Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Den of Thieves - Part II ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  And things get more interesting…rolling right along!
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Kali & muses are just borrowing the wonderful characters and all that goes with them from their creator.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 18: Den of Thieves - Part II
“Is everything in place, Tala?”
“That's the five hundredth time you've asked me that in the last half-hour.” Tala complained, giving his partner a cross look. “Yes, everything's ready.”
“Sorry. I can't help it.” Kai began to pace back and forth in the living room of the Hiwatari Enterprises' studio, where UNA agents had gathered and set up their surveillance equipment. They would be basing communications from the studio, while Tala and Kai trailed after Takao's signal from the tiny tracking chip they had sewn into his pants. Kenny was sitting beside two other agents - the ones who would pose as his “body-guards” at the exchange - looking uncomfortable and nervous.
“We've done what we can, so just relax.” Tala glared as his partner tread past him on another circuit.
“Kai, love, you're making everyone else nervous.” Takao appeared from the bedroom where he'd been changing. “I'm not going to be the only one with an ulcer at the rate you're going.”
The agent paused to study the reluctant thief with a critical eye. “You look like a biker.”
Takao raised an eyebrow, grinning a little. “I kinda am. My bike is waiting downstairs as we speak, remember?” He headed for the door, preparing to leave. His face went serious as he grabbed his helmet and gloves. “Alright. Kenny, you get moving to the meeting spot, and I'll go meet the bane of our existence.”
Kai and Tala followed him, but Hilary pulled Tala aside briefly before the red-haired Russian could get out the door. The feisty brunette pulled him down to meet the kiss she planted on his mouth.
“Be careful. And take care of them, Tala.” Hilary said, kissing him again before shoving him out the door. “Yell if you need anything.”
“Yes, ma'am.” Tala gave her a carefree grin and winked, sauntering after his partner.
Kenny and the two agents slipped out next, leaving Hilary behind. She had protested at first, but gave in when Takao emphatically told her he didn't want anything happening to her - and Tala had been the first to back him up on that. The lone female of the group capitulated fairly easily, another thing she wasn't too pleased with. It seemed she wasn't able to separate her emotions from what she and Tala had done after all, and she didn't really know what to do about it. So she put it aside to deal with later and let her desire to be more involved go.
Closing the door after they'd gone, Hilary sighed deeply and went back to the living room to put on the audio headset Tala had set her up with so she could listen in to the flow of UNA agent chatter and hear what Kai, Tala, Kenny, and the other agents were saying in order to keep up with what was going on.
Takao pulled on his gloves and got on his motorcycle, starting the machine. It roared to life with a throaty purring hum from the motor. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Kai and Tala settling in to their car in order to follow him (from a discreet, safe distance). Reassured that they were going to be right nearby the entire time, Takao drove out of the underground parking lot and into London traffic.
It was evening - still early on, however - and yet it was growing quite dark. Takao glanced upward at the sky to see dark clouds hovering. No surprise. He thought. It's probably going to rain tonight. He wasn't looking forward to displacing the electric field he had established around the container in the storage yard that he was keeping the items in with rain pouring down on him. Chances were good that he might accidentally attract lightning doing that, and despite his abilities even he was not able to withstand a lightning strike unscathed. Still, it had to be done, so…
It was a really good thing he hadn't mentioned such a possibility to Kai.
Takao paused in traffic at a round-about that was backed up and barely moving. He was near the agreed meeting spot for himself and Gideon, and thankfully he was somewhat early so this traffic probably wouldn't make him late. Moving slowly through traffic and weaving his way along, Takao sighed deeply and tried to calm his nerves before speaking into the com that some enterprising UNA techs had installed in his jacket collar.
“To all you guardian angels out there keeping an eye on me…I'm approaching the place where I'll leave my bike. After I park, I'll walk to the meeting place.” He said, hoping the agents, Kai and Tala, and Hilary and Kenny could hear him over the noise of the motorcycle, the traffic, and the wind as he moved. He pulled into a nearly empty parking lot and left his bike secured.
