Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Den of Thieves - Part III ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  *peeps out from behind wall of muses* Here's the continuing saga… Thank you for not killing me yet! I think this chapter will give everyone a little satisfaction.
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Kali & muses are just borrowing the wonderful characters and all that goes with them from their creator.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 19: Den of Thieves - Part III
Kai refused to leave Takao's side after he collapsed. The medical unit - after a great deal of quick talking from Tala - grudgingly allowed the distraught agent to side in the helicopter with Takao as it rushed him to Paris. Dr. Maison and a team of nurses and orderlies were waiting for them as the helicopter touched down on the landing pad on the rooftop of the UNA headquarters.
Tala stayed behind to see to the little clean-up details and the transport of the items to Paris as evidence. And to later escort a very concerned Hilary back to Paris. She'd heard among the agent's chatter the requests for medical personnel and surmised the reason for it. It seemed Tala's prediction had come true; Takao had managed to hold on long enough to get the job done, then fell into a deep unconsciousness from exhaustion and stress.
That was bad enough, but what scared Kai the most had been that weak, wet coughing that shook Takao's body so badly his bones rattled. Angelique confirmed that Takao had come down with a cold - which, combined with his weakened immune system and the state his body was already in, quickly morphed into pneumonia. Being out in the cold rain, and the massive use of his abilities in the last 24 hours had just been too much, the doctor explained to Kai a full five hours after Takao had arrived and undergone treatment.
“The next couple of days are crucial. It'll be touché and go, Agent Hiwatari.” Angelique didn't try to down play the situation, and Kai appreciated it even if he didn't like the truth of it. He stood on one side of the bluenette's hospital bed, facing the doctor over the still, hardwired form of his lover. Poor Takao was hooked up with all kinds of tubes and wires to various machines and IVs, monitoring his vitals. He was very pale, and Kai could hear the rattle of his breathing thanks to the pneumonia. “If the fever comes down tonight, and his breathing loosens up, he'll have a good chance at making it through.”
Kai nodded in acknowledgement. He felt as pale as Takao looked and as fragile.
Angelique studied the agent with a critical eye. “I'm guessing that you're going to object if I kick you out of here, Agent. So I'll allow you to stay here in the ICU with him. But you have to promise me you'll get some rest and eat well, or else I'll admit you as one of my patients.”
Kai blinked at her, a tiny smile kicking up the corners of his mouth. “Yes, Ma'am.”
“Good.” Angelique turned and headed for the door. “Because as bad as Mr. Kinomiya looks, you look like death warmed over.” Sticking her head out the door, she called for a nurse. “Nurse!”
“Yes, Doctor?” A young woman appeared quickly at the summons.
“Find a comfortable chair for Agent Hiwatari, please, and have a cot set up over there by the wall for him. And until I give the okay, no one but medical personnel, myself, and Agents Hiwatari and Ivanov are allowed into this room.” The doctor gave Kai a short wave. “I'll check in every so often, Agent. And the staff will be monitoring him every minute. Perhaps you would like to go home, shower, eat, and pack a few things for yourself?”
Kai shook his head. “I'm fine. When Tala gets here I'll ask him to get some things for me.” He reached out to carefully cover Takao's hand with his own.
Angelique sighed and moved aside as the nurse returned with a chair, followed by two orderlies hauling a cot. “Suit yourself.” She left the room.
After the nurse and the orderlies had vacated the room, Kai sank down gratefully into the cushioned chair, watching the unconscious Takao silently, wishing there was some way he could fix the bluenette himself.
“I'm here, Takao. I'm here and I promise I'll be here when you wake up.” Kai felt his eyes water and his chest begin to hurt from the pent up worry and emotion. “And you'd better wake up, Kinomiya! Don't you leave me! Not when we finally have the chance to be together! I won't let you…go…” his voice cracked. “I love you, Takao. So fight and come back to me.”
Tala and Hilary came in late the next morning. Angelique cleared Hilary as a visitor, and the brunette took up a watch at Takao's bedside while Tala pulled his partner outside the ICU room to brief Kai on all that he'd missed in the meantime.
“All the items are in the evidence vaults, including the Egg. Every one of them was there, so at least all those people he borrowed from will get their property back safe and sound.”
“And Gideon? His people?” Kai folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall.
