Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami ❯ Duty ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone. This is my first fantasy fic. I am sorry if I have any typos, but I wrote this at like 1 in the morning when I got the inspiration for it! The other chapters will be longer. I assure you. Please r&r so I know if I need any improvement!



Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the BB characters. Just my OCS!

Chapter 1- Duty

Mika stalked into her chambers, shedding the heavy formal cloak and the rest of her hot, stuffy clothes as she continued on. When she reached her bed, a giant teak four-poster with a down-filled cloud for a mattress, Mika pushed aside the cascading white canopy dressing. Wilting down on her back and staring up at the ornately decorated frescoes painted on the ceiling, she let out a sigh of pure tiresome. Her water-filled eyes were dawning on the approach of an onslaught of tears. Spending the afternoon and evening listening to the final ceremony plans at Ojisan's insistence was not something she had prayed to the Kamigami for.

A tall, brown-haired teen scuttled after her mistress, picking up the animal pelted cloak and dress as she followed. Her voice remained silent, as she knew that Mika was close enough into breaking down into tears. She huffed and puffed as she hauled the clothes to the wardrobe and began hanging them up properly.

Mika glazed over the paintings that decorated her ceiling and watched as a few of the garden birds rested upon the tops of the bedposts. Their beady little eyes gazed down upon the princess and merely cocked their heads. Their intriguing colors blended into parts of the painting, but each of them opened up their mouths and their vocals rang out a sweet melody for her. Mika ran her hands along her long mahogany hair that was sprawled out underneath her. The bottom half of her knee length hair waved and her fingers entwined in some of the locks.

'Oh how I just wish I could be like them for one day. Know what it is like to be free from all these constant problems. Be free. Go where I please. Do what I please...'

Her faithful servant carefully put the garments away and came back with a fresh batch. No matter how much Mika wanted out of her dreaded attire, she knew that it was her duty to attend that evening's banquet. After all it was in her favor. Her and her fiancé's honor were the basis of this banquet. This thought only drove her to turn onto her stomach and bury her angelic face into the sheets and feather-downed pillows. Setting the garment gently across a chair set up in front of a vanity, the servant walked over towards her mistress.

"Please look at the positive side of this banquet, my Lady," she said. Her eyes were filled with concern and her voice was soothing and rhythmical. She wanted to place a hand on her Lady's shoulders, but she feared that it would only inquire an outburst.

"How can I be joyous over this engagement? Please tell me, Hiromi. I am to wed my brother," cried out Mika, her sobs muffling into her scrunched pillow.

"In all fairness, Lady Mika, the prince is not your blood brother-"

"Please, please to the Kamigami that you don't agree with what Ojisan has set in stone for my future?" Mika's blood shot eyes fell into Hiromi's soft chocolate ones. Her head rose enough to try and look into Hiromi's mind.

"I do not wish for your unhappiness. I simply am trying to ease you," Hiromi hushed. Mika rested her chin on the bed, and she ran her hands through her hair with a sob, laying in nothing but her undergarments.

"Why does our sex have to be looked down upon?" asked Mika. "If I were that of a man, I would be able to choose my suitor instead of being a prize to another. It is almost as if I have no meaning in this life-"

"Please do not think such thoughts. You are the granddaughter of the Emperor. Your people count on you much so."

"How can they, if Ojisan is continuously running my life?"

"Forgive me, your Highness, but he's an Emperor. No one's word has more power or weight than his - except the Kamigami, of course." Hiromi pointed out, turning towards the closet for more of the night's attire. "Naturally he would assume you would do whatever he tells you to do. It's what he expects."

"And I'm supposed to give myself to a man who is foreign to these lands! Doesn't that mean I get some say in my own life?" Mika complained, but held up a hand to cut Hiromi off before she could say anything. "Yes, yes, I know. You don't have to say it." She accepted the robe Hiromi gave to her. "He always seems to want to give me the best, but his methods aren't helping, Hiromi. Ever since my father died in that battle against the Enpaiahouou twelve years ago it's like he's slowly sinking into this false hope that I am going to face the same fate if I am left to lead this Empire myself."

Hiromi shifted uncomfortably. She wanted to agree - fervently - with her mistress, but to speak so of the Emperor was risky. Besides, if it hadn't been for him, Hiromi would have probably died on the streets. It was he who found her lying near death on the side of the road. That was after the still born of Mika's unborn elder sister. "The Emperor does want the best for you, your Highness, as is natural and he wishes for you to be securely wed to the prince before he is called to the Kamigami's home." The brunette said instead. "Can you fault him for wishing to see his empire secure, and your well being granted?"