Walking slowly, Takao took in his surroundings. There were some people still about in the streets, though fewer than during normal day hours. His shoulders hundred inside his jacket a little as he tried to huddle against the chill of the weather. When he reached a safe distance of a few hundred metres from the set of benches in Hyde Park that he was supposed to meet Gideon at. And he had no doubt that some of the people were Gideon's people - despite Takao's rules to the contrary.
Then again, it wasn't like Takao was playing by the rules either.
Shoring himself up for the task at hand, Takao made his way to the bench and took a seat, gloved hands still in his jacket pockets, one booted foot and ankle resting casually on his opposite knee. The bluenette appeared as cool and calm as a cucumber to the outside world while he waited for his…employer.
He wasn't waiting long. Two people - rather familiar people, as in the same two who had followed Takao and Kai before - appeared in front of him. “Tyson Granger…or should we say, Kinomiya Takao?”
Takao looked up at the man and woman, dressed in black business suits and trench coats, and tilted his head at them, looking all the while like he was bored and completely disinterested. “Well, well. If it isn't my shadows.” He smiled, all teeth, and it was neither friendly nor amused. “Where's Gideon? I'm surprised he let you off your leashes.”
The man frowned disapprovingly, and the woman simply glared. “Do not concern yourself, thief. Our employer is awaiting your presence in his vehicle nearby. We were instructed to bring you to met him in person.” The man spoke English with a heavy accent, not quite German, not quite Russian. “If you would come with us…?”
“Uh no. I go nowhere until my family is released to Kenny and they leave unharmed without being followed. I go no where until I receive word from him that this has happened.” Takao's blue grey eyes turned to steel, glinting in the low light. A distant roll of thunder echoed quietly. “That was the agreement. If Gideon doesn't keep to his end of it, then his precious items get destroyed.”
“Do that and you'll never see your family alive again!” The woman threatened, waving a fist at the bluenette. Her accent was definitely British.
Takao just stared at her disdainfully. The man hushed the woman and nodded at Takao warily.
“Pay no attention to this one. Gideon wished me to reassure you to your family members are quite safe and well. And that he has already ordered their release as you instructed.”
“Good. Then we just have to wait for Kenny to call me.” Takao drew his hand out of his jacket pocket, a cell phone in his grip.
The woman was scowling impatiently with ill concealed frustration, but her partner merely inclined his head in agreement.
They waited in silence for about only five minutes longer when the cell rang and Takao answered.
“Takao! It's done, and we're on our way to the airport. I'm taking your father and brother to Paris.” Kenny's voice sounded vastly relieved and greatly worried at the same time. “Are you alright?”
“Good. Thanks, Chief. So far everything's fine. How are they?” The bluenette felt tears sting, but he didn't let them fall.
“They're exhausted, weak, and hungry and thirsty, but otherwise they're both doing well. Don't worry about them anymore, pal. We're all safe and sound, so you just take care of the rest, and I'll see you really son.”
“Yeah.” Takao glanced at the two goons in front of him and said goodbye to his oldest friend. “I've got to go now, Chief. Bye.” He hung up and put the cell back in his pocket, standing slowly.
“Are you satisfied that our employer has held up to his end of your agreement?” The man inquired. For a flunkie, at least he was being polite and reasonable.
“So far. Lead the way, then, so I can do the same.” Takao replied quietly, really, really wishing he could just walk away. But he had to see this thing through.
The woman stepped forward with a sneer. “Raise your hands above your head and stand still. We will search you first to make sure you are unarmed.”
Takao rolled his eyes but allowed the man to search him quickly. He was never unarmed, because of his abilities and Gramps' thorough training, but even if he hadn't had either of those he wouldn't have been dumb enough to attempt carrying a gun or a knife or whatever.
“He is clean. Let us go to our employer now, Kinomiya. Follow me.” The man led the way, while the woman took up a position behind Takao and trailed along after them. On the way, the man spoke into what looked like a walkie-talkie in a language Takao didn't recognize but to whom he assumed was Gideon.
