Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ To Catch A Thief - Part II ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  Well, this chapter is all about confessions and such. This entire scene (which covers approximately 3 entire chapters, btw), has been in my head since I first conceived the idea for this fic. So I hope you all can see the picture as I have. Enjoy!
Disclaimer:  Kali & muses do not own Beyblade.  We mourn.  We do, however, own all OCs appearing in this fic.
Warnings:  Yaoi (means lemons, people - unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it! This chapter: dramatic TyKa angst. If you've read Sketches of the Past, you have a pretty good idea why…if not, then why the hell haven't you?! *eyes readers*
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, Rei/Mariah
Chapter 03: To Catch A Thief - Part II
Kai leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees with a sigh. He stared at the surface of the coffee table, remembering in surprisingly vivid detail events as they had happened ten years ago.
“I found out the day before grad that I was leaving.” He began, his voice distant with memory. Takao frowned. He had come to the conclusion long ago that Kai must have known for a long time that he was going to leave. It just seemed to make sense that to be so cold and uncaring had to have been premeditated, too. But now…
“I don't understand.” Takao said bluntly. “It never made any sense to me.”
“I know. And I realized just what I was doing to you by not telling you anything as I was sitting in the car on the tarmac waiting for the jet to be refueled. But by then it was too late.” Kai glanced at Takao then away. “Please…just listen to what I have to say?”
“I'm listening.” Takao curled up on the opposite end of the sofa, facing Kai and watching him intently.
“I found out the day before grad. Mother and Father had gone to Europe two days earlier on routine business - so I'd thought. But that night they called to inform me of some `great news.' My grandfather was pleased with the work my father was accomplishing at the time, and had decided to turn over all European operations over to my father, since they had been doing less than acceptable for some time. Grandfather hoped Father would turn things around. However, this would require us to re-locate…to Italy, where Hiwatari Enterprises Europe's main offices are.”
“Wait a minute.” Takao interrupted. “You moved to Italy?! Why didn't you just tell me all this at grad? Instead of…of…”
“I didn't want to go! At the time, I was planning to stay. I mean, my eighteenth birthday was only two months away. I thought I was old enough to make my own decisions, and while Mother and Father agreed with me, Grandfather did not.” Kai's face grew angry and bitter. “Damned old man was so fucking old fashioned! I was his only grandson, he said. I had graduated from high school, I was to be of age soon, and it was time I began learning my place within the company. He wouldn't let me stay in Japan. He told me if I wanted to stay in Japan, then I would no longer be a Hiwatari. He'd disown me.” Kai buried his face in his hands, making a low, angry noise.
“I can't believe he'd do that. Just because you wanted to stay in Japan.” Takao frowned, reluctantly feeling sympathy for Kai. “That still doesn't explain why you didn't say anything.”
“We were still young and a little stupid. No, wait…not stupid.” Kai held up a hand to hold of Takao's instant protest. “Impressionable. I was confused and upset, not just that night, but the next day, too. My decision making ability had been severely skewed by that. Somehow, I got it in my head that it was better if you didn't know. I convinced myself that when I left, you'd never want to see me again anyway, so if you didn't know, then when I left without a word you'd get over me and move on faster.”
“That's just stupid.”
“Yes.” Kai couldn't help but agree. “I never said my logic was rational. So all day at grad, I suffered in silence, knowing what I was going to do and I kept reassuring myself that you'd be okay. Let's face it - I'm no expert on emotions. What did I know?” Kai flopped back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling. “That's why I said nothing, Takao. Because I was a moron. But as I was sitting at that dance, watching you, and Max, and Rei, and Kenny, and everyone else, I came up with a plan. It was a good one, I'd thought at the time.”
“And what plan was that?” Takao asked flatly, obviously not thinking the same.
“What did I care if Voltaire Hiwatari disowned me? I didn't want his damn company anyway. I decided that alright, fine. I would go to Europe for two months, and play along. But on my birthday, I'd leave and come back to Japan - to you. And there would be nothing Grandfather could do about it. Because when I turned eighteen, I'd come into my trust fund, you see, and I wouldn't need anything of my family's anymore. Grandfather couldn't stop me either. After that, he could disown me all he liked because it wouldn't matter.” Kai's expression was fierce as he told Takao this, reliving the conviction he'd felt then just as clearly now. “I was even going to tell you everything that night at the first chance I got.” Kai's face sobered and grew sad, and Takao curled into himself tighter. “But the more I watched you that evening, the more I saw how happy and contented you were, the more I began to hesitate. I didn't want to ruin the day and the evening for you by telling you I was leaving - no matter how temporary it was.” He turned toward the bluenette, leaning forward earnestly and willing him to understand. “So I ended up not telling you anything, not even when you asked me why none of my family came to my graduation.”