"Of course not. I just wish he didn't go about it with such decrees of marriage that I am not wishing to be apart of. I would certainly desire to find my own lord. In my own time, and my own way. I don't wish for one to be announced for me. All those stories you and my previous nanny's told me all were about princesses meeting their princes. They were romantic. The fair princess would be locked away in some godforsaken tower, and low and behold as their faith was running out in the Kamigami, their prince would come to their rescue. They would destroy their dragons-"

"Do you wish for another dragon to die for you, your Highness?" Hiromi boldly interrupted the princess. For if it was any else in the Palace, her tongue would have been held until she was addressed. But Mika sat up and smiled at her servant.

"No, I do not wish anymore death to anyone. The war between the Enpaiahouou and us has already taken too many lives. Ojisan has already made that clear to me. But in those stories you told me, the princesses found their soul mate, their match. I do not feel that when I'm with my brother. I know he's not a brother by birth, but I still can't help but consider him that." Mika went over to the huge glass windows and stared out at the world beyond the Palace. Dragons and their riders filled the air, as a new section of the army was heading out for the battle against the Enpaia. "I don't know what to do anymore, Hiromi."

"Your Highness, those are what you called them. They were stories. Fiction and fables. I remember hearing them myself. But nothing ever came from them. I made some of them up for you to get you to drift into a slumber." Mika pushed a curtain away from the window and looked out onto the balcony. She sighed and turned back towards Hiromi as a few more birds flew into her room.

"But Hiromi, those stories must have some truth to them," she said, looking back as a bird landed onto her outreached finger. The dazzling blue creature cocked its head at her, as Mika started to stroke its soft, ruffled feather. "I don't know what I want in this life anymore. As a child, I wanted to grow up and see the world. But now, am I of age, and I just want to be that innocent child again." As she stroked the bird, her gray eyes did not see the creature, but instead the comments of the previous day's events...






"But must I, Ojisan!" pleaded Mika. Her gray eyes were filled with concern as they gazed into the eyes of the elder man standing in front of her. She couldn't help but search for a glimpse of hope. She dared not want to proceed through with this. This couldn't have been what the Kamigami wanted. No. This had to be come medievalist attempt planned not for the benefit of her.

"I am sorry, Magomusume," Ojisan replied to the troubled girl. "But this will proceed. This has been arranged since your birth. It is out of my hands. The Kamigami spoke then, and their word will occur."

"But Ojisan-"

"There shall be none of you arguments! You are not in the position of making such choices-"

"Who says? Do the Kamigami look down on the fairer sex so much that I must have not the right to make my own choice?" she questioned him, her voice almost trembling from the onslaught of tears that was crawling onto her face.

"How dare you speak in that tone towards me!"

"I am sorry, sir." She fell down before his feet onto her knees, grasping his fraile hand into her delicate ones. Her long mahogany hair fell to the ground, following in lengths around her thin body frame. Ojisan's eyes changed from their piercing glare to a soft look that only a grandfather could give towards his descendants.

"Mika, I know how hard this must be for you. These times are not pleasant, and you are growing up in the worst part of it. And this is why this marriage will commence. I am not a young warrior anymore, Magomusume. My days are counting slim, and the Kami of the Underworld is preparing my bed-"

"Don't say that." She pressed his hand towards her liquid-filled eyes. The tears started to stream down onto his fingertips.

"As much as I would hate to admit to that, I must be practical. You are the heiress of the Ookamikei. And it is your duty to wed to the prince of the Torazobu. He is a well-accomplished warrior in this dreadful blood bath. He has presented his Oyaji with plenty of Enpaiahouou heads. And in so he has proven himself to be capable of ruling over a mass of people," said Ojisan.

Mika knew that what her ojisan was telling her was completely accurate. She was well aware of the accomplishments that her fiancé had acquired. The prince's messengers had sent plenty of parchment in proof of these statements. She just did not wish for this to happen. It wasn't like Mika wasn't honored to wed such a warrior prince, but she did not feel that windswept feeling when she was with him. He had stolen many lives of Enpaiahouou warriors, but he had yet to steal her heart.

"I am aware that my time shall come to an end before the Houou Emperor's, and I don't want to see our people fall under his ruthless wrath. That is why you must wed before those predictions can become certain."

"But, Ojisan. I understand the battles between our Empires are devastating and how those who have been taken prisoner are treated. But what I don't understand is why can you and the Houou Emperor come to a compromise."

