Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Honour Among Thieves - Part V ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  Welcome to yet another instalment. The Chaos Wave has hit! Check it out, folks…see my endnotes for details.
Disclaimer:  We do not own Beyblade. If we did, Kali wouldn't be a student indebted to the government for 1000s of $$ in student loans, would she?
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it! This chapter: fuzzy, warm, lovey-dovey moments and an attempt at humour. (Dryad: Don't get your hopes up…it is Kali writing, after all. *sighs*).
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 11: Honour Among Thieves - Part V
Tala dug out the set of keys to the safe house from his jacket pocket and unlocked the apartment door, shoving it open.
“Well, here we are. This is one of the largest safe houses we have in Paris. I hope it will be accommodating enough for you.” He addressed Kenny, Hilary, Max, and Judy. “It's not much, but for your friend's sake, it's better that those people don't know you're here.”
“We know. And I agree completely.” Kenny shook his head. “I appreciate the trouble you're going through, Agent Ivanov.”
“I'm not doing this for any of you, or even Kinomiya.” The wolf returned, walking inside and turning on the lights. “I'm doing it because I despise injustice and deceit. And I'm doing it because my partner is busy handling his own set of issues in this mess, which leaves me to make sure the rest of it is taken care of.” Tala folded his arms over his chest and eyed them all critically. “Was there anything you wanted before I leave for the night?”
“No, thank you, Agent.” Judy replied, her hand coming down on Max's shoulder. The blonde was frowning at the redhead for some reason, and his mother knew her son well enough to know he would have said something he'd later regret.
“Alright. If you should need anything, there are UNA agents in the building at all times, and if you need anything or something is wrong, call the number posted by the telephone. There is no outside line, however, so you won't be able to call anywhere outside the building.” Tala pointed in the general direction of the kitchen area. “I'll be by around 10 am tomorrow to get you and bring you all back to the UNA. I imagine you'll want to visit Kinomiya for a while before we continue getting his statement.” Tala walked back out the door, pausing briefly. “I don't have to remind you not to try going out or anything after I leave, do I?”
“We won't. Good night, Agent.” Judy smiled pleasantly and ushered Max away to the living room.
Kenny picked up his baggage and went to the kitchen table to begin spreading out in preparation for work on Takao's case.
Hilary, on the other hand, followed Tala out into the hallway, letting the door to the apartment close behind her for a small measure of privacy. “My I have a moment, Agent Ivanov?” She inquired.
“I always have a moment for a pretty woman.” Tala winked, an easy grin forming as he leaned against a wall. “What can I do for you?”
“Can you tell me…what is your take on Takao's situation?” Hilary asked hesitantly. “I know I shouldn't be asking, but I'm worried about Takao especially, as well as everyone else. I just don't understand why someone would do this to Takao. He's one of the kindest, most loyal and trustworthy people I've ever met.”
“Maybe. I don't know him well enough to say that. If he is, though, then that just makes him that much more of a target for the unscrupulous and nefarious types in his world.” Tala shrugged. “I've seen it happen too many times to believe otherwise.”
Hilary frowned. “That can't be a good enough reason.”
“Is there such thing as a `good enough' reason? I doubt it. Look, we will figure the whole ting out eventually, I can promise you that. I'm not saying it will all make sense or be logical, but at least you'll know.”
“Oh, I have no doubt of that.” Hilary shook her head, flicking her hair over her shoulder and out of her face. “Honestly, though, Agent Ivanov, can you give me your opinion of everything? Do you think…will Takao go to prison?”
Her deep, honey-brown eyes met his own ice-blue ones and he felt a sudden urge to reassure her. He didn't though, because it would have required lying to her, and that just wasn't in him to do.
“I don't know, Hilary. There are too many strings that need tying up before I can know that, too much evidence that needs to be gathered - for one possibility or another.” Tala answered honestly after a minute of thought.
Hilary stepped up closer to him, drawn by the chill of his eyes and the warmth of his voice inexplicably. “I guess I was hoping for too much of an answer.” She admitted softly. “I didn't know who else I could ask and get an honest answer from who wouldn't just say what they thought I would want to hear.” She looked down at her feet, fingers absently plucking at the material of her skirt. “Thank you for that.”
