Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ To Catch A Thief - Part III ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  Make that 4 entire chapters. *sweatdrops* I guess I had more to say than I'd anticipated. And so the drama continues…
Disclaimer:  Kali & muses do not own Beyblade.  We mourn.  We do, however, own all OCs appearing in this fic.
Warnings:  Yaoi (means lemons, people - unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it! This chapter: yet more dramatic TyKa angst.
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, Rei/Mariah
Chapter 04: To Catch A Thief - Part III
Kai rolled over and curled around the warm body next to him in the bed, on pure instinct. He was floating in that hazy, dream-like state between wakefulness and unconsciousness, and he didn't quite remember where he was or the fact that his lover was snuggled up next to him. Yet somehow Kai subconsciously knew the person was Takao. Funny how even time and distance couldn't change some things.
He buried his face in Takao's hair with a content little sigh and slowly drifted away again - which was good, because his face was beginning to throb where Takao had punched him yesterday.
Takao, on the other hand, was very much awake. He stared off toward the far wall at the beginnings of another day. Light began to illuminate the bedroom, even through the curtains. When he felt Kai shift beside him, he smiled faintly and let the older man spoon against him from behind, an arm lazily tossed over his waist and a leg trucked between his own. He felt Kai's breath rustle his hair faintly, a slow and steady rhythm of breathing, and Takao closed his eyes again with a tiny purr of sound. He'd wanted nothing more than this for years.
Some time later, a door opening and closing loudly from somewhere in the studio woke them up again. Kai heard a familiar, aggravated voice yell, “Hiwatari! Get your ass out of bed and get out here!” in Russian, and he snarled something unfriendly in reply, huddling further under the covers and around Takao.
The bluenette chuckled huskily, voice rough with sleep. “You'd better go out there, Kai, before he comes in here.” He turned over and gave Kai a soft, lingering kiss. “Hmm…I'll wait right here.”
“Fine.” Kai sighed and stole one more kiss before rolling out of bed and away from temptation. “Help yourself to anything you need, Takao. I'll be right back.” He stated, stalking out of the bedroom after pulling on an old, faded blue tank-top.
Out in the living area, Tala stood at the sliding glass doors that led out to a balcony, staring out at the street below and tapping his fingers impatiently on the doorframe. He'd spotted the shirts tossed haphazardly here and there, the jacket and motorcycle helmet in the closet, and the unfamiliar pair of running shoes at the door. While intrigued and semi-satisfied that Kai apparently had found someone to play with last night, the redhead was still incensed at being abandoned, and fully intended to yell at his partner for it.
Then, too, there was a familiar scent in the air, and it was beginning to bother him because he couldn't quite place it. He felt he should know it but for some reason he couldn't remember what or who it belonged to.
Tala turned away from the window and gave his dual-haired partner a hard glare as he strode into the wide open room. “You'd better have a damned good reason for disappearing last night, Hiwatari.”
“What are you? My mother? Lay off, Ivanov.” Kai growled back, moving to the kitchen and grabbing the coffee tin from the fridge. He went to the coffee machine and flipped open the lid to dump coffee into the filter.
“Oh no. No way.” Tala followed him and sat at the island counter, arms folded over his chest. “I may have let it slide if you hadn't a) promised me you would go out for some fun, b) let me know you were leaving at least, and c) left your wallet, badge, and cell phone behind along with your jacket! You're damned lucky someone didn't run off with it all - which I rescued and left over there on the bench.” Tala pointed toward the shoe bench near the door. “So start explaining.”
“I'm sorry, okay?” Kai made a face and poured water into the coffee maker before pressing the `brew' button. “I had to leave quickly or I'd have lost him. Again.”
“Wait…lost who?” Tala raised an eyebrow at the small smile that was on Kai's face as he turned and leaned against the counter to wait for the coffee. “Who'd you bring home with you last night, Kai?”
Kai's entire expression softened and he looked in the direction of the hallway to the bedrooms. Tala's eyes widened at the look, having very rarely seen such emotion from his friend and partner.