"Because, Isshi, that man is a murderer. He murdered to get to his position. And his grandson is just as ruthless. If we did come to some compromise, it would not last farther than I could throw it," stated Ojisan. "He is man that must be destroyed, and his people must be reeducated. They are brainwashed. They need the touch of our philosophers."


"Mika, too many lives have been taken in this war. Lives of the men, and of the dragons. Our guardian, Beo, has spared many of them so far. Their deaths must not be in vain. They died for you. To protect you. Do you know what danger you would be in if that man got even ten feet from you?"


"Rest Isshi. Your prince shall be coming in time for the banquet tonight. And in the morning, you shall give yourself and your property to him." With that, the elder man pulled his hand from Mika's, but not before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, just below the golden head piece and Amherst jewel that was wedged in it. "It is your duty."

Ojisan left his granddaughter kneeling on the floor as he went for the grand doorway out of the hallway. He stopped and turned one last time to look back at the beauty. He sighed and proceeded to his chambers. There were more matters of this war he had to attend to.

Mika was left on the ground, clinging to her own hands, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. Her long hair fell to the sides of her face, covering up whatever that they could. Her gray eyes kept staring at the marble floor, recalling parts of the conversation that she did not wish to comply with. Why should she give up her lands? To a foreigner! Yes, she knew her prince. Ever since she had memory she knew every chance she and the Torazobu prince were placed together. Weekends were spent together to acquaint them. But more than that happened.

Nothing as strong as love was felt between either her or the prince. They both felt a brother/sister sort of bond. Both were only children, and ever since Mika's ojayi passed away, she always turned towards his parents as her second family. Never had she felt that in her heart she belonged with him. She never felt her soul leave her body and give itself to him.

Mika lurched to the ground, crumbling as her sobs took over her body, shaking as she tried to keep her breath. Heaving and sobbing Mika curled into a ball on her knees, holding her head in her hands. No. This must not have been what the Kamigami were talking about. Why, why must she keep this tragic destiny?

Hiromi was wandering down the courtyard just outside of the hallway that her mistress was tearing in. Her trained ears caught the sad sounds and immediately she rushed towards the side of Mika. Hiromi embraced the younger girl, trying to hush her, and sooth the rage that Mika was deriving.

"It is OK, Mistress. Please, don't cry. You are too beautiful to cry. Please don't." Mika's wallowing started to subside, but she still couldn't help but feel the pain inside her heart.

"I...I don't want this to be true, Hiromi. I don't want to wake up and find myself next to a man I don't love. I don't want to find myself a pleasure for my brother!" she cried. "And Ojisan. Ojisan keeps telling me this is for the good of the people. The Kamigami instructed it. Why! Why haven't they told me this plan of theirs! Why must I be left out in the dark?"

"I am sure in time the Kamigami will bring their word to you. Beo has never steered your family wrong. Please, come to your chambers. There I will wash you up and prepare you for the banquiet tonight," Hiromi's soothing voice sang. Mika looked up, her eye makeup starting to run down her face.

"Thank you, Hiromi. You are my best friend," stated Mika, trying hard to break into a smile. Hiromi watched motherly as her superior tried to mask the sadness that she was experiencing.

"Come, Mistress."

Hiromi helped her lady up onto her feet, and started out of the hall way towards Mika's personal chambers. Mika wiped her eyes clear from any tear that could be left accountable for.

They passed the gardens of the Ookamikei. Beautiful Lunar Flowers decorated the scenery and long vines of the roses and Star plants. Trees climbed up the palace walls, encasing their cooling shadows across the pathways beneath them. Many different types of birds hovered above the princess and her lady-in-waiting. Clinging to the tree limbs, they called out their beautiful songs towards the pair. Mika closed her worrisome eyes and listened to their melodies, as Hiromi took her arm and led her down the pathway towards their destination.

'This, according to Ojisan, this will be gone if the Houou Emperor takes control. There must be another way to join up our armies than my pledge to Brother. I can't do this. No. I won't do this. I will find away out of this.'



End Flashback



"Your Highness..." Hiromi began, intending to inquire into the future Empress's sudden pensiveness. She was prevented, however, when the doors to Mika's chambers were thrown open and another tall teen strode in, clanking noisily in his armor, cold eyes taking in the room at a glance. Hiromi backed off to a wall, bowing slightly to the young warrior, who paid her no attention whatsoever.

Mika glared at the intruder, but then turned her attention back towards her current little friend. "To what do I owe this most…unexpected visit, Brooklyn? And how do you justify yourself to the point where you can just burst into my private rooms uninvited and unannounced? Especially the private rooms of one of the fairer sex?"