Even though his brain screamed at him not to do so, Tala reached out and tipped her ace upward once more with a finger under her chin. Softly rubbing his thumb pad over her ivory skin, he smiled. “Bad things happen to good people, Hilary. Sometimes those good people need a little help. That's my job, and I am very good at it. So is my partner. And he has a personal reason for getting to the bottom of things. So in that respect, I can tell you honestly not to worry. Truth will out, in the end.”
She couldn't help smiling back a little at his words. As she opened her mouth to thank him yet again, Judy opened the door and stepped out into the hall with them.
“Oh, there you are, Hilary. Come inside, dear, and do something about Kenny? He's insisting on doing casework right now.” The blonde woman sighed.
Tala dropped his hand back to his side and nodded at both women. “I'll see you all tomorrow morning. Good night, ladies.”
“Good night, Agent Ivanov.” Hilary returned, watching him go. Judy watched Hilary with a tiny, knowing smile.
“Yes, Judy. I'm coming.” The brunette rolled her eyes at the sight of her `boss' bent over his laptop typing so furiously it was a wonder the keyboard didn't start to smoke. Rolling up her metaphorical sleeves, she stomped toward him, prepared for the inevitable fight it would be to get him to go to bed and sleep rather than stay up all night - again - working on Takao's case.
Where was Max? The blonde was already out like a light bulb, sprawled on a sofa in the living room, where his mother draped a blanket over him and pulled off his shoes before going into one bedroom to go to sleep herself.
There was no real reason for Kai to wake up. No sudden light in his face, no noises (other than the soft, rhythmical breath of the bluenette in his arms and his own steady breathing), nor was there any instinct that told him to open his eyes and surface from slumber so abruptly. Yet wake up in this way he did. Kai blinked the sleep out of his eyes and glanced around, though he couldn't quite make out the clock on the far wall from his place on the bed. It was still too dark in the room, with the blinds on the small windows closed and no lights on.
Yawning expansively, Kai stretched out his stiff arms and legs as best he could - with the sleeping younger man sprawled out over top of him like a human blanket, it was somewhat difficult. With a tiny sigh, Kai lazily draped his arm over one of Takao's shoulders and down his back, and tucked the other under his head. He closed his eyes again and allowed himself to fall into a doze, feeling contented and warm just where he was.
The next time he woke up, there definitely was a reason for it. He wasn't the only one awake this time, because Takao had Kai's shirt pushed halfway up his chest while his mouth was busily mapping out the muscles and scars that made Kai more beautiful than some Greek god - in Takao's eyes, at least.
Groaning quietly, Kai slid his fingers through Takao's hair and massaged the back of his neck appreciatively. Little tingles of pleasure burned through his sleepy system, and he nearly purred with the sensations. Smiling, Takao raised his head a little and looked up at his lover.
“Finally awake are you?” He murmured, rubbing his cheek against Kai's muscled abdomen. “Took you long enough. I thought I might have to do something…drastic.” The bluenette put special emphasis on that word, his voice a sleepy, husky purr of sound that made Kai shiver and shift restlessly under him.
Kai's eyes nearly crossed at the mental images that combination invoked. “Tease.” He growled, smirking down at Takao. He let blue-black silken hair slide through his fingers idly, simply enjoying their closeness for the time they had together.
Takao rolled his eyes and opted to snuggle up to Kai's stomach to enjoy being petted. “Did you get some sleep, Kai?” He asked, tracing patterns on the rippled, hard surface of Kai's abdomen with a fingertip.
“Some. Better than I have in a while. How about you, Taka?” Kai replied, reaching down to lay a hand over Taka's to halt the tickling sensation. Instead, he let the bluenette thread their fingers together and play with his idly. “You're the one who needs the rest more than I do.”
“I slept well. I always do when you're with me, I'm beginning to learn.” Takao brought their linked hands to his lips and brushed kisses over Kai's knuckles. “Can we stay like this for a while?”
Kai frowned at the small tone of voice Takao used. “Of course, love. We'll stay like this as long as possible…but what's wrong?”
“Nothing.” Takao burrowed under the covers further, trying to block out the world - if only for a little while longer.
Frowning deeper, Kai pulled his other arm out from behind his head and ran his fingers through Takao's hair. “No, come on, now. Something's bothering you, love. I can't help if you don't tell me what it is.”
Takao sighed deeply and reluctantly raised up on his forearms. “Turn on the light, okay?” Kai turned over a bit and looked up for the light switch, flicking it on and wincing at the sudden light - though dimmed considerably compared to the overhead halogen lights. Settling down again, he watched his lover expectantly.