“His people are singing like canaries. Still, they have no idea why their boss chose to pick on Kinomiya - or you. We've got addresses and names for places and people that Gideon is associated with, and Director Dickenson is passing the word around to the rest of the UNA offices globally. Raids will be conducted as soon as warrants can be issued.” Tala frowned, glaring up at the ceiling. “As for Gideon himself…as a true crime boss, he's not saying a word except to demand his lawyer. He won't even give us his real name so we can book him properly!”
Kai's crimson eyes flashed dangerously, and he pushed himself away from the wall. “Where is he now?” He began walking in the direction of the elevator.
Tala hurried after him. “In lock-up. Whoa, now hold on, Hiwatari!” The wolf quickly stepped into the elevator and blocked the panel. “I don't think it's a good idea for you to go anywhere near him at this point. You're not in a calm, level-headed frame of mind right now, and he's liable to end up dead before we get answers out of him if you do.”
“Move, Tala. I'm not going to kill him - yet. But I think he'll be more inclined to talk to me over you or some other agent.” Kai faced his partner unfazed, and unimpressed by the cold flash of warning in the surreal blue eyes of the Russian agent. “You're not going to fight me, either, Ivanov, so either come with me for this little chat or get the hell out of my way.”
Tala growled under his breath and held up a hand. “At least tell me what you plan to do, and whether or not you're going to get fired for it.”
“Push the button and I'll fill you in on the way down.” Kai said.
Warily, Tala did so, and on the way to the wing of the UNA building that served as a medium-security prison, Kai outlined how he intended to go about the interrogation.
“I doubt it's going to work.” Tala shook his head as they approached the guard station. “But we'll see.”
“Agents.” The guard greeted them and they held up their IDs for him to see. “Ah. Going to try again, Agent Ivanov?”
“Yes.” Tala nodded as the guard came around the booth to unlock the sealed doors and allow them to pass.
“I'll have the prisoner brought to the interrogation room, then. And I hope you get something out of him this time.” The guard leaned in conspiratorially, murmuring, “Word's come down that his lawyer is expected to arrive in a few hours from Munich. The powers that be couldn't deny him his phone call any longer, so he called in the cavalry.”
“Fantastic. Thanks for the head's up.”
The guard shrugged. “He's a real piece of work. None of us down here on guard duty are overly concerned about his comfort - if you get my meaning.”
“Crystal clear.” Tala's grin flashed teeth in a predatory gleam of white. “But it's not me the asswipe's got to worry about.” Tala jerked a thumb at his partner, who was already half-way down the corridor and heading for one of the interrogation rooms. “Do me a favour and make sure there's plenty of fire extinguishers on hand.”
The guard nodded, confused by the request and not understanding what that had to do with the other agent - as Kai had rarely interacted with the prison guards, and they were unfamiliar with him.
Tala followed Kai into the observation room next to the interrogation room, where they waited for Gideon to be brought in. “Are you sure you can keep your cool on this, Kai?”
“I won't make promises, Tala. Don't ask me for that concerning this bastard.” Kai's expression darkened as he watched the man - now dressed in bright orange prison clothes and shackled (hands and feet) - be shuffled into the interrogation room on the other side of the one-way mirror wall and chained to the table by his feet. “I will get him to talk, one way or another.”
“Fine. But keep in mind that we won't get any justice out of him if you do anything that can be used against the UNA when he goes on trial.”
“Believe me, I know.” Kai replied grimly, opening the door to the interrogation room and stepping inside. Tala closed the door behind himself and motioned for the two prison guards to step outside and wait.
“Well, well…so his majesty Hiwatari finally decided to come and visit. Lucky me. Should I be honoured?” Gideon sneered at the agents.
“No. You should be scared.” Tala leaned against the wall near the doors, arms crossed over his chest. “You're up on several international charges, Gideon. And until your lawyer gets here, you have no protection and no rights with us - the UNA, that is. We don't play by the same rules as local authorities. Cooperation will get you somewhere but withholding anything we ask of you will get you a world of pain and suffering.”
Gideon scoffed. “I don't think so. Even the UNA can't torture its prisoners to get what it wants out of them. You can't threaten me like that.”
Kai reached into his pocket and pulled out his badge and ID, handing it to Tala. “You're right. The UNA can't.”
Tala opened the door to the observation room. “Five minutes, Kai.” He stepped through the door and let it close behind him.
