Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Honour Among Thieves - Part I ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  I know. My chapter naming schemes leave a lot to be desired. *shrugs* Sorry. Anyway, for this particular set of chapters (that turned out to be long-winded and took a few surprising twists even I wasn't expecting), Takao's story will finally be made clear - or at least, clearer than it has been thus far. Therefore, stay tuned and read carefully, because there will be hints to the `who-done-it' along the way… This instalment: in which Takao's legal counsel finally shows up and in which a wolf meets a feisty brunette. I call it the `detour' chapter...
Disclaimer:  No own! No sue!
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai) - eventually, language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it! This chapter: a flirtatious Tala, and a seriously annoyed Kenny. If you think Kai is scary when mad…then you haven't been paying attention.
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 07: Honour Among Thieves - Part I
The next morning, Takao was taken to have his x-rays done - and for god measure an MRI and CAT-scan were done, too, as ordered by Dr. Maison with her specialty of dealing with individuals who were…special in some way. It turned out that man of the UNA's agents who were field rated had some extraordinary ability or even, simply, a higher than average intelligence. The extra tests, Angelique explained to Takao, were so that she could look for anything that might be a problem caused by his `talents.'
By mid-afternoon, she had come to the conclusion that everything appeared normal with Takao - except that he did, indeed, suffer from a small ulcer. The ailing bluenette was vastly relieved to hear that - since he hadn't even considered the possibility that it was because of his abilities he suffered, and when she'd informed him of the possibility he had begun to worry.
Prescribing rest, relaxation, and a different medication than the one he was on, as well as providing him with a list of foods and beverages he should avoid, the UNA doctor patted him on the knee fondly and left him to his own devices once more.
It was nearly four o'clock when his room door opened and Tala strolled in.
“Hey, Kinomiya. So I hear the doctor has given you a clean bill of health except for that ulcer.” The redhead leaned against the sink counter, folding his arms over his chest as he studied him critically. “How are you feeling?”
“Alright, I suppose. Better than I was.” Takao eyed the wolf suspiciously. “Why?”
Tala rolled his eyes. “Because whether anyone likes it or not, Kai is worried about you. And because I came to see if you were well enough for visitors.”
Takao blinked, sitting up a little straighter. “Visitors?”
The redhead nodded. “My partner is on his way up with your lawyer and, apparently, an entourage of `assistants.'”
“Kenny's here? Already?” Takao's eyes widened a little, and he even smiled a bit. “That was fast. And what do you mean, assistants? I imagine he brought Hilary, since she's his legal secretary, but…”
“Yeah, she's one of them. Your friend brought along some guy, too, but Kai didn't tell me who he was, and an older lady with blonde hair. I think she's American.” Tala shrugged. “Kai said the lawyer hopped on a plane two hours after you called him yesterday on the first available flight. Unfortunately, there were a few stops along the way or he'd have been here sooner.”
Takao shook his head, not knowing who the mysterious man and woman could be, and marveled at Kenny's ability to simply drop everything and ride to his rescue whenever he needed it.
He was going to have to do something extra nice for his oldest friend.
“Did Kai pick them up at the airport?” He asked curiously. He would have thought that would be against some sort of UNA rule (fraternizing with a suspect's legal counsel or some such thing) but it was something Kai would do for a friend - if Kenny and Kai would still call each other that.
“No. He met them downstairs when the guards wouldn't let him or the others through.” Tala snorted. “Someone forgot to inform the guards that your lawyer was coming and to let him through.”
“Oh.” Takao plucked at the coverlet of his legs absently, when there was a knock at the door a few seconds before it swung open.
“Takao!” Kenny rushed into the room, looking as if he'd rolled out of bed minutes ago (his clothes and thick, brown hair rumpled and mussed) and had consumed more than a few too many cups of coffee in a short amount of time but nothing else. The petit lawyer skidded to a halt next to the bed and looked his friend over. “Kami, are you alright? Is your stomach getting worse? Are they taking decent care of you? What can I…?”
“Chief!” Takao laughed, waving his hands at his friend to halt the bombardment of questions. “I'm fine. Slow down and breathe, Kenny, before you hyperventilate.”