“I found him, Tal. He was in that pub last night. I don't know why or how, but I heard his voice through all the noise and he was …just there.” Kai glanced back at the redhead with a grin. “He was less than thrilled to see me, of course.” He pointed at the bruise on his cheekbone and the beginnings of black eye.
Tala's jaw dropped open in shock and he stared at Kai for a full minute in silence. “Wait a minute…you're telling me, after ten years of searching for the guy, you just happened to hear his voice over a lot of others in a crowded pub? And then…”
“He was leaving. I chased after him and caught up to him down the street.” Kai couldn't help snickering. “We had a moment, and then he punched me.”
“You're the only person I know who would laugh about being punched.” Tala sweatdropped and blinked. “How did he manage to actually hit you anyway? Even I have a hard time doing that.”
“He's just that fast. He's like leashed lightning, Tal.” Kai walked over to the shoe bench and picked up his jacket, pulling out his wallet, badge, and cell phone before returning to the kitchen. Leaving his wallet and badge on the island counter, he opened his cell to check for missed calls.
Tala hummed thoughtfully. “I'm interested in meeting him, Kai. Why don't you trot him on out here and introduce him?” He got of his chair and went to rummage around for food. “And, damn it, we have no food.”
“We've only been here for two days.” Kai pointed out, not looking up from his phone. “Take some money and go across the street for something from that bakery.” He shoved his wallet across the counter at Tala. “Here.”
Grumbling, Tala took out a couple ₤10 notes and got up. “You're just trying to get rid of me. Why don't you want me to meet him?”
“No, I'm not. And I do.” Kai closed his phone and stretched out the kink in his shoulder absently. “Eventually. Give us a chance to wake up, would you?”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright. But when I get back…” Tala put on his shoes and opened the door.
Kai ignored him, walking off down the hall to return to his lover.
Takao lay in bed for a while after Kai left, his mind a chaotic whirl of thoughts. There were things he wanted - needed - to say to the older man, things about what had happened in his life since Kai had disappeared, things about his life now. He hoped Kai would listen and understand - maybe he'd even be able to help the bluenette somehow.
Still, Takao decided, he would deal with it when it came up. For now he would take it one step at a time. He needed to call Kenny as soon as possible (since he'd forgotten last night and the brunette was probably freaking out by now), and then he needed to call Max. There was one last person he had to contact, but right then…he didn't want to think about it.
Yawning, Takao rolled out of bed and sniffed the air. The wonderful aroma of coffee had spread through the studio, and it made his stomach grumble hungrily. With a smile, the bluenette went into the bathroom and decided a shower was just the thing he needed - especially if Kai came back soon and joined him.
After using the facilities, the bluenette eyed the ridiculously large shower and thought, why not? Reaching in he turned the water on and backed out to take off his boxers, leaving them on the floor. He stretched a bit, finger combing his hair a little to get out the worst of the tangles, and turned to grab a towel. As he did, he came face to face with his crimson-eyed lover, who was standing just behind him with his arms over his chest and one hip leaning against the sink-counter.
“Ah! God, Kai! Next time stamp your feet or something !” Takao laid a hand over his pounding heart from the start he'd gotten.
“Sorry.” Kai said unapologetically, smiling. He unabashedly let his gaze sweep lazily and appreciatively down Takao's lean, muscular form then back up again after noting away the few changes here and there as he licked his lips. Takao blinked, looking down at himself, then abruptly raising his head again with a bright pink blush staining his face and neck.
“And cut that out.” He grumbled, turning around walking back to the shower - much to Kai's delight. One of his favourite features on the bluenette had always been the tight, rounded, sexy backside and the view it presented. Kai felt his fingers twitch involuntarily at the need to grab, grope, and squeeze.
“I haven't done anything yet.” He replied huskily, straightening.
“Quit staring at my ass, lover, and get undressed.” Takao couldn't help snickering - and he couldn't help the little, seductive wiggle of hips put into his step as he walked under the spray of water and let it soak him completely.
Kai had never taken his clothes off so fast in his life.
Takao sighed happily when Kai's arms curled around him from behind and pulled him back against Kai's chest. He leaned into the older man contentedly and tilted his head back to rest it on Kai's shoulder, reaching up with one hand to stroke Kai's cheek. Kai smiled, nuzzling his hand for a moment, then kissed Takao softly.