“I won't need that long.”
“Wait…” Gideon frowned, looking back and forth between the door and Kai with the beginnings of real worry. “What's going on?”
“Simple. The UNA doesn't condone the use of violence to obtain statements or information from prisoners or witnesses.” Kai flexed his fingers and cracked his knuckles. “But Tala just took my badge and ID. Right now, Gideon,” his voice grew dark and smoky, while his eyes burned with unholy fire in the low light of the room. “I'm not UNA. So the rules don't apply.”
Gideon's eyes widened and he shook his head. “You can't You're bluffing me. Badge or not, you can't just…” He tried to stand up and move away, but couldn't because of the chains.
Kai's fist lashed out, catching the man straight in the jaw and knocking him back into his chair. “You think I care? After what you've done to him?” Kai hauled Gideon up by his shirt and punched him again, this time hearing the satisfactory sound of breaking bone. Gideon's nose gushed and his head snapped back with the force of the blow. “You pathetic piece of shit! So help me, if he dies, you will know the true meaning of pain, and I won't care if you spill your guts about your reasons for what you've done!”
“Fuck you, Hiwatari!” Gideon snarled back, a little muffled and garbled thanks to his broken nose and the blood that poured out of it. “You and that little freak boyfriend of yours deserve it! You ruined my life!”
Kai's eyes narrowed dangerously. He raised a hand, clenching his fingers slowly into a fist. “Oh really? Well, I don't have a clue who you are or what you're talking about. Nor do I care. You've caused Takao enough suffering. His family were innocent bystanders.” A glow encased his fist, slowly growing brighter and becoming tinged in reds, oranges, and yellows. “You used them, and turned Takao into to a thief. For what? The right to be some big-shot in the criminal world, and revenge?” He opened his fingers and the glow became a brightly burning, flickering ball of flames. His eyes reflected the light and flared with the use of his abilities, something he rarely did because of the potential for destruction and injury to others. “You dare call him a freak, when you set up such elaborate and ridiculous schemes such as this one you've used on Takao? And by association, me?”
Gideon's eyes were wide again, this time in real fear. “Wh…what are you?!”
“I am the one who will introduce you to the flames of hell.” Kai brought the flames in his hand close to Gideon's face, letting him feel the heat of it. Gideon instantly began to sweat, and try as he might, he could not move away from them, anchored to the table as he was. “Refresh my memory, `Gideon.' How did we `run your life,' and who the fuck are you?”
“Thanks to your lover-boy I got kicked out of school! And thanks to your family, my family was destroyed when Hiwatari Enterprises fired my Pop!” Gideon flinched as the flames got so close to his face he could feel the burn tingling his skin - like a sunburn.
“Keep going.” Kai demanded, holding on to the fire in his hand with waning concentration.
“I can't believe you don't remember me, Hiwatari. I'd have beat the shit out of you that day if that…gay freak, Kinomiya, hadn't shown up and interrupted!”
Kai pulled back a little, satisfied they were getting somewhere. He heard the door open behind him and Tala's footsteps as he entered the room, but ignored his partner. “Excuse me? I don't remember ever being in danger of being beaten up.” He lashed out with his other fist, socking Gideon in the solar plexus and knocking the wind out of him. “And I recommend you stop calling Takao names, or I'll shove this down your throat.” He held the fireball up threateningly and Gideon shied away, wheezing.
“Kai, your five minutes are up.” Tala said from the sidelines. “The guards will be back any minute.”
“Keep talking, asshole.” Kai let the fireball dissipate, then tossed a handkerchief at the man. “And clean yourself up. You're a mess. What's your real name?”
“Schwarz. Jacob Schwarz.” Gideon managed to get out, groaning and holding himself in pain. “You'll pay for this, Hiwatari! I'll make sure you end up in jail alongside me for assault.”
Kai ignored the threat and studied him with a deep frown, trying to place the name. German names were not uncommon in post-World War II Japan, but they still weren't common enough to run into them so frequently that Kai would recognize it immediately. “Schwarz…Schwarz…oh.” Recognition did dawn after a few moments of deep thought, and Kai stared at him disbelievingly. “Jake. The one who thought it would be fun to bring his gang of losers along and try to bully me. I remember now. Takao was on hall monitor duty that day and hauled your ass to the VP's office.” He blinked at Jake. “Strange…you're intelligence doesn't match your little scheme very well.”
