her dress was clinging to her body like a swimsuit.Her hair was spiky,and she had coloured it orange and yellow beside her own red.By her side was Tony,looking like a warewolf.Jade was dressed in a beautiful lightblue dress,and she had a bow hanging on her back.Her ears were pointy,to resemble those of an elf.Destiney assumed that the one by her side was Rydan,but she could not be all sure as she could only see some purple hair,two eyes and a mouth.The rest was covered in bandages.Tala and Malisia matched each otehr,both dressed in black with wings on their back and fangs.But out of all her friend,Rei was the one to make her laugh the most.Rei was wearing a skirt made out a straws.His chest was bare,only half covered by a lot of flowers.His hair was totally wild,more so than usual and he had a fake birdsnest on top of his head.In his left hand he had a staff with a silwer skull in one of the ends."What the heck are you supposed to be,Rei??"she managed to ask between her fits of laughter.He grinned and put his arm around Mariah.

"I am a witchdoctor from the jungle!"

Mariah rolled her eyes.Destiney didn`t ask,but noticed that Kai was missing.Silver and Nate turned up right after,Nate looking like a pirate with Silver as a witch by his side.They sat down by a table and helped themselves when it came to finding food.The band that was playing was named "Dark Hour" and appeared to be a pretty good band.

During the song that was named "Be there",she was starting to get nervous.She said goodbye to the others and went backstage.Kathy,one of the cheerleaders,had responsibility for the things that happened on stage,and the poor girl was stressed to no end.She hurriedly gave Destiney a little briefing.On her signal the lights were turned off and Destiney manouvered her way over to the mike in the dark.There was no intro to her song,she had requested that there should not be.She took the mike in her hands and took one last,deep breath.Then there was smoke around her feet,and the lights were directed at her.She closed her eyes and waited for the piano to start playing.

strange voices in my head
cant they just go away
I kept watching my back
but there was nobody there

Kai took off his jacket in the wardrobe.Thank God he had brought an umbrella!If that stupid hairspray had been washed out by the rain he would have gone mad.That hairspray was the damn reason he was late for this party.

this was my life
until you showed up
the voices became music
and you sang me a song

He entered the hall and completely froze when he heard the voice.Such a soft enchanting...
He continued to stand still,just listening to the song.

all this time I thought you
would make it better
how wrong is it able to be?

I thought it was
a lullaby
before I realised
it was night and we
had gone to bed
then you sang me
a requiem
and gave me
the kiss of death

Those words struck him right in the face,and he was unable to move even an inch from his spot.His gaze was directed
upon the beautiful creature singing the song.

your pale,pale skin
your drowning eyes
you cold,cold hands
I should have realised

the night is lovely
the day so cruel
I dont want to think
I was such a fool

She was all dressed in white,blue hair running down her back.He wondered who she was,why she affected him in such a way with her voice.

I`m tired,I nearly dont
bare to breathe
all I want,is to
hear you sing

I thought it was
a lullaby
before I realised
it was night and we
had gone to bed
then you sang me
a requiem
and gave me
the kiss of death

The music slowly faded away to a remarkable silence.It went all dark again,and when the lights came back on she was gone.People came back to their senses and started to applaud for the performance.Kai`s heart was beating very fast now,and he took a deep breath to calm down and sat down by some table.

Destiney felt her cheeks grow red and warm when people started applauding.Satisfied with her performance she decided to get something to drink.The rest of the gang was busy on the dance floor at the time being.She grinned when she saw the way Jade and Rydan was dancing.Those two were apparently not very afraid of being watched by others with their pretty wild dance.She stood close to the wall watching her friends.Tala was trying to kiss Malisia,but she got away every time with a smile on her face.For some reason her eyes were drawn to a tall guy all dressed in black with black,spiky hair.She kept watching him,fascinated by his appearance.His face was covered by a black mask,making him unrecognisable.

