Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Everything has a Beginning ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everything Has a Beginning

Whoa was Ishizu a powerful blader than we thought before, she totally creamed that guy who hurt her. Dizzi and I were able to do a full scale analysis on the Blade she calls Ra. Actually, she just proved that the Winged Guardian Ra is real, not a myth or fairy tale. Kinda cool to see it, or not really see it. It was more of just a bright light. Not even Dizzi could freeze the shot to catch a glimpse like she did for FlashLeopard. It is so interesting. Her Millennia Attack nearly knocked even her out. Power no?

The next day, the BladeBreakers made it over to the park, where they had seen Ishizu the last two times. Hilary had joined them, and they all started to look around for Ishizu. No one could find her. They searched at the park benches, through the woods, the playground area even. But still, Ishizu was not to be found.

"Maybe she didn't come to the park today," stated Max.

"That is a possibility, but we should still look some more," declared Kenny.

"But we've searched like everywhere already. Are we even sure she'll still be here?" asked Hilary. Then something caught Tyson's eye. He noticed Ishizu walking down the dirt path, just like the previous two days, by herself, and at a sulking like walk.

"I think we got our answer," declared Tyson, pointing her out. Everyone walked over to Ishizu, and stopped her, almost like surrounding her, she looked up surprised to see them.

"What do you guys want?" asked Ishizu hands in her pockets, a bit of annoyance in her tone.

"We came here to see how you're doing," stated Hilary.

"That's nice of you," stated Ishizu sarcastically.

"So how are you?" asked Ray.

"Been better. Just a little sore from that stupid Kato kid. I guess I'm out of practice a bit with-" Ishizu stopped herself. "I'm fine."

"What were you going to say?" asked Tyson.

"Nothing, really," Ishizu quickly and firmly replied.

"Well that's good you're better, you looked wiped after the battle yesterday," stated Max. Ishizu nodded.

"We do have a couple of questions to ask you, that's if you don't mind," said Kenny. Ishizu shrugged, and crossed her arms, like she had anywhere to go right now.


"First of all, we wanted to know how you got your bit beast, Ra and I bit about the Millennia attack," stated Kenny. Ishizu looked at them like 'You've got to be kidding me'. Kenny seemed to sense the feeling. "You see, I keep an accurate data account, and I've never heard of Ra. No, I take that back, I only know of the legends and myths. Dizzi only has a really little bit on him." Ishizu nodded. Why not? Not like its time to get the story set straight, she thought.

"Well, Ra has been in my family since, well, since a long long time ago. I remember I got into blading because of this kid I knew. It was actually pretty fun too. I built my own blade, after redoing it several times. Then my mom gave me a pendant. It was really old, and there was a marking on it. She told me it came with me and that supposedly it contained a spirit." Ishizu picked up the pendant, to show them. "The spirit of Ra always brought me strength and good luck. I can't explain how it happened, but some how the spirit left the pendant, and went into my blade. The kid told me it was a bitbeast. He had got one too. We would blade each other all the time, getting better and better. But then it stopped being fun for him. He got too serious about blading. He made it his life. I told him to just have fun, but he wouldn't listen. I was so fed up with him during a battle, that was when I discovered the Millennia attack. I almost destroyed his blade. It was his turn to be furious with me. After that, I decided I needed a change of sight. So I found myself in England, battling a lot of different people. I learned that the kid to challenge in England was Robert. So I found him, and challenged him to a secret battle. He agreed. Then I used the Millennia attack for the second time ever. It ended up in a draw, but I began to realize the power of Millennia took a lot out of me. Some how after that, Robert and I became friends. For a couple years I kept on doing alley battles, until I got bored it of it. Robert did convince me to compete in the European Championships. Ra wiped the floor with those bladers. I think I used the Millennia attack at most ten times," finished Ishizu. Kenny nodded.

"Got that all Dizzi?" he asked.

"Yup Chief, I'm going to run through all the files I have that I can think of that are related to the Majestic's bit beasts, maybe that can help us." Ishizu nodded.

"Is that it? Sounds daft for you guys to come out all the way here just to ask a question," she said.