“Why you…” Jake snarled something quite unflattering in German, and Kai just laughed - though not like it was funny. There was a very nasty tone to that laugh, one that made Tala decide the interrogation was over.
“Okay. Come on, Kai. Let's go relieve Hilary. This loser is going away for the rest of his life so you needn't waste anymore energy on him.”
“One last question. The sword.” Kai slammed his hands down on the table in front of himself and leaned across it to glare right in to Jake's face. “Where is it?”
He received a sneer and a feeble attempt at spitting on him as an answer. Kai wiped the spittle off his face and lashed out once more. Then he turned on his heel and stalked from the room as the guards came back.
Tala eyed the mess of a man with contempt. “Reset his nose and get him cleaned up. He had an accident. Fell face first into the cement floor trying to escape, dumb bastard.” The guards chuckled in understanding and went to haul Jake out of his chair.
“Yes, sir, Agent Ivanov.” The one guard held out a sheet of paper as he passed. “Director Dickenson is looking for you and Agent Hiwatari, sir.”
Tala sighed and took the paper. “Yeah, thanks.” He unfolded the paper and scanned the memo quickly.
“You'll all regret this! I'll have my revenge!” Jake continued to shout and swear as the guards dragged him out of the room. Tala ignored him and went after Kai.
He caught up to his partner at the elevators. “Kai! The director requests our presence as soon as possible.” Tala waved the memo at the dual-haired agent.
“Whatever.” Kai rubbed at his eyes wearily. Tala frowned.
“Maybe you should hit the locker room, first. Shower and change, okay? You've got the loser's blood on you.”
Kai looked down at himself and made a face. “Ugh. As good as that felt, it's always so messy.”
Tala snickered, following his partner to the locker room in the training hall. “Maybe. But you succeeded in getting enough information out of him to figure the mess out.” He sat on a bench and crossed his arms while Kai opened his locker and dug out spare clean clothes, a towel, and some bath supplies. “So you know him from high school, huh?”
“Hn.” Kai stripped down and wrapped the towel around his waist, turning and heading for the first shower stall. “Unfortunately.”
“What's the story?”
“I only know about how he tried to gang up on me with his group of loser friends once, intending on beating me up for - apparently - being gay and having sex with Kinomiya Takao.” Kai related the entire tale from his memory over the noise of the water as he showered. “It was the first I'd ever heard of any rumour about us, and there wasn't ever anything like that going on at that point, either.”
“So he's just a bully and a homophobe who holds a grudge. How quaint.” Tala shook his head. “What is the world coming to?”
“Yeah. Takao was on hall monitor duty that day, and he was the one who hauled Jake down to the Vice Principal's office for trying to bully me.” Kai, towel wrapped around his waist again, stepped out of the shower and went to put his clothes on. “Not that I needed his help or anything, but he did it anyway.”
Tala grinned. “Of course not.”
Kai shot him a dark look. “Don't even think of making the comment I can see brewing in that head of yours.”
Ice blue eyes widened in mock-innocence. “Wouldn't dream of it!” Tala grew serious again. “I take it you don't remember seeing him around after that. He did say he got kicked out of school.”
“I guess. I didn't pay any attention. Why would I, anyway?” Kai paused in the middle of pulling on his dark purple, long-sleeved turtleneck shirt, a slight smile crossing his face. “Though…it's strange…”
“What is?” Tala glanced up at him.
“Now that I think about it, that little event resulted in Takao and I turning that rumour into reality - sort of.” The crimson-eyed agent flushed and hurriedly pulled the shirt over his head to hide his heated face. “We started going out not long after that, though minus the torrid sexual affair.”
The wolf made a face of his own. “Okay, I get the idea, thanks. Say no more on that subject, please.”
Kai rolled his eyes and stuffed his things into his locker. Except for the shirt. Eyeing it, he decided to just throw it away. Tala handed him the badge and ID he'd been holding onto and Kai clipped the ID to his black jeans' belt loop, stuffing the badge in one back pocket and his wallet in the other.
“Let's go, Tala. I want to check in on Takao before we go up to Mr. Dickenson's office.”
Hilary looked up as the two agents quietly came into the room.
“Hey.” She greeted them softly. “Everything go okay?”