“I smelled coffee earlier.” Takao said after they'd stopped kissing. “Did your partner make it?”
Kai hook his head and proceeded to pour out some shampoo into his palm. “No, I did. By the time we're out of here, Tala will be back with breakfast.” He lathered up his hair then rinsed it out.
The bluenette felt his stomach gurgle at the promise of food and grinned. “Great! I'm starved.” Takao exclaimed, taking the shampoo bottle from Kai and used it on his own hair. After a moment of companionable silence, Takao looked down at the shower floor briefly before he broke it. “Hey, Kai?”
“Hn?” The dual-haired man glanced at him and heard the sombre, serious tone of Takao's voice.
“There's just so much I want to tell you!” Takao blurted, meeting Kai's curious gaze. “I…so much has happened, and…”
“Taka.” Kai lay both hands on his shoulders and squeezed, that one word halting the flood of words that Takao had been about to let out. “I know. We both have so much to talk about, and we will.”
Takao nodded, wiping the water out of his face that dripped down out of his hair. “Okay. I just…I know.” He finished lamely.
“Good. Let's finish up here and go get some of that coffee and whatever Tala brought back for breakfast.”
Kai managed to find a hairbrush and tie for Takao to borrow and left him to deal with the messy tangle of his midnight blue locks. He'd also lent the bluenette a spare set of clothes - nothing too fancy or anything, just something he could wear to get back to his hotel and his own things.
He wandered back out to the kitchen and plucked the croissant Tala had just picked out of an open pastry box right out of his partner's hand before he could take a bite.
“Hey!” The redhead growled, reaching for another. “Get your own.”
“Technically, they all are, since my money paid for them.” Kai smirked and poured two mugs of coffee. “But thanks for being a good little wolf and fetching them.”
“You are such an asshole, you know that?” Tala scowled darkly at him.
Kai shrugged and picked up his cell phone again. “You were expecting me to change suddenly?”
“No. Just commenting.”
“Whatever. I'd better call Mother back or she'll phone me every five minutes for the rest of the day.” Kai polished off his croissant, swallowed, and dialled his mother's cell number just as Takao finally sauntered in.
“Oh! Pastries!” He grinned and walked up beside Kai, playfully hip-checking him to one side. “You really do love me!”
“And I know where I rank - right after food.” Kai rolled his eyes and gave the bluenette a swat on the butt. “Shut up and help yourself, Kinomiya…” he said, his attention returning to the phone in his hand. “Hello, Mother. I got your message.” He said into the cell and turned away, leaning against the kitchen counter as he talked to his mother. “No, I wasn't talking to Ivanov. Yes, he's here, too.”
“Hi, Mom!” Tala called loudly with a snicker. He'd `adopted' Kais mother (so to speak) as his own sometime ago, not long after he'd met his partner at the Academy. Tala was the only one she tolerated calling her `mom;' to Kai's confusion, she found it endearing coming from Tala.
“She says hi, and when are you coming to visit her again?” Kai relayed. The redhead grinned.
“As soon as I can.”
“Yes, Mother. No, work's still going nowhere. We have no leads. We're working on it. Uh huh. Yes, we'll do that before we leave London. Alright. Oh, I have some news for you.” Kai said looking straight at Takao and smiling slightly. Takao blushed and concentrated on his croissant and coffee. “I finally found Takao. No, it was pure coincidence. I ran into him - kind of - at the pub Tala and I went to last night. We're…working things out.”
At that Takao reached out and grasped Kai's free hand, letting him thread their fingers together. Tala wasn't really paying attention to the conversation anymore - not about that anyway. He'd caught Takao's scent and was frowning into his coffee mug trying to remember why it seemed so familiar.
“As soon as we can work something, I promise I'll bring him to meet you and Father.” Kai was saying. Then he stopped and looked at his phone incredulously for a second before holding it back up to his ear and inquiring in mild shock, “Mother are you crying?” He sighed and squeezed Takao's hand. “Well, stop worrying, okay? Alright. I'll talk to you when I get back to Paris. Yeah. Ciao.” He flipped the cell closed.