They walked up to a sleek, black Mercedes limo with tinted windows, and the woman rushed to open the back passenger's side door.
“Please get in.” The man ushered Takao toward the vehicle. “Gideon anxiously awaits you.”
Takao frowned, not liking that he had yet to confirm that Gideon was even in the car, but slowly climbed inside since he really had no choice.
The interior of the limo was dark, but Takao could make out two figures sitting opposite him as the door closed behind him and the limo began to move. “Gee, you mean my shadows don't get to come along? How disappointing.” The reluctant thief tried to peer into the dark to see who his companions were. “So which of you is the infamous Gideon? I mean, after all this time I think you have few reasons to be shy.”
“Patience, Kinomiya. We've waited…a very long time for this.” The figure in the corner, the one mostly covered by the darkness, replied. He sounded quite pleased with himself, smug, and it was as if he totally believed he had the upper hand. That was fine with Takao. The bastard would have his karma come back on him in many, many ways very soon. The man's voice was unfamiliar, and unremarkable - excepting that he spoke flawless Japanese, rather than the English Takao had spoken in.
Takao raised an eyebrow, sticking to English. “That depends on what you think I've been expecting.”
“Tell us where the items are.” The other figure commanded, a dim light switching on behind him on that side of the car. Takao blinked as his eyes adjusted, but he still couldn't see the one who'd answered him in the corner.
“Not until I know which of you is Gideon - if either of you really are Gideon.” He eyed them with suspicious stormy blue eyes. “He could be deceiving me, couldn't he?”
“'Gideon' is not my real name, of course, but that is the name I go by these days. In the circles I frequent I've earned that title.” The shadowy one assured Takao, sounding for all the world like he was indulging the young man with details as if he didn't care if Takao knew. “Even the authorities don't know about us yet.” Now he sounded triumphant.
“How nice for you. If you expect me to be impressed by the achievements of a low-life and his golfing buddies, you don't know me very well.” Takao yawned. “And you'll have to give me more than that if you expect me to believe you're really `Gideon.'”
“The boss doesn't have to prove anything to you, kid.” The other man said, pulling out a gun from under his suit jacket and pointing it at Takao. “Where are the items?”
“Kid? Honestly. Can't you do better than that?” The bluenette stared impassively at him for a moment, then looked back at the shadowed figure. “You're not going to shoot me. And if you did, you can be damned sure I won't tell you a thing.”
“Put the gun away, Franco. It's too soon to kill him.” The thug, Franco (apparently), put the gun away reluctantly. “As for you, Kinomiya, you will tell me where we must go. I have no way of proving I am who I claim to be. But I'm afraid you'll just have to live with that - unless you know of some way?”
Takao frowned. He supposed the guy had a point. And if this guy wasn't Gideon…well, there was nothing to be done about it. “Fine. I'll play along. Tell your driver to leave London and make for Portsmouth on the A3. I'll give directions as we go.”
Franco relayed the information to the driver of the limo, and Gideon pressed a button on a console between his seat and Franco's.
“Perhaps you'd like something to drink, Kinomiya?” A mini-bar opened up under the console. “You look very pale.”
“If you had an ulcer, you'd be pale too.” Takao answered, glaring at the shadows. He was seriously beginning to dislike being unable to see Gideon. “So thanks anyway.”
“Oh.” Gideon chuckled, finding his heath amusing, apparently. “How silly of me! I forgot you were so delicate.”
Takao grit his teeth and stayed silent. Franco poured a glass of wine and handed it to his boss.
“Is there some reason you're being mysterious or are you afraid of something when I see what you look like?” Takao asked, smiling as the glass paused in its path toward Gideon's mouth.
“No. Your patience hasn't changed, has it? All in good time, Kinomiya Takao.”
“Well, if I can't see you, why don't you finally tell me what this is all about?” Takao eyed his adversary with stormy blue eyes narrowed in quiet fury. “Why the hell would anyone go through all this trouble to kidnap some people and blackmail their family member into stealing a bunch of ancient artefacts and priceless artwork, and then expect to get away with it all?”