“And the rest?” Takao whispered in a watery voice. “Why that?” He looked right into Kai's eyes - now noticing the contacts that made them a more violet colour - and searched for any hint of a lie.
Kai didn't speak for a moment, but when he did, it wasn't what Takao had expected.
“I did it because I was selfishly, desperately, stupidly in love with you. I wanted one night with you to remember for the next two months.” Kai inched closer, his voice wavering and growing husky. “And I wanted the memory of you to fuel dreams of when I'd come back to you.”
“Well.” Takao managed to get out before he had to stop and clear his throat. In a thick voice, as he remembered that one night's heat and passion all too well, he continued weakly, “It didn't quite turn out that way, did it?”
“No. It didn't.” Kai stopped moving closer and seemed to slump in on himself. “I let you walk away the next morning still intending on keeping to my plan. But I felt your absence almost immediately, and I began to feel guilty. I tried ignoring it, but by the time I'd packed up my belongings, I knew I had to call you. So I did. But I got no answer at your house, and I remembered too late that you'd gone to see your brother and father off at the airport. I tried your cell phone, but I got no answer there, either.”
“I…I'd forgotten it at home on my desk.” Takao remembered, his heart clenching. He looked away with a pained expression. “When I got home, I saw your number and…I was so giddy yet sad because they'd left - but you had called me! I went for a walk. And…I ended up at your place, even though you'd told me your family would be back and not to bother until the next day.”
Kai closed his eyes. “If it was after six, then I was out on the tarmac arguing with my Grandfather to give me an extra day to at least say goodbye to my friends - meaning you, but he didn't need to know that. God, Taka, I tried so hard to convince him, and even Father tried - which was probably the first time in his life he'd ever attempted standing up to Voltaire about anything. But…in the end, I went to Italy.” Kai drew his knees up to his chest, feet resting on the cushion under him. A single, silvery tear trickled down his cheek, and he swiped at it angrily. “I did come back after my birthday and I was sure I had control of my trust fund. But…when I got there…you were gone. I didn't know where Gramps was, and I assume your father was on a dig somewhere. But when I knocked on the dojo door and Hiroshi found me there…first he decked me hard enough to dislodge a tooth.”
Takao's eyes went wide in shock - then narrowed into stormy, blue-grey slits, because his dear older brother had never mentioned Kai showing up on their doorstep. “Hiroshi…”
Kai eyed him warily. He knew that tone and the storm brewing in those silvery-blue eyes. “He was just trying to protect you. I did, after all, break your heart no matter how unintentional it had been.” Kai stated bitterly, more at himself than anything.
“What else did he say?” Takao demanded, silently telling his brother that he was going to have to have a little chat about some things.
“He said you weren't there, and even if you had been, he wouldn't let me anywhere near his baby brother. Then he told me to get the hell of Kinomiya lands and never come back.” Kai smiled grimly. “I don't listen very well. I tried several times to get him to tell me where you were. And then one time I got lucky and Gramps opened the door. He didn't recognize me at first, and told me that you'd gone away to university with Max before recognition dawned and he kicked me out on my ass - quite literally, by the way. I let him, though. I was so overwhelmed with guilt by then that if he'd tried killing me I'd have let him do that, too.”
Takao stared at him in silence, stunned, and having to do something very, very difficult. He had to throw away all the theories and explanations he'd come to believe after all this time and start trying to accept the truth.
And it was the truth - all his senses and pure gut instinct told him so. Takao believed Kai completely. So many things made sense now where they hadn't before. Drawing in a shaky breath, which he let out slowly, he unfolded himself and reached for Kai's hand, taking it hesitantly and grasping it like he was afraid Kai would disappear again.
“So…when you said you searched for me…”
“I hired private investigators. I tracked flight schedules and passenger lists. I wrote letters to every post-secondary institution in Japan looking for you. I followed every lead I came up with but they all ran cold.” Kai gripped Takao's hand. “Takao…you fell off the planet. I thought maybe Gramps had lied to me and that you'd really died instead. I had nightmares for months. When I graduated from the Academy four and a half years after I'd left for Italy, I used my new available resources to try again, and I haven't stopped trying since.” He tugged Takao closer. “Where did you go?”
