Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Problems ❯ Who are you? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I think I might be improving and I changed things a bit because they're always talking.
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Stepping into the doorway of the large cabin dropping everything at the door. Violet starts jumping from room to room see which rooms the largest and nicest. Poking her head out of the room farthest to the bathroom yelling, “I call this one”
“Lets go to the training centre, they probably have junk food there” Tyson said rubbing his stomach.
“Why do you always think about food?” Violet said rising an eyebrow.
“Well?” she said looking at the navy haired boy.
“Don't ask him that Violet you'll get him confused” Kai smirked at this.
“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?” Tyson screamed.
“Hey lets not fright okay, how about we go down the hill to the training centre to see what it's like” Violet responded starting to get excited.
Max and Ray both came of the kitchen Max looking very disappointed.
“What's the matter Max” Violet a little concerned.
“There's no junk food any where in this place not one thing has a little bit of sugar” Max now dropping his head even lower.
“Is junk food that important to you” raising an eyebrow Violet asks?
“Never mind Max he just gets sugar high,” Kenny said.
“Let's just go before there's something more they want to complain about” Ray said in a friendly tone so Tyson and Max don't get a fended.
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(Violet's P.O.V.)
After getting to the training centre everyone splits up doing their own thing's, Tyson and Max both run off hoping that they get them selves a good supply of sugar to last them selves the week. Kai found him self a clean spot on the walk, and Ray was just standing over other people's beydishs just watching. Kenny was the weird one he just sat down and it looked like he was talking to he lab top? After a couple of hours Tyson came running up to me holding him self, then whispers where's the bathroom's. I point down the hall, Tyson just ran off screaming behind him thank you. He's really weird why didn't he just look at the sign?
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(Normal P.O.V.)
After staying a little longer everyone decided that it was time to head back, when we got back everyone just sat in the living room
Tyson running around like a madman screaming, “theirs not even a T.V in this place who does that lady think she is?”
“Relax it's only T.V, and plus we came here to train not sot around doing nothing” Max said trying his best to stop Tyson from losing it.
“Hey, someone's here who is it” Max said to Tyson who was just sitting there mumbling about the place that they we're stuck in until Mr. D sent someone to save them.
Kenny got up and said, “I'll get it”
Kenny started walking to the door when he stopped only to hear, “OPEN THE DAMN DOOR AREADY”.
Kenny froze thinking the trainer a female isn't she?
Meanwhile back in the living room Violet came bursting into the room “I'm done and I'm going to go and practice it really boring in here” screaming it when jumping up and down.
Everyone just stared at her “what a weirdo and you think I'm weird” Tyson said looking at Kai who just looked away
“Bye-bye” with that she started running to the door, not seeing Kenny there she opened the door slamming Kenny behind it and running jumping out the door she landed on someone or something only looking down only to see…
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It's a bit better but I bet you can't guess who she landed on one more thing I wanted to thank the two people that gave reviews and we're nice about it EEEEEEEEE!
Luvz fluffly-sama and Frankie the spunkie one.