Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Moving to California ❯ Could I have that kiss now? ( Chapter 56 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Could I have that kiss now?

The moment they entered the lobbey they were practically attacked by the gang, every single one of them asking questions and wanting to know how they had been,what had happened and so on. Destiney had to smile at their worry. Malisia was a little annoyed still but it passed quickly. Jade glomped her, hugging her tightly. Destiney grimanced and signaled that she couldn`t breathe properly. Aya grinned and placed a hand on her cousin`s shoulder.

« Jadey..let go of her and let the poor girl breathe»

The girl with the aqua hair grinned sheepishly at Destiney when she sighed in relief of being released. Kai stood further away from the girls, a displeased look on his face.

« What is it, Kai?» asked Tala.

Kai shrugged.

» Nothing...»

Rei smirked and poked him in the ribs to get his attention.

« So what happened last night?» he asked with a devilish glint in his eyes. Kai raised one eyebrow lazily at him.

« What are you getting at?»

Rei sighed and rolled his eyes.

« Everyone knows that you have a thing for Destiney......»

Kai made no sign to be surprised at all.

« Is that so? Nothing happened» he lied and walked away. He did so not want to have his buddies prying secrets and stuff out of him.

They were walking along a dock called Bryggen, looking at the old antique stores while Malisia was reading out loud from a piece of paper about the history of the place.

« Did you know that Bryggen used to be the centre for all ship trading in Vest-Europe back 600 years ago? A lot of merchants had their shops and stores here and people could buy fish and other stuff here...Mostly the germans were the ones to come here, they actually took control of the place for more than hundred years and literally ruled the town and the trading too»

She kept speaking eagerly and started a discussion with Mariah. Destiney was walking alongside Aya, her friend casting curious glances at her without her noticing because she was deep in thought. Every now and then she would look at Kai walking ahead with Tala and Rei. He was strangely quiet today. But a lot of things had happened since last night and they both had a lot on their minds.

« So..what happened between Kai and you?» Aya asked with a smile. Destiney snapped out of her transe and arched an eyebrow at her friend`s question.

« What do you mean by that?»

The girls had been asking her that question all day and she wasn`t sure how much longer she could hold back.

« Come on! I see it in the way that you look at him, the way you behave that something indeed did happen between the two of you. Your eyes tell it all, dear».

Destiney blushed a light shade of pink.

« Um»

She didn`t know what to reply. To be protesting now was useless-she knew too well. So she just smiled, something that made Aya`s eyes widen. She leaned closer and asked: so..are the two of you together now?»

Destiney nodded and placed a finger to her lips as a sign for her to keep her mouth shut about it. Aya grinned and gave her the thumbs up. She could not wipe the grin of her own face. It felt pretty nice that someone knew.

« Just one question...»

« Yeah?»

« Was he good?»

Destiney choked on her drink and started coughing badly. The others turned to look at her, and Aya just smiled and wawed her arms dismissivly to make them go on.

« I won`t dignify that with an answer...Aya»

« Oh! Let`s go to the fish market!!» Malisia exclaimed loudly and dragged Nate and Mariah along. The others just rolled their eyes and followed, in a slower pace. They were in no hurry to see it all. They had all day to explore and have fun. They spread across the whole market place as everyone wanted to see and check out different things. Kai stood by the fence looking out at the sea. The wind whipped their hair about as it willed.

« are you?»

He looked down at her with one of those rare, little smile.

« Fine...»

Detiney placed her hand on top of his and entwined their fingers. he looked down at the linked hands with his brows furrowed, like he was thinking of letting go of her hand.

« You sharing room with Tala?»

He nodded. A mischievous grin appeared on her face.

« When he is think I could keep you company?»

He shrugged.

« I bet that he is asleep before midnight...Thee time difference always makes him dizzy and sleepy for days when he goes to new places».

« Then midnight it is»

She let go of his hand when Nate and Tala called her name and waved at her to come help them with something. The two boys were standing at a small shop owned by a little lady with curls and kind, blue eyes. She apparently sold teddybears and hand made sweaters.

« We figured that we should buy something for Vivi in this place...Can you help us out?» Nate explained. She took a closer look then turned to the lady.

« Is not the moose something typical Norwegian? You think our little brother would be happy to get one..?»

The lady smiled wamrly at her and nodded.

« I think he would...And yes, those animals are something typical Norwegian»

Tala smiled and picked up the stuffed animal.

« I think we`ll settle with this one then...It`s cute»

She chuckled and gave a little nod.

« Yeah...»

They were literally exhausted when they returned to the hotel that evening after spending a whole day walking around in Bergen. In the middle of the afternoon they had been taken aback by a huge rainstorm and had been forced to take shelter in a shopping mall named Galleriet. The girls had gone wild, dragging the boys into every clothing store and jewelery store they found. Back at the hotel they finally had something nice and warm to eat and drink to get the frost out of their bodies.