"But that wasn't all we were going to ask," stated Tyson, a gleam in his eye. Ishizu looked at him funny, expecting anything to come out of his mouth. And she wasn't in the mood for anymore stories. "I was wondering-"

"Tyson, I told you to quit it," stated Kai, in a stern voice. Ishizu became very intrigued with this predicament.

"What were you going to ask me?" she asked glancing at Tyson and then to Kai. Tyson stuck his tongue out at Kai, but then turned to Ishizu.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," said Tyson, Kai rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. "I couldn't help but feeling jealous of that Kato kid. I mean, you bladed with him, but you wouldn't blade with me. I really think you could help our training with our bit beasts if you bladed with us and maybe taught us a bit of your technique." Ishizu stood back a bit, and frowned again. But with in a minute, she shrugged.

"I don't know, but then again, yesterday, when I bladed, it was bit of fun... But sure I could help you guys out," she replied. Kai's mouth could have dropped open. Tyson turned to Kai, and stuck his tongue out again.

"Great," stated Kenny. Tyson nodded. He took out his Dragoon blade. "Anyone up for it?" Everyone grinned.

"Lets go," stated Ray. Tyson motioned for them to follow him.

"I know just the spot..." Everyone followed him. He took them to the area by the river. A beydish was set up, and the sun was setting. "Now, why don't we start working, from the rumors spreading around, you guys have a big tournament coming up against some new group before the Championships, I forget their names though," she said.

"The Wraiths," stated Kenny. "And from what I hear, they are in the same line as were the Pyskicks. So we really need your help with our training Ishizu." She nodded, taking out her beyblade, setting it up.

"Alright. Training begins," she said. "Who's going to be the first victim?" She eyed up everyone. Tyson jumped at it.

"I'm so going to do this," Tyson cried. Ishizu nodded. Tyson set himself up.

"Alright, and who'll judge?" asked Ishizu. Ray stepped forward.

"I'll do that," he said.

"I'll just stay back and take notes," declared Max.

"Diz and I will do our job," Kenny said. Ishizu turned to Kai.

"And what about you Kai?" she asked. Kai stayed where he was, arms crossed.

"And I'll watch Tyson lose," he said.

"Hey, watch it," yelled Tyson. "I am just as good of a blader as Ishizu. You ready?" That's what you think, declared Kai to himself. Ishizu nodded. I finally get to blade with Ishizu, even if it's just training, it's still the coolest thing this year. And I get to try out my new blade on Ra. This is going to be sweet! thought Tyson. Training is still a battle, and I get to battle the World Champion. Lets see what he can do... smirked Ishizu in her mind. Tyson and Ishizu set up at the beydish. The launchers were set and all.

"Let it rip!" cried Ray. Both bladers pulled the cords. Ra and Dragoon went flying into the dish. Dragoon went on the attack right away. Ra just seemed to be taking the hits.

"All right. What a sweet launch," stated Tyson. Ishizu grinned and looked up.

"Seems as though you think you have this in the bag already?"

"Nope, I'm still on the attack though," he replied. Ishizu grinned, her eyes flashing, Ra started to glow.

"Yes, but the tables can turn very quickly. Do you have the reflexes to adjust?" As soon as Ishizu finished her sentence. Ra exploded away from Dragoon and came around to bash Dragoon out of the dish. The beyblade landed outside.

"And Dragoon is gone," stated Ray.

"But... but..." muttered Tyson. Ishizu picked up his beyblade, and handed it to him.

"Your heart is in the right place Tyson, but your reflex to adjust is very slow. You are thick headed too. That does help a bit, but still, you need to practice more on adjustments to defense as quickly as you can. Just because you alter your blade doesn't always mean that your opponent isn't aware and watchful. Ready to try again?" Isn't she chatty now, thought Kai. Tyson nodded, taking his blade and launching it in the dish. Ra started out the same way again, on the defense. Suddenly the blade dashed away and rammed at Dragoon.

"Not this time," cried Tyson. "Dodge it Dragoon." The blade just missed getting knocked out again, but Ra still managed to hit it. Dragoon was knocked off balance.

"Better," stated Ishizu. "But still not good enough." Ra hit Dragoon again, the blade went flying, but managed to stay spinning in the dish. "I give you that as a miracle." Tyson wiped his brow.