"Hmph. My ever most apologies, My Lady," stretched Mika's cousin. "I only am here upon the orders of the Emperor. He commanded me to make sure you did not try any attempts to not attend the night's festivities."

"How thoughtful of you, cousin."

"I am following orders, your Highness," he said again. "Besides he doesn't want you anywhere near the Throne Room-"

"And why is this?" fiercely questioned Mika, letting the bird fly off her hand and stride quickly over towards Brooklyn. Her hands grasped onto the edges of the armor as best she could. She roughly but strongly picked up her bigger cousin. He was a good five inches taller than the petite girl, but that did not matter to the princess.

"If you would be so kind as to act your gender, Ma'am, I am not instructed to tell-"

"Who instructed you?" damned Mika, not letting go. Hiromi stayed far back against the wall. If the Ookami Emperor came in or any other high official did, she did not want punishment for the way Mika was treating the Captain of the Guards. "Damn Brooklyn. Just tell me right now, so I may be able to release you."

"Well there was a village that was burned just twenty kilometers from the Palace. It was inside Ookamikei lands, and our guards were quick to surround the bandits."

"And why would this concern Ojisan to not allow my presence in the Throne Room?" Mika motioned at Hiromi who went to dig out clothes for her from the wardrobe.

"Because it was an Enpaiahouou group that burned the village to the ground." Mika's eyes shot open, and her grip released her handsome cousin. Brooklyn fixed his armor before he continued. "There is only one surviving Houou. The rest died in the battle. We have him in front of the Ookami Emperor right now." Mika swiftly walked over towards Hiromi who was holding up one dress that was suitable for a quick investigation.

"Thank you for your valuable information, Brooklyn."

"Please don't tell me you are going to go against the Ookami Emperor? Mika, you are going to get me in trouble," stated Brooklyn. "I'm supposed to keep you away from there and in here." Hiromi stopped dressing Mika, but the heiress nudged her head as an order to proceed.

"Well I must tell you that I am going down. If I am marrying tomorrow because of this war, I believe I deserve the right to hear of all that is happening. I might not have as many rights as a man, but at least I should have that one," said Mika, as the final buttons and hooks were in place. Mika strode back towards her cousin who was blocking the door, and patted his cheek. "I shall vouch for your safety from the tyrant I call ojisan." She smirked at Brooklyn's concern. "When have I let you down?" Brooklyn opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off. "Hiromi. Stay here I don't want you to be dragged into this." Hiromi nodded as Mika swiftly passed Brooklyn and went down the hallway.

Brooklyn moaned and turned on his heels, chasing after his younger cousin. Her pace was quick, but he caught up with his longer strides. 'Damn dress. If it wasn't so long, this would be so much easier.' Mika gathered up her dress and quickly proceeded towards the Throne Room.


"…I am not telling you shit!" the prisoner said with great dignity and pride, not showing any of the fear he felt as he was basically looking death in the eye.

"You have crossed over into my lands and killed the innocent. You are in my territory, prisoner. When I tell you to answer something, you answer without a second thought."

"…" The prisoner kept his silence and did not change his fixed features. The bastard was stuck on his choice not to reveal anything to the Ookami Emperor. This was driving the Emperor mad and his patients were waning.

"You should be considering yourself lucky to get this chance to redeem your soul to the Kamigamis. You slaughtered the innocent. Women and children's graves are being buried because your Houou Emperor commanded that more must die closer to my palace. Am I correct or not?" The man remained silent, even when the points of the spears were digging into his back. The hot breaths of the three large dragons surrounding them coursed down his spin, and their reptile eyes gazed over him carefully. One of them turned their head to the side and glanced down towards the large doors at the entrance of the high ceiling room. Ookami Emperor looked up and sighed shaking his head.

"Please come out of your hiding, Magomusume. It is not proper for one with such your status to hide like a petty commoner," stated Ookami Emperor. Mika blushed and came out of her hiding, Brooklyn meekly following behind her. His gaze was downwards as he could not look the Emperor in the eyes. He had failed his orders.

But Mika walked swiftly over towards the group, still making it over with as much grace as she could muster. Mika passed the dragons and placed a hand on each of their noses. She took her seat on her ojisan's left side, and looked quietly onto the prisoner. She got a better picture of what the man looked like. He had lavender hair and matching eyes. His face was dirty and blood caked. 'That must be some of the blood from the villagers he slaughtered.' Mika recognized him to be one of the top warrior guards of the Enpaiahouou. She had heard his name to be Bryan. The stories of how this particular man killed Ookamis were enough to boil even Mika's calm blood.