Destiney was sitting on the window ledge, dressed in her lightblue, silky pyjama with white clouds on with a cup of cocoa in her hands. She liked Bergen..Despite the fact that it rained all the time here-this city held some charm that appealed to her.The people here had a funny accent when they spoke Englis ,and their language was even funnier. Destiney had even learned a couple of words, like how to say hello and such..and when she tried that while speaking to a guy from the staff earlier, he had smiled in amusement at her.

« Hey Dizzy? You turning off the lights when you go to bed?» Malisia asked as she popped her head out of the room she was sharing with Nate.

« Sure..Nighty night»

Her friend blew a kiss in her direction and closed the door. She herself shared a room with Aya, who had already gone to sleep in her bed.

« It has been ages since I`ve done anything like this...You have some more paper for me, Rydan?»

He chuckled and ripped up another piece of paper for her. Jade tore it into many small pieces and curled them into balls and waited...for the next victim to pass by below.The two teenagers were sitting in the stairs, throwing paper balls at everyone that passed by on the floor below.

« Jadey? Do you remember what you promised when we spoke on the phone?»

She bit her lip and turned towards him.

« Yeah..of course I do»

« Do you think...that I could have that kiss now?»

She nodded and cupped his chin with her hands, pulling him closer. Hesitantly she took a deep breath and pressed her lips onto his. He kissed her shyly back.

Pulling apart she rested her forehead on his, arms around his neck.

« Thanks Jadey..I love you»

She smiled and hugged him tightly.

« No probs...Love you too»

Smiling they both picked up the paper balls and continued their tormenting of the people passing by.

Destiney carefully knocked the door and waited patiently. Moments after she stood face to face wtih Kai. He pretended to look surprised to see her, both brows up to his hairline.

« Who are you? I can`t recall having called for room service...»

She decided to play along with his little game.

« No...But there is a lady that lives across the hall, and she asked if I could send you a kiss and keep you company for her».

« Did she now...» he asked amused, eyes sparkling.

» You better come in then, no?»

She giggled as he took her hand and lead her across the room. Tala was lying in his bed by the window, snoring peacefully. Oh well..He wasn`t exactly lying in his bed....rather half of him was lying on the floor, the other half in bed. They sneaked past him as carefully as possible and shut the door behind them. The redhead just kept snoring and stirring a little in his sleep, unaware of everything that happened around him.

Kai turned on the little lamp on the bedsidetable. Destiney jumped onto his bed and quickly hid under the covers. Kai rolled his eyes at her childish behavior and pulled the covers off her. She giggled and swung around, hitting him with the pillow. He arched one eyebrow lazily at her before snatching the pillow and pinning her down, straddling her hips. Her hands was kept down by his right one over her head.

« I win..» he smirked. Her face turned pouty, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

« I would have won if you were a girl».

His lips started twitching, and he couldn`t hold back the laughter anymore. Destiney stared at him,being in a state of shock.

" If I was a girl you wouldn`t have kissed me".

« I don` think I have ever heard you laugh like that....Sure, I have heard you laughing because you got tickled. But never by own free will...»

She pushed him off and rested against his chest.

« You are cute when you smile you know. I think you should smile more often»

He furrowed his brows.

« Why?»

« Because I say so» she replied quickly. He smiled again.

« There you see! Damn cute....and you are all mine too. I must be the luckiest girl in the world» she grinned and kissed his nose. He wrinkled his nose and rubbed it lightly.

" So it doesn`t matter at all that you and I used to hate each other and ended up fighting several times?"

« Silly...» she mumbled and curled up by his side.

« Can`t we tell the others Kai? They will get it sooner or later anyways you know. Better if we tell them than if they find us in an awkward situation, eh?"

He stayed quiet, his face holding a distant expression. She rolled ehr eyes.

« Is your pride really that important? Screw it I say»

She sat halfway up too look at him. He nearly seemed embarrassed. She snorted.

« Are you embarrassed about being my boyfriend? If that is the case..then you can forget about me staying with you» she said sharply, a hint of hurt in her voice as she stood up to leave. He didn`t answer as she stood waiting for a moment.

« Don`t..go»

He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back into his lap.

" It is just new to me, all of this. I could use some time to get used to it. But if you really want to, then go ahead. But let us make it a surprise at least".

Her face broke into a huge smile as she placed her arms around his neck.

« Thank you Kai» she whispered in his ear.

« ...»

Suddenly she found herself lying on her back, looking up at his mischievous face. That did scare her a bit.

« What are you thinking of..? The look on your face can`t mean that you are up to anything good as far as I am concerned...» she said nervously.

He dipped is head lower, faces inches apart.

« Since you came to keep me company I suggest we might aswell have at the same time»

« Oh? What is this fun that you are thinking of then?» she asked curiously, already knowing what he was on and about.

With the smirk still present on his lips he kissed her, lips massaging each other gently. She sighed happily and wrapped her arms around neck. As they got more into it her legs wrapped themselves around his hips, her hands holding his hair in a tight grip. She moaned into his mouth and pressed up against him.

The need for the «thing» called air was what drove them apart in the end. She lay panting as she looked up at him.

« If that is what you mean by fun..then I don`t think I mind»

Kai smirked.

-end chapter-


Kanilla & Nicholas