Kenny sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. “Sorry. I was just worried. You're really okay, though?”
“Well, its nothing we didn't already know about. And the doctor gave me a different prescription for now, so I'll be just fine.” Takao replied, then sighed at Kenny's expression. “Honest, Chief!”
“Okay. I guess I'll believe it for now. Just…take care of yourself, Takao. Please?”
“I'm trying, Kenny.”
Nodding, Kenny's demeanor shifted into lawyer mode. “I've been going over everything I was given, and…” he stopped, looked over at Tala, and blinked. “Who are you?”
“Agent Tala Ivanov.” Tala introduced himself, mouth turned up at the corner in a slight smile. “I'd be the one who sniffed out your client - so to speak.”
“He's Kai's partner, Kenny.” Takao added quietly. “He's a good man.”
Kenny huffed and crossed his arms. “Huh. Well, he'd have to be something for Kai to allow himself to be partnered with him. No matter what I might think of Kai now, I never had a problem with the guy's integrity - at least not until he left you like that.”
“Don't, Kenny. We talked about that and it's over. Forget it.” Takao reached up and laid his hand on Kenny's arm. “Please?”
“I won't bring it up.” The brunette agreed reluctantly. “At least, I'll try not to.”
“Thank you.”
Turning back to Tala, Kenny looked around the room. “Are there any recording devices in this room? Audio or video?”
“No. The doctors won't allow them in the rooms. Something about making their patients uncomfortable and stressed.” The redhead clearly thought the idea was ridiculous.
“Good. Then you won't mind sending in my associates so that we can discuss our case with my client in private.”
Tala raised a red eyebrow, winter blue eyes narrowing. “Fine. You have until after supper to discuss whatever it is. Director Dickenson has scheduled your client to give his formal statement at 7:30pm this evening.”
“Fine.” Kenny echoed, agreeing and bravely standing his ground under that cold, penetrating gaze. Tala gave a short nod and walked out swiftly. A couple of moments later, he came back with Kenny's `entourage' in tow.
Takao's eyes went very wide when the mystery of the two others the Chief had brought with him was solved. His jaw dropped open in shock, and the second the door closed behind Tala, Takao found himself being hugged to death by a distraught, energetic, blonde Mizuhara Max.
“Takao! Oh my god, Takao! I've been so worried about you! Kenny told me - us - everything, and I just had to come, too! Are you alright? Have they said anything to you yet?” The Japanese-American man released his best friend and sat at the foot of the bed his se-blue/green eyes glistening. “Why didn't you tell me what was going on? I could have helped you somehow!”
“Oh, Max…” Takao's own eyes began to water. “I'm so sorry…I didn't want to drag you into this mess! I didn't want to put you at risk in anyway. But…I'm still so sorry I never told you what was happening…”
“That would have been my decision. And I would have taken the risk, Kinomiya Takao, to help my best friend when he needed me.” Max declared sternly. “From now on tell me these things, okay?”
Takao gave him a tentative smile. “I promise.”
“Good.” Max nodded, then glanced up at the blonde woman. “I brought reinforcements to help out, too.”
“Mrs. Tate.” Takao greeted Max's mother gravely.
“That's `Judy,' Takao, remember? Don't go formal on me.” She stepped over to the bed and gave him a small, firm hug. “Dear boy. What have you gone and gotten yourself into now?”
Tears welled up and slipped out. Judy Tate had pretty much `adopted him when he'd gone with Max to university in America, and had been the mother he hadn't known during his time there (as his own had passed away not long after he'd been born). Takao shuddered and let the tears come, his weeping a release of all his bottled up stress and emotions from the last several months. Judy ended up sitting beside him and holding him while he wept, giving him the reassurance and comfort only a mother can give.
When it was over, he sat up and Hilary appeared on the other side of the bed with a damp cloth for his face and a box of tissues for his nose.
“Here, Takao. Clean yourself up a bit, and I'll get you a glass of water. Or should I go and find tea for us all?” Hilary offered, glancing around at everyone.
“That would be perfect, Hilary.” Judy smiled at her. “Thank you.”