“For us, yes.” Tala moved to the end of the bed and Hilary got up out of the chair, allowing Kai to take his place. “For Gideon - otherwise known as Jacob Schwarz - not so much.”
Hilary went to stand with him, her hand automatically reaching for his. She frowned in thought, not noticing when Tala threaded their fingers together to hold her hand more tightly and intimately than a simple hand grasp. “Schwarz...?” her accent couldn't quite wrap around the different sounds, but it was close enough. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
“You wouldn't know him personally, Hilary, but he was in high school with us.” Kai responded, Takao's hand gently clasped between his. He raised that hand and pressed the back of it to his cheek. “The guy was a bully and complete loser.” Was it him, or was Takao a little cooler to the touch than before? He sighed.
“Oh. That jerk.” Hilary sniffed in feminine disgust. “He was always trying to get a couple of my friends to go out with him - though we all knew all he wanted was sex.”
Tala growled something nasty in Russian and Kai glanced at him with a raised eyebrow of amusement.
“How very noble of you.” Kai commented in Russian, a very confused and suspicious Hilary looking back and forth between them. “Next you'll be riding a white horse and wearing armour.”
“Shut up, Hiwatari.” Tala advised, flipping him off with a raised middle finer.
“Hey! It's rude to speak in another language around someone who doesn't understand!” Hilary scolded and scowled at them, nudging Tala none to gently in the ribs with an elbow.
“Tala was just saying how he'd have liked to…” Kai began translating only to be hastily cut off by Tala.
“…been there to defend your honour!” The red-headed agent declared, grinning a little. He shot his partner a warning glare that meant `keep the part about ripping his balls off and stuffing them up his ass to yourself, Hiwatari!'
“Ri-ight.” The brunette didn't fully buy that, but she let it slide.
“We should go, Kai.” Tala glanced at the clock on the wall. “Mr. Dickenson's waiting for us.”
“Yeah.” Kai stood up and leaned over to lightly brush his lips over Takao's cheek, which was the only part of his face other than his forehead that wasn't mostly covered by the oxygen mask. “I'll be back soon, love. Rest well.” He murmured, brushing Takao's hair out of his eyes affectionately. He laid Takao's hand back on the bed and made his way to the door.
Hilary followed them out. “He's doing better, Kai. The nurse that checked on him last said his fever seems to be going down.”
Kai nodded, smiling a little in relief. “Good. Thanks, Hilary.”
“No problem. Don't worry. I'll stay here with him until you come back.” She waved goodbye to them as they walked off, then turned and went back to the bluenette's bedside.
“Well, Agents, first of all I'd like to commend you on your work on this case. You've been working tirelessly with great effort for months now and I'm glad to say it has paid off.” Director Stanley Dickenson clasped his hands in front of him on his desk as he looked across the expanse of it, cluttered with paperwork and files, and stacks of newspapers, at Kai and Tala. They regarded him in return, seated in the two cushioned chairs for guests.
“How is the young Kinomiya, Agent Hiwatari?”
“Still unconscious, sir, and still in the ICU. His fever seems to be coming down.” Kai answered, leaning back in the chair. He was tired, and would prefer to be sleeping right then instead of working. But…there was still things that needed doing - if only so that when Takao woke up, he would have nothing to worry about.
“Ah. I see.” Mr. Dickenson nodded sadly. “What does Dr. Maison say about his condition?”
“She is hopeful that if his fever breaks he can make a full recovery.” Tala replied when Kai remained silent. Glancing at his partner for a second, the wolf continued. “Personally, I think he'll be fine. He's got…too much unfinished business.”
“Hmm…yes.” The old man stroked his moustache thoughtfully. “I do hope that is the case. In the meantime, I wanted to release the statements of Gideon's people, and of Kinomiya Tatsuya and Hiroshi, to you and to give you a summary of the conclusions that we've reached based on these statements.” He pulled several folders from the piles on his desk and handed them over to Tala. The two agents proceeded to flip through the pages while their superior spoke.