Takao smiled faintly and moved close enough to wrap an arm around Kai's waist. Kai hugged him to his side with an arm draped around his shoulders and accepted the silent comfort wordlessly.
“So, Hiwatari...” Tala sipped his coffee idly, hiding the smirk behind the mug in his hands. He'd never seen this soft side of his partner before and it was vastly amusing. He studied the pair with bright, icy blue eyes that laughed silently as they pulled apart and tried acting like they weren't a couple. “Are you going to introduce the elusive Kinomiya?”
Kai shrugged and indicated his partner with a wave of his hand. “Kinomiya Takao, meet Tala Ivanov, my interfering wolf of a partner.”
The bluenette looked Tala over curiously, stepping forward and holding out a hand. “Hi.” He greeted the redhead, shaking his hand for a brief moment firmly. “Wolf?”
Tala shrugged. “Somewhere one got caught up in the family tree.” He set his mug down and reached for another croissant. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you…”
Kai gave him a warning glare, which Tala ignored.
“Really?” Takao glanced at his lover with a wry grin. “Sounds like you and I should have a talk about that.”
Coughing slightly when he choked on his coffee, Kai interrupted and nudged Takao in the ribs. “Enough. One of you picking on me all the time I bad enough, thanks. Don't you have phone calls and travel arrangements to make, Ivanov?”
“Travel arrangements?” Takao turned and looked up only slightly into Kai's burning eyes.
“Yeah.” The older man didn't try hiding his disappointment and reluctance to go anywhere. He folded his arms over his chest and sighed. “We've got to get back to Paris.
Tala yawned and stretched, rubbing the back of his neck absently. “The UNA never rests while crimes are being committed.” He mused.
Takao blinked, his blood running cold. “The UNA? As in the United Nations Authority?” He managed to inquire in a steady voice. “Wow, Kai. That's…impressive.” He finished lamely. Kai didn't notice, however.
“I guess. They let us be as self-governed as we want in a way most law enforcement agencies wouldn't. It suits me to be a good guy this way, without forcing me to comply to other people's rules and regulations.”
Takao chuckled a little in agreement. It was true, after all, that Kai was a fiery, free spirit. It was then he noticed Kai's wallet and ID lying on the counter in plain view, his badge glinting in the light and the bluenette silently cursed himself for being so unobservant.
Tala's own smile was all teeth. “Same for me. We wolves have a way of thinking and my viewpoint meshes well with the UNA. So what is it you do, Kinomiya?”
“Uh…well…” Takao thought quickly. The truth - so far as it went - still seemed the best course he could take. “I'm an antique and art dealer. I run a shop with an old friend from high school.” In an effort to move the focus away from himself - at least until he had an opportunity to sit down and have a long talk with Kai - he asked, “What are you working on at the UNA? If you can tell me, I mean.”
Kai shrugged, taking their empty mugs to the sink to wash them. “I can't give details of course, but we're after a thief.”
Takao swallowed, his eyes involuntarily widening as panic, despair, and fear gripped his heart and nearly stopped it from beating. “A thief?” He repeated numbly. “What'd the guy or girl steal? The Crown Jewels of England?” He tried joking.
Tala looked at him sharply, sensing a change in Takao's scent that fairly screamed fear. He watched him with hidden suspicion as an unhappy, unwanted possibility began to form in his mind.
Kai, however, still managed to be oblivious. “No. At least no that we've been told.” He laughed, setting the clean mugs aside and getting a towel to dry them. “We've been chasing the thief all over Europe for months. He or she has stolen all kinds of things.”
Takao made a noise that was meant to be a show of interest but he couldn't speak. His mind was a whirl of chaotic thought and emotion as he fought not to bolt for the nearest exit and just run. How can I have been so fucking unlucky? What did I did to deserve this torture? Kami-sama, how am I going to get out of this? There's just…I have too much to lose… His wild, panicky mental tirade froze at the sudden, startled exclamation that came from Tala just then. He met the wolf's chilly, now deadly winter gaze and went cold all over, through and through.