“You might call this my `initiation.' I have colleagues watching very closely. I may go by `Gideon' but I have to completely earn it, for reasons you don't need to know.” The man drank his wine.
“So,” Takao stared at the shadowed corner with growing anger. “This is just some…adolescent initiation rite to a group of thugs and criminals? You'd put people who have nothing to do with you through hell just for that?” He could not believe it. “That makes no sense at all!”
“Please. You're underestimating my intentions.” Gideon snapped, obviously upset at Takao's statement. “This is more than just my initiation, though that was the main reason. I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet, Kinomiya.”
“Sir? We're on the highway, Boss.” Franco interrupted, looking at Takao expectantly. “Where to know, kid?”
The bluenette regarded him for a moment, wishing he could just spark the both of them and be done with it. He gave the final directions, crossing his arms over his chest as Franco relayed them to the driver.
“Figure out what, Gideon? Enlighten me, since you're so pleased with yourself and I'm so dumb.”
Gideon poured himself another glass of wine and raised it in a toast as he answered.
“Revenge, Kinomiya. Revenge.”
Kai watched as UNA agents hauled the two shadows that had been tailing Takao away, and others swarmed all over like busy little bees. He could hear Takao's conversation in one ear over his com, and the constant chatter of the UNA in his other ear. He wasn't really listening to what either was saying, but as long as he could still hear Takao's voice, he was able to stay sane.
Tala finished his conversation with two agents and hustled over to his partner. “Hey! They'll be on a plane back to Paris and thoroughly debriefed, Kai. Hopefully they'll spill their guts.”
“Hn.” Kai nodded and glanced back at his watch. He could hear Hilary's voice in his ear relaying info to the agents she was with back at the studio. She was saying something about directions.
“We should get going if we're going to catch up, don't you think?” Tala eyed the other agent. “Is he still on the com?”
“Then he's fine. Come on, Hiwatari.” Tala sighed and tugged on Kai's arm, trying to get him to move.
“Wait a second.” Kai didn't budge, but reached up to push a small button on the ear bud that would allow him to speak to Hilary. “Say that again, Hilary?”
Kai! Takao's given directions to Gideon! They're getting off the highway!
“Where are they headed?” Tala joined in with his own com.
Hold on… An agent is checking the area with the satellite…” Hilary paused then continued, rattling off an address. “It's a storage yard near the Portsmouth harbour, a `MacGregor Commercial Shipping Ltd.'”
Kai cursed at the name, but nodded. “Okay, thanks Hilary. I know it.” Hiwatari Enterprises often used the company itself for shipping. He straightened and began giving orders. “Attention all units! This is Agent Hiwatari. The target vehicle has started in the direction of its destination. This is a mobilization order! All units converge on the coordinates and prepare for the sting.” He gestured at Tala and began working his way back to their car as he heard the team leaders of each unit respond with confirmations and their ETAs. He hoped Takao could stall and keep Gideon busy for the hour and a half it would take him to get there (thankfully, being an agent got him through traffic and toll stops much faster than your average driver). Then he had an idea, and stopped outside the car instead of getting in.
“Tala, you go join the studio team and I'll meet you at the storage yard.” Kai reached into his pockets and pulled out a pair of leather driving gloves, slipping them on. Then he grabbed his jacket - also leather - from the car and shrugged into it.
“What? Where are you going?” Tala called after him as he walked away. “How are you getting there?”
“Takao's bike! It's faster! Go on!” Kai yelled back, starting to jog. He dug the set of spare keys from his jacket pocket that he'd swiped from Takao's place that morning. He was supposed to have had someone use the keys to take the machine back to Hiwatari Enterprises for safe-keeping, but Kai decided this was a much better idea.