"Phew, that was a close one. Like you said Ishizu, tables can turn. Get her Dragoon! PHANTOM HURRICANE ATTACK!" cried Tyson. Dragoon emerged from his blade and headed straight for Ra. Ishizu smirked.

"Have fun Tyson, because you're actually using your head as well as your heart. In sync." Ra still went for Dragoon. Both blades came out of the dish. Ishizu snatched hers out of mid air. "Much better Tyson." Tyson picked up his blade.

"Wow, that was interesting."

"Listen, you just need to work on your control a bit better. More control will bring your reflexes up, and soon you'll be better with your bit beast. It took me years to learn to work with Ra."

"That was interesting," stated Max.

"Yea, we've been blading for a while, I guess our old skills are looking a little sloppy," declared Ray. Ishizu nodded.

"From what I've been seeing, you are a bit sticky. Even with your MG core, basics is your key right now. You are all good at them, but still mastering them will make the battles to come easier," nodded Ishizu.

"So, what's next Ishizu?" asked Ray.

"How about Ray and ... hm... who should be your opponent?" questioned Ishizu, tapping her chin. "Max, or Kai... which one which one... Lets see, I've seen Max blade a lot, but its Kai who I haven't. I missed your battles. Actually at the World Championships I couldn't watch the Demolition Boys, so I didn't bother with it at all. How about it then?" Kai stayed where he was.

"No thank you," he said. Ishizu seemed tweaked a bit.

"What are you chicken Kai?" she asked.

"Why waste my time?" asked Kai.

"Hey, that's low Kai," interjected Ray. "Really low from you." Kai shrugged. Tyson glared at Kai. What's his problem? Ishizu stood with her hands on her hips. Tyson smirked, he had an idea to get Kai back.

"You want to blade someone knew before our battle with the Wraiths?" asked Tyson. Kai didn't stir. "Well I got an idea... why not cross blades with Ishizu? I mean, you've never bladed with her before." Kai's eyes opened wide, a sticking feeling in his gut. Blade Ishizu? Ishizu looked at Tyson a bit shocked. But then she settled into the idea, liking it. She attached Ra to the custom made launcher.

"What do you say Kai?" asked Ishizu. "Unless you're too chicken to blade with little old me. I mean, I am the 'Blading Queen'. According to the rest of the world." Her voice was a bit mocking, but she wasn't bragging at all. Just trying to egg Kai on. She winked so only Ray, Max, and Tyson could see. Ray and Max quickly caught on what Ishizu was doing.

"No, no, please Ishizu, spare Kai," stated Ray. "I mean we don't want his ego ruined when you crush his Dranzer." Kai started to get mad as Ray was talking. The only ones not catching on was Kenny and Hilary.

"Hey, why are you picking on Kai?" asked Kenny.

"Yea, I mean really he's your friend and all right?" asked Hilary. "And he's just a good of blader that I've seen." Tyson turned to Hilary.

"Well that must not mean much, as you've only see a few real serious bladers," retorted Tyson. Ishizu nudged him in the side. Her glare was harsh, her foot tapping.

"Now you leave Hilary alone," she warned. "And don't make it so obvious."

"What obvious?" asked Tyson intrigued. Max didn't want the conversation to change, he wanted to see a battle of the best member of the Blade Breakers against the out of the blue blader.

"But anyways, I mean. Ishizu is such a great blader, no one can stand up to her. I mean, I would get chills to actually blade against her. I did see that Millennia attack too. It's too powerful, I don't think Dranzer could with stand it. Good thinking not to battle Kai," stated Max. Kai's fists tightened but he didn't move. His anger building. And leave it to Tyson to get to Kai.

"I agree with them, Kai. Good choice not to blade. I mean Dranzer can't hold a candle to Ra-" That did it. Kai's anger rose to the max.

"Don't you ever say that about Dranzer," yelled Kai. His voice was low and threatening. Ishizu glanced at Tyson and the others to quit it. Kai's glance moved to Ishizu, who looked at him, moving her vision from the others to him. His tone softened a bit. "Fine. I'll blade with you. But no holding back Ishizu." Ishizu stared at Kai and nodded.