Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami ❯ Present ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own BB, just the OCs.

Summary: The war between two empires has gone on long enough. Now the Emperors pass down their grudge to their grandchildren. But what happens when they find themselves escaping their worlds, and finding love between one another? Pairings




::Communicating with Sacred Animals::

Chapter 4

Mika ran down and turned the few corners, with Beo right on her heels, telling her this was a fatal decision. But Mika had to know what was happening. She shrieked loudly when a bloody body of one of the priests fell in front of her. She looked up and watched as many more of the people in the Temple were stabbed and killed. Mika's eyes fell on the killers. They were dressed with in the same attire as the soldiers her family and people despised, Houous.

"Hey! Look at that over there!" shouted one of the men, pointing his bloody sword in Mika's direction.

"Get that whore!" cried another man. Mika's eyes widened and she spun on her heel and ran back towards the room, Beo leading the way.

::I told you to get in that room! Don't you ever listen?::

::Not now, Beo.::

She ran back to the room, with a handful of Enpaiahouou soldiers right on her tail. Mika turned the corner again and ran into the sight of Hiromi. The girl was panicking and shaking. She didn't seem to know what to do, when she saw Beo darting passed her and into the room.

"Hurry!" shouted Mika. "Follow him!" Hiromi nodded and turned into the room. Mika ran down the long aisle way to the storage room, and made it into the doorway. Hiromi slammed the door shut and the two girls put the barricade up. They proceeded to join the ivory ookami in running into the farthest part of the back that they could get to.

"Do you think they saw us?" asked Hiromi as they both sat down in the no outlet room. Mika was panting hard and looked towards Beo. The ookami could only cock his head to the side, for even he did not know that.

But then there was a loud banging on the door, and plenty of shouting came from outside. Hiromi let out a loud shriek, and Beo's ears pressed back against his head, his teeth baring. The fur on his back stood on end, and Hiromi held on to Mika tightly in fear of a certain death.

'Oh no! If they realize who I am...' thought Mika. Quickly she took off her headpiece and threw it in the back corner. Looking around she noticed there was a miniature katana, and reached out to grab it. She took her long hair and pulled it straight.

"What are you doing, my Lady?" asked Hiromi in a squeaky voice. Mika ignored her and sliced her hair up to her shoulders. "LADY MIKA!"

"Not now," quickly hissed the princess, as she took more of her hair, and continued to slice it off. (A/N: think Mulan... I know, I might as well be a Disney freak) Mika continued to slice all of her long, beautiful hair, until it was straggly, and uneven. Mika finished quickly, and they heard the wood of the door starting to split. Mika took the hair and the katana and placed it in a barrel.

::What is your point, Isshi? ::

::If they don't recognize me, they can't use me as a ransom towards Ojisan. ::

::What if they still recognize you? ::

::Please, Beo. This is the best I can come up with. Plus correct me if I am mistaken, but it was you who told us to go in here. ::

:: Yes and we would have been just fine if you had listened to me when I told you to get in here. ::

Hiromi watched as her lady's gray eyes started to shift colors, changing to a shade of yellow, continuously altering between the colors. The alabaster ookami kept twitching his head as he stared into Mika's eyes. His crimson ones never left the princess, and the banging on the door just continued.

"What are we going to do?" asked Hiromi, finally snapping out of her trance. Mika turned towards Hiromi and then leaned around the corner of the wall, looking at the door that was splitting in half from the banging on it from the soldiers.

"I… I don't know, Hiromi. Beo you have to hide. Since you are an ookami, they are going to kill you," she stated in a shaky voice. Beo nodded and Mika helped him into one of the empty barrels next to her.

::I shall never leave you, Isshi. ::

Mika nodded and planted a kiss on Beo's gray crescent moon. She quickly shut the lid and the door finally gave out. The wood splintered and sliced in half, as the onslaught of Houou soldiers came in, brazing their swords in their hands. At least ten of them came running into the room and their pounding feet made it towards the girls. Swords slashed out and stopped just before slicing their heads off. Roughly, four of the soldiers picked them up and started to run their fingers across both girls faces, smudging the blood across their cheeks and foreheads.

"What do we have here?" asked one of them.

"Looks like those priests had some fine property here. Good thing for us, ay?" asked one of them, bringing his face closer towards Hiromi.

"They do look mighty tasty," slurred another one.

"I say we do what we want and them kill them," stated a third. Mika and Hiromi both gulped, their eyes widening in fright of their death. Beo was having a hard time controlling himself from leaping out of the barrel and killing the men.

"What?" questioned the first one. "I think I'll be satisfied with them for quite some time!"

"They are Ookami people. They are filthy bitches," stated the third one. The others nodded and grunted, but still continued to lick their blistering lips. Mika and Hiromi started to squirm, trying to wiggle out of the grip, but the man's hand on their faces tightened. He continued to look into Hiromi's eyes.

"And you are going to be my first taste of Ookami," he slithered. Hiromi tried to kick out, but before she could make a move, another voice boomed out above the rest of them.

"You will no touch those wenches!" shouted the voice. Everyone parted and in walked a man with flaming red hair, bronzed in Houou armor, with his sword easily hanging on his left side. He reminded Mika so much of Brooklyn, but his eyes were different. Their cyan hue was ice and cold, unlike her cousin.