“I'm scared.” The bluenette said after a minute, stormy blue eyes, haunted as they were, looking back at Kai fearfully. “I'm scared I'll never see my Dad or Hiro again. I'm scared that this is my last `free' moment before they ship me off to prison. I'm scared that after today I'll never get to be with you at all, ever again…”
Kai laid a finger over his lips, halting the words. “I know. God, Takao, I do. I'm just as scared that all those things and a million others might happen. But…” the crimson-eyed agent smiled a little. “They are all only `mights' and `maybes' of a future that hasn't played out yet. I won't let the `what ifs' consume me or you, love. Understand?”
Nodding, Takao edged up the bed to curl himself into Kai's chest, hugging him with his whole body. Protectively, Kai wrapped his arms around Takao's upper back and shoulders tightly, resting his chin on the younger man's head. After a few minutes of quiet, Kai rubbed Takao's back as he spoke up again.
“Since I forgot to mention it last night, and because maybe it will help to put your mind at ease a little, I should tell you what the Director and I talked about last night.”
Takao looked up curiously. “Yeah?”
“He told me that he's going to take that deal you had offered him when we first brought you in.”
“Really?” Takao's eyes widened in surprise. “I didn't think he'd actually go for that…but I thought I'd make the offer anyway.”
“Well, he said he'd work out the legal details with Kenny and Max's mother, but he wants to help. So he said it would be a good idea to release you after completing your statement today.” Kai held up a hand when Takao pushed himself up again in amazed excitement. “But only into the watchful custody and supervision of the UNA, of course.”
The bluenette tilted his head sardonically. “Meaning you and Agent Ivanov, I assume?”
“Hmm. I would have gone with you anyway, Taka.”
Takao smiled softly and hid his face against Kai's chest. “I know.” He responded, his voice equally soft as his smile.
Kai's cell phone, sitting on the bedside chest of drawers, interrupted the peaceful moment.
“Oh for…what time is it anyway?” Kai grumbled, reaching out to grab the little phone.
Takao pushed himself up again and sat back on his heels. He glanced behind himself to peer at the clock. “Almost 9 am, love.”
“Urgh.” Kai flipped the cell open and pushed a button before barking, “What?”
Over the line, Takao heard a faint chuckling. It was Tala.
“My, my. As cheerful as always this morning, aren't we? Didn't get any last night?”
“You're interrupting my quality time, Ivanov. Spit out whatever it is you're annoying me for or I'm hanging up and not answering again.” Takao rolled his eyes at his grumpy, put-out lover, and slid off the bed to go to the closet to find clean clothes.
“I think I'd better bring you some of Oliver's coffee.” Kai could hear the scowl in his partner's voice. “You're a downright bitch in the morning, you know that? Look, I just wanted to give you the heads-up, seeing as how you weren't at home when I stopped by this morning and figured you were with Kinomiya.”
“What heads-up?” Kai sat up properly, letting his legs dangle off the side of the hospital bed.
“Oh…just that I'll be coming up with Kinomiya's entourage as soon as they're done eating breakfast here - so maybe in twenty minutes or so - and that the Boss said he'd be coming down at ten to continue and to talk about what to do next.”
Kai's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “Okay. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Well, as much fun as it would have been to just let everyone walk in on you and your little…” Kai growled a warning and Tala snickered. “…boyfriend and to get caught doing less than appropriate things in a hospital room, I thought I'd make sure you had a chance to put on clothes at least.”
“If I'm a bitch then you're an ass, Tal. Go chase that secretary from Research, why don't you? Better yet, go play in traffic, wolf.” He pushed a button on his cell, hanging up on Tala before he could respond to that with a satisfied smirk.
Takao shook his head. “As glad as I am that you have had a good friend like Tala all this time, I have to admit that you two have the weirdest relationship I have ever seen.”
Kai laughed and held out his hand to the bluenette, who took it and squeezed, letting him draw Takao into the circle of his arms. “I know. But it works for us. I don't try to analyze it, not after all this time.”
Takao hugged Kai briefly and leaned down to place a chaste kiss to his lips. “I'm going to take a shower, love. Did you want to join me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at Kai and the crimson-eyed agent nipped lightly at his collarbone.
“I would love to. However, that may not be a wise idea. Besides, I doubt that the shower in there is built large enough for two.”