“Alright. I'll be right back.” She gave Takao a little pat on the shoulder and slipped out into the hall.
Out in the hallway, the brunette heaved a sigh and straightened, fortified with a purpose. Hilary marched down the hall, stopping at the nurses' station to ask where she could get tea for the group. She was given directions to the building's main café/restaurant. As she made her way down to the café, her mind was very busy piecing together what she knew of the situation with Takao and the other bits and pieces she had picked up in conversations (that she'd happened to overhear - really, she wasn't eavesdropping…much) between Kenny and Max.
She had known Takao for some time now. In fact, she'd graduated with the four boys that had been as closely knit a group as brothers - plus the enigmatic Kai. But, as in most high schools, one couldn't know everyone they attended classes with. And the five teens had been of the kind of group that everyone knew of rather than knew personally. Such had been the case with Hilary.
And then, a few years after they had all graduated, Kenny had come to work at the law firm where Hilary had been a legal secretary/paralegal for almost three years already. It was then that she ended up being assigned to the brilliant - but scatterbrained and somewhat jittery - young lawyer. It did not take long for them to get to know one another or become friends, and Hilary soon wondered how Kenny had functioned in his life without her around to keep an eye on him and make sure he remembered important things…like eating, sleeping, and doing laundry so he had clean clothes to wear to work. The petite genius was usually so absorbed in his work, his computers, and (later) whatever he was doing for Takao, that he would often forget about himself.
Through Kenny she had gotten to know the others of the group - Takao, Max, and Rei. Somehow it hadn't surprised her that they had remained as close as (if not closer than) they had been in high school. And since she pretty much went where Kenny did, she ended up being absorbed into the group of friends by default. Yet it felt as if she'd always been part of it.
One thing that did surprise her was that Kai didn't seem to be included in their world anymore. They hardly spoke of him, and if one of the did mention him, it was never when Takao was around. She hadn't thought much of it - until she had (since she didn't know any better) mentioned his name during a conversation about high school and gotten three separate death glares, while Takao suddenly remembered he had to be somewhere else, hurrying away without even finishing his meal.
Aware she'd obviously inadvertently said something wrong, she had inquired about it and apologized profusely. It had been Rei, with a heavy sigh, who had said simply, “Kai is gone. Of all of us, it was Takao who was…closest to him. We don't speak of him around Takao because of that. It's not your fault, Hilary. You couldn't have known.”
Lesson learned, she had never mentioned Kai again.
And then one day only a few months ago, Takao's older brother, Hiroshi, and their father had gone missing. The police searched, investigated, abut found nothing. Takao's grandfather, the wily old Kinomiya, had only just passed away quietly in his sleep (though in the hospital at the time after he'd suffered an accident at home) a couple of months before this and Takao had come home to try and deal with the estate Gramps had left behind.
At one point, an exhausted, haggard-looking Takao had dragged himself into Kenny's office, and while Hilary would normally have been privy to Kenny's cases and clients, this time she was shut out of the hours-long conversation that went on behind a closed and locked door. When the bluenette had finally re-emerged, Kenny told her only that they would behandling the Kinomiya estate and that under no circumstances was she to go into Takao's own files (since he already handled both Takao's personal affairs and the affairs of Takao and Max's art and antiquities business). It was odd, but she had obeyed.
Months passed. Takao's remaining family members were never found. And then bluenette moved to Europe, saying he needed a change of pace and it just made more sense to be closer to where the business got its stock of art and antiques from. “What about your father and brother?” She had asked. His face had become carefully neutral at the question, and his eyes told her nothing. In reply he'd said only that the police were still investigating, and that neither his father or brother would want him to waste his life. Of course he still hoped they would be found or come home, but he couldn't sit around and wait any longer.
Still, Hilary had wondered where this coldness in the bluenette had come from. Stress, worry for his family, and all that aside, she still thought he wasn't behaving as how the Takao she'd come to know well should have behaved. The warmth of his eyes had disappeared. His voice was devoid of emotion - even though his tone hadn't changed when he spoke. The openness he'd once shown everyone and anyone had abruptly closed off. All Hilary knew was that something was going on, and Kenny knew what it was.