“Max talked me into going away to university with him. He said it would be good for me to get away from Bay City and memories. didn't really change much for me.” Takao's fingers on his free hand were restlessly plucking at his jeans as he spoke. “I was mad and depressed for weeks - even months, though I didn't show it as much as time went on.”
“But why couldn't I find you?” Kai felt thoroughly confused.
“You were looking in the wrong place. We didn't stay in Japan.” Takao smiled weakly at the expression that crossed Kai's face. “You forgot Max was half-American, didn't you?”
Kai just stared at him, tempted to get up and go bang his head on a wall a few million times.
“We went to Harvard, believe it or not. Max's mother had connections there. I got a dual-degree in business and modern languages. Max got a dual-degree in business and history. When we were done, we came back to Japan and we decided to open an art and antique business.” Takao seemed to light up a bit at that. “It's been great! I've gotten to travel and meet new people…see things I'd only ever heard of or seen on TV or in books.” His face fell. “But at the same time…”
“It's lonely as hell.” Kai finished, understanding and sympathizing exactly. They stared at each other.
“Yes.” Takao finally agreed. “I…haven't been home in a very long time.” Kai squeezed his hand.
“There's just one thing I don't understand.” He said after a moment. Takao gave him a questioning look. “Why did that girl in the pub call you Tyson Granger?”
“Oh. That.” Takao laughed and thought quickly. All he could come up with was the truth - as far as it went. “It's my American name. My Dad got his degrees in the US, too, you see, and his American name was Granger. So, I took it for my own. Max was the one who came up with `Tyson' as my first name.” He smirked a little. “For some reason the Americans have trouble pronouncing Japanese names - well any Asian names, actually.”
Kai rolled his eyes and smiled back. Takao's own smile faltered and he shivered visibly before he was launching himself at Kai and wrapping his arms around Kai's neck.
“Takao?” The dual-haired man curled his arm around the bluenette, holding him just as fiercely.
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry I doubted you, sorry I've thought and said bad things about you all this time. Maybe you should have told me what was going on back then, but maybe I should have known you would never have just…thrown me away like that. I of all people should have known better.” Takao whispered thickly into the curve of Kai's neck, where he'd buried his face.
“No, Takao. Don't apologize. How could you have known? It's me who is sorry.” Kai hugged him tighter, pulling the younger man more into his lap. “I will do whatever it takes to make up lost time, to earn your forgiveness.”
“I already have forgiven you.” Takao raised his head slowly, lips trailing over Kai's cheek until he hovered just above Kai's mouth. They could feel each other's breaths as he continued in a low voice. “I want to give you that time. I want you back.”
“You never lost me. I have always been yours.” Kai admitted in a dark, husky voice. He lifted his mouth just a little, brushing an inviting kiss softly across Takao's lips. “I know we probably have other parts of our lives to rearrange for this to work, but I want to try, Taka…” he breathed the bluenette's name in a nearly desperate plea, and Takao closed his eyes as a tremor ran through him in response. “Stay with me…tonight?”
Takao gave a tiny little moan and kissed Kai once, and it was just as desperate as Kai's voice had been. “Yes.” He sighed breathily, running his fingers through Kai's hair. Everything else in the world was forgotten in that moment. He had his one and only lover back and right then that was all that mattered.
Kai lay back on the sofa, drawing Takao down with him to hover over him. He stared up at Takao's intense storm-blue eyes and shivered at the feel of the bluenette's body pressed firmly against him. “Be with me tonight.” He murmured, his own eyes half-closing with the sensations and heat of their bodies' contact.
“Hell yes…” Takao couldn't stand it anymore and lowered his mouth to Kai's. They kissed slowly, a reacquainting and rediscovery of each other. Takao whimpered, fingertips tracing Kai's facial features almost reverently. Heat, comfort, and a sense of safety poured through him. He was drowning in Kai's taste and the heady scent of Kai's moonlit pale skin he remembered so well. Still, this was new. Different. He wasn't the same person he had been then - and neither was Kai, he supposed. Despite that, some things didn't change. Not really. Like the fact that Kai seemed to still have a thing for his hair, since he was tugging off Takao's hair-tie and combing his fingers through it in obvious enjoyment. Of course, Takao wasn't complaining. He loved how Kai touched him, petted him, stroked and caressed him. The older man had never been a touchy-feely person in the past, but when he did it was…special, and every time it made the bluenette absolutely melt and nearly purr in pleasure.