An hour later he was getting closer to Portsmouth, with yet constant UNA chatter in his ear. It seemed everyone was converging on the storage yard. That was fine. Now he wasn't really paying attention to the other agents. Now, he was focusing on the voice of his lover, and the barely audible replies he was getting of their conversation in the limo. He couldn't be more than a half hour, maybe even less, behind them now. Zipping through the freeway traffic was considerably easier with the bike, and Kai was thankful for the fact that it was a Japanese model, that Takao had filled the gas tank before going to meet Gideon, and for the riding goggles Takao left with the bike. Otherwise the wind would have given him one hell of a burn for as fast and long as he was going.
Kai frowned as he heard a particular word burn into his ear from the com. Revenge? He thought. Well, we'd already assumed that. But for what? There wasn't much else said after that. No matter what Takao tried, he couldn't seem to get Gideon to explain anything else.
He looked up as he went flying past the sign warning of the exit to the Portsmouth harbour.
“Hang on, Taka. I'm on my way…” Getting as much speed as he could and still be in control of the motorcycle, Kai hurried toward the harbour.
The window of the limo rolled down smoothly as it pulled up to the guard booth at the entrance of the storage yard. Takao pulled a key-card out of his wallet and handed it over to the night guard.
“Mr. Granger, sir.” The guard nodded in greeting. No motorcycle tonight?”
“Nope.” Takao flashed a smile that he hoped didn't show any strange emotions that would make the guard suspicious and want to get involved somehow. “I'm with clients, tonight. Business is booming, Tony.”
“Congratulations on that, sir. Here's your card back. Sign here, please?” Tony the guard, whom Takao had met several times coming to the storage yard in the past, handed the bluenette a clipboard and pen. Takao signed the sheet and handed it back. “Alright. I'll open the gate for you. Call if you need anything!”
“Thanks. See you later, Tony.” Takao wished he could warn the poor guy that he was going to be swarmed by UNA agents very, very soon. The limo pulled ahead as the gates opened up, and the window rose back into place.
The storage yard was filled with piles and piles of shipping crates - huge ones. The kind that travel by sea rather than by air or train. Toward the back of the yard, however, were a series of old ones that had been converted into storage sheds. They stood piled one on top of the other, two crates high and four crates to a block. It was one such block of storage that Takao had rented from the shipping company. The CEO and current owner of MacGregor Commercial Shipping Ltd., Johnny MacGregor, was an old classmate of Takao and Max's from Harvard.
Takao gave directions through the storage yard, internally preparing himself for the confrontation and for the use of his abilities it was going to require to turn off his homemade security system.
“Stop here. That's it there.” Takao gestured at the block that was sitting behind a high, wire fence that was adorned with signs that warned of high voltage - and barbed wire along the top.
“Very well. Franco.”
The thug opened the limo door and got out, motioning for Takao to follow. Takao got out and walked over to the gate door of the wire fence. He turned and waited.
Franco had gone around to the other side of the limo and opened the door for Gideon. Takao cursed the yet low light of the yard, and the fact that the storm rolling in had followed from London to block out any light from the moon and stars. As Gideon walked around the limo and stopped beside it, his back was to the single yard light in that back corner of the storage facility. All Takao got was a flash of dark hair and a trench coat, much to his frustration.
“Why the high voltage signs?” Franco demanded. “Hurry up and give the boss what he wants, kid.”
Takao bent and picked up a pebble from the ground. “Why?” He repeated mildly, tossing the pebble up over his shoulder and the top of the fence. There was a sharp ZING of sound and a flash of intense blue light as the pebble struck the electric field that pulsed around the block of crates as an invisible shield. “That's why. It's the reason you needed me so badly to get into the storage crate where I've got the items. No one gets in there without me.”
“You've always been too clever.” Gideon didn't appear to be very happy with Takao. “And being such a freak only made me despise you more. Now if you'll do whatever you have to?”
Takao nodded, ignoring that comment, and turned to swipe his key-card through the box beside the door. A little light on the box turned green from red and the lock slicked open. The low rumble of thunder briefly distracted Takao and he looked off in the direction it came from. In a brief flash of distant lightning a few seconds before the next rumble, Takao thought he saw three dark helicopters flying in his direction against the backdrop of the storm clouds. He hoped they were the UNA units as he turned back to slip through the door.