“That's it! I can't believe it didn't register before.” Tala stood and stalked around the counter, stopping just in front of Takao and staring down at him in a way that Takao could only describe as threatening. He felt like a cornered rabbit. “It's you. You left no other hints or clues behind but you couldn't hide your scent. Not well enough.”
Kai carefully put the mug he'd been drying aside and dropped the towel beside the sink. “Ivanov…” He warned, thinking his partner must be seeing things - or in this case, selling things.
“It's him, Kai.” Tala insisted sharply, never taking his gaze off Takao. “We have our thief.”
“You've got to be kidding me. I think all that dust from the museum has messed up your nose.” Kai refused to believe it, denying it adamantly. He looked at the bluenette and continued, “Takao's no thief. “He would never…”
“Kai.” Takao interrupted, halting the words that were like iron fists to his conscious and his heart. “There is an explanation. I wouldn't have…you know I wouldn't do something like this without a damn good reason.” He closed his eyes and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He began to tremble visibly at the disbelieving shock that began to cover Kai's expression and the way his face went pale. “I'm sorry. This was not how I wanted to tell you. It's part of what I was needing to tell you about - I was going to tell you…”
“No. You can't…I don't…Taka?” The bluenette flinched at the softness of Kai's unbelieving voice. Then a memory hit Kai, a clear one of the day he'd first learned Takao was more interested in guys than girls. “Oh god…” he whispered, staring at the younger man in the beginnings of resigned belief. “The locker room…you had no key but you got into your locker anyway…”
Takao hung his head and looked away, a tear slipping out and trickling down his cheek. “Yes. I've always had a way with locks.” He said in an aching voice. Kai made a strange noise and brushed past Tala, radiating hurt, anger, and confusion in waves as he hurried past the living room area and out onto the studio's balcony, where he leaned against the metal railing he gripped so tightly his knuckles went white, and breathed in gulps of air.
Tala kicked a cupboard door and Takao jumped at the noise, shivering and crying silently.
“This is just great. Why oh why did it have to be you?” He glared at the obviously upset bluenette angrily. “I suppose I should be ecstatic that you've been dropped into our laps like this but somehow I find I am less than overjoyed.”
“Please, Tala, I…I have an explanation, and I will tell you everything, I promise, but…”
“Oh, you're damned right you'll tell all, Kinomiya. You've had us on a wild goose chase for far too long now.” Tala growled, glancing in the direction of the balcony. Takao got the impression he wasn't just talking about his recent…activities with that statement, and his already guilty conscious threatened to drown him.
“I know. But please just listen. I…I need help.” Takao hesitated for a moment when Tala looked back at him with a fierce growl. He hurriedly kept talking, hoping the redhead would be able to sense he was telling the truth. “I'm being blackmailed into the thefts. I'd never…my father and brother are in his custody and if I don't steal the items on the list he's given me he said he would kill them!”
Tala's eyes narrowed and he leaned closer, an edge to his voice as he spoke quietly. “Is that so? And do you have any proof of this?”
“Like what?” Takao replied bitterly, giving him a pleading look for understanding. “Other than the fact that my Dad and Hiro are missing, and the list I was given via an untraceable email, no! Of course I don't!”
“Right. I think you're going to need a lawyer, Kinomiya. In fact, I think you're going to need a whole team of them.” Tala turned and went to the coat closet to get his jacket - and the handcuffs from the inside pocket. “You're under arrest, Kinomiya Takao, on fourteen counts of international grand theft, as well as several other lesser charges that will be described for you in detail when you arrive with us at UNA Paris for further questioning. You have the right to an attorney…”
Takao pressed back against the counter and hid his hands and wrists behind his back, shaking his head furiously. “You don't understand!” He exclaimed. “They have someone following me and watching my every move to make sure I'm doing as I'm told! I may have all the items safe and secure and out of that bastard's reach, but he's still got my father's and brother's lives in his greedy little hands!” His chest was heaving with emotion as he tried valiantly to make Tala believe him. “I'm willing to go with you and…Kai wherever you want and I'll tell you everything but if I walk out of here it has to look like it's under my own will and I will have to contact…my `employer.'” Takao spat the description out distastefully. Tala played with the handcuffs absently as he considered the situation.