Another thing that hadn't changed was the way Kai simply took control - and that Takao didn't mind in the least. He may have been the one sprawled over top of Kai, but he wasn't the one directing things. He was perfectly happy following the crimson-eyed man's lead, and letting him have whatever he wanted from Takao. Somehow, even his very dominant personality (as was Kai's) gave in to the man under him freely, naturally. Had it been anyone else, some corner of Takao's brain acknowledged, Takao would have been putting up one hell of a fight. Of course, if Kai ever pushed it, he would fight back.
Breaking away from the kiss, Takao let his hands wander, tugging Kai's shirt from his pants as he lightly kissed and nipped along the strong line of Kai's jaw, seeking an ear to nibble on. Then his fingers went to work undoing the buttons of Kai's shirt, making quick work of them so he could spread the shirt open and lay Kai's muscular upper body bare to himself. Kai groaned, eyes closing for a moment as Takao's hands slid over his chest and shoulders, fingertips finding the hardened pink nubs of his nipples and teasing them even harder. He let out a small gasp and pushed the bluenette up, so he could sit up and shrug out of his shirt and throw it aside. Not noticing when it landed on the statuette of Dranzer, draped over it like a sheet, Kai leaned in and kissed his lover once more, deeply, before he let his forehead rest against Takao's and he worked to get the shirt off the younger man as well.
“Kai…lover…” Takao panted in a low voice, hands stroking up and down Kai's back, sides, and broad shoulders as Kai flung the shirt off the other side of the couch where it landed on the floor somewhere. “Your eyes…I want…to see them again…”
“Hmm…” Kai licked his lips and opened his eyes heavily to gaze into Takao's. “I forgot I was wearing the contacts still.” Untangling himself from Takao, he got up off the couch and held out a hand to the bluenette in invitation. “Come.”
Taking Kai's hand, Takao let him pull him to his feet and lead him down a short hallway to one of the bedrooms. Just before Kai turned away to go into the adjoining bathroom to take out the contacts, he found himself being shoved up against the wall and kissed thoroughly. Kai sighed with pleasure and kissed back for a moment before he abruptly maneuvered them so that it was Takao pinned to the wall and being kissed. After a few long minutes of that, Kai pulled away reluctantly and nuzzled at Takao's neck affectionately as he spoke.
“Give me a couple minutes to take out my contacts, okay?” Kai moved away and Takao caught the gleam in his eyes as he turned and strode to the bathroom. “Make yourself comfortable, lover.”
Blushing a little, Takao looked around. It was hot and stuffy in the room so he opened the window a bit and closed the curtains when he realized that there were many buildings that could see right into the room. The breeze felt good against his flushed skin, and he took off his jeans and socks to drop them on a bench at the end of the bed. Takao didn't know why, but he was nervous and jittery - as if this was their first time together. That is, if he had been nervous back then, which he couldn't remember if he had been or not.
Clad only in his boxers, Takao pulled the covers back on the bed and crawled onto it, kneeling in the middle of the mattress to wait for Kai. He didn't wait long. The light in the bathroom went out, throwing the whole room into a moon-lit darkness, and Kai returned to the bedroom only to stop in the doorway and stare at Takao on the bed. The bluenette smiled tentatively, plucking at the sheet and tilting his head in question when he heard Kai's swift intake of breath.
“Kai?” He asked, crawling to the edge of the bed. The dual haired man gave him a soft look and walked toward him, shaking his head.
“Stay there, Taka. I just…I was…you can't know what it's doing to me to see you like this again.” Kai's voice was husky, with a dark, smoky quality to it that made Takao shiver in anticipation. If there was one thing he remembered about Kai it was the ultra sexy bedroom voice. Kai stopped beside the bed, raising a hand to brush the backs of his fingers across Takao's cheek lightly. Takao's eyes shone in the low light and he held Kai's hand to his face, nuzzling his palm. “You're more beautiful than ever.” Kai murmured, bending down to place a soft kiss on Takao's mouth.