However, she refused to pry. She could see that whatever it was, it was big, and very important. No matter how much she wanted to know what was going on and wanted to help, she never asked questions when Kenny made odd requests for information that had nothing to do with…anything, really. She simply did the research and turned over the results.
And behind the scenes, she did he r best to take care of them both.
Now, here she was in Paris at a UNA facility, still in the dark about what exactly was going on. It was apparent that Max now knew the entire situation (and no doubt his mother did, too), and that Takao had been involved this whole time in something illegal - but completely against his will. Hilary's curiosity was soon going to be satisfied, she knew. And that thought gave her the much needed patience to just sit back and wait for it.
In the meantime, she had tea to fetch for the group. Striding into the café, she went up to the counter to place her order. A green-haired young man in a pristine white chef's uniform took her order with a charming smile and only slightly accented English.
While she waited, Hilary sat at a table nearby and frowned as she thought back to their arrival at the UNA. The guards wouldn't let them through for some reason, and Kenny had - in an uncharacteristically commanding way - stepped forward and said, “Call Agent Hiwatari and tell him I and my assistants are here. Let him vouch for us.”
Hilary had just barely managed to stifle a startled squeak at Kenny's use of that name. The guards obviously knew who the young lawyer was talking about because they looked at each other, paling, and without another word called for instructions from upstairs.
Kai had appeared moments later to escort them inside. He hadn't changed much, from what she could see. His hair was perhaps a bit thicker and wilder than it had been, and he was a little taller and leaner muscled than she remembered. But he still had that aura of silent authority, that seeming impassiveness toward his surroundings, and the cool, unapproachable personality he'd always had. And his eyes definitely hadn't changed. They still burned crimson and his gaze still scorched.
The dual-haired agent had stopped in front of Kenny and there had appeared to be some kind of silent communication going on for a moment as they stared at each other unflinchingly. Then that fiery gaze swept over the rest of them briefly - widening only a little as they passed over Max (who glared back and remained silent) - before returning to the Chief.
“Kenny.” He had said in greeting, voice grave and low.
“Hiwatari.” Kenny had returned. “Where is my client?”
“Medical floor. The doctor has checked him out and he's fine now, except for that ulcer which Dr. Maison is treating. When she gives the all-clear, I will take you up there.”
“Thank you.” Kenny had acknowledged in a somewhat shaken voice. He hadn't expecting that news, obviously. Kai had merely nodded before moving on.
“Who are they?”
“Oh. Ah…Hilary is my paralegal, secretary, and personal assistant.” Kenny, Hilary remembered with a large sweatdrop, had floundered for explanations - but he wasn't a genius for nothing. “Uh…Max is…articling (1) under me, and…”
“And?” Kai's voice turned dry and amused.
“Judy is…a colleague of mine who specializes in…” the brunette had thought so quickly Hilary wondered how anyone ever managed to keep up to him. “…uh, international law, of which I know little, and requested her assistance.”
For a moment of tense silence, Kai had said nothing, looking each of them over again, then meeting Kenny's gaze with a tiny, imperceptible smile.
“Your client is in deep water and sinking fast.” The agent had finally said. “He needs all the help he can get.” He'd then turned and beckoned them to follow him, not waiting to see if they would or not.
On their way through the halls, Kai had gotten a quick phone call on his cell. When he had hung up, he stated only, “You're all cleared to see Kinomiya now.” and taken them to an elevator. It had been the first and only time he'd said Takao's name.
But it was his final parting words that had made Hilary even more positive something more was happening between the group of friends. Kai's words, Max's frown at them, and Kenny's suddenly thoughtful gaze as the elevator door closed between them and Kai had had Hilary suspecting the truth between the lines of what he had said.
“Your client is fortunate to have you at his side. Take care of him and good luck.”
Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Hilary brushed her hair over her shoulder and scowled to herself. It really irked her sometimes hat those boys seemed to have this way of communicating with each other and understanding it without anyone else knowing it. They could say one thing and be saying something else entirely, or conveying their thoughts and opinions with merely a look or a single noises that could mean anything (Kai's `hn.' of seeming indifference came to mind immediately). It just baffled her.