"What do you want us to do with them then, Lord Tala?" asked a new soldier. The general looked over them and carefully inspected them.

"We will bring them with us. We should be heading back to the Palace as much now. It should be the prince's birthday when we arrive. I think I just found his perfect presents," replied Tala. Mika and Hiromi struggled again, but it was futile, as the grip on them tightened. "Don't bring harm to them, we want them as pure as possible for the Lord." The soldiers nodded and two of them quickly hoisted the two girls onto their shoulders and walked out of the room.

Mika and Hiromi were struggling, kicking and punching the two that held them captive, screaming out to let them go as they made it through the bloody temple. Beo watched as they left, and carefully nudged the lid off the top of the barrel, and leaped out. Landing as silently as a church mouse, he padded after them, careful to stay far enough back as not to be seen. He growled when he watched the soldiers tie the girls' wrists and ankles tightly. They were thrown up and over the backs of the dragons that were waiting out for them. Beo sniffed the air and noticed that Shintou was gone. The dragon had taken Mika's orders to heart and left them for the Ookami Palace.

"LET ME GO!" demanded Mika, kicking as best she could, as she was lied down in front of Tala on his black dragon. The dragon screeched and took off, as Tala ignored Mika's words. Hiromi had almost given up on the struggle, due to her timid nature. But Mika wasn't giving up. "If you don't let me go, I'll-" But she stopped herself from continuing. She couldn't tell him she was the Ookami princess. Who knew what would happen to her?

"Shut up wench, before I take back my idea of offering you to my Lord," stated Tala coldly. "I'll push you off right now if I must." Mika shut her trap and a frown crossed over face. The crew of dragons continued to fly as quickly as they could to the Enpaiahouou.

Kai sulked into his room, uncovering himself from the rather heavy cloak that was glazed across his back. Finding his chair, he slumped into it, completely collapsing in the annoyance that his Grandfather was placing on him. It was another day, with the line up of the unwedded girls, high in stature of society that were becoming of age.

Kai couldn't chose one just out of a pick of a hat. He did not see the point of this whole fiasco that Voltaire was placing on him. A squawking came from out the window of Kai's private room. Kai turned his attention towards the rather large, feathered creature swooped in and landed on the perch that Kai offered.

"Hello, Dranzer," stated Kai, as he stroked the phoenix's head with his other hand. The bird cooed and rubbed her head on his hand. "Have a good hunt?"

A bluenette stumbled into the room, almost tripping over the fallen cloak that the Houou prince had discarded. Kai and Dranzer looked over towards Takao as he fixed his footing and picked up the clothing.

"This is heavy, how do you stand it?" asked Takao as he put the cloak back in its respective place in the closet. Kai did not bother to respond to his servant, and continued to stroke Dranzer's feathers. She moved onto Kai's shoulder as he stood up and went towards the balcony, looking out into the vast Empire his grandfather had acquired. Dranzer's tail feathers fell down passed Kai's knees. "I assume by your expression that this group of women did not fair well with you."

"Your assumptions are correct, Takao," replied Kai, not looking back. Dranzer leaned her regal head around looking for her master's crimson eyes. "This charade will conclude within a short time. I think the Emperor is running out of maidens to offer."

"And has anyone come close to striking you?" questioned Takao. Kai's silence hit him hard, and quickly he took back what he said, biting his lip. "I'm sorry, your Highness, it is not my place-"

"You are right, Takao, but then again, you are the only person who seems to understand my position in this whole predicament. But to answer your question, I have not found my bride yet, much to Grandfather's dismay," replied Kai. Dranzer cooed again and nudged his war painted cheek with her beak. "Shh, Dranzer. I know you too are understanding."

"If I am not to bold to ask, do you know what you are looking for?" questioned Takao.

"To be honest, I still have no idea. I have not grown up with this decision before nor have I the background with my parents-"

"I am sorry I brought this up-"

There was a loud knocking on the door as Kai and Takao's conversation was cut off short. Kai turned around and Dranzer narrowed her big blue eyes at the door. The large oak doors opened and in came prancing Tala. Kai glared at him.

"What do you want Tala?" asked Kai in an annoying tone. Tala bowed down towards the Prince, and flashed him a smile.

"Forgive me, my Lord, but I would expect the one who is celebrating his eighteenth birthday would be more joyous," he replied. Kai moaned and rolled his eyes at the cockiness of his cousin. (What is it with me and making the people related???)

"Spare me the sentimental details," replied Kai. "Where have you been anyway? It is has been five days since I last saw you." Tala's smirk turned into a frown.

"Boris had me take a section out to the Ookamikei lands," replied Tala. "Their Temple of Beo has been destroyed, but nothing was there that gave off the presence of their Kami. I bet you that that ookami has abandoned them." Kai nodded. `Interesting.' "But I did find something to make up from my absence." Tala disappeared from the room and came back with two struggling girls

Kai's eyes shot open, and so did Takao's. Dranzer ruffled her feathers in disapproval. The two girls were brunettes, and one was taller and much more distinctively older than the other. The smaller had gray eyes, but from what Kai could see, she was resenting this as much as possible.

"Happy Birthday, your Highness."

Jap Dictionary:

Ookami wolf

Kami God

Ojisan Grandfather

Isshi beloved child