Mock pouting, Takao nuzzled Kai's hair and sighed. “No, you're right about that. Well, I won't be long.” He let go and walked to the bathroom.
“Didn't you take a shower last night?” Kai asked, curiously.
“No. I just washed my hair. It was driving me nuts.” Takao poked his head out the bathroom door for a moment. “If you need to borrow something feel free to dig through my bags. I don't mind.”
“Thanks. I should be good.” Kai waved him back into the bathroom and the bluenette disappeared.
An hour and a half later, everyone had gathered once again in the same conference room as the previous night. Takao was dressed in regular clothes this time, however, and he sat with an ease and comfort he hadn't felt only twelve or so hours earlier, with Kai sitting right next to him on the left again.
“Well, Takao, I'm pleased to report that the agents in Japan that I have asked the Asian offices to assign to your case have confirmed your story. They did some discreet digging all last night, and from what they found they have corroborated what you have told us.” Director Dickenson smiled a little at the bluenette's surprised look. “We don't waste time, son. I'm sure that with the police reports and all that we'll have further corroboration, as well. On that note, we only need you to give us as detailed a statement about each of the places you…borrowed from, and then I would like to have a meeting with your Counsel and Director Judy about that deal you offered me.”
“Sir…I…thank you.” Takao finished lamely, stunned despite the fact that Kai had told him the Director meant to do this. “You can't know how much this means to me.”
“Perhaps not. But its there all the same. Now,” the old man looked down at his open case-file briefly. “Let's start with the most recent occurrence at the British Museum, shall we?”
“Certainly.” Takao straightened up in his seat and proceeded to explain how he'd gotten into the building, found the item he wanted, and gotten back out again without tripping any alarms, or alerting any guards, or anything of the kind. Four hours later, he had only three items left to explain, and the Director called a halt in order to adjourn for lunch.
“I wouldn't want Dr. Maison to be giving me grief for not letting you eat properly.” He chuckled, pushing to his feet and picking up his walking stick.
“No, sir.” Takao agreed. In truth, he was famished and a little worn out by all that talking. Kai held his hand firmly in his own and led him out the door.
“I think it's safe to take you down to the café and let Oliver feed you.” the older man said as they led the group to the elevators. Kenny agreed from behind them.
“I highly doubt that Gideon will have any spies in the UNA that will report your presence here. Besides, you have to try that place's food, Takao!”
Max laughed and slapped the young lawyer on the shoulder. “He's not kidding, pal! It's pretty fantastic grub.”
“Can't wait, then.” Takao smiled. “I'm hungry.”
“Good.” Kai placed a kiss to Takao's temple, lingering a moment. “I'd be worried if you didn't get some of your appetite back.”
That earned a few agreeing chuckles from Kenny and Max. Hilary just rolled her eyes and Judy smiled affectionately at the group.
Finally it was all out. Takao felt light-headed as he rode back up to his hospital room with Kai and Tala. Kenny and the others had gone to work out the logistics and legalities of his release while he packed up his stuff and got ready to leave, and Kai was true to his word. He was sticking to Takao like white on rice. Tala, now that so many of his questions had been answered about the hows and whys of this case, decided he was just going to follow Kai (and subsequently Takao) around to see this strange drama through to the end.
“I can't believe how much better I feel after just telling you all about everything.” Takao murmured, leaning against Kai's side. “Feels like a boulder got removed off my back that I didn't know I was carrying.”
“I imagine so. You've been silent about the whole debacle for months, Kinomiya.” Tala reasoned, yawning. “I'm still not sure who this Gideon character is. It's obvious that whoever it is knows you, knows your talents, and knows just how to get you to do what he/she wants you to do.”
“Yes. I've tried coming up with a name, too. `Gideon' is just a pseudonym for whoever is behind this.” Takao frowned, his face darkening. “He or she has to pay for everything.”
“They will. I promise you, Taka, we'll find the person and they'll find out what justice means the hard way.” Kai slid his arm around Takao's waist and hugged him tightly.
“Thanks. Both of you.” Takao sighed and let Kai lead him out of the elevator and down the hallway to his room to pack up his stuff. Tala followed at a slower pace, stopping by the nurse's station to give them the paperwork for Takao's release.
Kai watched the bluenette stuff his belongings back into the suitcase he had from his seat on the bed next to it. “You've certainly mastered the fine art of travelling lightly, haven't you?” He teased. Takao stuck out his tongue and zipped up the main compartment.
