Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ On the Brink of Death ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kira: ok this chapter I did to Gotta Get Thru This by Daniel Bedingfield, hope you enjoy!
Karri: and the good thing about this story is that Minako is planning a sequel!!!
Kira: ^_^U uhhh yea....i just gotta FINISH the story first!!!! -tapes Karri's mouth shut-
-On the Brink of Death Chapter 2-
{If only I could get through this
I get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, gonna make, gonna make it through
I'm gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta take my, gotta take my mind off you}
Kai, Rei, Max, Hilary, and Kenny all waited in the waiting room. They were anxious to know if their blue-haired friend was going to be alright, Kai especially. As the doctor walked in, the five teens stood up.
“Anyone here for Tyson Kinomiya?” The five friends nodded. “Tyson will be alright. We would like to keep him for a few days to run some tests. You may feel free to visit him now, one at a time.” They all let out shaky breaths that they didn't know they had been holding. Relieved, they followed the waiting nurse to Tyson's room. Kenny was first to enter the room.
“Hey Tyson. How are you feeling?” The Genius took a seat next to the bed. Tyson smiled and sat up careful not to move neither his right arm nor his left leg. They were both in casts, being as they were broken.
“Hey Chief. I feel fine. My arm and leg hurt like hell though. Guess this means no beyblading for awhile, huh?” Tyson smiled at him again and shifted, trying to get into a comfortable position.
-Somewhere in Russia-
Boris scowled as he listened to the frightened man. “You worthless, pathetic excuse for a man. I ordered you to kill the boy, not beat him. He's alive and in the hospital now. He can identify you and track you back to Biovolt!”
“I'm very sorry sir! It won't happen again!” The man shrank as Boris lent in closer to him.
“There is no excuse for screwing this up. George! Take Norse to the chains!” Boris waved his hand and a tall, strong man came up and dragged the man away. You could hear his screams from miles away.
{Give me just a second and I'll be all right
Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
Give me 'til tomorrow then I'll be okay
Just another day and then I'll hold you tight
When your love is pouring like the rain
I close my eyes and it it's gone again
When will I get the chance to say I love you
I pretend that you're already mine
Then my heart ain't breaking every time
I look into your eyes}
“John, I want you to capture Kinomiya. Be successful or you will end up like Norse!” John nodded and headed out the door immediately.
-Back with the Bladebreakers-
Max, Rei, and even Hilary had all gone in to talk with Tyson. It was Kai's turn now.
{If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
God, God gotta help me get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, gonna make, gonna make it through
Said I'm gonna get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta take my, gotta take my mind off you}
Kai entered the room with white walls, white ceiling, and white tiled floor. Tyson was sat up in his bed and smiled at the guy whom he fell in love with.
“Hey Kai.” Tyson watched Kai move over to his side.
“How are you feeling?” Kai seemed, to Tyson, a little nervous.
“I'm fine. Are you nervous?” Tyson smiled in amusement as Kai nodded his head shyly. Tyson giggled. “Why are you so nervous?” Tyson seemed really amused by Kai's being nervous.
“What you said....was that true? Did you mean it?” Tyson stared at him for a moment and then smiled.
“Of course! Why would you doubt me?” Tyson became serious.
{Give me just a second and I'll be all right
Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
Give me 'til tomorrow then I'll be okay
Just another day and then I'll hold you tight
When your love is pouring like the rain
I close my eyes and it it's gone again
When will I get the chance to say I love you
I pretend that you're already mine
Then my heart ain't breaking every time
I look into your eyes}
“I....I don't know.” A few moments of comfortable silence ensued. Kai reached up to touch Tyson's face. He cupped Tyson's cheeks and brought Tyson's head closer to his own. Leaning down he pressed his lips up against the younger blader's own. He brought his tongue against the midnight-haired teen asking for entrance, which was granted willingly. His tongue darted out into the younger blader's mouth, memorizing every cavity and contour.
The rest of the Bladebreakers peeked into the room and found the two lip-locking. They all smirked and closed the door softly wanting to leave them alone.
{If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
God, God gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this
God, God gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this
God, God gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this...}
Little did the Bladebreakers and Co. realize, was that the worst had yet to come.
Kira: wow! this chapter went better than I planned!!! I even got some TysonKai action in it too!! YAY!!!! -squeals happily- Oh and here are the review responses for the last chapter!!!
Karri: R & R! reviewers get Tyson plushies AND candy!!! -hands plushies and candy to reviewers- REMEMBER TO R & R!!
Kira: smart remarks, come backs, sarcasm? Are you feeling alright? -lifts hand to Karri's forehead-
Karri: -annoyed- STOP THAT!!! Jeez....cant a girl be nice and CALM for once?
Kira: when it comes to
Karri: -anime veins appear on her forehead- I HATE YOU!!!!
Kira: then my job is done!!
Tyson: -in the corner making out with Kai-
Kira: oi, cant you two get it on somewhere else?
Karri: yea no kidding! Jeez, as I said before.....reviewers get candy AND Tyson plushies! So R & R ppl!!!!!