The bluenette made a small noise and reached up to cup the back of Kai's head and hold him in place while they kissed almost lazily. He released Kai's other hand to grab onto his upper arm instead for balance as Kai placed one knee on the bed beside him to keep himself from falling over. Takao dragged his lips away from Kai's and drew them downward, descending along Kai's chin and neck to kiss his way down Kai's chest, stopping over his pounding heart.
“I remember this.” Takao whispered, trailing a fingertip over that muscular upper body with familiarity. Kai gasped a little, but made no move to stop him from doing what he wanted, simply looking down at his lover and watching him touch and explore with heavy-lidded eyes. Takao's fingers traced a small scar and he leaned up to kiss it, flicking his tongue out to taste Kai's skin. “Hmm…I remember these, too…I love how you taste.” He hummed appreciatively.
“You should.” Kai closed his eyes for a moment, breath hissing out as Takao's hot mouth closed around a nipple. “Uhn! Oh god…you pestered me enough about how I got it.” He thrust his fingers through Takao's hair.
Takao released the now rock-solid nub and grinned sheepishly. “I did, didn't I? I guess I was a bit of a nosy pest sometimes, even though I knew you didn't like talking about yourself.” He shrugged and proceeded to kiss his way lazily across Kai's chest to the other nipple, laving it with his tongue and nipping gently with his teeth to earn a sharp groan fro the older man. “I couldn't help it, though. I was so in love with you! I just wanted to know everything there was to know about you.” He blew a cool stream of air over the wet area and earned a shudder.
Kai tilted Takao's face up and gazed down at him sorrowfully. “Was? Does that mean you don't…” He was cut off by Takao's fingers across his lips, silencing him.
“I'm not just in love with you anymore, Kai.” Takao said. He hastened to continue when he saw the light seem to dim in the now crimson eyes of his lover, and when he moved to pull away. “That implies that it was all just a crush. An infatuation and nothing more. You are so much more to me than that. Then and now.” Takao felt tears trickle down his cheeks and smiled tremulously. “Even when I thought you'd been a selfish, lying, betraying asshole and I thought I hated you…I loved you. I still love you.”
The older man made an achingly low sound and drew Takao into his arms, holding him almost desperately and burying his face in Takao's mass of hair. Takao hugged back, unable to stop the sob that welled up from escaping.
“You told me that then, and I didn't say anything.” Kai's voice cracked slightly, and Takao clutched at him tighter when he felt tears that weren't his drop on his shoulder. “I wanted to, and damn it I should have said what I needed to, but I…Taka, please forgive me for not telling you how much I love you! I…can't promise to say it as often as you probably would like me to, but I want you to know I do love you, and…”
“Shh…” Takao hushed him, rubbing his shoulders and back soothingly. They were both crying silently, and Takao knew that had he been anyone else Kai would never have allowed himself to show nearly this much emotion. It both awed and scared him to be the one so privileged. He pulled Kai down on the bed with him and they lay together in one another's arms until the tears ran dry. It occurred to Takao that he'd never heard Kai babble like that or seen him break down as he had, and he realized that Kai really did love him, because no way would he have reacted like this if he hadn't loved Takao. With that in mind, he pulled back just enough that he could hold Kai's gaze without going cross-eyed.
“You wanted to say it then, Kai, but you didn't take the chance. It doesn't matter anymore. We're here now, you and I, and that's what does matter.” Takao gently wiped away the dampness from Kai's face with a smile. “You have something to say to me? Now's the time then…”
Kai's voice came out raspy and rough. “I love you, Kinomiya Takao. Always.” He stated, fiery eyes glistening fiercely with the passion and truth of that statement.
Takao trembled violently, closing his eyes against a dizzying wave of emotion. He opened them again and replied hoarsely, “I've waited ten long years to hear you say that and I'd wait another hundred to hear it again if I had to.”
“You won't. That I can promise.” Kai laughed, feeling so light and…free now that he'd finally done what he'd wanted to for far too long.
Takao snuggled closer, tucking his head under Kai's chin with a sigh. “I know.” He yawned tiredly and murmured softly when Kai reached down to pull the covers back up over them then slowly stroked his back in lazy caresses. “God, I'm tired. All this emotional chaos drains a guy.”
“Hn.” Kai made a noise of agreement but said nothing else. He was perfectly content just to have the bluenette in his arms again at that moment. Takao smiled sleepily and nuzzled affectionately at Kai's neck.