“Yeah. Let's get going before that storm gets any closer.” He said, shivering as the deceptively gentle sensation of pure electric current touched his skin. All the little hairs on his arms and the back of his neck were rising at the latent static in the air, and he slowly raised his hands, palms up and outward to the field. He took a few calming breaths and concentrated on the current, reading it carefully before he reached for it.
“Hurry up, Kinomiya!” Franco's voice sounded impatiently from behind him.
“Unless you want me to accidentally call down lightning from that storm, you'd better learn patience.” Takao snapped, closing his eyes so he could simply feel what he was doing and not get distracted again. “So shut up!”
“Why you…”
“Franco. Sprechen Sie nicht.” Gideon's voice (in German) cut him off, a very dark, deathly tone that Takao hadn't heard the man use until now. That tone was one that made Takao believe that he really was dealing with the Gideon who had turned his life into pure hell for months. “Whenever you're ready, Kinomiya. But please - speed it up.” And that was a warning.
Takao frowned in concentration. He pushed his hands against the field and stiffened as the current briefly pushed back against him, then relaxed as it pulsed through him instead, a steady throb that was as if he were merely part of the circuit now. Drawing in a deep breath, Takao pulled that energy directly into himself and with each pulse fed the energy into the ground beneath him until the field dissipated completely. Lowering his hands, he stepped forward and used his key-card to open the door to the container.
“There. Everything's inside.” Takao gestured at the open door.
“Come away, Kinomiya. Stand with the limo, please.” Gideon ordered. Takao shrugged and did so. The driver got out of the limo, a gun trained on the bluenette steadily.
“And here I hoped that we could part ways on neutral terms.” Takao frowned at the driver, then looked at Gideon. “Is this really necessary? Everyone got what they wanted.”
“Not yet, no.” Gideon disagreed. “Franco, you and I will go check the items and make sure they are all there as promised, while Reynaud here keeps an eye on our…guest.”
“Yes, sir.” Franco disappeared into the storage container and light spilled out when he turned the lights on inside.
“Reynaud, if he so much as twitches, kill him.” Gideon walked by and entered the container also, quickly enough that all Takao managed to see of him this time was the dark brown, neatly cut head of hair Gideon sported. Huffing in frustration, Takao folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the limo. In the distance, he could hear the familiar hum of a motorcycle engine, and the steady eats of the helicopters' blades in between the roll and rumble of thunder.
It seemed the cavalry had caught up to him at last. He just hoped Kai and Tala made their move sooner rather than later.
Then he blinked, glancing over at the storage container in contemplation. Why was he waiting? He could handle this easily. With that in mind, he dropped his arms and looked back at the driver. First, he had to do something about him and the gun.
“Tell me, how did you get caught up in this? How does any one of you suddenly decide to become career criminals? Don't you have better things to do?”
Reynaud frowned and shook his head. “Je ne parle pas anglais.”
Takao smiled engagingly. The hand nearest the limo, hidden mostly from view between his leg and the black car, curled into a loose fist, and the bluenette carefully focused enough power into that fist to stun a human and put him out for several hours.
“Ah. Pardon.” Takao replied in perfect French. “I was just wondering how you got into this business. But…” He released the energy with a quick flick of his wrist and fingers directly at the driver, and Reynaud went down with a hard thud. He didn't even have time to cry out. “…I don't really care. Sorry.”
The reluctant thief shivered as rain began to fall, a soft pattering of sound that hid the even quieter shuffle of his foot falls as he snuck over to the wire fencing and pulled the gate door closed. The lock engaged automatically and Takao grinned to himself as he sauntered back to the limo and leaned against it. Glancing back along the path they'd driven on arrival, Takao blinked and raised an eyebrow as the motorcycle - now recognizable as his - bearing his lover quietly rode up to stop behind the limo, any noise smothered by the thunder.
