Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Nobody's Home ❯ The Cry ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
'Its not like anyone would care..' a young goth thought. she had blueish black eyes, short brown hair with silver highlights, she was wearing black baggy pants and a black tank top. It was midnight. It was raining. No moon. No stars. Just the thunderstorm. Tears streamed down the pre-teens face. slowly, she pulled out a gun. "I mean, who would care, if I killed myself? My parents wont one will.." she wispered to herself not expecting an answer.

"I would, if I knew you, but still whats the point in dying? suicide is just wrong, and besides, life is worth living. But still, its your dicision, think about it, kill yourself now, and have your friends, family feel bad." a boy stated. She whirled aorund.

"Who the heck are you?" She asked coldly. Her dark eyes glinted in the lightining. 'Who is this boy? And why is he trying to stop me?'

"The names Joseph. Yours?"

She didn't respond. She was quiet for a while. "I go by many things but you can call me Taylor." she rpelied after a few minutes. "why are you out here?" she continued.

"Dunno. Bordem. My team-mates are busy. why were you gonna kill yourself?"

No responce. Her silence was the answer. Depression. Hurt. Self-hate. "Becuse my life isnt worth living. My parents dont really love me, if they did they would neglect me." she replied softly.

Joseph blinked. Neglected? Gee, an intresting girl. "Oh, but still, why not get some help? I mean, tell the cops or an adult."

Taylor looked at him as if he were crazy. "I do -not- like the cops. Plus, why would they listen to a girl like me? A preist is out of teh question, adults is are people I cant get along with. Even if i tried. No one cares..."

"Okay..." both were quiet. There was a clatter. Joseph looked at her confused. she smiled slightly. "I dont need the gun now do I?" she stated. "Oh, yeah."

"Soo your here for a tournement?" Taylor asked suddenly. Joseph nodded. "For beyblade."

Silence. It was driving her insane. "JOSEPH!!" voices shout. "Oy, now they finally relize I'm gone.." Joseph said annoyed. "They're slow at relizing things." He looked over at Taylor, who now looked dead. "whats wrong?" "Huh? Oh nothing. Umm I'kll seee you around." she picked up the gun and jumped into a near by tree and leaped away.


"Taylor! You insignificant brat!!" her father shouted. Taylor whimpered. Not only neglect but abuse. "Taylor! I cannot believe that you'd lie to your father!" her mother shouted. It started to storm. Its been storming for weeks now. Grasping a nife she drew a thin line on her wrist..

"Taylor! I cant believe it! You'd go and commit suicide!" her father scolded.

"Why did you?!" her mother snapped at the quiet girl.

"Shut-up.." she wispered.

Her father slapped her.

~*End flashback*~

She drew her legs up tp her chest. Taylor sighed. Taking a knife, the same one she used last time, and slit her wrist. Unaware that someone was watching her. "Life dosent matter.." she said to herself. Tears slipping down her face.


"Hey, Taylor!" a boy shouted after her. "Hi, Mike." she said smiling at her friend and team-mate. "Hey, did you hear about the tourniment?" "Yeah?" "Well, we're competing! Ya know, you could use a break from the abuse your parents give you! Plus, The Blade Breakers will be there!" Mike said excitidly.

She sighed. "I might not be there." she said sadly. "Why?" Mike pressed. "My parents might not let me. You know how they feel about the game." she said. Mikes twin came running along. "Hey, Tay, whats whats up?" "Nothing." "Oh okay..Oh yeah, Skyler is looking for you." Matt said hyperly.

"Ok.." she walked away. Skyler was the captain, Taylor was the voice, and the twins..tey were the prankster and comedian. "Taylor, I'm worried. Will you be able to compete next week in the tourniment?" Skyler asked her. "Duh. I'll live." "Oi, Taylor, your difficult! Your parents abuse and you were released from the hospital just yesterday!!! You might still be weak!!"

"I am not weak.." she said shaply. "I'll be fine! I promise..." "Okay then." Taylor rolled her eyes. walking away, she ignored Skylers warning.

~*end flashback*~

Taylor layed down. She heard the door slam then bolt right up. Glancing at the clock it was one in the morning. Her father was drunk. She hardly knew her father. Her mother was always neglecting Taylors cries for help. she sighed. Another night wasted. Her life ws hell. Her parents hardly knew what she was doing to herself. Cutting, bleeding, screaming.. If her father wont come up here she'll be happy.

Taking out a journal she decided to write a poem.

~Closing my eyes, I see flowers. I must be dreaming..
Happiness is all I want to see..but I see behind those eyes..
I get told to look closer at the world..
I see pain and dispair...
why is all this happing?
what happened to the dreams of children?
Where is the happiness and hopes?
Opening my eyes I found myself in a feild..
A beautiful feild the sun shining, no flaws...
The dreams..
The danger in this..
A hautining melody of a piano is played..
A cry of pain..
Hauting memories of those who didnt see..
A death is caused from the abuse..
A murder...
A mother that lies to the cops..
A father who is taken away..
And a child is is taken to the hospital..
A child tells a lie to the teacher..
The teacher beleives...
The truth is hidden behind laughter, a smile.
She was thought flawless..
Looked up to by many, she acts like a normal girl.
Behind that smile is a child thats crying...hurt..
The nexy day she gets asked what happened to her arm..
She lies...says that shes a clumsy girl, and acciedenlt scrapped her arm..
Another lash..another cry..another lost soul..
Pain and greif caused by many..
I closed my eyes and wisper to myself "Let this happen.."
I felt pain bring me back to reality...
Imaginary where there is no flaws and no pain...
Reality is nothing but the truth..
A cry for help...~

Taylor put down the pen. She started to cry silently. why was she writing this? Her lies. Her heart is being hurt. Sleep closing on her. Taylor went into a dreamless slumber..

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Okay peoples. I do not own Beyblade. I only own Taylor.

OC description:

Name: Taylor
Age: 12
Team: The Young and Hopeless (No not the Good Charlotte Album peoples..)
Beyblade description: its sliver and black. Defence ring is sliver and Attack is black.
Bit Beast: A black lion. named Dark
Discription: short brown hair the reaches to her color bone. she wears black all the time and is considered a Goth. her attitude is like Ray's Ozuma's and Kai's mixed together. Inside shes a sweet and caring girl.
History: Lives with her two abusive parents. Her older brother died protecting her a few years back.

Name: Skylar
Age: 13
Team: Young and Hopeless
Beyblade: red and blue
Bit Beast: Unknown
Discription: blond hair/ He wears blue most of the time. His attitude is seriousness. He secretly cares for Taylor but acts if he dosent care for her in public or around his other team-mate. Most of the time, hes serious and cold. secretly hes happy that Taylor, Mike and Matt are around.

Name: Matt
Age: 13
Team: Young and Hopeless
Beyblade: Gold and silver
Bit Beast: Unknown
DiscriptionPersonality: Hes the prankster of the group. Mikes twin. He had black hair. Mainly wears blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He cares for Taylor and understands her feelings, even if she dosent show or tell him how she feels. Unlike his twin, he can get along with Skylar.

Name: Mike
Age: 13
Beyblade: blue and black
Bit Beast: Unknown
DiscriptionPersonality: Hes the comidian. Very hyper. Looks exactly like Matt. He obviously dosnt get along very well with skylar. He seems to flirt with Taylor whenever he gets a chance. But unlike Matt, he acts like Taylors problems is joke and shouldn't be taken seriously.

There! I hope you people liked it. R&R no flames! Flames will only be critisized and reported.