He turned around,and grey eyes locked with babyblue.She was paralyzed,unable to move for a second.And just like they were taking part in some kind of crazy movie,they started to walk towards each other.They met at the middle of the dance floor,and he took her little hands into his own.They slowly started to dance around to the music,a calm and sad song by Evanescence.The words were as familiar to her as her own voice,and she sang.Still she could not let go off his eyes.

She rested her head towards his chest,and could despite the loud music hear the beat of his heart.They moved to the slow rythm of the music.He put a hand under her chin to lift her head so he could stare into those babyblue orbs again.Kai felt strange,like he was walking on clouds somehow.There was something about this girl that made him feel like faith was involed for some reason.He dropped his head a little,moving closer to her.She could feel his breath on her face,it smelled of mint.Their noses touched.She stopped thinking rationally and threw herself into it.

Their lips met in a warm and passionate kiss,and she put her arms around his neck,one of her hands playing around with his dark hair.He placed his hands on her hips,pulling her as close as possible.She made no protest as his tongue made it`s way into her mouth,but welcomed it with her own,swapping their saliva around,making the kiss even deeper.Every sense of reason was gone out the window,and she did not even care that people were staring at them.His hands were now running up and down her sides,unable to find rest.She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled.Every inch of her being was alive.

"I am sorry Tala,I need to rest my legs",she appologied and went to find herself a drink.Tala shook his head and tagged along."Can I have another dance later on then,Malis?"His eyes were begging for her to answer yes."Please pumpkin?"

She pretended to think it over."....I dont know..."She laughed when she saw his disappointed expression."Of course you can,redhead!"He brightened and put an arm around her shoulders.She took anothyer sip out of her glass."And if you do really well...Who knows,maybe I will allow you to kiss me?"His eyes widened for a second before he got himself together and grinned."You bet I will!"

She smiled to herself.That guy would never give up on her..."Guess who we should have switched places with,pumpkin?"She shruged."How am I to know?"

He grinned again and pointed at someone at the dance floor.She almost choked on her drink when she realised who he meant,Bloody hell!she thought to herself.Why the heck is Destiney making out with my brother???Malisia put down her glass and cleared her throat.

Tala blinked and gave her a puzzled stare."Wanna dance?"He smiled and bid her his arm.

Nate felt really sick to his stomach when he looked at Malisia and Tala,when he saw the way they danced together.When Malisia kissed the other boy,he could not take it anymore.He broke into tears and ran away,leaving Silver alone.The girl simply smiled and sat down by one of the tables.She had just twisted the favour Tala had asked her.

They did not let each other out of sight all night.The boy seemed to be a magnet,she was unable to leave him alone,even for a little while.She really felt tempted to remove his mask and see who was hiding beneath,but resisted.When it was past midnight and people had started leaving,she decided it was about time to go home for tonight.She kissed him one last time,and barely managed to break that kiss and find the courage to turn around and walk away.He watched her disappear.

"Hey Dizzy,wait for me!"a familiar voice called.Aydan stopped in front of her,his cheeks flushed,looking a little embarrassed."I am so sorry I left you alone tonight...There was an emergency".He smiled sadly."But you seemed pretty I figured I would leave you alone..."She suddenly fetl bad for forgetting her date."I appologise Aydan,I dont know why I did what I did tonight...".

She blushed.He bid her his arm.

"May I have the last dance then?"She smiled and took his hands.The music was calm,almost hypnotic."Um..Dizzy?"She raised her head to stare at him."Hm?"

He simply smiled and shook his head."Nothing.."

Afterwards he gave her a ride back home,and neither of them said a single word.Being the young gentleman he was,he escorted her to the door."Goodnight Aydan".He nodded."You were great tonight..Your performance I mean.I didn`t miss that".She blushed slightly."Thank you..."He smiled once again and gave her a peck on the cheek before he left.

The song used is written by my dearest friend,Irene....thanks a bunch hun!

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