“Took you long enough.” Takao commented in a quiet voice and winked at Kai, who got off the bike and took off the goggles. “And who said you could ride that?”
“Better me than some agent you don't know.” Kai retorted, vastly relieved to see his lover completely unharmed. He looked down at the body of Reynaud dispassionately. “Who's this?”
“Driver. Gideon and minion are in there.” Takao jerked a thumb in the direction of the container. “Gleefully going through the items to make rue they're all there, no doubt. Can we please spring this trap? I'm exhausted.”
Kai nodded, eyeing the bluenette as he reached for his ear. Takao was pale, and there was a heaviness around his eyes that spoke of how low on energy he was. “You okay, otherwise?”
“I'm fine.” Takao wasn't going to mention that the limo was probably the only thing holding him up at the moment, though. He dug his cell out of his jacket pocket and opened it. He had one last little contingency ready.
“Tala, is everyone in position?” Kai asked. There was some static buzzing in his ear before he caught the reply.
Yep. Just say when and we'll illuminate Gideon on the error of his ways.”
“Good.” Kai met Takao's gaze and gave a short nod. “We're ready.”
Takao raised his voice and yelled to be heard over the rumbling thunder and pouring rain. “Hey, Gideon! I think your driver is feeling a tad under the weather!”
Franco appeared first, stepping out into the darkness and rain. “What are you shouting…shit! Reynaud!” He moved forward, gun coming out and pointing at Takao through the fence.
“Franco? What is it?” Gideon came out in a hurry when he heard the thug curse. But he stopped just outside the container door when he saw that the wire gate was closed and locked. He looked toward the limo at Takao, drawing his own gun. “Kinomiya!”
“What? You didn't really think I was going to play nice, did you?” Takao tilted his head as the distinct sound of two guns being cocked and the safeties on them being released split the moment of silence between thunder from above. “You've got to be kidding me.”
“Let us out now, or we shoot you where you stand.” Franco glared threateningly.
“Shoot me and you won't get out. Sorry, but you're trapped. And there's nothing I want to do about it.” Takao shrugged and pressed a button on his cell phone. It dialled a number, which was actually a command code programmed to close the container door remotely.
The shadowed figured of Gideon visibly jumped when the door behind him swung shut abruptly with a `clang' of metal noise.
“And now you have no access to the items. You have nothing to bargain with, and nowhere to go.” Takao put his cell phone away, and held his hand out to the darkness behind hind him, where Kai stood hidden from view. “Is that about how you wanted it, lover? Hope you like my gift to you.”
Kai grasped Takao's hand and stepped forward. “Gee, for us? What a nice present. Don't you think so, Tala?”
Light suddenly flooded the scene, banishing any and all shadows and darkness as the UNA agents surrounding them turned on search lights and such, revealing themselves to the captive criminals. A helicopter came to hover overhead, low to the ground, and allowing Tala to drop with a predator's agile grace to the ground near his partner and Takao. He joined the two and cast smug, ice-cold eyes over the two caged men.
“What? No bow?” He commented, earning a snort of laughter from Takao and an eye-roll from Kai.
“Sorry. Didn't have time to wrap them up all pretty.” Takao responded wryly.
“Oh well. It's the thought that counts.” Tala folded his arms and turned a no-nonsense, all business glare on the criminals. “You're surrounded by the UNA! You will drop your weapons and hold your hands up where they can be seen at all times, and surrender!”
Franco looked like he wanted to take his chances, but Gideon dropped his gun and raised his hands. “Franco.” He said, and it was all that was needed before the thug did the same.
Kai squeezed Takao's hand before releasing it and going to the fence with Tala, a dozen other agents appearing out of nowhere to cover them.
“What's the code, Taka?”
“Grad.” Takao replied, watching as Kai paused for a moment, his eyes closing briefly in pained remembrance before quickly punching the date on the key-pad and scanning Takao's key-card. Then he left Tala and the others to swarm the place and capture Gideon and Franco, and deal with the unconscious Reynaud, in favour of returning to Takao's side.