She blinked and looked up to meet winter-blue, wolfish eyes as a voice broke through to her whirling, jet-lagged mind.
“Whatever you're scowling about, I hope it isn't permanent. You're much too pretty to be so angry.”
It was the agent who had let them into Takao's room earlier. She didn't know his name, and she hadn't really had a chance to get a good look at him before, but it didn't seem to matter right then as he sat down across the table from her and gave her an easy grin.
“Ah…are you always this forward?” She wondered, staring at him and not quite knowing what to do or say. He was certainly not shy, and his movements had an easy - if predatory - grace to them. His hair was very red and thick, and his eyes - those surreal blue eyes - were fixed on her with an intelligence she'd say wasn't all human. His voice was open and friendly.
“Forward? I don't think I'm being `forward.' I merely sought to distract a pretty young woman from whatever it is that's making her frown like that.” The agent replied, slender fingers tapping absently on the tabletop. “I'm sorry if you didn't want to be distracted…”
Hilary rolled her eyes. He was blatantly flirting, and yet it didn't seem to bother her as it usually did when men sought her attention. Shrugging it off as some random thing, she smiled politely and shook her head.
“It was nothing.”
“Good! I'd have hated to start off on such a dubious note.” The redhead held out a hand across the table. “Agent Tala Ivanov, at your service. You were with the lawyer, correct? The one here for Kinomiya?”
Immediately sliding into a professional, neutral expression and tone, Hilary cautiously shook his hand. “That's correct. Hilary Tatibana. Nice to meet you, Agent Ivanov.”
He raised an eyebrow amusedly. “No need for formality. Please call me Tala.”
Hilary, still smiling politely, just nodded, intending to do no such thing. Over Tala's shoulder, she could see the café doors open and a familiar dual-haired UNA agent enter. Kai glanced around and spotted her - she assumed at first. Then she realized it was Tala he was looking at when an expression of disbelief, followed by consternation, fell across his face. He stalked toward them and Hilary had difficulty hiding a giggle when Kai stopped behind Tala and thwacked him across the back of the head.
“Ow! Damn it, Hiwatari!” The red head snarled, giving the other agent a glare that rivaled any of Kai's that Hilary could remember. “What was that for?!”
“Leave the nice paralegal alone, wolf, and go fetch supper.” Kai pointed at the counter, unfazed by Tala's glare. “In case you've forgotten, we have an appointment in less than two hours, and we have things to do before then?”
“I haven't forgotten, and we have plenty of time.” Tala, stubborn as usual, stayed where he was. After shooting Kai another glare, he turned another engaging smile on Hilary. “Forgive my partner's lack of…well, anything. He's no fun.”
“Tala, quit fraternizing with the enemy.” Kai demanded, switching to Russian. “Put your damned hormones on hold.”
“Since my partner is so impatient, I'm afraid I have to leave you for now.” Tala stood just as the green-haired man came up to the table pushing a cart laden with tea and small, delicate French pastries on a platter.
“Here you are, Mademoiselle.” He smiled at Hilary and allowed her to take the cart from him. “When you are done with the cart, simply leave it out side the room and I will have someone retrieve it.”
“Of course. Thank you very much.” Hilary nodded at them. “It was nice meeting you, Agents.” She added, before wheeling the cart away. As she left, she heard Kai ask in a weary voice, “Oliver, please say you still have some of that coffee of yours made…”
After the door had closed behind the brunette female, and Oliver had disappeared into his kitchens to find Kai a thermos full of coffee, the dual-haired agent rounded on his partner in exasperation.
“What the hell was that all about?! Are you trying to compromise the case?”
Tala gave him a baleful glare and stuck his nose in the air, sniffing. “Whatever, Hiwatari. I'll thank you not to question my integrity like that ever again.”
Kai scowled and subsided a little. “I'm not questioning any such thing, Tal. You know that.”
“Really. `Cause it sure sounds like it to me.” Tala looked back at the other man with a frown. “Forget it, Kai. I know. I was just introducing myself and trying to cheer her up. She looked really upset and worried about something.”