“After reviewing the transcripts that were taken of the conversation between Takao and Gideon during the operation, I contacted several branches of our offices world-wide to inquire if there had been any new criminal elements that appeared to be coming into play recently. There's rumours of an organization forming, made up from leaders and bosses of the old Underground - Mafia, Triad, Yakuza…it goes on and on. According to the statements of Gideon's people, these crime bosses were once very powerful and important people within their organizations. But lately they've become disillusioned and dissatisfied by their ways and results, and so they are attempting to break away and form a new organization. There are supposed to be 13 heads of the new group, but it's still in the process of being formed, and so…”
“Hn. They're still determining their pecking order and earning their memberships.” Kai slapped the folder in his hands closed and dropped it on the desk in disgust. “These criminals are all the same no matter what they try to say otherwise. And they're all lame and juvenile.”
“How true.” Tala agreed, adding his folders to Kai's on the desk. “You forgot pathetic. Still, at least we know Gideon wasn't full of crap when he told Kinomiya about his `initiation.'”
“Yeah.” Kai regarded the old man warily. “So what are your plans for him, anyway? I think his story has been completely corroborated and proven.”
“Quite so. And I am more than willing to release him as soon as he's healthy, with no charges. However, there is one issue that stands in our way.” The Director suddenly looked as tired as Kai felt.
“Issue?” Kai didn't like the sound of that.
“What sort of problem?” Tala asked, frowning.
“Some of the victims of the thefts are adamant that all those involved be brought to justice. I have been in contact with all of them, and there are a few who are so very upset that they are insisting that even if Mr. Kinomiya was being forced into it, he still committed serious crimes and deserves to be punished for it. I'm afraid that unless these few can be convinced that the charges should be dropped, it will be very, very difficult to absolve the young man and give him freedom.” Stanley explained grimly, watching Kai in concern. The crimson-eyed man was eerily, coldly silent at the news. Stanley pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and mopped at his brow. “I have an idea, if you would care to hear it.”
“By all means.” Tala nodded.
“I think the best way to convince these dissenters is to show them that the young man has - is - suffering for what he's done. Perhaps, if they see that he is truly ill, they will be easier to convince that his crimes are forgivable and to let him live with his choices. Outside of a prison.” Director Dickenson mused.
“You mean to appeal to their sympathetic sides and make them feel more of an empathetic connection to him so they'll be more inclined to drop the charges?” Tala thought about it for a moment. “It may work - if they have sympathetic sides to appeal to, that is.”
“And how would you do that anyway?” Kai wanted to know. It sounded like pity more than sympathy to him, and he wasn't sure Takao would like that when he woke up and found out.
“Have them come here and see Takao looking all sick and fragile, one step away from a near-death experience…” Tala thought aloud. “We know he'll be fine but we don't need to tell them that.”
“Yes. That is exactly what I had in mind.” The old man agreed. “What do you think, Agent Hiwatari?”
“I don't like it, and I know Takao won't like being pitied.” Kai replied bluntly. “However…I think we can swallow our prides long enough if it keeps him out of prison.”
“Takao had offered to apologize and return the items he…borrowed in person, however we - the UNA and his legal counsel - agreed that it wasn't a good idea, even if it was a very nice, noble one.” Stanley continued. “In this instance, though, I feel we can use the intent to his benefit.”
Tala's eyes narrowed deviously. This sounded like fun. If there was one thing he enjoyed, it was messing with people who were obstructing justice.
They hammered out a plan of action, and the two agents left their superior to make a long list of phone calls while they went to finish up some paperwork.
Kai pulled his cell phone from his jacket pocket to check his calls. “Oh…shit.” He sat heavily in his desk chair and looked up at his partner.
“'Oh shit,' what?” Tala sat in his own chair across from Kai.
Setting the little device on the desk, Kai slowly pushed it away. “Mother. I'm hoping she's not trying to call me because they found the safe empty.”
“Oh. Shit.” The wolf echoed glibly, running a hand through his hair. “You'd better call and find out.”
“I really don't want to.”
“Well, you have to call her anyway, to get those employee files and information from Hiwatari Enterprises.”
“Yep. Look at it this way - no more secrets, right?”
Kai sighed and dropped his head to the desk top with a thread. “I hate this.” He complained, coming perilously close to a whine as he reached for the phone on his desk. Tala watched him covertly, under the pretence of looking busy with paperwork.
“Kai, sweetheart!” Hiwatari Masumi's voice came over the line and Kai winced. “I'm glad you called me back so soon…”
“Hello, Mother. I'm sorry I haven't been calling. We've…made a lot of headway in the case and we've been very busy.”
“Oh. I'm glad to hear that. And Takao? How is everything going with him?” Masumi inquired. “How is he feeling?”