As much as he hated it, and as much as he would rather have been furious and cold toward the bluenette - for Kai's sake - he found he just couldn't. His initial temper was dying away, and from Takao's scent, he could tell the anguished man wasn't lying.
“Then I hope you have some sort of proof you're being followed.” Tala finally said, stuffing the cuffs into his pants' pocket.
“I assume this place has security cameras all over?” Takao felt the panic loosen in his chest a little, though his stomach still burned fiercely. He put a hand to his abdomen and rubbed absently. “Surely they would have picked the guy up when I came here with Kai last night.”
The redhead tapped his fingers thoughtfully on the counter. “Alright. That's a reasonable idea to check on. However, I'm not leaving you up here where you can possibly sneak off and disappear.”
Takao growled a few choice words in Japanese before snarling, “Damn it! I'm not going anywhere!”
“That's right. You're not.” Kai said in a dull, neutral tone. Neither had heard him come back inside. Takao looked at him, not sure what to say or do. He opened his mouth to say…something, but snapped it shut again when he saw the carefully blank, thin expression fixed on his sharply chiselled, handsome face. Instead he looked away in shame and despair.
“What, you're going to stay here and watch him?” Tala sighed, studying his partner carefully. “I'm not sure that's a good…”
“Just go, Ivanov. He's a thief, not a liar.” Kai cut the redhead off, fixing his gaze on his lover. “At least he'd better not be, because I think he remembers how I feel about lies and deceit.”
Takao closed his eyes and tears seeped out, trickling down his cheeks. “I swear I'm telling the truth.” He whispered in a hoarse voice.
Left with no other real ideas on what to do with the whole mess of a situation, Tala did the only thing he could. He gave Kai a brief nod and turned, heading for the door to go down to security and take a look at the tapes for the previous night.
The silence left behind was deafening.
Wanting nothing more than to curl into a ball on the floor and die, the bluenette stood there in the kitchen dejectedly without a word, hands hanging limply at his sides, shoulders slumped in defeat, and head bowed as he stared at a spot on the floor.
A pair of blazing crimson eyes stared at him with an unwavering intensity he could feel. Kai was still fighting to control his temper and the sense of betrayal and shock he was still experiencing upon learning of Takao's side job.
Several minutes passed. And when the heavy, stiff silence was finally shattered, Takao jumped nervously and cringed away from his lover.
“Why? Tell me why, Kinomiya.” Kai demanded harshly. He brought his fist down on the counter with a loud bang in frustration.
“To save my Dad and Hiro.” Takao answered softly, still not looking at Kai. He didn't want to see the hate, the hurt, or the anger he knew was burning in those eyes. “It's a very long story. I will tell it all, Hiwatari, when we get wherever it is you're taking me.”
“Paris. Our Director will want to talk to you.” Kai scowled, moving around the counter and coming to a stop directly in front of Takao. “Damn it, Kinomiya! I don't understand! I know you! You would never do any of this! You're values and morality are quiet possibly set higher than mine are!”
“Then please give me a chance, Kai!” Takao pleaded, finally meeting his gaze. “Let me do this my way and continue trusting me as you always have.”
“At least tell me what you've done with everything you stole.” Kai planted his hands on either side of the slightly shorter man on the counter, effectively trapping him there. Takao swallowed and gave up trying not to tremble and shake anymore. His ulcer was really beginning to burn, and all the tension in his body wasn't helping.
“It's all together, in a storage facility I rent. It's safe, and I can guarantee no one is getting into that room to get at the items.” He licked his dry lips anxiously. “Kai…”
“I can't tell you. Not even you. And even if I did, you couldn't get in.” Takao's blue-grey eyes narrowed stubbornly. “Those items are my only insurance, Kai. They are the only thing I have to protect Dad and Hiro.” His eyes flicked to the cell phone Kai had left on the counter. “Do I get to phone my lawyer?”
Kai stiffened, finding that he was extremely hurt by that request. “You don't trust me at all? You think I'm just going to throw you in prison and never look back? Not give you the benefit of the doubt?”