“Had to. Besides, whenever I left to…go borrow an item, I was only gone for a couple of days. You don't need to pack an entire closet for two days.”
“True.” Kai smiled at the little picture that slipped out of a book that Takao tossed down on top of the suitcase. “I remember that picture.”
“What?” Takao looked up from the closet where he was checking for any missed items and turned pink. “Oh. Yeah, I thought it was the best picture I had of you so…and I guess I just…”
“You don't have to explain why you have it, love.” Kai picked up the book and the picture, and neatly tucked it safely away between the front page and front cover. “I'm flattered that you still thought enough of me all these years to even have kept it.”
Takao walked up to Kai and looped his arms around Kai's neck, leaning down to rest his forehead against the older man's for a moment. “Even when I was hating you for leaving me, I still loved you. I still hoped that someday maybe we'd get another chance. That maybe I would get to see you so peaceful like that picture again someday.”
Kai separated their foreheads and tilted his head back a little further to press his lips to Takao's softly. “You will. I'll make a point of it.”
Takao kissed back, a little more forcefully in his emotional state. “I'll hold you to it.”
“God! Would you two love-birds quit with the sugary sweetness already?” Tala's voice cut through the moment like a well-honed blade. “Be sappy and fluffy on your own time, please. Here, Kinomiya.” The redhead tossed a pill-bottle at Takao who caught it neatly out of the air. “Those are your meds from Dr. Maison. You're to take them as it says on the bottle, and there should be enough of a dosage to last at least a month. If you need more, you're to call her immediately and she'll authorize a refill.”
“Thank you. Tell her thank you, too. For everything.” The bluenette secured the bottle in his suitcase and put the baggage on the floor. “Well, I'm all packed.”
“Then let's get the hell out of here.” Kai held out his hand to Takao, who grasped it and linked their fingers together, then picked up the laptop carry-case with the other hand to carry himself. Tala led the way back down the hall to the elevators again.
Down in the car-park of the UNA building, Takao let Kai put his bags in the trunk of a car, while Tala watched. “So where exactly are we going anyway?” Takao asked, curiously.
“We'll go to my place first, so I can get some clean clothes and a few things of my own, but then we're going to go to your apartment, Takao.” Kai responded. He glanced over at his partner. “Tala is going to follow us again, to see if anyone is watching your building to see if you come back again. We thought that if they see you - with me, still - then it will be easier to make up a story about where you have been all this time.”
“Uh huh…and that would be?” Takao raised an eyebrow.
“Simple. Kai was worried about your health, what with your stomach and all, and he decided that after you got back into Paris, he was going to whisk you off to a fancy French hostel where you could be treated for your condition and get some rest. Since you can't really `tell' him anything, you couldn't protest either, and had to go along.” Tala grinned wolfishly. “We have all the details planned out for you already, and if they call the place we picked to find out if you were there, they'll find more than enough evidence to suggest that you were.”
Takao's eyes were wide. “That's amazing. I will never get over how fast you UNA people work when you get started on something.”
Tala laughed and waved over his shoulder as he turned and strode off. “I'll be in touch. Keep it low profile, you two. Play along, at least when you're anyplace where your admirers can see you.”
Kai grunted and slid into the driver's seat of the car. Takao got in beside him and sighed. “It feels good, yet strange to be going home after all of this.”
“It'll be fine, love. I'll be with you.”
“I know. You have no idea how grateful I am for that.” Takao covered his hand on the gearshift with one of his own and left it there.
Kai turned his hand over and held it tightly as he drove out into Paris traffic.
Kali Notes: This chapter is a part of the mass update I am doing of all my WIPs (aka the Chaos Wave), except Endure…which I pretend doesn't exist at the moment. The other fics that have been updated are Mnemosyne (my 1st Saiyuki fic), Daze of Paradise (my Yu-Gi-Oh! fic not found on ffnet), Haunted (my newest Beyblade fic which is a late Halloween one), and Written In The Stars (a TyKa birthday fic for Jen not found on ffnet). All of these will be found by following the links in my bios on any of the fic sites - once I've posted them. For more info, also see my bios, or email me, or message me, or whatever works for you. You will get a response as soon as I possibly can come up with one. For now, enjoy this chapter and check out the other updates as well! Please R/R!!!!