“Just…be careful. We're stepping on thin ice with this case as it is. I don't want to risk getting thrown off, that's all.” Kai looked down at his hands.
The wolf sighed. “I said I know. In case you hadn't noticed, I've developed a small attachment to this one myself. It's eating you up inside to be involved, and I don't like that. I wish it could have been anyone else other than him, Kai. I really do.”
“So do I, Tala.” Kai closed his eyes and shivered. He was tired and emotionally drained. Trying to push aside reality for the moment, he opened his eyes again and pinned his partner with his `interrogation gaze,' as Tala often called it. “You immediately zoned in on the female of the group. You really are a wolf.”
“Um, duh.” Came the ultra-sarcastic reply. Ice blue eyes didn't flinch away. Kai's gaze didn't affect him anymore.
“So are you really interested or are you just being you?” Kai wondered.
Tala shrugged. “She's interesting. Feisty, too. I can sense that already. Besides which, she's a cutie.”
“Gods you're pathetic. Go get laid tonight, why don't you?”
“Shut up, Hiwatari.”
Good naturedly, and happy to be back into their usual, bickering friendship, Kai flipped him off with a small grin.
Back upstairs, after stopping at the nurses' station to ask one of them to open the door to Takao's room for her, Hilary wheeled the tea cart inside with a smile.
“Tea for everyone!” She declared cheerfully, beginning to pour it out for each o them. “And pastries, too!”
“I can't have the pastries, but tea sounds great.” Takao thanked her, accepting his cupful gratefully.
“Oh! I'm sorry, Takao. I forgot. Do you want me to go find something else?” She offered. He shook his head.
“No, Hilary. It's okay. I'm not really hungry, actually.”
“Well, I guess we should talk about what you're going to say, Takao, in your statement.” Kenny spoke up thoughtfully. “Since you've already confessed that you did it, it is going to be very difficult to…”
“I'm telling them everything.” The bluenette interrupted. “Everything except where I'm storing the items. They are my trump card for everything.”
“But…I really don't think it's wise to just…” Kenny protested.
“No. I'm not going to lie or leave any convenient information out.” Takao said emphatically. His hand tightened around his teacup and he stared into its depths as if all the answers to his troubles could be seen there. “I can't. Not to Kai.”
“It wouldn't be like that.” Max tried to convince his friend to listen to Kenny. “You would tell them all of it eventually. It's just that if you withhold enough information you may be able to work out some kind of a deal to get out of here long enough to finish this and get your father and Hiroshi back.”
Hilary's eyes went wide. So there had been more going on, after all.
“Director Dickenson has already heard my offer of a deal.” Takao murmured softly, wincing at the expression on Kenny's face. “I know, Chief, I know. But I've been thinking, and I think I have a plan that will work for everyone involved.”
“And what, pray tell, would that be?” Kenny asked sarcastically, very put out with his friend. “And what the heck do you need me for anyway if you've got it all figured out.”
“I'll talk about it once I get my answer from the Director.” Takao gave Kenny a pleading look. “Please, Chief…you've trusted me this long. Don't stop now.”
Kenny sighed and slumped back in his chair. “Fine. We'll do it your way. Is there anything else you've neglected to tell me?”
“No. Honest.” The bluenette looked at Judy. “I…I know I've screwed up, Judy, but…I want you to know it means a lot to me that you're here.”
“Takao, you silly boy.” She smiled fondly at him with that mothering expression of exasperation and resigned disapproval. “You have always done things your own way, always taken everything upon yourself even when you could have used a little help. It's true this time is infinitely more serious and you could truly mess up your life with how you've done things, but I know you. And I was there yesterday when Kenny came by Max's to tell him what was going on, so I know what kind of trouble you're facing.” Judy reached over from her seat and took his hand. “You are strong, resourceful, and intelligent. Whatever you're planning, I know it will work out.”
“Thank you.” Takao squeezed her hand, sniffling.
“You're welcome. Now…” Judy released his hand and fixed a questioning gaze on him. “What kind of deal did you offer the Director?”