“Sleep well, my love.” He whispered quietly, the dual haired man's arms tightening briefly in response.
They fell asleep, entwined with each other in a tangle of linens and limbs. And it was the first night in a very long time that neither man suffered from the affliction of their dreams as they had previously. For once, they rested peacefully.
Kali Notes:  I would just like to apologize to any Americans who may have been offended by Tyson's comment. I in no way was trying to say anything unpleasant about you! *bows apologetically* It is just something I know many Asian immigrants do (change their names, I mean). I know lots of Americans! They're good people! I'm…shutting up now. Here's a few words to my reviewers… Please R/R!!!!
Kai's the Best - Don't you just love reunions?
Sakura Blossom-Cilla-85 - True, but that makes for good plot, doesn't it?
Destruction Devil - Wow…and here Caitlin (my hikari) thought I am hyper. LOL Glad you're enjoying it so much!
Two toned nails - Yay! I'm happy you're enjoying it!
lalapanda - You and me both, hon! I'm working on it! Enjoy!
FireieGurl - Well, I've been chastised for taking too long to put them together before (like in Running Scared…)
lo - (chap. 01) Oh! So sorry I missed you in the last update! I hope I don't disappoint you! (chap. 02) Wow! Thanks for your praise! I'll do my best to keep earning it!
icestar - Bitte schon! LOL Don't worry, all will be explained.
Lady Kirei - *grins* Well, you're pretty observant. You'll see how it all goes.
silverfox - Can't really say how many, because I haven't written them all! lol
K.c. - Ah…you've caught on. Congrats! *winks* Stay tuned to see how it works out…
Blackrose - Heh. Tyson and trouble. They kind of got together.
Yueh Kitsune - Plots are one of my specialties. I try really hard to keep people interested. And no more “monsieurs”, I promise!
XZanayu - Of course! And it will probably not be what Takao's expecting I'm sure.
HeylinMinion - Gee… *blushes* Thank you very much for your high praise! That scene was tough to write actually. *scratches head thoughtfully*
xXxAngel VxXx - lol *grins* Thanks, Angel! Don't worry, I try never to leave loose ends.
Ereshkigali - Eh heh… *chuckles sheepishly* I know cliffhangers are evil (and painful) but they sure work to keep people interested. Oh! And I tried to review your fic, but you're not accepting anonymous reviews (which I use on ffnet because I operate on the assumption that they'll be kicking me off any day now and I don't want people to lose any reviews I give).
Jani Rieme - *sighs dramatically* Don't we all have questions? Why are we here? Is there life elsewhere? Where did my summer go? (Dryad: *sweatdrops* Not what she meant, smart-ass).
kari_remon - Ah…to answer many of your concerns, perhaps reading the prequel to OAT would help. As for Wyatt, he's just there as an excuse for Takao to be in the pub. Rei actually won't be in the fic much - maybe over the phone or something. Max, Kenny, and Hilary will make lengthy appearances, though. But you'll have to keep reading to find out the rest. Tala is always OOC in my fics, because I truly feel that by the end of the series, he's changed a great deal from what he was in season one. And even then, he's only `friendly,' as you say, with people he trusts - which I could count on one hand. His part and character will be expanded more in later chapters - its all Takao and Kai right now. For the rest, plot-wise, you'll just have to keep reading, because soon it's going to be Takao's turn to do some explaining… *mysterious grin*
Fyrbyrd - Why thank you! I appreciate your review. Hope you like the rest of the fic!
windchild - Oh, thanks! I appreciate it! I'll keep it in mind for future fics. For this one, I think I'll just stick to `Ivanov'. Yes, I'm too lazy to go back and change it.
NekoAnime - I have to admit that I have a soft spot for Tala, myself. In some ways I find him more enigmatic than Kai at times. As for his interaction with Tyson…well, you'll just have to keep reading.
guns'n'handcuffs - Glad you're enjoying it! Unfortunately, Endure has stalled on me. I haven't forgotten it…I just have no direction to take it at the moment. So it'll be a while until its updated, I think. I'm sorry!
KiraKinomiya - I will! Thanks for reading!
gohan/videlgoten/trunkslover - I appreciate the effort to review - but do you think you could say something more than just one word that sounds a little too much like a command? Because that is not what a review is for.
Thanks everyone! Keep on reading and reviewing! *hands out mini Dragoon statues*