“Why did you choose that date?” Kai asked.
Takao smiled sadly. “Because it's a date I've never been able to forget.”
Kai shook his head and reached out to brush the wet locks of hair out of Takao's eyes. It was beginning to pour, and lightning was crackling across the black skies. “Well, maybe now you can forget. At least the bad parts.”
Takao's smile turned a little brighter. “Yeah.”
“How are you doing, love?”
Before Takao could reply, two agents marched by with a shackled Gideon between them.
“Kinomiya! Hiwatari! This isn't over! I swear I'll have my revenge for all that you've done to me!”
Kai held up a hand. “Hold on. Bring him here.” The two agents complied and dragged the struggling man closer. “What the hell are you going on about? And who are you anyway? I don't recognize you.”
“He looks kinda familiar but I can't seem to place him, either.” Takao scowled at Gideon, who began swearing dire revenge and spewing threats instead of answering Kai's questions. “At this point…I can't even bring myself to care.”
Kai waved the agents away and they hauled Gideon off. “Well get the story out of hi, don't worry. For now, he'll be taken to Paris and held until Mr. Dickenson decides how to prosecute the case, and…” Kai stopped and reached out to steady Takao when he noticed the bluenette seemed to be swaying slightly on his feet. “Hey, Kinomiya…whoa!” He barely managed to catch Takao when he suddenly pitched forward. “Takao! What's wrong?”
The bluenette groaned as Kai rolled him over onto his back so that he lay half propped up in Kai's lap, the gent having knelt on the ground with him. “I…sorry, Kai. I'm…so tired…and I don't…think…” he coughed, a wet, thick sound that scared Kai boneless.
“Taka, love…oh god!” Kai looked around frantically until he spotted his partner a few yards away issuing orders to other agents. “Hold on, alright, Takao? Just… TALA!
Hearing his name in a voice that held panic, the wolf glanced around until he spotted his partner on the ground with Takao in his arms. Worry and dread shot through him and he began to shout for the medical unit as he hurried over and knelt next to them.
“What happened? Kai…hey!” Tala snapped his fingers in his partner's face when Kai didn't reply. “Hiwatari, answer me!”
“I…he just collapsed. Taka?” Kai swept the soaked mass of Takao's hair out of the way. Dull blue-grey eyes looked wearily up at him as another harsh coughing fit wracked his body. “What's happening to you?”
“Just…tired. I'm…fine, Kai.” He wasn't, but Takao didn't like that scared look in Kai's eyes and wanted to erase it. “It's over…now, right?”
Kai shuddered. He didn't like that wording very much. “Gideon's in custody and your family has been rescued, yeah.” He assured Takao, pretending he hadn't thought the worst with that statement - that he was dying. “You're safe, and I'm safe, and everyone else is fine.”
“Good…” Takao's eyes drooped shut, unable to stay open any longer. “Can't…stay…awake…Kai?”
“I'm right here.” Kai felt the tears slide down his cheeks and he gripped Takao's hand tightly. The medical unit was approaching on the run, and Tala was getting up to move around to Kai. “What can I do, love?”
“Stay…don't leave…me.” Takao murmured. Everything hurt, and it was all so dark and wet. He just wanted to sink into the ground and sleep, but there was something important he had to tell Kai.
“I won't.” Kai promised fiercely, gripping his hand so tightly he had to be cutting off Takao's circulation. “Never, Takao.”
“Kai…” The medical unit had arrived and began looking their patient over, but Takao didn't notice. He couldn't feel anything at all for some reason. “I…love you…” he whispered before he lost the fight and everything ceased to exist.
“Taka?” Kai's heart stopped when the bluenette went limp and his head lolled to the side. “No…” Tala's hands dropped down on his shoulders and were trying to pull him away to let the medical unit do their job.
Kali Notes: Well, you can't say you weren't expecting that… Is a picture beginning to form here for everyone? Find out in the next chapter! Please R/R!!!!