"Now, speak. My patients are growing weary. Tell me the plans that you know from the Houou Emperor!" But Bryan remained as silent as the morning dawn. His lips were sewn together and eyes flashed a pleased look in them. Mika turned towards her ojisan and placed a hand on his left arm as she leaned over towards him.

"Please, Ojisan. Allow me to try and get this man to talk. I know it is not my place, but allow me to cast this act," she whispered to him. Her voice was too low for any of the four guards surrounding the prisoner, Bryan, or even Brooklyn to hear. Only the dragons caught wind of her words and looked between each other.

Mika's ojisan sighed and nodded his head towards his granddaughter. She smiled and bowed her head down to him before she rose from her seat. Mika walked down the steps towards Bryan, her long dress following behind. She got down onto her knees right in front of Bryan, allowing herself to be in eye level with the prisoner. Brooklyn and his guards were surprised at this act, and did not know what to do or say. The Emperor rose out of his seat in immediate disapproval of this, and was about to speak out until Mika's voice ran softly.

"Sir. I know that I am the granddaughter of your mortal enemy. And in this place I can see the hatred you have for me. But no matter what your Lord tells you or how many lies he throws into your head, you will never know the truth unless you experience it," Mika smoothly informed Bryan, taking his hands in her delicate but gloved hands. "This is your chance. Please. Not for the purpose to help my ojisan against your Lord, not for the purpose of my knowledge, and not for yourself, but for those innocent of your family, please tell me. Much blood has been shed on both sides of this brutal war. With your information, maybe this chaos could end sooner than if your silence echoes. Please, for the sake of your kind, please tell me all that you have learned."

The room then fell into silence as Mika's words hushed themselves. She gazed into Bryan's eyes, trying to read their frostiness. She smiled at him as she watched them thaw out and he started to tremble slightly. She kept hold of his head in her fingertips as she brought her face closer towards him. Bryan seemed to be glancing back and forth over towards the Ookami Emperor to Mika, Mika to the guards, the guards to Brooklyn, Brooklyn to the dragons, and back towards Mika. Her eyes were soft and supple, showing only concern. He finally lowered his eyes to the floor, and he started to mumble.

Mika released his head and sat back onto her feet, and lowered her head to try and pry into his eyes once again. "Pardon me, but I am not understanding you." Bryan looked up and back into her eyes.

"My Lord, the Houou Emperor is planning continual attacks in the future. He had his alchemists derive a poison to add to the arrow tips," slowly stuttered Bryan.

"Poison to arrows?" questioned Mika.

"Yes, Ma'am. A poison that even if the victim doesn't die from the arrow alone, he shall bleed continuously. To death." Mika closed her eyes and then opened them again as they appeared watery. Bryan started to tremble in the hands of the guards.

"Is that all? Do you have one of these poison arrows?" she quietly questioned. Bryan looked down again and nodded. He jerked his head towards his weapons that had been detached from him. "Agriotou."

"That will be all," said Ookami Emperor. Mika rose to her feet and turned towards her throne seat. Resting back in it, she couldn't help but avoid the shocking look in her ojisan's eyes. His mouth was about to gap open in the amazement. "That shall be all. Take him to the dungeon. And double up the guards down there. I do not want anything to happen tonight or tomorrow." The guards roughly picked up Bryan who immediately changed back into his previous attitude and started to fight them.

He lurched towards Brooklyn, but the captain of the guard slugged him good with his elbow in the jaw. Crimson liquid filled Bryan's jaw until it streamed out of the sides of his mouth. Mika winced and flinched for the sake of Bryan's pain. Brooklyn led the way to the dungeon, and the dragons followed them out of the door. Mika kept her glance away from her ojisan as much as possible.

"As much as I am surprised that you were able to get that prisoner to talk, I am as equally proud that you did." Mika smiled, blushing, and looked at Ojisan. But then his face was into a frown. "And the other half me reminds me how you disobeyed an order that was given. For the duration of the day you will better yourself for the prince's arrival. Please go to your chambers and have your servant start the preparations that you will need." Mika nodded and took his hand in hers. She gently placed her lips onto his hand and she got up.

Leaving her ojisan in the throne room to contemplate what information he had just been given, Mika heard the ringing sound of Ojisan's command for the alchemists to start their own creation of an antidote with the poison on the arrows that Bryan had had. She sighed. No matter how well Mika proved herself to her ojisan that she did not need a male leader, she was always shot down. No. She had to get ready for her fiancé's arrival...


Whatcha think? LMK so I can improve my writing skills. It might take me a bit to update since school just started for me.

Ja ne



Magomusume- granddaughter

Isshi- beloved child

Kamigami- Gods