“It's simple. I will tell him what I know, except the location of the items I…uh…borrowed,” Takao hedged, “And if, after hearing my story, he believes me enough, then I will be released on the contingency that I deliver the real criminal to the UNA for trial and then return everything I…borrowed.” He scratched his head sheepishly. “Um, details to be hammered out once he's heard what I have to say, with my legal counsel present.”
Poor Kenny looked as if he was ready to keel over from the shock. Hilary fanned him with a paper plate, sighing.
“I see. Very well. Let me think on it, Takao. When it comes time to deal, I will try to work something out on your behalf - if Kenny doesn't mind my assistance?” Judy glanced at him.
“Oh, please do. I just can't keep up with him anymore.” Kenny grabbed the plate from Hilary and fanned himself with a groan. “I give up trying.”
Max laughed, and Takao pulled the brunette into a one-armed hug, ruffling his hair fondly.
“You're a saint, Chief, for putting up with me for this long.”
“Yeah, yeah! Cut it out, Takao! AH! My hair!”
Hilary giggled, grinning at the three friends. Takao seemed to be somewhat lighter and relieved than he head been. And she was glad. No one, in her opinion - especially a bright, courageous soul such as Takao's - should ever be burdened so much by life that it weighed them down and dimmed that spirit from sharing its warmth and light.
Still chuckling, Max pried Kenny away from Takao's attacks and flopped down in a chair next to the bed. “Alright. The suspense is killing me. Spill it, Takao.”
Confused, the bluenette tilted his head in inquiry. “Huh?”
“Dish the dirt, dude. What's up with you and he-whom-shall-never-be-mentioned?”
Blinking, it took Takao a minute to puzzle that one out. “Oh! Kai!” He finally exclaimed in realization.
Then he turned red, blushing like a love-struck school-girl.
Hilary choked on her tea. “Say what?!”
“Max, what is this? Junior high school?” Takao grumbled. The blonde just laughed gleefully.
“In all seriousness, Takao, what did happen with Kai?” Kenny asked tossing a pillow at Max. “Shut up, Mizuhara! I'm serious!”
“I did promise to tell you, didn't I?” Takao, still a little pink, wrung the sheet of his bed in his hands, slightly embarrassed.
Max hugged the pillow, leaning forward with great interest, and blue-green eyes gleaming with glee. “Do tell!”
Judy rolled her eyes, setting her teacup back on the cart. “I'm going to go up and speak to Mr. Dickenson, kids. I'll meet you at the briefing, okay?” Leaving them to their discussion, Max's mother walked out quietly.
Hilary grabbed the vacated chair and pulled it over, closer to the bed, eagerly. The three males blinked at her. “What? I'm dying to know what's going on!”
“You mean…no one told you?” Takao said in surprise. “You guys didn't tell her?” He gave the two young men disbelieving looks of reproach.
“No. Why would we?” Max frowned.
“Because she's our friend, baka.” Takao gave her an apologetic look. “I'm sorry, Hil. I thought they'd have told you by now.”
“It's okay, Takao. But please don't keep me in suspense now!” Hilary waved away the apology.
“Ah, well…” The whole story came flooding out, beginning years ago in high school with Takao's poor math grades and Kai's suffering literature grades. Hilary listened with wide, sparkling, honey-brown eyes, leaning forward as she listened. It was all like some horribly clichéd romance novel or one of those bad soap operas on TV that the other secretaries and assistants at the law firm were always gushing over. By the time Takao reached the end, about how Kai had seemed to simply disappear, Hilary had tears in her eyes and she was sniffling.
“And now you've run into him again? Oh…” She dug into her purse for tissues. “What happened when you found him again?”
Takao sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I punched him.”
“So that's where that bruise came from.” Max blinked, grinning. “I should have known.” Kenny just sighed and shook his head.
“And you said you had talked about what he'd done…” the lawyer prompted, hoping to get the bluenette to continue.
“Oh. Yeah.” Takao smiled faintly at the memory, and gave them the short version.
Just as he was finishing, and before anyone could open their mouths to ask any other questions, the door opened and the UNA agent in question stood there himself. Kai blinked and raised an eyebrow as the other occupants of the room - minus Takao - stared at him with sly, amused, and curious expressions.