Kai closed his eyes in pain, and Tala stopped writing to watch and listen closely. “Ah…things between us are going well, Mother, thanks for asking. Ouch!” The crimson-eyed man glared at Tala, who had kicked him in the chin under their desks.
“Sorry. I banged my knee on my desk.” Kai scowled and covered the exclamation.
“Are you busy, son? You can call me later if you like.”
“No, it's fine, Mother. Who knows what kind of time I'll have later.”
“How is Takao feeling?”
“He's…not doing so well at the moment. He's here at the UNA medical wing.” Kai informed her in a quiet voice.
“Oh dear. That's not good. Is it serious?”
“It is. But he seems to be improving under the best care we can provide for him.”
“I'm so sorry to hear that, dear. If there's anything we can do…”
“I know. Thanks, Mother.”
“Listen, the reason I called earlier…something strange happened the other day. “Masumi's voice turned more serious and slightly confused.
“Something strange?” Kai frowned, sitting up straighter. Tala leaned closer over his desk.
“I decided that I wanted to have my mother's rubies taken out of their old settings and have something new made, so I put them in the safe in the library, but when I opened it up I noticed something was missing.”
Kai tensed and swallowed hard. “The Fabergé Egg. I know.”
There was a pause. “Actually, I was going to say the rings we were keeping for you until you found Takao… I just wanted to make sure it was you who'd taken them. But now that you mention the Egg…”
“Uh…yeah. I have the rings, Mother.” Kai had to fight off the urge to hide under the desk. He could almost feel the motherly disproval and stare over the phone. “The Egg, too.”
“Alright. What's going on, Kai?”
“Uhhh…” He cast a pleading look at Tala, who smiled faintly and shrugged in a way that said, “I haven't got a clue. She's your mother.”
“What did you do?”
“Nothing! Well, not anything that wasn't…” Kai flushed. “Um, would you and Father have time to come to Paris for a day or two? Two days from today, preferably?”
“I'm sure if it's necessary we can arrange our schedules to do so. Why?” Masumi sounded rather suspicious and wary.
“There's a lot of things to tell you, Mother. About the Egg, and Takao… If you would, I would be very grateful.”
“Hold on, Kai. Your father just came in. Let me ask him.” Kai waited patiently - as much as he could, considering how nervous he seemed to be at the moment. He could hear his mother speaking to his father in the background. “Susumu, dear, our son wants us to come to Paris for the weekend. He says its important.”
“That's quite short notice.”
“Yes, but I think we should go. It's about Takao and…” Masumi stopped. “Well, he'll tell us more when we get there, I'm sure. I don't really know what this is all about.”
“I'll have to check my schedule and talk to a few people first.” His father's tone was slightly disgruntled, but curious.
“Kai, son, you heard that?”
“Yes, Mother. You can call me when you know for sure, if you like.”
“The files.” Tala reminded his partner. Kai nodded at him.
“Oh, and could you have someone get some information for Tala and I, Mother?”
“What kind?”
“We need old employee records on a former employee in the Japan branch. I only have a last name, but it should be enough. Schwarz.” Kai requested. “And we need whatever you can send us on MacGregor Commercial Shipping…”
“MacGregor? Certainly, dear. For the case?”
“Yes. We could do the legwork and such ourselves, but this will take less time and be much easier. Thank you.”
“Of course. I'm happy to help.”
Kai glanced at this watch. “I have to go, Mother. I'll expect your call soon, though.”
“Yes. Take care, Kai. I hope Takao gets better soon, and say hello to Tala for us.”
“So.” Tala leaned across his half of their shared desk with his usual playful smirk as an expression. “How'd it go?”
“You are truly a pain in my ass.” Kai scowled and got up. “I can't work on this stuff right now. I'm going to sit with Takao for a while.” He left his partner with their paperwork.
Tala's bemused expression faded as he watched the crimson-eyed agent walk away. He'd hoped his usual humour would help ease some of the tension in Kai, but it didn't seem to work. He knew of a another way, but…he decided that he'd do this paperwork first, and let the man spend some much needed time with his hospitalized love.
Kali Notes: Yes! Hit him again, Kai! *coughs* I've wanted to write that part for a loooong time. XD Has the picture become clearer? Let me know what you think! Please R/R!!!!