“That's not what I said. Kami-sama!” Takao glared, having regained some of his inner strength and will at the prospect of a good argument with his former boyfriend again. “I'm not stupid, baka. Whatever is left between you and I on a personal level, Hiwatari, I am still a thief who has been caught by the legal authorities - you. I have the right to a lawyer - especially when he can also be considered a witness to everything I will eventually tell you!”
“Witness? More like accessory to the crimes - all fourteen counts of it - and that's just for starters.” Kai growled back. Takao straightened, standing toe-to-toe with the older man now. “Don't forget the breaking and entering, damage to private property…”
“Don't you think I know what fucking laws I've broken?!” The bluenette snarled, getting into Kai's face. “I've given up everything, Hiwatari! Every bloody, goddamned piece of my life and my honour! Just so my family can have their lives and home back!”
Having no real answer to that, Kai wordlessly backed off and grabbed his cell phone, tossing it at the furious bluenette and stalking toward the balcony again. As chaotic as his emotions were right then, he hoped Takao could see and understand what he was trying to convey with the gesture. He was giving him a chance.
Fuming, Takao stared at the cell phone, then glanced at the open balcony doors. He felt his temper slowly draining away as he watched the muscles in Kai's back, shoulders, and arms tense when he gripped the railing so hard it was a wonder he didn't crush it. One crisis at a time, Takao. One day at a time. He reminded himself, looking away and flipping open the cell and dialling a number he knew by heart.
It rang twice before someone answered on the other end. Takao listened to the greeting and replied in a sad, somewhat lost voice.
“Hello. Is Kenny still working tonight?”
Kali Notes:  Well. That was interesting. I apologize for the late update. I've had a bad week. Anyway, I know you're all chomping at the bit to know what the heck is going on, so I'll try and get the next instalment out soon. Please R/R!!!!
Dryad: And now a word to our reviewers:
TechnoRanma - You betcha! *grins* Was it really romantic? I wasn't really sure…
Blackrose - *sweatdrops* Well, I didn't quite get to the whole story this chapter, but that's coming! Soon!
studio - *blushes* Clever? I don't really think so. You can congratulate my muses for that.
icestar - *waves* Thank you!
lo - I rather liked it, too. (Dryad: It's so sweet my teeth are aching. *flashes fangs*)
silverfox - Thank you!
XZanayu - Emotional…just what I was aiming for.
Hannah - Aww…yeah, sorry about the lack of lemon. I have an idea for their first time in this fic, and this wasn't the time for it.
phoenixandashes - lol Yes, Kai is somewhat possessive isn't he?
luvyagal - Nope. No lemon quite yet. And never on ffnet. But elsewhere…eventually.
NekoAnime - O_O *falls over* Eep! *gets back up* Ah, well, I didn't want to make Voltaire evil, per say (as in `taking over the world' or `abusive' evil) just a hard-to-deal-with, stuck-in-another-century type of guy. Patriarchal. You can find Tala in my fics Majesty and Have You Ever, as well as some of my seasonals/one-shots/mini-fics, all found on the links in my bio or at my MSN space.
Destruction Devil - Ah… *dumps bucket of cold water on DD* Man, you're probably not going to like me so much after this chapter…
Kaay-chan - The rest of the tale coming soon! Keep reading…
serena429 - Thanks! Updating! *goes off to work on another one*
Ereshkigali - Worship?! O_O Well, I don't know about that… lol Devious? Actually, I kinda like that…
xXxAngel VxXx - lol! At least it's a smile and not a frown!
Jani Rieme - Oh heck no! Eh heh… *blushes* I'm no comedian. But thanks!
SnakeMistress - Kai? Well, he's not the most understanding of people sometimes, I suppose.
FirieGurl - Yep. It was. Maybe it was a little too obvious… Which fic were you wondering about?
Two toned nails - I had two separate lines of thought on that. I still haven't decided exactly which way it's going to go.
guns'n'handcuffs - *bows apologetically* I know! I'm really sorry about that…
HeylinMinion - Yeah, I'm not so fond of the overly sweet fluff either. *winks* I usually have back-stories for everything all in my head when I start. It's how I build my plots.
Thanks everyone for reading and reviewing! Much appreciated! *hands out Draciel statues*