“What?” He demanded, a small swath of red sweeping over his cheeks at the stares.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” Kenny shook his head.
Takao met crimson, carefully neutral eyes as they landed on him with his own stormy blue ones, tensing up involuntarily.
“It's time. Let's go, Kinomiya.”
Kali's Notes: (1) In Canada, at least, this is the step would-be lawyers must take - sort of like being an apprentice - before taking their bar exams to become a lawyer and legally allowed to practice. I don't know if other countries have similar programs or requirements. Again, I'm very sorry for such a long time between updates. 4th-year university's a bitch. *sweatdrops* Please R/R!!!!
Caitlin: Thank you to all our reviewers!
Dryad: And thank you all for your patience with Kali's late updating…
TechnoRanma - *grins* Ha. I was getting you back for letting Glay nearly kill me with shock from when she updated The Moment! (just kidding) *starts crying* Come online sometime when you're not busy! I miss you! *composes self* Anyway…I'm working on getting the lovin' back! When it does, it'll be in spades! For now…will finding out what the hell happened in the next installment be enough? *gives you chibi eyes*
phoenixandashes - LOL What a coincidence that was. Maybe you're psychic… *cue eerie music*
Weeping Angel - Yeah, the needle thing was to make him a little more human. I mean, he's got `talent' and he seems super-human, but he's not. It's just a reinforcement of the fact that he is human.
horsegirl - I hate needles, too… *shudder*
Hotaru333 - Well…not quite back together yet. But we're working on that…
Ereshkigali - Not long enough? Wow…well, I do try. lol As for Tyson, I just seemed to notice that he is a little agoraphobic in the anime - at least when he isn't trying to get everyone's attention and what not. Maybe I was seeing things though… Glad you're enjoying it so much!
xXxAngel VxXx - Gee…so many people hating needles! lol I guess it's a common thing after all!
Serenity Cathedral aka. serena 429 - Sorry for the long wait for this update! I'll try getting the next out a little sooner.
FireieGurl - *winks* Isn't he lucky?
guns'n'handcuffs - Thank you!
NekoAnime - No worries! Believe me, I've been in a “who invented books anyway!” kind of mood myself lately, so I don't blame ya. Other than Takao and Kai, Tala is one of my favorite Beyblade characters, so I tend to try to write him into my fics whenever possible.
cherryfantasy - Wow…I'm very honored by such high praise! Thanks!
Kaay-chan - Uh…lol. Don't worry! I'm happy to get any reviews! Thanks for this one!
windchild - Ooooh…pretty pictures…very nice discovery! And yes, Kai's being a little bit of a jerk, but somehow it just seems like something he'd say out of pure frustration with Takao, wouldn't you say?
mepinak - LOL I hope the fic doesn't distract you too much! *winks* I am happy to hear that my fics are so addicting, because I do try to give the readers all the enjoyment I can with them.
Chocolate Cheese Queen - Isn't insanity fun? @_@ *snickers* Thanks for the review!
Blackrose - Open Your Heart is actually an old fic that I co-wrote with a good friend, Jen. It's on under our penname, Gemini Dragon. PWP stands for either “Plot? What Plot?” or “Porn Without Plot.” I prefer the first one, myself…
R-chan - Ah ha! Thanks! lol I was too lazy to pull out my dictionary to check the spelling, which is sad because I should know how to spell it. *sweatdrops*
Niffty24 - Thanks!
Leviathan - Thank you! Great to see you around again! *waves*
XZanayu - Hmm…you'll have to keep on reading to find out… *winks*
Shinigami - Seems like a lot of people are scared of them. Um…ouch. That sounds painful. No, Tyson's agoraphobic - scared of crowds. Well, maybe a little claustrophobic, too…
icestar - That Takao is…martyr Takao. Sounds good!
Lady Kirei - Hey! No worries, hon. Believe me, everyone's got too much to do these days…and yes, I'm quite familiar with Sailor Moon and that episode. Sorry about Endure, though. I don't have anything to keep up with on that one.
Thank you, all, for reading and reviewing! *hands out mini plushies of Kai* Keep it up for future updates!